33. Chaos Communication Congress

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Day 1 (2016-12-27)


Hall A.1


The angel­meeting for the subtitles Angels. If you want to be approved as a subtitles Angel, please visit! If you are one already, this is the easiest way to meet and manage shifts etc. Welcome to the Subtitles angel­meeting!


Saal 1

33C3 Opening Ceremony


Hall A.1


Internal Schiko-Meeting


Hall C.1

An UnCivilization Commune ReWilded Life Shared with Squirrels

First meetup

Looking forward to meet new and old friends interested in UnCivilization! We are a group of people interested in intersection of technology & society, politics, activism, art, and critical of techno-optimism. We share a mailing list since 2012, called UnCivilization, inspired (but not otherwise connected to) Dark Mountain "Uncivilization Manifesto", as well as Ursula LeGuin, Derrick Jensen, Heather Marsh, John Zerzan, Naomi Klein, Daniel Quinn, Ursula Franklin, and other feminist, anarchist, anti-supremacist authors. Goal of this meetup is to catch-up, give each other hugs & support, and plan our activities for the next months & years (e.g. another LikaCamp?!)


Hall B


Angel meeting day 1


Hall C.3




Surface Mount Electronics Assembly for Terrified Beginners

Day 1 - Session 1

Surface mount electronics for terrified beginners. Learn to assemble tiny parts on circuit boards by building a working power supply. Anyone can do it. Yes, even you who never touched anything electronic before. 90mins, 20€/kit, avoid caffeine immediately before.


Hall C.2


Herausforderung Konsensentscheid Wie es sein sollte. Wie es nicht sein sollte. Wie es dann trotzdem klappt.


Hall 13-14

Hackademia Meetup

This is a gathering for academic researchers who are a part of Hackademia (the listserv, IRC channel, summer school, etc). We will gather together to share our work, exchange ideas about methods, challenges, and gaps, and discuss recent developments in research involving hacker communities. Though this is a meant to be a private session for people already involved in the group, please contact us beforehand if you’d like to join!


Assembly:3D Hackspace

3D printing for beginners

Never used a 3D printer? No idea how to use CAD? This workshops is for you. From ABS to Z-Axis, you'll learn basics of 3D printing.



Introduction to Soy Bean Fermentation - Tempeh Making

This workshop will teach you how to start your own batch of tempeh using commercial starting culture tasting your own creation before the congress is over!



Vibrobots basteln für Kids

Wir basteln Vibrobots! Ein Vibrobot ist wahrscheinlich der einfachste und schnellste Weg einen "Roboter" zu basteln. Ohne viel Aufwand hast Du einen kleines Wesen gebaut, das sich selbständig über den Fußboden bewegt.


Saal 6

VOC Engelmeeting

Daily meeting for all VOC Angels.


Hall A.1


Meet & Greet

Room A.2: Dedicated workshop area for women* and other minorities. Meet people, learn new things, discuss topics, host your own workshop here! We still have open slots :)


Hall B


Introduction meeting for new angels


Hall C.1

CmS Lötworkshop Vorbesprechung für Helfer

Vorbesprechung für die Helfer des Chaos macht Schule-Lötworkshops


Hall C.2

Fun with infinitely large numbers (Wondrous Mathematics)

Is infinity plus one bigger than infinity? Or is it still just infinity? If you were bothered by this question at some point in your life, this talk is for you. It gives you the graphical tools to decide this question for yourself without any remaining doubt. Absolutely no math­e­mat­ical prerequisites needed.


Hall C.3

42birds: Randomized Signature Block for Emails

For years I updated the signature for my emails manually – until I got fed up… That’s why I wrote a script to create a randomized signature block automatically from an RSS feed!


Hall C.4

PCB design for beginners using KiCad

You will learn how to create basic schematics, select footprints and finally design the actual PCB using KiCad.



Coffee Break

Calm down and have a chat with us


Assembly:Scottish Consulate

DVB-S: Pirate or Amateur Digital TV Stations

DVB-S is the core technology behind Digital Satellite Television. This will be a look into the technical aspects of how Satellite TV is transmitted, received, how the standard works and how to abuse it for your own entertainment. Low Power and Low Cost hardware is now capable of both transmitting and receiving DVB - a Raspberry Pi and an SDR are all you need to get started. We'll look at setting up a DVB-S station and what parts are required. Expect a presentation, demonstration and then discussion to share ideas.



Surface Mount Electronics Assembly for Terrified Beginners

Day 1 - Session 2

Surface mount electronics for terrified beginners. Learn to assemble tiny parts on circuit boards by building a working power supply. Anyone can do it. Yes, even you who never touched anything electronic before. 90mins, 20€/kit, avoid caffeine immediately before.


Hall 13-14

Translation meetings

day 1, afternoon meeting

The translation angels (interpreters) meet twice per day to self-organise (day 0, evening to day 4, afternoon)


Hall A.1


The angel­meeting for the subtitles Angels. If you want to be approved as a subtitles Angel, please visit! If you are one already, this is the easiest way to meet and manage shifts etc. Welcome to the Subtitles angel­meeting!


Hall C.3

Introduction to LEAP encryption access project and Pixelated

We talk about the current state of VPN and encrypted email services and the use cases for providers and end users.



Welcome & Icebreaker

Come to the freifunk Assembly, say hello, introduce yourself, see who's there, get to know others...


Hall B

Queer Feminist Geeks Gathering

Start of the gathering

A meetup for all the queer feminist geek folk. We will talk a bit about our assembly and what we are doing there, exchange projects and ideas, and network with each other. This meetup is open to people of all genders, but please be mindful of how much space you are taking up. Especially if you are white, male, straight and cis, please try to actively listen instead of talking. This is our Code of Conduct: https://events.ccc.de/congress/2015/wiki/Projects:Code_of_Conduct_of_the_Queer_Feminist_Geek_Assembly


Hall C.2

Space Hacking

KulturKunstPartyPolitik! - Teil1: Collective Space

KulturKunstPartyPolitik! Ein Schiff als Arena schwimmender Spontandemos, Wandbild-Brigaden für internationalistische Politikarbeit. Visuelle Grenzenüberschreitungen an scheinbar unzugänglichen Orten, Hausfassaden, die innerhalb weniger Minuten in Farbe getaucht werden… Wie nehmen wir uns den öffentlichen Raum, umgehen seine Vorschriften und Reglementierungen? Wie schaffen wir Orte für Kollektivität und basisdemokratisches Zusammenleben? mit den Freimeutern, Interbrigadas, .WAV, Graffitiarchiv, Überraschungsgästen und Mensch Meier.


Hall 13-14

How to Survive 33C3 crypto­party

In this workshop we will teach the basics of digital security and how to use tools that allow us to maintain our privacy, anonymity and security with an emphasis on attendees of a hackers conference.


Hebocon Registration and testfights

Hebocon Q&A

Before the Hebocon we will offer some space build robots and we will do the official registration at the Aaaaaaaaaaaa Assembly.



Vegan Replacements – Hacking Food Traditions

We want to share our favourite ways to satisfy our cravings for childhood-memory-food through vegan substitutes. We won’t cook that much but, share and taste visions and experiences. Come, if you want to share your favourite substitute, bring a sample or recipe. Come, if you search for a vegan al­ter­native for your favourite dish and pose a challenge.


Assembly:Openlab Augsburg

Shitty Robots

Getting started, Q&A

see project/siehe Projekt Anmerkung: Kinderfreundlich, aber auch für Erwachsene


Hall A.1

Engeleinführung Kasse

Einführung ins Kassenengeling.


Hall C.1

Queer Feminist Geeks Gathering

Spare room in case we split up groups

A meetup for all the queer feminist geek folk. We will talk a bit about our assembly and what we are doing there, exchange projects and ideas, and network with each other. This meetup is open to people of all genders, but please be mindful of how much space you are taking up. Especially if you are white, male, straight and cis, please try to actively listen instead of talking. This is our Code of Conduct: https://events.ccc.de/congress/2015/wiki/Projects:Code_of_Conduct_of_the_Queer_Feminist_Geek_Assembly


Hall C.3

Fiction Writers' Session

Meet-up for all fiction-writing entities: Share your experiences over mate & coffee.


Hall C.4

GPG Schlüsselverteilung

GPG Schlüsselverteilung

Um EndeZuEnde-Verschlüsselung für die breite Masse nutzbar zu machen, benötigen wir Verfahren, welche mit möglichst geringen Aufwand und wenig Vorkenntnisse auch von Laien nutzbar sind. Als Einführung in das Thema, stellt ein kurzer Vortrag die aktuellen Entwicklungen vor, um eine Grundlage für die anschließende Diskussion zu bereiten.




come over to the Freiwurst assembly, play with our cyberthingy and enjoy some Freiwurst.




Day 1

Learn to Solder! A large variety of way cool kits are available, all designed for total beginners to complete successfully -- and intriguing enough for the total hardware geek.<br /> <br /> <span style="color:orange">'''''This ongoing workshop will be happening concurrently with lots of other way cool workshops at the Hardware Hacking Area!'''''</span>



Surface Mount Electronics Assembly for Terrified Beginners

Day 1 - Session 3

Surface mount electronics for terrified beginners. Learn to assemble tiny parts on circuit boards by building a working power supply. Anyone can do it. Yes, even you who never touched anything electronic before. 90mins, 20€/kit, avoid caffeine immediately before.


Hall C.2

Space Hacking

KulturKunstPartyPolitik! - Teil2: Urban Intervention

KulturKunstPartyPolitik! Ein Schiff als Arena schwimmender Spontandemos, Wandbild-Brigaden für internationalistische Politikarbeit. Visuelle Grenzenüberschreitungen an scheinbar unzugänglichen Orten, Hausfassaden, die innerhalb weniger Minuten in Farbe getaucht werden… Wie nehmen wir uns den öffentlichen Raum, umgehen seine Vorschriften und Reglementierungen? Wie schaffen wir Orte für Kollektivität und basisdemokratisches Zusammenleben? mit den Freimeutern, Interbrigadas, .WAV, Graffitiarchiv, Überraschungsgästen und Mensch Meier.


Hall B

Privacy by default with pretty Easy privacy (p≡p)

The pretty Easy privacy project (p≡p) is a project to turn the cyberpunk movement's dream into reality that everyone should be able to protect his/her privacy using technical tools. Overall p≡p is about changing today's default of digital written communications from unencrypted, unanonymized and unverified to encrypted, anonymized and verified. p≡p's vision is to offer an automatic and easy to use solution to make all end-to-end written digital communications over the Inter­net ‘Private and Secure by Default and Design‘. With that 'unencrypted' e-mails become the exception not the norm. The p≡p project aims at encrypting existing written digital communications and does not force users to switch to platform-centric or other crypto solutions, in which users are likely to be locked.


