!!!Now in Lecture room M3!!! We'll do some Yoga to calm our minds and move them bodies. Bring along comfortable clothes – and a towel to lie on ;-)
- Birdy1976
!!!Now in Lecture room M3!!! We'll do some Yoga to calm our minds and move them bodies. Bring along comfortable clothes – and a towel to lie on ;-)
Come here if you want to help running the program on stage how to record how to use audio how to control lights
All creatures welcomes each.
Talks and come togethers related to the CRYPTO Currency Assembly
Kurz mal bisschen zusammen strecken und ein paar Übungen gegen die typischen Verspannungen, die man so beim Sitzen vor dem Laptop und in den Talks bekommt. Mit Übungen aus Yoga, Pilates und Rückenschule. Der Workshop kann auf Deutsch oder Englisch gehalten werden. Aim of the workshop is taking a small break from sitting in front of your laptop or in a talk and stretch together. I will show some exercises from yoga, pilates and exercises for a stronger back. The workshop can be held in English or German. In this workshop, I want to show you some exercises to stretch, relax and strengthen your back. We spend a lot of time sitting and it can be nice to know some exercises to release tension in your body when you have spent a long time in one position. If you have a mat or a blanket, it might be nice to bring it. There is no pre-knowledge required to attend the workshop.
Opening der Chaos-West Stage Opening der Chaos-West Stage
daily OIO habour clean up daily OIO habour clean up
Hier geht es los.
Luft, Wasser und Lebensmittel - entdecke einige interessante Eigenschaften der Stoffe aus deiner Umgebung.
Opening Streaming Opening Streaming
Live stream of the 35C3 Opening Ceremony
Workshop with input on letter writing to prisoners Ending up in prison sucks. Ending up in prison with no support can destroy you. Going through this experience with support is really important for those who are ending up in it. Writing letters is one of the few things we can do for prisoners to break isolation between us and them.
An dieser Präsentationsinsel wird das Konzept und verschiedene interaktive Ausstellungsstücke von Freifunk-IoT gezeigt.
Seenotrettungs-NGOs präsentieren ihre Arbeit, machen auf die Kriminalisierung von humanitärer Hilfe aufmerksam und freuen sich auf Gespräche und Austausch.
Lots of blinking stuff and Pixelflut. Selling Intergalaktische Reisepässe We will populate a Presentation isle with blinking decoration and sculptures. Additionally we will provide a 40 Gb/s Pixelflut server.
We're the Nextcloud community (nextcloud.com/yourdata/) and we're here to meet people and chat about self-hosting, decentralization, federation, and many more topics! We can also show you Nextcloud demos, help you to get involved in our community, and of course, tell you everything about our new Nextcloud Include diversity program!
GIG, the global network of social and technological innovators is bringing its members and their projects to the Congress for a showcase and interactive workshops - will follow -
Freifunk temporär für kleine, mittlere und große Veranstaltungen. Freifunk kabelungebunden autark betreiben. Die Präsentation von Freifunk Düren zeigt zwei Dinge, einmal, wie Freifunk für Veranstaltungen angeboten werden kann und wie eine Versorgung ohne Kabelanbindung mit Strom und Mobilfunk möglich ist. Freifunk Düren hat vier Jahre Erfahrungen dazu sammeln können, wie auf Events bis zu 300 Clients versorgt werden und wie praxisnah Sachen funktionieren oder nicht. Ursprünglich war das Equipment groß und schwer. Wir zeigen, wie die Installationen so klein werden können, dass das Kisten schleppen entfällt und der Stromverbrauch so niedrig wird, dass mit Solarzellen kleineren Ausmaßes oder Powerbank der Betrieb funktioniert. Vom handlichen Freifunk2go mit LTE Stick für 30 Clients, um Freifunk in öffentlichen Verkehrsmitteln oder im Park mobil zu realisieren, bis zu einem mobilen LTE Offloader für 300 Clients, werden wir unserer Geräte zeigen. Auch die Aussicht, irgendwann Freifunk auf der Annakirmes anbieten zu können, einem Event in Düren mit bis zu 50.000 Menschen, die gleichzeitig auf dem Kirmesplatz sind, können wir berichten, was dafür benötigt wird. Der Stadt Düren konnten schon erste Vorschläge gemacht werden, die Orientierung dazu ist das WLAN auf dem Congress.
The combination of the ongoing technological revolution, globalisation and what are usually called 'neo-liberal' economic policies has generated a global system of rentier capitalism in which property rights have supplanted free market principles and in which a new global class structure has taken shape. The 20th century income distribution system has broken down irretrievably, and a new mass class, the precariat has been growing dramatically fast in every part of the world. What are the deeper reasons for these developments? How does an ecologically sustainable strategy look like? Is it possible to restore a balanced market economy in which inequalities and insecurities will lessen and in which the drift to populist and even neo-fascist politics will be reversed? This talk will try to provide answers.
Since a few months we have a new version of TLS, the most important encryption protocol on the Internet. From the vulnerabilities that created the need of a new TLS version to the challenges of deploying it due to broken devices this talk will give an overview of the new TLS 1.3. In August the new version 1.3 of the Transport Layer Security (TLS) protocol was released. It‘s the result of a process that started over four years ago when it became increasingly clear that previous TLS versions suffered from some major weaknesses. In many ways TLS 1.3 is the biggest step ever done in the history of TLS and its predecessor SSL. While previous TLS versions always tried to retain compatibility and not change too many things, the new version radically removes problematic and insecure constructions like static RSA key exchanges, fragile CBC/HMAC constructions and broken hash functions like MD5 and SHA1. As a bonus TLS 1.3 comes with a reworked handshake that reduces the number of round-trips and thus provides not just more security, but also better performance. If that sounds too good to be true: An optional, even faster mode of TLS 1.3 – the zero round trip or 0RTT mode – makes some security researchers worried, because they fear it introduces new security risks due to replay attacks. Though the road to TLS 1.3 was complicated. The Internet is a buggy place and particularly Enterprise devices of all kinds – middleboxes, TLS-terminating servers and TLS-interception devices – slowed down the deployment and finalization of the new encryption protocol. Also some banks thought that TLS 1.3 is too secure for them. The talk will give an overview of the developments that led to TLS 1.3, the major changes it brings, the challenges it had to face and some practical advice for deployment.
Restricting access to knowledge and science is not beneficial for society. So why are scientific results still locked up behind paywalls? Even though the answer to this question is enlightening, the story is quickly told. Much more important is the knowledge on how to change this. Politics, research funders, libraries and scientists have to join forces and to push forward to flip scholarly communication from closed to open access. What has happened so far? What are the current developments? What can each of these parties contribute to the transformation of scholarly communication? Open access guidelines, repositories and the hashtag #ICanHazPDF are just a few examples of approaches that jointly undermine the paywalls. One that has been recognized even beyond the scientific community is Project DEAL which aims to achieve open access for scientific publications from German scientists with major academic publishers. Things are currently progressing very fast and a lot can happen in the weeks between now and the congress. The talk will start with a brief introduction to the most common way of scholarly communication, where science is still mainly locked up behind paywalls. In line with the most recent developments, the talk will then focus on different approaches to open up science and their political and practical consequences. Whatever happens, the transformation of scholarly communication is well underway and it will affect not only the scientific community but society as a whole. So let’s join forces!