Assembly:3D Hackspace

3D scan yourself

I'll bring an industrial grade 3D scanner and you'll be able to get free high resolution scans of yourself, your friends etc...



Line-of-sight visualizer

The Freifunk Berlin Line-of-Sight visualiser is a tool to see which long-distance wireless connections to existing larger Freifunk sites in Berlin can be expected from a given location. It can augment or sometimes even replace standing on the roof and seeing what is visible from there. It takes the form of a script that presents custom KML format sight lines over the network to the user running Google Earth Pro, which combines these lines with the Google 3D-buildings layer so the user can easily see if there is something interrupting a line of sight.


Hall C.2

Rust on the rad1o

Write code in Rust, run on the rad1o from CCCamp15


Hall 13-14

Congress Everywhere Greet & Meet

IceBreaker Day 1

How to provide some congress feeling to your people at home ? Congress Everywhere events in hackerspaces usually happen at evening as public viewing of congress talks. Such a livestream-only link provides very limited "congress feelings". In your local timezone, the events do start with a major break, where no talk happens and therefore no livestream is sent out Let's fill this break with meet and greet between your congress site and your hackerspace at home.


Assembly:Free Software Foundation Europe

Let's sing together the Free Software Song

Join us now and sing together the Free Software song! Everyday at another time at the Assembly of the Free Software Foundation Europe. We have the lyrics and conductor. Simply come and we form an ad-hoc choir and sing together the Free Software Song! "You'll be Free hackers, Freeee!"



Off Grid: a videogame about hacking, data privacy, and surveillance

Game demo

'Off Grid' is a videogame where you have to hack into networks and exfiltrate data by manipulating vulnerable IoT devices and socially engineering other characters. Come to Milliways and play an early build of the game!


Hall C.3

Mechanical Keyboard Meetup & Tryout

Try out different mechanical keyboards and bring your own to show it off!


Hall C.4

Radio Lockdown Directive: coordinating future steps

This will be a meeting for political organisations and individuals who work on the Radio Lockdown Directive.



Wizard of Berlin's Freifunk Firmware

We'll present our new wizard for configuring Freifunk routers


Assembly:Mensch meier and friends

Kreatives beschimpfen

Angewandte malediktion



Pcb milling with the othermill

Mill your PCBs

Open Milling - Mill your PCB Design, Learn PCB Milling


Hall 13-14

Translation meetings

day 1, evening meeting

The translation angels (interpreters) meet twice per day to self-organise (day 0, evening to day 4, afternoon)


Hall B


angel­meeting Day 1


Hall A.1

Stage Manager Angel Introduction

Day1 Introduction Stagemanagers

Stage Managers are responsible for a specific lecture hall (Saal) and all the talks within a 4 hour time slot. In short, stage managers make sure the talks go as smoothly as possible, including technical issues and crowd management. During this Session we will introduce you to your dutys as a stage manager and teach you all that you need to know to make the Talks during 33c3 run as smoothly as possible.



Day 1 *FULL*

A short introductory session for the cyberpunk role-playing game of Shadowrun.



Off flavours in homebrewed beer

We'll have a Siebel off flavour kit for beer with us. You'll learn which off flavours you can perceive, what causes them, and how to remedy them.


Assembly:Chaos West


[[User:Bam|bam]] DJ set: Techno/Tech House/Deep Techno

Come over and meet us at our cozy music lounge in hall 4! Proudly presented by Chaos West, c-base & friends


Hall B

Hackerjeopardy - A New Approach

Inspiriert vom gewachsenen Konzept von Sec und Ray haben wir unsere eigene Hard- und Software gebaut. Wir können zwar keine teuren Preise bereitstellen, haben uns aber einige neue Kategorien überlegt, damit euch nicht langweilig wird.


Hall C.2


I breathed the promise of liberation through IT technology for three decades, yet now can't help but notice different trajectories in our brave new software driven world. I was the odd nerd bringing internet, mail, google, mobile phone usage to friends and communities. Instruments of liberty, as the still strong going Sillicon Valley narratives pitch it. Now i see more and more people regulated and alienated by what what others allow them (i.e. software), be they waiters in Cafe's, people working in customer support, cashiers at supermarkets, and the other hundreds of millions who sit in front of screens. However, human freedom luckily keeps creeping in and there are examples and opportunities for autonomous uses of technology. It must begin with a slowdown, un-busying ourselves, because it is the increasing speed of movement and information flows which stabilize the grip of cybernetic capitalism.



Getting started with ESP8266 and IoT


Learn about the ESP8266, a very small and cheap microcontroller with builtin WiFi. Bring your Laptop, ESP8266-Dev-Boards and some sensors are available for donations.



Off Grid: a videogame about hacking, data privacy, and surveillance

Game demo

'Off Grid' is a videogame where you have to hack into networks and exfiltrate data by manipulating vulnerable IoT devices and socially engineering other characters. Come to Milliways and play an early build of the game!


Hall A.1

Netz­po­li­tik in der Schweiz 2017

Das ausgehende Jahr war ein schwieriges Jahr auch für die Netz­po­li­tik in der Schweiz. Wir stecken den Kopf deswegen jedoch nicht in den Sand. Nach dem Talk zur «Netz­po­li­tik in der Schweiz 2016» (27.12.16, 20:30 Uhr, Saal 6) treffen wir uns daher zu einer ausgedehnten Diskussions-, Frage und Planungssession.


Hall 13-14

Hacker workflows

WHAT DO YOU USE FOR X? Call out the best and worst open source software, websites, and practices. Relaxed get-together + Pad note-taking + Learn. Focus: Groupware / Collaboration / "Workflow".


Assembly:Chaos West


[[User:Plopesmusic|deadact aka pedro lopes]] DJ set: lounge-core-experimental-juke-freeform-hop

Come over and meet us at our cozy music lounge in hall 4! Proudly presented by Chaos West, c-base & friends




evening game day 1

Playing Flunkyball together. Organized by the UPB Flunkyteam. Flunkyball is a common german drinking game for all ages.



Tired of egoshooters? Feeling the need for better graphics, realistic physics and surround sound? Join the big Nerf-Gun Battle at 33c3! Come around - bring your own device - get shot!


Hall 13-14

Network concepts introduction & wireshark workshop

'''Ever wondered how webpages arrive in your browser? How zmap works? Want to get your first hands-on experience using ''wireshark''?''' To learn all that you need to learn the basic networking concepts. You're in luck as this is a hands-on networking workshop preceded by a lecture. We will cover such topics as the ISO/OSI model, Ethernet, IP, TCP, UDP, routing, and wireshark.


Hall A.1

Skillconvention a

all travelers with a certain skill will be invited to these sessions.


Hall F

Lötworkshop von Chaos macht Schule

Lötworkshop von Chaos Macht Schule

Lötworkshop von Chaos Macht Schule für Junghacker


Assembly:Chaos West


[[User:majorx|MajorX234]] DJ set: Dub, Bass, IDM, UK Garage

Come over and meet us at our cozy music lounge in hall 4! Proudly presented by Chaos West, c-base & friends


Hall A.1

Skillconvention a

all travelers with a certain skill will be invited to these sessions.


Hall 13-14

Skillconvention a

all travelers with a certain skill will be invited to these sessions.


Hall 13-14

Skillconvention a

all travelers with a certain skill will be invited to these sessions.

Day 2 (2016-12-28)



Full schedule test session

just for testing, ignore me


Hall A.1

42birds: Creative Coding with Processing

Processing is a flexible software sketchbook and a language for learning how to code within the context of the visual arts. In this workshop you'll make your first steps!


Hall A.1

Inter­net cencorship in Belarus

Belarus is a small Kolkhoz ruled by the authoritarian president Alexander Lukashenko since 1994. Several years ago Belarussian government have discovered the Inter­net and the danger that it poses to the status quo existing in the country. Since than Belarus made its first steps towards making the Inter­net a safe and secure space for dictatorship to flourish in the country. What were those steps and how the economy in crisis is creating infrastructure to block the dissent online?


Hall C.1

Beweise ohne Worte (Wondrous Mathematics)

In der Schule besteht Mathematik zu einem großen Teil aus Rechnungen. Das ist aber nicht das, was Mathematik wirklich ausmacht! Dazu gehören nämlich ergreifende Aha-Momente beim Verstehen von Zusammenhängen. Mathematik ist die Kunst, das Verborgene auf das Offensichtliche zurückzuführen!


Hall C.1

Eine Botschaft an Außer­irdische (Wondrous Mathematics)

Vor etwa 15 Jahren schickte die Menschheit eine Radiobotschaft an ausgewählte Sterne, in der Hoffnung, dass die Nachricht Außer­irdische erreicht, diese die Nachricht verstehen und uns antworten. Die Nachricht ist nicht auf Deutsch oder Englisch verfasst, sondern bedient sich einer eigens entwickelten Symbolsprache. Schaffen wenigstens wir Menschen, die Botschaft zu entziffern? Das wollen wir in dem Workshop an uns selbst testen und herausfinden!


Hall C.4

Pixelated hands-on

--- session will be in English, German and some Brazilian Portuguese --- We are organising this hands-on session to invite people to learn about Pixelated, an open source solution for easy email encryption, your own indie email provider and client with privacy and encryption &lt;3 Anyone who is able to send an email is welcome! In the session we will invite you too try things out, to give us feedback, and we will show you how to install and set up Pixelated on your machine or on a remote server. Looking forward to see you there and as a future contributor. ;)


Assembly:3D Hackspace

Thermal pictures for kids

They will be an infrared camera (detects heat). We can play around with warm and cold stuff and create nice pictures.


Assembly:Jugend hackt

Coder Dojo

Das CoderDojo richtet sich an Kinder und Jugendliche zwischen 6 und 17 Jahren, die gerne Software und Hardware programmieren und hacken möchten. Für unsere Workshops braucht man keine Erfahrungen oder Vorkenntnisse: Mentoren untersützen alle Teilnehmer. Sie entwickeln mit Dir Projekte und stehen Dir während des kompletten Workshops zur Verfügung. Info: Wir stellen Dir kostenlos einen Leihcomputer für den Workshop zur Verfügung. Wenn Du einen eigenen hast, dann kannst du Deinen natürlich gerne mitbringen (dann hast du deine Projekte direkt auf deinem Computer abgespeichert).