When a electrical device needs to be a piece of art or used as a mechanical component, a printed circuit board is more than a piece of fiberglass with wires embedded in it. In chemical engineering applications internal holes which allow fluids to be transported through the PCB need to be placed in complex precise patterns. As art, holes can be used to create positive and negative space, allowing you to see a charlieplexed LED display as a snowflake. Creating complex shapes in PCB design software is difficult to impossible. However, it is easy in CAD software. In this talk I will present the project workflow I use to design and manufacture my PCBs. Additionally, I will discuss the problems I have run into during manufacturing and how these problems were resolved. <p>Making electrical-artistic and electrical-mechanical PCBs adds steps and complications to the usual PCB fabrication process. In this talk I will go over my project workflow and discuss how and why I do each step. I will also discuss problems I have run into during both the design and the manufacturing process.</p> <p>An overview of my workflow is as follows:<p> <ul> <li>Make a sketch of what the final PCB will look like and what it will do. <li>Make a schematic of the electronics (kicad). <li>Assign footprints to the electrical components (kicad). <li>Check the manufacturers webpage for the design criterion on internal cuts. <li>Create a CAD file of the PCB outline (no electrical connections) (fusion 360/solidworks etc). <li> (optional) Conduct multiphysics simulations of the PCB outline, to find an optimal design (comsol etc). <li>Make boxes to represent the footprints of the electrical components and place these where you want them to be on the final PCB (fusion 360/solidworks etc). <li>Think about how the boards will be panelized and insert mouse bites/tabs for V-cuts as needed (fusion 360/solidworks etc). <li>Export a 2D drawing of the PCB including the components. <li>Make a PCB file with all the components (kicad). <li>Import the 2D drawing of the PCB as the edge cuts in the PCB file (kicad). <li>Place electrical components in the correct location and delete the edge cuts which are just being used as markers (kicad). <li>Use a routing software to connect components or connect these manually. <li>(optional) Panelize the boards by making a new PCB file and importing the single PCB. <li>Export the gerber files. <li>Check that the outlines are correct in the gerber files and clean up machining code if necessary. <li>Upload files to manufacturers webpage and include an image of which places should be milled out. </ul> <p>Common problems have included:</p> <ul> <li>V-cuts on non-rectangular PCBs. <li>Keepout zones on internal edge-cuts. <li>Gerber file generation errors caused by internal edge cuts and pannelization. <li>Some manufacturers do not do internal edge cuts. <li>Boards are mechanically weakened by internal cuts. </ul>
Neutrinos are “ghost-like” elementary particles that can literally go through walls. They can bring information from places that are impossible to observe through other means. This talk provides a glimpse behind the scenes of a next-generation neutrino detector called Hyper-Kamiokande – a cylindrical water tank the size of a high-rise building. I will describe some of the problems you encounter when planning a subterranean detector of this size, and explain how this detector helps us figure out why the sun shines and how giant stars explode. Neutrinos are tiny elementary particles that do not interact through the electromagnetic force. Almost like ghosts, they can literally go through walls and escape places that are inaccessible by other means, giving us a unique way of observing the interior of stars or nuclear reactors. Hyper-Kamiokande – a cylindrical water tank that is 62 m high and 76 m in diameter – is a next-generation neutrino detector, which will be built inside a mountain 250 km northwest of Tokyo starting in 2020. The talk will give an overview on the process of designing and building a subterranean detector of this size, starting from preparations for cavern construction and ending with the design of photodetectors, electronics and data analysis. In addition, the talk will cover selected areas of the physics programme of this detector. It will be explained how detecting neutrinos from our sun lets us figure out why the sun shines and how we can measure the temperature at its core to a precision of about 1%. Finally, I will explain how such a neutrino detector can help us watch, millisecond by millisecond, how giant stars explode in a supernova, creating many of the chemical elements that are necessary for life and computers to exist.
Exploiting stack based buffer overflows using ROP on ARM
Angel introduction meeting for Subtitles Angels. All Subtitles Angels are required to attend at least once.
2018 started really well for the internet regarding computer security. Let's take care of it and bring it to a good end. A small travel from broken metal chunks to "undocumented user accounts" and other security holes. There will be a recap of security problems from well known and also lesser known products presented. IT resp. computer security is an interesting area. Not only for criminals but also for scientists, programmers and users. We all should know that 100% security does not exist. Therefore I would like to underpin this statement with this lecture. 2018 was a blast in case of security disasters. B0rken processors, authentification bypasses all around, behind every corner a Remote Code Execution waiting for you and sometimes even some 0days jumps out of nowhere. I want to review together with the audience the best security disasters from 2018. Maybe we can reveal some trends that are happening in the disaster industry. Besides having an entertaining lecture I want also reflect on consequences of such security failures and what we can hopefully learn about it. If the demo gods are not on holiday, I will present a live demo. You will probably see your software and hardware differently after this lecture.
The official start of our orbit. With a keynote and a short introduction of all involved communities.
Build your own yubikey-like personal USB-authentication-stick.
Die AfD-Bundestagsfraktion wird in der Öffentlichkeit vor allem mit ihren rassistischen Positionen wahrgenommen – mit ihren netzpolitischen Aktivitäten bleibt sie zumeist unter dem Radar. Dieser Talk zeigt, wie die AfD-Fraktion die Netzpolitik dennoch als vermeintlich neutrales Thema nutzt, um für ihre rechtsextreme Partei eine parlamentarische und gesellschaftliche Normalisierung herzustellen. Als Mitarbeiterin einer Bundestagsabgeordneten von den Grünen verfolge ich täglich das Verhalten der AfD in netzpolitischen Debatten im Bundestag: Im Plenarsaal, im Ausschuss Digitale Agenda, in der Enquête-Kommission Künstliche Intelligenz und bei Veranstaltungen und Diskussionen mit außerparlamentarischen Organisationen. Dabei ist mir aufgefallen, dass die netzpolitischen AfD-Abgeordneten in ihrem Verhalten eher einem kooperationsorientierten statt einem krawallorientierten Parlamentariertyp innerhalb ihrer Fraktion zuzuordnen sind. Die inhaltliche Positionierung der AfD wiederum folgt bei verschiedenen netzpolitischen Debatten zumeist einer von drei verschiedenen Strategien: Konsensorientiert, anti-europäisch oder Opfermythos-betonend. Diese Beobachtungen werden mit einer Reihe von Beispielen illustriert. Bei den netzpolitischen Diskussionen im Bundestag finden die zentralen Auseinandersetzungen zwischen der Großen Koalition und den demokratischen Oppositionsparteien statt. Was die AfD-Fraktion dazu sagt, wird häufig kaum wahrgenommen. Dieser Talk zeigt, wie die AfD-Fraktion die Netzpolitik dennoch als vermeintlich neutrales Thema nutzt, um für ihre rechtsextreme Partei eine parlamentarische und gesellschaftliche Normalisierung herzustellen. Er belegt dies anhand zahlreicher Beispiele aus dem parlamentarischen Alltag und zeigt auf, wo diese Strategie bereits aufgeht und wo nicht. Deswegen soll es auch darum gehen, wie zivilgesellschaftliche Organisationen und Akteure damit umgehen können, wenn AfD-Abgeordnete in der netzpolitischen Szene auftauchen und vermeintlich sinnvolle netzpolitische Positionen vertreten.
Let's build up an activisti calendar of actions taking place in 2019 where we already know, support is needed. For the upcoming fights. Share your knowledge, bring your needs, offer your network and ressources. We fight together. We are one.
Recent attacks against elections in the U.S. and Europe demonstrate that nation-state attackers are becoming more aggressive, even as campaigning and voting are becoming increasingly reliant on computers. How much has changed since 2016, when the U.S. experienced unprecedented attacks on its election infrastructure? What has to happen to ensure that the 2020 presidential election is secure? In this talk, I'll give a progress report on election security in the U.S. and around the world, informed by results from my own research and my work with legislators and election officials over the past two years. I'll also hold a mock election with a current U.S. voting machine to demonstrate how cyberattacks on election infrastructure could potentially change the results of national elections. Finally, I'll explain what everyone can do to get involved and help safeguard the foundations of democracy. Strengthening election cybersecurity is essential for safeguarding democracy. For over 15 years, I and other computer scientists have been warning about the vulnerable state of election security, but attacks against recent elections in the U.S. and Europe demonstrate that sophisticated attackers are becoming more aggressive, even as campaigning and voting become increasingly reliant on computers. Since 2016, I’ve been working with election officials and members of congress to strengthen election cybersecurity. In this talk, I’ll give a progress report about what’s happened since then and what still needs to happen to secure future elections. While many U.S. states have made progress at securing some aspects of their election infrastructure, and Congress provided $380M in new funding to the strengthen elections, significant vulnerabilities remain that put the integrity of future elections at risk. To demonstrate the ongoing threat, I’ll hold a mock election on stage with a real U.S. voting machine still used in 18 states, and show how remote attacks could potentially affect the outcome of a close national contest. Finally, I’ll explain how defenses developed by researchers over the past decade could provide practical and cost-effective safeguards. Unfortunately, they have yet to be widely deployed due to a lack of resources and political leadership. I’ll describe legislative efforts in the U.S. and other countries that could, if successful, go a long way to making elections secure. I’ll also explain what technologists and other concerned humans can do to help secure elections at all levels.