Day 2

Learn to Solder! A large variety of way cool kits are available, all designed for total beginners to complete successfully -- and intriguing enough for the total hardware geek.<br /> <br /> <span style="color:orange">'''''This ongoing workshop will be happening concurrently with lots of other way cool workshops at the Hardware Hacking Area!'''''</span>


Hall B

A walk through the inner core of pEp

A p≡p engine developer gives a tour through the inner workings of the p≡p engine, the core which is used to drive the crypto used in p≡p, message transport, and automatic key management and synchronization. Discussed will be fundamental features and functionality of the engine core and how that relates to the apps and adapters using p≡p, as well as some discussion of upcoming near-term and longer-term future developmens of the p≡p technology.


Hall C.1


Internal Schiko-Meeting


Assembly:Anarchist Village

Klingon War of Succession

demonstration of serious games as teaching and/or analysis tool with a well known star trek scenario.


Assembly:Jugend hackt

Coder Dojo

Das CoderDojo richtet sich an Kinder und Jugendliche zwischen 6 und 17 Jahren, die gerne Software und Hardware programmieren und hacken möchten. Für unsere Workshops braucht man keine Erfahrungen oder Vorkenntnisse: Mentoren untersützen alle Teilnehmer. Sie entwickeln mit Dir Projekte und stehen Dir während des kompletten Workshops zur Verfügung. Info: Wir stellen Dir kostenlos einen Leihcomputer für den Workshop zur Verfügung. Wenn Du einen eigenen hast, dann kannst du Deinen natürlich gerne mitbringen (dann hast du deine Projekte direkt auf deinem Computer abgespeichert).



News vom Förderverein freie Netzwerke e.V.

Was hat der Förderverein in diesem Jahr getan, was haben wir erreicht, welche Neuigkeiten gibt es?


Geheimkamera Workshop

In the Geheimkamera Workshop we rebuild the secret spy cam "C.P. Stirn's Photographische Geheimkamera" from 1890 out of cardboard with our smartphones, because High Tech from the next to last century is still up to date and looks pretty cool!


Assembly:Openlab Augsburg

Shitty Robot - Workshop

shitty robots - workshop

Workshop für die Shitty Robots/Vorbereitung auf Shitty Robot /Hebocon Battle. Für das Sumo battle siehe: https://events.ccc.de/congress/2016/wiki/index.php?title=Session:Shitty_Robot_/Hebocon_Battle


Hall A.1

GNUNet e.V. meeting

GNUNet e.V. meeting


Assembly:Free Software Foundation Europe

Let's sing together the Free Software Song

Join us now and sing together the Free Software song! Everyday at another time at the Assembly of the Free Software Foundation Europe. We have the lyrics and conductor. Simply come and we form an ad-hoc choir and sing together the Free Software Song! "You'll be Free hackers, Freeee!"


Hall B


angel­meeting Day 2


Hall C.1

Kopf aus dem Sand - Wie du ohne Parteien die Politik beeinflussen kannst!

#KopfausdemSand - Wenn du denkst Unterschriftenlisten und nie beachtete Demos sind die einzigen Methoden um die Politik in Öster­reich, Deutschland oder der EU zu beeinflussen, dann möchte ich dir hier einen Überblick geben welche Möglichkeiten es noch gibt um die Gesetzgebung und Verwaltung zu unseren Gunsten zu beeinflussen. Man kann zwar Gesetze selbst nicht schaffen, aber der Einfluss ist noch lange nicht bei 0! Wir haben sowohl die Netzneutralität Großteils gerettet als auch schon einmal die Vorratsdatenspeicherung gekippt. Für Neueinsteiger, Menschen und andere Lebensformen die meinen sie könnten noch etwas Neues lernen.


Hall C.3


Friends Of MikroTik Meeting

Meeting of users and not-yet-users of MikroTik devices to get in contact and share their wisdom. This meeting is private organized!


Hall C.4

Wikidata query and visualization

This is a talk about visualization with wikidata, how wikidata​ works and how people can contribute​, also what are some of the project where people can get involve​​. We will learn what is a query and how you can use them to visualize and combine information of data from wikidata. Greta Doçi is an ICT engineer student who contributes to Open Source/Free Software since 2013. She is one of the board members of Wikimedians of Albanian User Group. Greta is currently working as an security support assistant at a government institution.


Hall 13-14

IT-solutions for humanitarian crisis problems

IT-solutions for humanitarian crisis problems

Syrien, ein Land welches innerhalb von 5 Jahren von einem hohen technischen Level zurück in die Steinzeit gebombt wurde. Weite Teile des Landes sind ohne Inter­net. Telefonnetze sind von unterschiedlicher Qualität und Verfügbarkeit. Viele Regionen des Landes sind auf Grund der Vorherrschaft unterschiedlichster Milizen nicht passierbar für Helfer*innen in der humanitären Arbeit. Nur ein Beispiel, wo es neue Lösungen braucht für humanitäre Notlagen. Wenn wir die Betroffenen nicht selbst erreichen können, wie können wir dann doch mit innovativen Methoden vor Ort Hilfe leisten? CADUS e.V. arbeitet seit über 2 Jahren in verschiedenen Krisenregionen. In dem Workshop dient CADUS als Fallgeberin für akute Problemstellungen in den Regionen vor Ort. In Arbeitsgruppen wollen wir Lösungsmöglichkeiten für (Teil-)Probleme erarbeiten, und deren Durchführbarkeit direkt mit Menschen diskutieren, die den Bogen von der Theorie zur Praxis schlagen können.


Assembly:Jugend hackt

Calliope Workshop

Calliope Workshop 01 / Junghackertag

Wir werden bis zum 20 Kindern das Experimentieren mit dem Calliope Board zeigen. Mit dem Calliope Editor werden wir die ersten Schritte zum eigenen Programm machen. Was werden wir tun: a. Schrittzähler b. Melodie bei Lichteinfall c. Orakel mit Knete Geeignet für Kinder von 8-16.


Assembly:Jugend hackt

Coder Dojo

Das CoderDojo richtet sich an Kinder und Jugendliche zwischen 6 und 17 Jahren, die gerne Software und Hardware programmieren und hacken möchten. Für unsere Workshops braucht man keine Erfahrungen oder Vorkenntnisse: Mentoren untersützen alle Teilnehmer. Sie entwickeln mit Dir Projekte und stehen Dir während des kompletten Workshops zur Verfügung. Info: Wir stellen Dir kostenlos einen Leihcomputer für den Workshop zur Verfügung. Wenn Du einen eigenen hast, dann kannst du Deinen natürlich gerne mitbringen (dann hast du deine Projekte direkt auf deinem Computer abgespeichert).


Assembly:Jugend hackt

CooTourHat bei Jugend hackt

In der Assembly von Jugend hackt werden wir „CoolTourHats“ bauen. Die Idee entstand bei Jugend hackt Südkorea: um Menschen aus anderen Kulturen in der eigenen Stadt kennenzulernen hilft mit ein Hut mit Arduino drin. Befinden sich interessante Menschen in der direkten Umgebung, leuchten ihre Hüte bunt (oder tun andere Dinge). So erkennen sie sich gegenseitig und haben die Chance sich kennenzulernen.


Hall A.1

Exploring al­ter­nate math­e­mat­ical universes with hy­per­com­pu­ta­tion (Wondrous Mathematics)

This talk gives a leisurely introduction to constructive math­e­mat­ics, a variant of classical math­e­mat­ics where we drop some of the standard axioms of ordinary reasoning. This allows us to adopt classically inconsistent "dream axioms" and explore curious al­ter­nate math­e­mat­ical universes. In the talk we'll focus on a wondrous connection to models of com­pu­ta­tion, both standard ones such as ordinary programming languages and exotic models such as hy­per­com­pu­ta­tion which allow for infinitely many steps in finite time and which push the laws of physics to their limits. The special properties of these al­ter­native universes then depend on the nature of our physical reality.


Hall B

We Fix the Net

MinimaLT in Ethos with Jon A. Solworth and Janosch Rux

We Fix the Net session will include talks on developing secure al­ter­natives to current internet protocols. We might hold an organized discussion or panel as well. This session is organized by GNUnet and pEp, and acts as a successor to the YBTI sessions of previous years.


Hall C.1

Hacking democracy with MEP Marietje Schaake

Member of the European Parliament Marietje Schaake wants to talk about a number of laws that are currently being contemplated in the European Union which might affect the work of hackers, and get your input in order to make them right.


Hall C.1

Scapy in 15 minutes

Scapy is a powerful Python-based interactive packet manipulation program and library. It can be used to forge or decode packets for a wide number of protocols, send them on the wire, capture them, match requests and replies, and much more. This talk will show you Scapy basics in 15 minutes !


Hall C.4

Wikidata, the encyclopedia by bots, for bots

This workshop aims to explain what Wikidata is, and how to use it. We'll explore the data mode, web API, and query interface. Wikidata is the world's largest free general purpose knowledge base. As a Wikimedia-run sister project of Wikipedia, it provides machine readable information about just about anything. It's the encyclopedia by bots, for bots.


Assembly:Chaos West

12V SolarPower & Sound

kleiner Einblick in die 12V Solar Strom Versorgung und MPPT-Laderegler gebastel



Brewing beer for beginners

A short 2 hour session introducing you to the basics of all grain brewing



Kefir Making

You will learn how to take care about milk kefir grain culture preparing lovely fermented foods and drinks.


Assembly:Jugend hackt

Einstieg in App-Pro­gram­mie­rung und Scratch (für Kids)

Workshop 1

Einstieg in App-Pro­gram­mie­rung und Scratch, 2 Workshops mit jeweils 90 Minuten für bis zu 10 Kids, organisiert von App Camps und Code+Design



Öffentliche För­de­rung für Freifunk

Wie sieht die För­de­rung von Freifunk in den einzelnen Bundesländern aus? Ein Erfahrungsaustausch. u.A. über Berlin, NDS, Sachsen-Anhalt, NRW, Thüringen


Music production and studio technology

Placeholder - This workshop is by request

I'm a professional music producer and teacher (as well as studio builder and tech guy). You want to know anything about music software? Which interface to use for which job (from entry-level music recording / pod­casting to hi-end Thunderbolt/Dante/AVB etc.)? What microphone to get? How to create that special effect? Improve your recordings and mixes? DM me on Twitter @zenephant or drop me a mail: ccc@daw-support.de and lets meet up!


Surface Mount Electronics Assembly for Terrified Beginners

Day 2 - AltSession 0 - !!!At ALT33c3!!!

Surface mount electronics for terrified beginners. Learn to assemble tiny parts on circuit boards by building a working power supply. Anyone can do it. Yes, even you who never touched anything electronic before. 90mins, 20€/kit, avoid caffeine immediately before.


Assembly:Lokale Gruppe

In kurzer Zeit zur Schlüs­sel­wurst

Wir knoten uns mithilfe von Paracord eigene kleine Schlüsselanhänger. Es ist nicht sonderlich schwierig und es gibt nur eine begrenzte Anzahl von Material, aber was soll's. Bei Bedarf könnt ihr auch gerne einfach so vorbeikommen.


Saal 6

Von Kaffee­riechern, Ab­tritt­an­bietern und Fisch­bein­reißern

Berufe aus vergangenen Zeiten

Aus ihrem Buch „Von Kaffee­riechern, Ab­tritt­an­bietern und Fisch­bein­reißern – Berufe aus vergangenen Zeiten“: es geht darin um Berufe, die einfach verschwunden sind, deren Bezeichnung bereits in Bedeutungslosigkeit versunken sind. Aber was machte z.B. ein Kaffeeriecher? Er war kein Hipster-Barista, sondern ein Auswuchs der Politik von Friedrich II.: durch den Schmuggel von Kaffeebohnen sah sich Friedrich II genötigt, ausgediente Kriegsveteranen durch Berlin zu schicken. Sie durften in die Häuser der Bürger eindringen, um unversteuerten Kaffee aufzufinden. Sie verletzten dabei die Privatsphäre und schnüffelten buchstäblich nach einem Vergehen. Anders als die Überwachung im Netz heute waren sie laut und derb und nicht unsichtbar. Den Bürgern waren sie so verhasst, dass sie sich gegen sie aufbäumten. Nach nur acht Jahre war der Spuk vorbei, die Kaffeeriecher wurden durch Protest des Volkes ausrangiert. Wäre es heute nur so einfach. Akribisch nach Fakten, Formen und Verbindungen suchend, entstand auch die Auftragsarbeit „Altes Handwerk“ , für die Stiftung Preußischer Kulturbesitz: ein Jahr lang wühlte Michaela Vieser in den Archiven des BPK: zum Teil lagen die Bilder in einer alten Kegelbahn in einem Offizierskasino in Charlottenburg. Die Fotografien stammen aus einer Zeit, als der Fotograf selbst noch Handwerker war. Anhand der Bilder lassen sich Ästhetik und Funktionalität des neuen Berufes klar erkennen. Das Buch wurde gemeinsam in einem Interview mit dem Bundesarbeitsminister im Radio vorgestellt, es war über zwei Jahre lang das wichtigste Buch des Verlags Braun editions. Im Folgewerk „Das Zeitalter der Maschinen – Von der Industrialisierung des Lebens“ geht es um den Übergang in die Industrielle Revolution: „Die Zeit“ schreibt: „Seit der Industrialisierung bestimmen Maschinen unseren Alltag – damals waren sie aus Eisen und Stahl, und manche überlebensgroß. Heute denken wir über die winzigen Chips schon gar nicht mehr nach, die Smartphones oder Autos steuern. Doch damals revolutionierten die Maschinen nicht nur die Wirtschaft, sondern das ganze Leben. Ein neuer Bildband vermittelt einen Eindruck davon, wie sehr.“ Michaela Vieser zieht im Vorwort die Parallele zur Digitalen Revolution.


Let's sing together the Free Software Song

Lightning "Talk", Hall G

Join us now and sing together the Free Software song! Everyday at another time at the Assembly of the Free Software Foundation Europe. We have the lyrics and conductor. Simply come and we form an ad-hoc choir and sing together the Free Software Song! "You'll be Free hackers, Freeee!"


Saal 6

VOC Engelmeeting

Daily meeting for all VOC Angels.


Hall A.1


Meet & Greet

Room A.2: Dedicated workshop area for women* and other minorities. Meet people, learn new things, discuss topics, host your own workshop here! We still have open slots :)


Hall B

We Fix the Net

We Fix The Net Short Talks

We Fix the Net session will include talks on developing secure al­ter­natives to current internet protocols. We might hold an organized discussion or panel as well. This session is organized by GNUnet and pEp, and acts as a successor to the YBTI sessions of previous years.


Hall C.2

Veripeditus AR Game Framework

Veripeditus is the first free and open source framework that enables everyone to develop augmented reality mobile games like Ingress or Pokémon Go. It brings the creative side of such games to everyone, including, but not limited to, class rooms, along with a great new way of learning programming skills with Python. Presented by Nik, a 26 year-old software developer and network admin from Bonn, but better known as head of Teckids e.V., a youth organisation establishing a FOSS community among children.


Hall C.3

Boat instruments hacking


Session for meeting up and discussing all things around electronics in boats.


Hall C.4

Implications of the EU copyright reform on Free Software

The session is designed to discuss and exchange the views about the implications of on-going copyright reform on Free Software, in particular the inclusion of far-reaching DRM measures in the latest proposal for the directive and how this can have an impact on Free Software. The session will start with a small presentation on the topic, followed by the discussion with the participants.


Hall F

Kinky Geeks Bondage Workshop

Beginner's bondage workshop organized by the Kinky Geeks Assembly. We will discuss the basic safety and materials for bondage and will then practice basic ties with rope. No fancy stuff, but a good and solid foundation for safe and fun ropework. Bring your own rope if you have it, but we'll also have a limited amount of rope that we can share.


Assembly:Jugend hackt

Einstieg in App-Pro­gram­mie­rung und Scratch (für Kids)

Workshop 2

Einstieg in App-Pro­gram­mie­rung und Scratch, 2 Workshops mit jeweils 90 Minuten für bis zu 10 Kids, organisiert von App Camps und Code+Design



Coffee Break

Calm down and have a chat with us


Hall 13-14

Translation meetings

day 2, afternoon meeting

The translation angels (interpreters) meet twice per day to self-organise (day 0, evening to day 4, afternoon)


Hall A.1


The angel­meeting for the subtitles Angels. If you want to be approved as a subtitles Angel, please visit! If you are one already, this is the easiest way to meet and manage shifts etc. Welcome to the Subtitles angel­meeting!


Anti Error Lounge

EGP Meetup: From Tree-Huggers to WiFi-Lovers

An informal meetup for the members of the EGP and associated parliamentary groups who made it to 33C3. No formal topics as of yet, just a meet and greet / networking type of meeting. Please refrain from display insignia/merchandise of the EGP



Update on declaratory action (Feststellungsklagen)

Bea gives us an update on our "Feststellungsklagen" we are running


Hall A.1

Open Data Gesetz Deutschland

In dieser Session arbeiten wir die letzten Kommentare zum Open Data Gesetz Entwurf bis 30.12 ein. Siehe https://okfn.de/blog/2016/12/odgesetz/


Hall C.2


NewPipe is a Free Youtube/Streaming app for Android. This talk will be about how NewPipe works, and what the features of NewPipe will be. The app was created as a hobby project one year ago, but slowly evolves.


Hall C.3

How to Make Humanoid Robots

We will share our knowledge in making humanoid robots with you. The workshop will cover mostly hardware but also software. We will bring some of our robots with us for a hands on. If you want you can also just stop by to ask questions. We will speak mainly in English, but we speak also German and French.


Hall C.4

Open Education Workshop

New school, Old school - How can we hack education?

Despite high expectations, "digital education" has not much advanced beyond sharing single-purpose worksheets as pdf. Existing Open Educational Resources (OER) often tend to reinforce current teaching scenarios and top-down structures, missing out on the potential for new forms of participation. To prepare new education projects, we invite you to share your experiences and ideas: How can digital methods / concepts / tools contribute to a more inclusive pedagogy, enabling and motivating learners for co-creation? What else can we do within existing frameworks, and how to approach it effectively in class?


Hall 13-14

How To Run A Bitcoin Node

Bitcoin is among the world’s most widely deployed decentralized cryptographic systems. We will give a short introduction into why financial privacy and Bitcoin is a critical tool for activists and briefly discuss the mechanisms behind Bitcoin. We will then dive into configuring a Bitcoin Core node suitable for running at home. Topics that will be covered include: * How to get statistics from the network and how to interpret them. * How to use the RPC interface to create (multisig-)transactions. * How to set limits on resource usage. * How to make use of Tor. * How to securely store coins.


Assembly:3D Hackspace

3D printing for kids

Learn how to design 3D parts and print them!



LightPainting (Kidspace)

Tanzt mit euren selbstgebastelten LED-Throwies vor einer Kamera rum und malt Lichtbilder in die Luft und aufs Foto! Die Bilder werden anschließend im KidSpace auf einem Monitor ausgestellt :)


Hall A.1

An Introduction to Intel Software Guard Extensions (SGX)

Intel Software Guard Extensions (Intel SGX) are a new extension of the x86 instruction set allowing the creation of so-called enclaves. Enclaves are isolated, secure parts of normal applications This talk gives an overview about SGX, how it can be used to secure existing applications, what are its limitations and pitfalls and technical details about its implementation.


Hall C.1

MAKE-IT: Interactive presentation of the EU research project about the Maker Movement

Discussion about similarities, differences and interactions between the maker movement and the hacker scene

This interactive session consists of a 10 minute presentation to present the EU research project MAKE-IT, followed by a 20 minute discussion with the participants about similarities, differences and interactions between the maker movement and the hacker scene. MAKE-IT is a Horizon2020 European research project focused on how the role of Collective Awareness Platforms (CAPS) enables the growth and governance of the Maker movement, particularly in relation to Information Technology, using and creating social innovations and achieving sustainability. The international research consortium investigates ten makerspaces in eight different countries to learn about their "organisation and governance", "peer and collaborative activities" and "value creation and impact". I would like to present research findings of the ongoing project (2016-2017) and critically assess, enrich and validate them in an interactive discussion with the session participants. In particular, I am interested to discuss how the 'maker movement' is similar or different from and interacts with the 'hacker scene'. I wish to keep this workshop as informal and accessible as possible and look forward to your input!



Surface Mount Electronics Assembly for Terrified Beginners

Day 2 - Session 1

Surface mount electronics for terrified beginners. Learn to assemble tiny parts on circuit boards by building a working power supply. Anyone can do it. Yes, even you who never touched anything electronic before. 90mins, 20€/kit, avoid caffeine immediately before.