The Chinese Social Credit System (SCS) has been discussed a lot in Western media. However, we do not know currently how the system that is supposed to take nationwide effect by 2020 will look like, as there are more than 70 pilot projects currently undertaken. These pilots rank from commercial royalty and rewards programs (Sesame Credit) to an Orwellian system, where each action has a predetermined associated score (Rongcheng). In-between, there’s nebulous algorithmic systems that basically act as a Black Box (Honesty Shanghai). This talk, therefore, looks at some of these pilots and their implementation details, and through an agent-based modeling framework, discusses the likely effects of different implementations. In doing so, it shows that most of the systems currently being tested are prone to manipulation by leaders from all levels of government, and that the ostensible goal of allocating scarce resources more efficiently is unlikely to be served by the new system(s). The author, Antonia Hmaidi, is a PhD candidate in East Asian Economics with a focus on China. She presented a talk on the impact of internet censorship at the 33C3. This talk’s goal is to provide those interested with a technically-grounded understanding of “the” Chinese social credit system and its possible impact on Chinese society and economy. In doing so, it seeks to provide a more nuanced picture than is usually presented in either Chinese or Western media. Working on data science and machine learning in her free time allows the author to better understand the algorithms comprising “the” social credit system.
While a lot of projects are currently developing their own processors, mostly as open source in Verilog, VHDL or even Chisel, we miss the free process that actually manufactures these chips. So we're developing the "Libre Silicon" project, a portable semiconductor manufacturing process and technology, using only free and open source tools: We would like to introduce the project, who we are, what we are doing and where we are now. The manufacturing is proprietary and has vendor lock-ins with triple NDAs – one for the <b>process development kit</b> (PDK), the technology itself; – one for the Standard Cell Library you can use to synthesize your RTL; – and even another one for the details of all purchase commitments. Our purpose is a free and open, community based silicon manufacturing process (<a href="https://github.com/libresilicon/process">GitHub link</a>) without any NDAs, a Standard Cell Library (<a href="https://github.com/chipforge/StdCellLib">GitHub link</a>) not only for that process as well as a suitable, refurbished, new-written open source tool chain QtFlow (<a href="https://github.com/leviathanch/qtflow">GitHub link</a>). During the last couple of months we already developed the first free 1µm process and are now close to manufacturing a first test wafer (<a href="https://github.com/libresilicon/PearlRiver">GitHub link</a>). Even though 1µm does not sounds very ambitious, this process node is still quite well documented in text books, robust and 5 Volt-tolerant. Once we get a hang on this, the machinery park in the clean room allows us to shrink down to 500nm and less.
Welcome to ChaosZone at 35C3. Lets have a nice kickoff together. Learn and discuss about everything regarding ChaosZone at 35C3 and beyond.
Even in healthcare, the analogous age is almost over (even though some of us still have to carry DVDs with X-ray images from one doc to the next). But where will our health data be stored and processed in the future? On Apple's and Amazon's servers? Or is it possible to have independent and privacy-friendly projects in Europe? Do we need the government to take action or will grassroot solutions be successful? Let's meet + share views and experiences.
We are well into 21st century and the all-digital promise land is just around the corner. What will happen to those of us who choose to retain our privacy by not joining the digital revolution? And most importantly how do we shape the revolution in a way that we can both reap the benefits brought to us by new technologies, while still keeping our private lives undisturbed? This talk is both scary and hilarious. It's about author's personal privacy choices that they made in the past and how those affected their life financially, socially and otherwise. Author also covers some more extreme choices they opted not to make and discusses what generally motivates one to care about their privacy. You'll learn about the dawn of loyalty cards, biometric passports, banking services, CCTV and more... We'll try to find out how to work for a better future and what can we all do to make life with privacy more bearable.
Discover Wikidata, the free knowledge base from Wikimedia, and learn how to work with it.
It is, what is it?
Calliope Workshops für Kinder und Jugendliche
Vim is one of the two editors for adults. A distinguishing feature is that it has a perverse user-unfriendly charm. Learn how to use Vim in this workshop.