Hall C.1

ValueShuffle: Mixing Confidential Transactions for Full Privacy in Bitcoin

I'll talk about one of our research projects to improve anonymity in Bitcoin by peer-to-peer coin mixing. In particular, I'll present ValueShuffle, the first coin mixing protocol that is compatible with Confidential Transactions, a proposal to hide monetary values in Bitcoin transactions. Combined together, ValueShuffle and Confidential Transaction provide strong privacy on the blockchain. I'll also explain CoinShuffle++, a very efficient peer-to-peer coin mixing protocol which forms the basis for ValueShuffle.


Hall C.2

LEAP Platform for vpn + LEAP and Pixelated platform for email providers

We'll show you how to setup a LEAP provider to self-host a vpn and/or encrypted email service.


Hall C.3

Discussing Postcolonial Computing

From artificial intolerance to decolonizing our programming: We want to discuss who is speaking? who is writing the code and what do we have to do about it? Ever heard of „My friend's not a gorilla“ and google photos? we gonna provide some twisted examples…


Hall 13-14

What makes a secure mobile messenger? -- A comparison of WhatsApp competitors

There are an increasing number of mobile SMS-like applications that offer different levels of crypto and privacy features. This talk will give an overview over some popular and some less well known apps and discuss certain aspects that get too little attention in mainstream debates. Note that this talk is not about the details of crypto protocols or implementations, but more general issues like trust, integrity and availability in regard to the software, network infrastructure and the companies/projects behind them. The talk is 100% newbie-friendly.


Assembly:Scottish Consulate

BBS Enthusiasts

The web is bullshit, let's go back to the internet! Get together for those who are interested in BBSes. There will be a short intro to the commonly used software packages, and chat about what BBSes can do, can't do, what our favorites are and why we insist on still using them.




come over to the Freiwurst assembly, play with our cyberthingy and enjoy some Freiwurst.



Day 2

A short introductory session for the cyberpunk role-playing game of Shadowrun.


Hall A.1

E-Voting: Defend our right to vote!

Let's build an international network against e-voting and discuss/analyze the current political agenda on the subject.


Hall C.4

Train the crypto­party Trainer

Training our own trainers we can help grow the crypto­party. In this session we'd like to share concepts and ideas on what works.



Gettogether Radio Lockdown

Let's talk about the radio lockdown directive which got law in Germany this year.



Skull Radio Workshop

A soldering workshop where people make a bone conduction kit. It allows the user to bite a medal rod, that sends vibrations via their teeth, jawbone into their inner ear. It allows people to listen to music without the sound travelling via the air. Its a through hole soldering kit. This Kit will cost €12 + €1 for a battery Day 2: 28-Dec, 5.30pm - 6:30pm


Hall C.1

Haftung für Devices und Software gestalten

Billige Webcams, Plasterouter und Glühbirnen in Bonnets bedrohen die Inter­net-Infrastruktur, für einen Update-Pfad hat der Hersteller keine Kostenstelle vorgesehen. Als Lösung wird von vielen Seiten eine Herstellerhaftung für Sicherheitslücken vorgeschlagen. Wir wollen uns Gedanken machen, wie diese ausgestaltet werden können, ohne dass unerwünschte Nebenwirkungen wie millionenschwere Haftungsrisiken Open Source-Software oder Endverbraucher bedrohen. Wer soll überhaupt haftbar sein, die chinesische Fabrik, der Distributor, der sein Logo draufklebt, der Autor des letzten Commits der Firmware (oder der Software, von der sie abgeleitet ist) oder der Benutzer, der eine al­ter­native Software installiert oder nur die Standardkonfiguration verändert hat?


Hall C.3


You probably know Club Mate and Flora Mate, as they are available at the 33c3. But there are more kinds of Mate and we will taste them! You can bring own bottles by yourself, too. It is possible that we will not have all existing brands.


Hall 13-14

The user-friendly guide to mobile freedom

This is a user-friendly guide for those who like to use their multiple devices (PC, Laptop, Phone, Tablet) with Free Software and to sync their data between these devices with Free Software as well. Liberate your devices and sync your data in freedom without the need of third-party accounts or services! For example, use your phone with full usage-spectrum but without a Google account or any other account. Or create your own cloud and IT infrastructure to host your data on your own devices solely. And the best: You do not need to be a hacker for this! I will show you a user-friendly way to achieve freedom - all tools and software presented come with graphical interfaces and with no coding skills required. Self-empowerment never was so easy!


Assembly:3D Hackspace

3D scan yourself

I'll bring an industrial grade 3D scanner and you'll be able to get free high resolution scans of yourself, your friends etc...


Assembly:Chaostreff Flensburg

DIY Duct-Tape Wallets

We will make wallets out of duct-tape allday at our assembly. Join us and make your own in just a few minutes!





Assembly:Anarchist Village

Freedom fries - a discussion about Big-Data, Facebook and cambridge analytica claiming to have made Trump president of the US

In December the online magazine magazin.ch published an article in which it describes scientist drawing conclusions from what people like on facebook. These studies seem to be used for voter manipulation during the last US elections. We describe the methods used, the claims made and what the effect on activist policies might be.



LoRaWAN–Freifunk der Dinge

An introduction to a crowd-sourced long-range radio network for autonomous devices.



Surface Mount Electronics Assembly for Terrified Beginners

Day 2 - Session 2

Surface mount electronics for terrified beginners. Learn to assemble tiny parts on circuit boards by building a working power supply. Anyone can do it. Yes, even you who never touched anything electronic before. 90mins, 20€/kit, avoid caffeine immediately before.


Hall B

We Fix the Net

Opertunistic Email Encryption

We Fix the Net session will include talks on developing secure al­ter­natives to current internet protocols. We might hold an organized discussion or panel as well. This session is organized by GNUnet and pEp, and acts as a successor to the YBTI sessions of previous years.


Hall 13-14

Hackbases 5 years

Hackbases are similar to hackerspaces but people also live in them.


Hall A.1

Congress Everywhere Greet & Meet

IceBreaker Day 2

How to provide some congress feeling to your people at home ? Congress Everywhere events in hackerspaces usually happen at evening as public viewing of congress talks. Such a livestream-only link provides very limited "congress feelings". In your local timezone, the events do start with a major break, where no talk happens and therefore no livestream is sent out Let's fill this break with meet and greet between your congress site and your hackerspace at home.


Hall C.4

Radio Lockdown: Community WiFis unite!

The Radio Equipment Directive (2014/53/EU) contains a provision requiring hardware manufacturers to check all software installable on their devices. Community WiFi projects heavily rely on (free software) firmware they modify for their purposes and install on consumer-grade hardware. Action is needed to mitigate this threat, but there's a promising course of action: Community WiFi initiatives of Europe, unite!


Hall C.2

Keysigning party

We will check each other's identity papers and sign each other's OpenPGP keys. This builds the OpenPGP Web of Trust, and it's also just a nice get-together.



Solar powered freifunk mast

Elektra presents her latest project, designing a mpp tracker to support solar powered wifi routers.


Hall 13-14

Translation meetings

day 2, evening meeting

The translation angels (interpreters) meet twice per day to self-organise (day 0, evening to day 4, afternoon)



Science Slam


Hall B


angel­meeting day 2


Hall C.1

An introduction to Matrix.org - An open network for secure, decentralized communication

Matrix is an open standard for decentralised communication. Riot is a messenger built on top of Matrix that supports group chats, multiple devices, persistent history and end to end encryption among other features. You can run your own server and bridge to other platforms like IRC, Gitter, Slack and more. In this talk I'll introduce you to Matrix and Riot, show you how it works, what you can do with it and why it is awesome. Note that I'm not a Matrix.org team member.


Hall C.3

Informal Pirate meetup

Informal meetup of Pirates present on 33c3.


Assembly:Anarchist Village

AI: He will be amazed if he stays dead! - Der wird sich wundern, wenn er tot bleibt!

Discussion on AI as mental reformatting

Discussion on AI as mental reformatting - Diskussion ueber KI als mentale Neuformatierung



Beer Tasting

We'll be tasting homebrewed and commercial beers.



Werewolf Party Game

If we attract at least six players, we'll sit down and play a round (or more) of the fun and easy to learn game commonly known as 'Werewolf.'


Hall C.4

KiCad PCB Design for Eagle-Users

A short introduction into KiCad for users experienced with other PCB design software (eagle). This Workshop will cover the design-flow from schematics to gerber files.


Hall 13-14

FSaaS: Challenges for 'Free Software as a Service' in business

Of all the Free Software business models, Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) is one of the most appealing. Wordpresss blazed a path over a decade ago that few have managed to follow. How do Free Software businesses of this nature work? What are their biggest challenges? And why aren't there more of them? Bring your ideas for a discussion.


Hall C.1

You've hardened your OS- now harden your hacker community

Hackers don't thoughtlessly trust the mechanics of their computer, apps, or in general the world around them........So why would we trust the mechanics of the governments' justice system? In this workshop we'll discuss al­ter­natives using texts and exercises.


Hall A.1

Stage Manager Angel Introduction

Day2 Introduction Stagemanagers

Stage Managers are responsible for a specific lecture hall (Saal) and all the talks within a 4 hour time slot. In short, stage managers make sure the talks go as smoothly as possible, including technical issues and crowd management. During this Session we will introduce you to your dutys as a stage manager and teach you all that you need to know to make the Talks during 33c3 run as smoothly as possible.


Assembly:Chaos West


[[User:couchsofa|couchsofa]] DJ set: Techno/Tech House/Melodic Techno/Glitch

Come over and meet us at our cozy music lounge in hall 4! Proudly presented by Chaos West, c-base & friends


Hall B


Session should be used to connect with all the people who work for the various projects within or related with tor.


Hall 13-14

Prototype Fund - 1.2 Million Euros for Free Software Projects

The Prototype Fund supports the implementation of ideas in civic tech, data literacy, data security and software infrastructure. With a grant of up to €30,000, software developers, hackers and creatives can write code and develop open source prototypes over a period of six months. Applying is as easy as possible and the next deadline at the begin of February. Come, hear and ask us everything about the Prototype Fund.


Hall A.1

Screening & discussion NB

upcoming screening of NB, with director and presenters of 33c3 session


Hall C.4


smtp via tor onion services

onionmx is a proposal to have email transport via tor onion services. it is not about having .onion domain email addresses but rather about email providers making their smtp transport available as an onion service to each other. there is a working implementation out there and we have some months of successful operations behind us. now we'd like to meet more like minded mail providers to join the effort. lets discuss what we have and how to move forward.


Hall A.1

Skillconvention b

all travelers of a certain skill will be invented to join their respective session


Hall 13-14

Skillconvention b

all travelers of a certain skill will be invented to join their respective session


Hall A.1

Skillconvention b

all travelers of a certain skill will be invented to join their respective session


Hall 13-14

Skillconvention b

all travelers of a certain skill will be invented to join their respective session


Hall 13-14

Skillconvention b

all travelers of a certain skill will be invented to join their respective session

Day 3 (2016-12-29)


Hall C.4

42birds: Missing RSS Feed? Create Your Own!

If your favoured website / pod­cast misses an RSS feed this discussion is for you! I'll show how-to extract the necessary data from the page and build your very own feed with it.



Browsing JS on Embedded

Introductory component of programming 'the Embedded Tessel Platform'

In this hour, we introduce and explore JavaScript and Rust programming on low power embedded computers. Turning our attention to telemetry (sensors), and telecommand (actuators), we create a minimal but realistic IoT system using building blocks on loan for the duration of the workshop.


Hall C.2

State of the InterNAT - Freifunk Rheinland AS201701 Update

Statusupdate from Freifunk Rheinland Backbone (AS201701). Was war, was ist, was wird.


Hall C.3

Can't touch this: Introduction to self defense for women

Click for a German and an English description. Learn the legal frame of self defence in Germany/Switzerland, and five easy techniques to avoid sexual harassment and to counter physical attacks, including an optional hands-on-experience. Note: This workshop is of course open to men and women. It is however not an introduction on how to become Rambo and therefore labelled "for women" to avoid false expectations. On following the instructions closely, it is practically impossible to hurt yourself during the workshop so don't be afraid!


Hall C.4

Numerical Weather Prediction Tutorial

A workshop about running your own Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP) model.


Assembly:Anarchist Village



OpenOversight aims to maintain a database of police officers and provide a digital gallery that allows the public to identify the name and badge number of a police officer they would like to file a misconduct complaint about.




Day 3

Learn to Solder! A large variety of way cool kits are available, all designed for total beginners to complete successfully -- and intriguing enough for the total hardware geek.<br /> <br /> <span style="color:orange">'''''This ongoing workshop will be happening concurrently with lots of other way cool workshops at the Hardware Hacking Area!'''''</span>


Hall A.1

Angewandte konsensdemokratie

thesen: gruppen von menschen lassen sich oft weiter demokratisieren als "nur" basisdemokratie zu machen. konsensdemokratie ist nicht nur möglich, sondern mittelfristig sogar effizienter und stressfreier. mehr spaß macht sie auch :-)


Hall B


Internal Schiko-Meeting


Hall C.1

All Creatures Welcome

introduction of the project, q&a, discussion

ALL CREATURES WELCOME is an essayistic documentary on new paths and new perspectives in the digital age, using hacking as a mind-set to counter the atmosphere of fear and helplessness of the post-Snowden era. I will introduce you to the project and let you see behind the curtain of an independent movie production. Let's talk about the difficulties of financing, creative commons and artistic freedom. www.sandratrostel.de/ACW


Hall C.3

IoT by beginners for beginners: Getting started with NodeMCU

The ESP 8266 WiFi SoC

Getting started with the Inter­net of Things using the ESP8266 WiFi SoC. A basic how-to for beginners by beginners: - which software you need to install - how to flash the NoceMCU Firmware - how to start with your first small LUA script, connecting the WiFi module to the world - bring your laptop with you and try out ... Prerequisites: Java (all), Python2.7 (Linux & OS X)


Hall F

Syncrypt User Meetup

The Syncrypt development team is at 33c3. Come by and ask us anything related to Syncrypt or encryption. If you have ideas for possible integrations with syncrypt and other software, we're open to your suggestions and feedback. Just want to chat and have a beer with us? No problem, we've got you covered!


Hall 13-14

Introduction Into Anarchism

Ideas of the anarchism existed before the network, however hacker's community willingly took anarchism appreciating its dedication to individual and collective freedom. With this session we will have a quick look on history of anarchism and the present of the anarchist struggle in the social and political sphere around the world. This is a short presentation with a discussion round.


Assembly:Anarchist Village

Instant Matrix Games


Instant Matrix Games is a framework for the rapid development of an educational or analytical environment.


Hall C.2

SOSDF(H)B: Salt-Orchestrated Software Defined Freifunk (Hochstift) Backbone: DataCenter und Carrier Techniken für Freifunk abgucken


Hall B


angel­meeting day 3


Hall C.1

DSM, EIF, RED: Acronyms on the EU level and why they matter for software freedom

In the coming years, the EU is determined to bring its industries to the digital market and acquire a leading position on the global tech market. In order to achieve this ambitious goal of allowing Europe's "own Google or Facebook" to emerge, the EU has come up with several political and legislative proposals that obviously cannot overlook software. Three or more magic letters combined in an acronym have, therefore, the power to either support innovation and fair competition, or drown the EU in its vendor lock-in completely. The terms "open standards", "open platforms", and Free Software are being used more and more often but does it mean that the EU is "opening" up for software freedom for real? My talk will explain how several current EU digital policies interact with Free Software, and each other, and what does it mean to software freedom in Europe. Polina Malaja is the policy analyst of the Free Software Foundation Europe.


Hall A.1

Taler workshop

We shall teach visitors to integrate the GNU Taler merchant software for anonymous web payments into existing web platforms. We're happy to advise visitors interested in setting up GNU Taler exchanges as well, including discussions about integrating the exchange with blockchain based currencies. We will not have teaching materials handy for the exchange software however.


Hall B

The curious world of four-dimensional geometry (Wondrous Mathematics)

You couldn't tie your shoelaces if we lived in four dimensions! And spheres would be much smaller than you would think. We'll take you on a short tour of these and other curious phenomena which unfold in four dimensions.


Hall C.1


Hackers, Designers, Journalists in Newsrooms unite! Present your latest work, discuss your plans for 2017 and connect!


Hall C.2

Type 1 Diabetes Hacking

Diabetes Tech Meetup

How to improve the therapy of type 1 diabetes.


Hall C.3

Open Science Workshop

Do you think science is as open, transparent and reproducible as it could be? Are we using the full potential of digitalization and the internet for our research. Are non-scientist sufficiently aware of and embedded into the scientific process? We want to discuss all this and want to hear your voice and experiences! Open Access, Open Data, Open Notebooks, Open Source, Open Educational Resources Citizen science - those topics and more will be in the center of this participant-driven meeting. More importantly we want to connect people interested in a more open and better science.


Hall C.4

Erklärt Technik den Menschen?

Hilft uns Technologie, uns besser zu verstehen? Oder sind Mensch und Technik nicht vergleichbar? Wir präsentieren eine Theorie des US-amerikanischen Philosophen Daniel Dennett, die "intuition pumps". Er geht davon aus, dass technologische Phänomene dabei helfen, den menschlichen Geist zu veranschaulichen und ihn immer besser zu erklären. Diesen intuition pump möchten wir zunächst erklären und Möglichkeiten und Grenzen dieser Theorie aufzeigen, um anschließend zur Diskussion überzugehen.


Hall F

Gentoo e.V. Mitgliederversammlung

Mitgliederversammlung des Gentoo e.V.


Hall 13-14

Gender diversity in the Free Software community

Only about 3% of contributors in free software are women (even though 25% of software developers are) – a considerable gap compared to male contributors. There are many reasons for this, and some we want to talk about are: - Is the environment friendly enough? - What can free software projects & companies do to fix the gap? - Why do we need the diversity? Greta Doçi is an ICT engineer, active in Wikimedia and the Albanian open source community. Jan-Christoph Borchardt is an interaction designer working on Nextcloud and Open Source Design. They both want to push gender diversity in free & open source software.


Assembly:3D Hackspace

3D printing for beginners

Never used a 3D printer? No idea how to use CAD? This workshops is for you. From ABS to Z-Axis, you'll learn basics of 3D printing.



Let's climb some walls!



Freifunk Webteam Meetup

Viele der unter freifunk.net angebotenen Dienste benötigen Wartung und Weiterentwicklung. Wer sich hier engagieren möchte, kommt einfach vorbei.



Kombucha is Easy

During this Hands on Workshop you will learn how to properly take care about your kombucha culture brewing lovely beverage of your preferred taste.


Hall C.2

Inflation in MMORPGs

Here is a short Talk about Inflation in MMORPGs, with discussion at the end.


Assembly:Anarchist Village

Instant Matrix Games


Instant Matrix Games is a framework for the rapid development of an educational or analytical environment.


Saal 6

VOC Engelmeeting

Daily meeting for all VOC Angels.


Hall A.1


Meet & Greet

Room A.2: Dedicated workshop area for women* and other minorities. Meet people, learn new things, discuss topics, host your own workshop here! We still have open slots :)


Hall B


Wie bekommen wir mehr Fahrplandaten von Verkehrsbünden, ...


Hall C.2

Eris Rising

Why hack machines, when you can hack people? A talk postulating a new type of hacker, the 'Eris': a blackhat sociologist who social engineers groups rather than individuals. Certain group ideologies or behaviors allow easy manipulation, and politically active communities like the hacker community will be in the targets in the coming era.


Hall C.4

DIY Religion

This is a cultural experiment and ongoing project to develop an open source toolkit for creating ‘new religions’.


Simple Nomic

Simple Nomic Session 1

4 simple rules: # The name of the game is Nomic. # The rules are to be applied in the order as written here. # The rules can be changed. # The first to reach 100 points wins.



Coffee Break

Calm down and have a chat with us


Assembly:Scottish Consulate

Open Source in Amateur Radio

No one wants to turn out like Ham Radio Deluxe users - blacklisted from using their favourite software (https://www.reddit.com/r/amateurradio/comments/5jf4i2/ham_radio_deluxe_mega_thread/). Let's get together and talk about our favourite hobby and how to do it with real freedom! The conversation will focus mostly on Debian's Hamradio Blend (https://www.debian.org/blends/hamradio/) and the software contained within as that's what the organiser is most familiar with, but I'm more than happy to talk about all things radio, not just the DFSG.


Hall 13-14

Translation meetings

day 3, afternoon meeting

The translation angels (interpreters) meet twice per day to self-organise (day 0, evening to day 4, afternoon)


Hall F


The angel­meeting for the subtitles Angels. If you want to be approved as a subtitles Angel, please visit! If you are one already, this is the easiest way to meet and manage shifts etc. Welcome to the Subtitles angel­meeting!