UEFI rootkits have been researched and discussed heavily in the past few years, but sparse evidence has been presented of real campaigns actively trying to compromise systems at this level. Our talk will reveal such a campaign successfully executed by the Sednit group. We will detail the full infection chain showing how Sednit was able to install their custom UEFI module on key targets' computers. Additionally, we will provide an in-depth analysis of their UEFI module and the associated trojanized LoJack agent. UEFI rootkits have been researched and discussed heavily in the past few years, but sparse evidence has been presented of real campaigns actively trying to compromise systems at this level. Our talk will reveal such a campaign successfully executed by the Sednit group. This APT group, also known as Fancy Bear, Sofacy and APT28, has been linked to numerous high profile cyberattacks such as the 2016 Democratic National Committee email leak scandal. Earlier this year, there was a public report stating that the infamous Sednit/Sofacy/APT28 APT group successfully trojanized a userland LoJack agent and used it against their targets. LoJack, an embedded anti-theft application, was scrutinized by security researchers in the past because of its unusual persistence method: a module preinstalled in many computers' UEFI/BIOS software. Over the years, several security risks have been found in this product, but no significant in-the-wild activity was ever reported until the discovery of the Sednit group leveraging some of the vulnerabilities affecting the userland agent. However, through our research, we now know that Sednit did not stop there: they also tried to, and succeeded, in installing a custom UEFI module directly into a system's SPI flash memory. In this talk, we will detail the full infection chain showing how Sednit was able to install their custom UEFI module on key targets' computers. Additionally, we will provide an in-depth analysis of their UEFI module and the associated trojanized LoJack agent.
Die EU-Grenzagentur Frontex nimmt eine Reihe neuer Überwachungsmethoden im Mittelmeer in Betrieb. Die Fähigkeiten zur Beobachtung des sogenannten Grenzvorbereichs gehören zum Grenzüberwachungssystem EUROSUR, das die Europäische Union vor fünf Jahren gestartet hat. EUROSUR vernetzt die Zentrale von Frontex in Warschau mit den Grenzbehörden der 28 Mitgliedstaaten. Über deren nationale Koordinierungszentren wird Frontex über alle wichtigen Vorkommnisse an den Außengrenzen der Europäischen Union unterrichtet. Kern des EUROSUR-Systems ist die Satellitenaufklärung, über die Frontex auch selbst an den Grenzen beobachten kann. Die Bilder stammen von kommerziellen Satellitendiensten sowie von optischen und radarbasierten Satelliten des EU-Erdbeobachtungsprogramms „Copernicus“. Sie werden vom Satellitenzentrum der Europäischen Union (SatCen) erhoben, aufbereitet und an Frontex übermittelt. Zu den Bildlieferanten gehört der Rüstungskonzern Airbus, der Bilder seiner Radarsatelliten „TerraSar-X“ und „TanDEM-X“ mit einer Auflösung von 24 cm verkauft. Für die schnelle Kommunikation mit den Satelliten nutzt „Copernicus“ als erster Kunde die „Weltraumdatenautobahn“ des Airbus-Konzerns. Die Nutzung der Daten für die einzelnen AnwenderInnen wurde erst kürzlich mithilfe einer App vereinfacht, die ein Mitarbeiter der Abteilung „Informationshoheit“ als eine Art Instagram für Sicherheitsanwendungen beschreibt. Nun werden auch die technischen Fähigkeiten von „Copernicus“ ausgebaut. Das System soll „Unregelmäßigkeiten im Schiffsverhalten“ erkennen und melden. Dabei werden Informationen zum Standort, der Schiffsbezeichnung und zum abweichenden Verhalten übermittelt. Als verdächtig kann etwa gelten, wenn ein Schiff keine gewöhnlichen Routen fährt oder die Geschwindigkeit verlangsamt. Frontex hat im vergangenen Jahr einen „Mehrzweck-Flugdienst“ gestartet. Von Flugzeugen über dem Mittelmeer aufgenommene Videos werden in Echtzeit in ein Lagezentrum der EUROSUR-Zentrale nach Warschau gestreamt. Seit diesem Jahr erhält Frontex außerdem Bilder von Aufklärungsdrohnen, die von der Agentur für die Sicherheit des Seeverkehrs geflogen werden. Zunächst handelt es sich dabei um ein Pilotprojekt für zwei verschieden große Drohnen der MALE-Klasse. Demnächst will Frontex außerdem Fesselballons zur „Grenzraumüberwachung aus der Luft“ testen.