Freifunk hilft

* Exchange with Imma & Eben from Refugees Emancipation e.V. about learnings/experiences * Freifunk für Flüchtlinge - Erfahrungen, Vorgehen, Umsetzung, Tuning, Sponsoren (pkoerner81929) * Ideas regarding freifunk-hilft.de


Hall F

Shitty Robot /Hebocon Battle

für den workshop siehe: https://events.ccc.de/congress/2016/wiki/index.php?title=Session:Shitty_Robot_-_Workshop


Hall A.1


Get pseudonymized

Come and fetch the first PoPCoin at 33c3! Often on the internet there is a trade-off between anonymity and accountability. For privacy and security reasons, a lot of users want to stay anonymous. But this contradicts services like Wikipedia who want to make sure that their content is of high quality and so need a certain kind of accountability of the users.


Hall B

Binärgewitter Hörertreffen

Do it, do it NOW!

Binärgewitter Hörertreffen auf dem 33c3


Hall C.1

CCC-CH Gettogether

Das Gettogether des CCC-CH am 33c3


Hall 13-14

The Federation

This talk will give a short introduction to "The Federation" of decentral social networks as al­ter­natives to the big walled gardens. With a short historical overview of how it all began almost a decade ago with Laconica, followed by Diaspora and Mistpark. Who is part of "The Federation" today? How are those projects glued together? What is the current state of free software al­ter­natives like Diaspora, Friendica, GNU Social, Hubzilla, Media Goblin, pump.io and compatible networks. How might the future be looking with the recent work by W3C Social WG.


Der 33 Jahrerückblick: Technology and Politics in Congress Talks, from 1984 to now -- Post-Lecture Discussion!

This is the follow-up discussion on the lecture in the official program: The proper relationship of technology and politics and thereby the percentage each covers in the Congress schedule have been the subject of an evergreen debate at the floor and in the corridors of the Chaos Communication Congress. Rather than taking a position in this debate, we are asking how the two have been co-articulated in talks so far by CCC participants? In order to answer this question, we are analysing the available titles and abstracts of Congress talks from 1984 until now. This ongoing research seeks to identify changing trends, significant outliers, apparent patterns and common threads throughout the years. We also wonder if it is possible to identify turning points in the narrative. The empirical data is contextualised by reflections on the shifting ground of technology, politics and society in the world during the long history of the CCC, as well as by qualitative reflections of attendants. We are inviting the audience to help us with the latter by joining in a follow-up discussion after the presentation.




Lehrerstammtisch! Teacher's meeting! Auf der Suche nach Kollegen rufe ich hiermit den ersten CCC-Lehrerstammtisch aus! Wir treffen uns an Tag 3 um 16:00 Uhr am MuCCC-Assebly. Je nachdem, wie viele kommen, suchen wir uns dann spontan einen besseren Ort. Looking for colleages, I hereby create the CCC Teacher's-meeting. We'll meet at day 3 at 4pm at the MuCCC-Assembly. Depending on the number of people we might then look for a better place.


Anti Error Lounge

The Exegetes & strategic litigation in Europe

Members of the French strategic litigation team "les Exegetes" (related to La Quadrature and the non-for-profit ISP French Data Network) would be keen on meeting people involved with strategic litigation to exchange dos and don'ts as well as to learn to know other initiatives around Europe (or elsewhere of course)!



Surface Mount Electronics Assembly for Terrified Beginners

Day 3 - Session 1

Surface mount electronics for terrified beginners. Learn to assemble tiny parts on circuit boards by building a working power supply. Anyone can do it. Yes, even you who never touched anything electronic before. 90mins, 20€/kit, avoid caffeine immediately before.




Da fallen auch der Muräne nur schlechte Wortwitze ein.


Hall A.1

33c3 Regiotreffen

Das alljährliche Regiotreffen auf dem Congress


Hall C.1

Design in Free Software & Open Source

Design in free software & open source is improving in recent years, but we still have a lot to do. If we want people to use free software, it needs to be as simple & easy to use as proprietary counterparts. The Open Source Design collective pushes design in free software. We organize design tracks at well-known events like FOSDEM and FOSSASIA, have a job board to get designers involved, provide open design resources to developers and designers and more.


Hall C.2


Nootropics (also called smart drugs, neuro enhancers ...) are substances that improve one or more aspects of cognitive performance. Bring your noots and notes.


Hall C.3

Your own Glowing Micropet!

Enter this Workshop to get a sample of your very own glow-in-the-dark pet! We will be playing around with Aliibvibrio Fischeri, a bioluminescent bacterium living all over the world's oceans.


Hall C.4

Soziale Bewegung als Plattform

Filter Bubbles und Elitenhass sorgen dafür, dass große Teile der Trump- & AfD-Wähler*innenschaft nicht mehr mit klassischem Campaigning politischer Institutionen demokratisch integriert werden können. Wir ahnen: Die soziale Bewegung der Zukunft, die sich gegen den alten Hass stellt, hört den Menschen zu, lässt sie teilhaben und mitbestimmen, erzählt positive Geschichten des Miteinanders und organisiert eigene Modelle des Zusammenlebens. Und: Sie ist vornehmlich digital.


Hall 13-14

Meine erste IFG-Anfrage

Wie bekomme ich schnell und einfach Informationen, die bei Behörden lagern - Verträge, Vermerke und E-Mails zwischen Beamten? Wie kann ich sie für politisches Engagement nutzen? Und was mache ich, wenn Behörden mich mit Gebühren und Gesetzestexten abschrecken wollen? Ich stelle die Plattform FragDenStaat vor und einige wirksame Werkzeuge, mit denen ihr genau die Infos bekommt, die ihr haben wollt.




come over to the Freiwurst assembly, play with our cyberthingy and enjoy some Freiwurst.


Assembly:Anarchist Village

Instant Matrix Games


Instant Matrix Games is a framework for the rapid development of an educational or analytical environment.



Maritime Hackers

Meet & Greet

Come and present your idea/software/hardware/... or get inspired by other hackers' projects!


Hall B

Strategien, Überwachungsskepsis in die Mitte der Gesellschaft zu tragen / Anti Surveillance Campaigning Targeted at the Masses

We will give some input and then want to start a discussion about strategies to make "mainstream" people care about surveillance and privacy. (mainstream = outside of hacker community/tech bubble)


Hall C.2

Meier 3

Ich glaube an konflikt sonst glaube ich an nichts.

Ich glaube an konflikt sonst glaube ich an nichts.


Hall C.4

OParl: Politik vor Ort maschinenlesbar

OParl ist eine Initiative zur Standardisierung des offenen Zugriffs auf parlamentarische Informationssysteme in Deutschland. Das Ziel von OParl ist die Schaffung einer Standard-API für den Zugang zu öffentlichen Inhalten in kommunalen Ratsinformationssystemen, damit die Inhalte daraus im Sinne von Open Data für möglichst viele verschiedene Zwecke eingesetzt werden können.


Hall F


Blocked for Film Screenings by Content Team


Hall F


Blocked for Film Screenings by Content Team


Hall F

Movie Night

Blocked for Film Screenings by Content Team


Assembly:3D Hackspace

3D scan yourself

I'll bring an industrial grade 3D scanner and you'll be able to get free high resolution scans of yourself, your friends etc...




Freifunk was an Organisation at GSoC2016. We'll show the results of our 8 students. And we want to start collection ideas for GSoC 2017


Anti Error Lounge

There is no birthday party

see title


Hall C.1

How to Organize a crypto­party

**How to crypto­party** CryptoParties have been organized all over the world for more than four years. The goal of this session is to help anyone interested to organize one themselves.



Surface Mount Electronics Assembly for Terrified Beginners

Day 3 - Session 2

Surface mount electronics for terrified beginners. Learn to assemble tiny parts on circuit boards by building a working power supply. Anyone can do it. Yes, even you who never touched anything electronic before. 90mins, 20€/kit, avoid caffeine immediately before.


Hall A.1

Stage Manager Angel Introduction

Day3 Introduction Stagemanagers

Stage Managers are responsible for a specific lecture hall (Saal) and all the talks within a 4 hour time slot. In short, stage managers make sure the talks go as smoothly as possible, including technical issues and crowd management. During this Session we will introduce you to your dutys as a stage manager and teach you all that you need to know to make the Talks during 33c3 run as smoothly as possible.


Hall C.4

Dn42: Decentralised Network 42

Presentations and Discussion

dn42 is a big dynamic VPN, which employs Inter­net technologies (BGP, whois database, DNS, etc). Participants connect to each other using network tunnels (GRE, OpenVPN, Tinc, IPsec) and exchange routes thanks to the Border Gateway Protocol. dn42 can be used to learn networking and to connect private networks, such as hackerspaces or community networks. But above all, experimenting with routing in dn42 is fun! This session will start with an introduction to dn42, followed by some short presentations from participants about their projects with dn42 and will finish with free-form discussion about where to take the network in the future.


Hall 13-14

Congress Everywhere Greet & Meet

IceBreaker Day 3

How to provide some congress feeling to your people at home ? Congress Everywhere events in hackerspaces usually happen at evening as public viewing of congress talks. Such a livestream-only link provides very limited "congress feelings". In your local timezone, the events do start with a major break, where no talk happens and therefore no livestream is sent out Let's fill this break with meet and greet between your congress site and your hackerspace at home.



Day 3

A short introductory session for the cyberpunk role-playing game of Shadowrun.



FHB Cheese Rendezvous 33c3

Session I.

If you love cheese this event will make you very very happy!


Hall 13-14

Translation meetings

day 3, evening meeting

The translation angels (interpreters) meet twice per day to self-organise (day 0, evening to day 4, afternoon)


Hall B


Angel meeting day 3


Hall A.1

CTF Aftershow

A small get-together of all on-site CTF Teams which participated in the 33C3 CTF.


Hall C.2

Create a rocket and reach orbit

Want to build it and search for people to collaborate


Hall C.2

Freifunk und die VDS

Philip von Freifunk Rheinland gibt einen Ein- und Überblick über die aktuellen Entwicklungen zur VDS, den aktuellen Status der Klage sowie Infos zu unserem Antrag auf Aussetzung und den Konsequenzen für unseren Backbone (AS201701).


Assembly:Scottish Consulate

Dn42: Decentralised Network 42

Social and Hacking Gathering

dn42 is a big dynamic VPN, which employs Inter­net technologies (BGP, whois database, DNS, etc). Participants connect to each other using network tunnels (GRE, OpenVPN, Tinc, IPsec) and exchange routes thanks to the Border Gateway Protocol. dn42 can be used to learn networking and to connect private networks, such as hackerspaces or community networks. But above all, experimenting with routing in dn42 is fun! This session will start with an introduction to dn42, followed by some short presentations from participants about their projects with dn42 and will finish with free-form discussion about where to take the network in the future.


Assembly:Chaos West


[[User:Tuxinaut|Tuxinaut]] DJ set: Techno

Come over and meet us at our cozy music lounge in hall 4! Proudly presented by Chaos West, c-base & friends


Hall C.1

Social Engineering Poetry Slam

Orga room

Listen to social engineering attack stories from fellow hackers. Presented in a poetry slam style! Or present your social engineering experience or fictional story on how to deceive or manipulate people.


Hall C.4

Hackers without borders

Creating C3-like events all over the world!

During 31C3 we founded Hackers Without Borders e.V. for a reason, but then we lost the main reason. This is the first MV since then, and we'll figure out how and if we go on. Please join us with your ideas! The e.V. is about creating events (and HowTo create such events) in the C3 "free and open source way" all over the world. Examples are http://hillhacks.in/ and http://hackbeach.in/ and their "kids" anthillhacks (no website) and http://sciencehack.in/ Find a 7-min-intro on what this is about on: https://media.ccc.de/v/DS2016-7782-lightning_talks#video&t=3915


Hall F

Kurzfilm-Screening: "61-Tage" Deutschland auf der Flucht

Kurzfilm screening

Kurzfilm-Screening 61 Tage - Deutschland auf der Flucht - Was wäre, wenn WIR fliehen müssten!?


Hall C.3

Schleuder v3

Short workshop on the new version of Schleuder, the crypto mailinglist manager: what's new, what's different, how to set it up, etc. Also a possibility to shoot questions at or get help from the developers.


Hall 13-14

Are decentralized services unable to innovate?

On Signal, XMPP and the future of decentralized services.


Hall B

Social Engineering Poetry Slam

Slam room

Listen to social engineering attack stories from fellow hackers. Presented in a poetry slam style! Or present your social engineering experience or fictional story on how to deceive or manipulate people.


Hall F


Blocked for Film Screenings by Content Team


Hall F


Blocked for Film Screenings by Content Team


Hall F

Movie Night

Blocked for Film Screenings by Content Team




As always milliways is doing its nice whiskyleaks again.


Hall A.1


This is the sixth incarnation of the popular whisky evening. It's fairly simple: If you enjoy good whisky with nice people, or are planing to do so, join us. We'll have the virtual chimney fire going.


Hall 13-14

OpenPGP use cases beyond email

OpenPGP use cases beyond email encryption and authentication. * monkeysphere for ssh: checking sshd fingerprints automatically * monkeysphere for sshd: replacing ssh key-based authentication * schleuder2, schleuder3, webschleuder: encrypted mailing list software (incl. CLI and web GUI) * pass: flat-file based personal password manager * keyringer: flat-file based password manager for groups * mandos: LUKS passphrase server on local networks * Bring Your Own: if you know about other use cases of OpenPGP (apart from encrypting files), come and say... The workshop will start with a small intro on the tools, and we can go deeper into one or the other depending on the interest from the audience. Some developers of some tools mentioned above will be probably at the workshop, or available on IRC.


Assembly:Chaos West


PorCus DJ set: Techno

Come over and meet us at our cozy music lounge in hall 4! Proudly presented by Chaos West, c-base & friends


Hall A.1

Skillconvention c

all travelers of a certain skill will be invited to join their respective convention


Hall 13-14

Skillconvention c

all travelers of a certain skill will be invited to join their respective convention


Hall 13-14

Skillconvention c

all travelers of a certain skill will be invited to join their respective convention

Day 4 (2016-12-30)


Hall C.4

42birds: Learn Version Control with Git

If you'll ever attend a hackathon, hack day, hackfest or codefest sooner or later you'll have to deal with Git – a free version control system for coders / hackers.



Browsing JS on Embedded

JavaScript component of programming 'the Embedded Tessel Platform'

In this hour, we introduce and explore JavaScript and Rust programming on low power embedded computers. Turning our attention to telemetry (sensors), and telecommand (actuators), we create a minimal but realistic IoT system using building blocks on loan for the duration of the workshop.


Hall 13-14

Pixel Art Workshop

Let's paint *very* tiny pictures! I'll give you an introduction to the techniques and principles of pixel art, as well as useful hints, learning resources and software recommendations. After that, we'll paint a few 16x16 pixel-sized pictures together. If you use Twitter, you'll like this format, as well! :)




Day 4

Learn to Solder! A large variety of way cool kits are available, all designed for total beginners to complete successfully -- and intriguing enough for the total hardware geek.<br /> <br /> <span style="color:orange">'''''This ongoing workshop will be happening concurrently with lots of other way cool workshops at the Hardware Hacking Area!'''''</span>


Saal G


Relevant patterns, subset of patterns, patterns and anti patterns


Hall A.1

More than you ever wanted to know about date/time handling

An introduction to date/time handling in software and libraries. Every programmer who has had to deal with timezones or the likes knows the pain. This talk gives insight in how to handle these problems in your software properly, how to work around common problems and will show common gotchas.


Hall B


Internal Schiko-Meeting


Hall C.1

An UnCivilization Commune ReWilded Life Shared with Squirrels

Second meetup

Looking forward to meet new and old friends interested in UnCivilization! We are a group of people interested in intersection of technology & society, politics, activism, art, and critical of techno-optimism. We share a mailing list since 2012, called UnCivilization, inspired (but not otherwise connected to) Dark Mountain "Uncivilization Manifesto", as well as Ursula LeGuin, Derrick Jensen, Heather Marsh, John Zerzan, Naomi Klein, Daniel Quinn, Ursula Franklin, and other feminist, anarchist, anti-supremacist authors. Goal of this meetup is to catch-up, give each other hugs & support, and plan our activities for the next months & years (e.g. another LikaCamp?!)


Hall A.1

How to train - and reprogram - your quadcopter

This talk will be about how I hacked a nano quadcopter, and how (and why) you should too ! This is a small introduction to hardware reverse engineering and embedded programming, from a newby in the hacker world.


Hall B




Hall C.3

Teledildonics Meetup

There are quite a few teledildonic enthusiasts at congress this year. Let's get together and talk about our current projects, favourite projects and what we'd like to see happen as our field expands!


Hall C.4

Punished by the robot teacher? - Role of technology in education

How will your children be educated? Come and learn more about global education policy on IT and contribute with your own vision. In 2015 the global education market was estimated $4.9 (USD) trillion. Technology giants other private enterprises or philanthropists increasingly influence education policy in order to sell their products. I work for Education International, the global federation of education unions and do believe that it is essential to bring experts from IT and education together in order to promote a truly innovative use of technology in education - not driven by profit interests, but by a bigger vision of inclusive and just societies. In this participatory workshop I will provide a brief introduction to what is happening in the global policy sphere to then discuss your ideas and critique. Additionally, we are looking for concrete feedback from critical thinkers in the areas of privacy and copyrights. We are starting with a pilot phase to create a global not-for-profit online network that links already existing teacher networks on a global scale.


Assembly:Anarchist Village

Developing Carana

This little talk and big discussion is about ways to evaluate and assess the outcomes of teaching games.



Full schedule test session

just for testing, ignore me



Surface Mount Electronics Assembly for Terrified Beginners

Day 4 - Session 1

Surface mount electronics for terrified beginners. Learn to assemble tiny parts on circuit boards by building a working power supply. Anyone can do it. Yes, even you who never touched anything electronic before. 90mins, 20€/kit, avoid caffeine immediately before.


Hall C.1

How space travel is revolutionized with this one weird trick from chaos theory (Wondrous Mathematics)

"The easy part is getting to space. The hard part is staying there." Crash course on orbital mechanics and introduction to low-energy transfers.


Hall C.4

DNS und ICVPN - .freifunk

.freifunk - und andere Dienste im Freifunk ICVPN. DNS-Resolver auf Plaste-Routern


Assembly:3D Hackspace

3D printing for beginners

Never used a 3D printer? No idea how to use CAD? This workshops is for you. From ABS to Z-Axis, you'll learn basics of 3D printing.


Hall C.4


making and breaking of neuropil :-) we would like to set up an neuropil network together with the participants and try to identify vulnerabilities ...


Saal 6

VOC Engelmeeting

Daily meeting for all VOC Angels.


Assembly:Chaos West

12V SolarPower & Sound

kleiner Einblick in die 12V Solar Strom Versorgung und MPPT-Laderegler gebastel



Coffee Break

Calm down and have a chat with us



Surface Mount Electronics Assembly for Terrified Beginners

Day 4 - Session 2

Surface mount electronics for terrified beginners. Learn to assemble tiny parts on circuit boards by building a working power supply. Anyone can do it. Yes, even you who never touched anything electronic before. 90mins, 20€/kit, avoid caffeine immediately before.


Hall 13-14

Translation meetings

day 4, afternoon meeting

The translation angels (interpreters) meet twice per day to self-organise (day 0, evening to day 4, afternoon)


Hall C.1


The angel­meeting for the subtitles Angels. If you want to be approved as a subtitles Angel, please visit! If you are one already, this is the easiest way to meet and manage shifts etc. Welcome to the Subtitles angel­meeting!


Hall C.1


introduction and discussion

NOC for activist camps.


Hall 13-14

IT-solutions for humanitarian crisis problems

IT-solutions for humanitarian crisis problems

Syrien, ein Land welches innerhalb von 5 Jahren von einem hohen technischen Level zurück in die Steinzeit gebombt wurde. Weite Teile des Landes sind ohne Inter­net. Telefonnetze sind von unterschiedlicher Qualität und Verfügbarkeit. Viele Regionen des Landes sind auf Grund der Vorherrschaft unterschiedlichster Milizen nicht passierbar für Helfer*innen in der humanitären Arbeit. Nur ein Beispiel, wo es neue Lösungen braucht für humanitäre Notlagen. Wenn wir die Betroffenen nicht selbst erreichen können, wie können wir dann doch mit innovativen Methoden vor Ort Hilfe leisten? CADUS e.V. arbeitet seit über 2 Jahren in verschiedenen Krisenregionen. In dem Workshop dient CADUS als Fallgeberin für akute Problemstellungen in den Regionen vor Ort. In Arbeitsgruppen wollen wir Lösungsmöglichkeiten für (Teil-)Probleme erarbeiten, und deren Durchführbarkeit direkt mit Menschen diskutieren, die den Bogen von der Theorie zur Praxis schlagen können.


Hall 13-14

Hackbases 5 years

Hackbases are similar to hackerspaces but people also live in them.


Saal 1

33C3 Closing Ceremony