F-Droid Community Meetup
Introduction Meeting for Auti Support Angel and Auti Angel
Trickfilm-Workshop: Mach deinen eigenen Trickfilm! Du kannst dafür eigene Zeichnungen, Scherenschnitte und Bildhintergründe erstellen und am Computer animieren. Die Filme könnt ihr später auf Trixmix.tv sehen und herunterladen. Auf Trixmix.tv kann jeder eigene Trickfilme online erstellen. Alle Zeichungen aus dem kollektiv erstellten Bildwörterbuch können dafür verwenden.
Die eigene Stimme ist sehr wichtig dafür wie eine Person von anderen am Telefon und im Alltag wahrgenommen wird. Das ist meist besonders für trans Personen wichtig die einen ungewollten Stimmbruch hinter sich haben. Der Vortrag orientiert sich daher an meinen eigenen Erfahrungen und versucht Grundlagen der Stimmbildung, der Stimmwahrnehmung und Ansätze zum Üben zu vermitteln. Der Inhalt des Vortrags orientiert sich besonders dran, eine femininer gelesene Stimme zu bekommen. Die eigene Stimme ist sehr wichtig dafür wie eine Person von anderen am Telefon und im Alltag wahrgenommen wird. Das ist meist besonders für trans Personen wichtig die einen ungewollten Stimmbruch hinter sich haben. Der Vortrag orientiert sich daher an meinen eigenen Erfahrungen aus den letzten anderthalb Jahren und versucht Grundlagen der Stimmbildung, der Stimmwahrnehmung und Ansätze zum Üben zu vermitteln. Der Inhalt des Vortrags orientiert sich besonders dran, eine femininer gelesene Stimme zu bekommen.
Eine kurze Einführung in den Junghackertag am Eigenbaukombiant in Halle. Was machen wir dort? Was haben wir gemacht? Seit circa 2 Jahren treffen wir uns an jedem¹ 4. Samstag im Monat, um Kindern und Jugendlichen den Spaß am Umgang mit Elektronik, Bits und Bytes und Aspekte darum herum nahe zu bringen. In meiner kurzen Einführung möchte ich davon berichten, was gut läuft, wo wir Probleme sehen und wieso die Arbeit mit dem Nachwuchs nicht nur wichtig ist, sondern auch noch Spaß macht. ¹ Ausnahmen, wenn wir uns nicht treffen.
Bei diesem Talk stellen wir das Freifunk-IoT Projekt sowie seine Module vor, und zeigen generelle Möglichkeiten auf, das Freifunk-Netz nicht nur als Transitnetz zu verwenden, sondern auch smarte Sensoren einzubinden. Freifunk-IoT ist ein Projekt, welches ein Framework zum Einbinden von offenen Sensoren in Freifunk-Netze entwickelt und anbietet. Es gibt Ressourcen zu Hardware-Modulen wie Anleitungen und Platinenlayouts, und fertige Software für die Sensoren. Zusätzlich dazu stellt Freifunk-IoT ein serverseitiges Framework bereit, welches die Daten aggregiert, auswertet, visualisiert und wieder bereitstellt. In diesem Talk wird der aktuelle Stand des Projektes vorgestellt, sowie im Anschluss eine Diskussion zur Weiterentwicklung angeregt.
Modify the Fairy Dust! After standing in the cold rain and snow for too long, the Fairy Dust will find its place this time in the middle of the crowd at hall 5. A video installation will take place on the surface. This is a call for people, who can handle c4d files and have the bravery to put their vision on the symbol of the congress. The file attached to this event contains all information about the object, as well the position and lenses of the 4 projectors. Fell free to develop whatever you like. Keep in mind that the surface is very glossy and actually eats the light away. Rendered video best with HAP or MP4. In the hours between 2 pm and 5 pm on the days of the congress, there will be access to the video system, if you come around and have a device with HDMI out. Enjoy! Powered by PENTAKLON und Rico Rose Contact: privatlehrer[at]gmail[:]com
Mike Lait baut schon seit Jahren Deko auf dem Congress. Das kann er gut. Auch wirklich gut kann er Musik auflegen, die sich wie eine warme Kuscheldecke anfühlt. Mike Lait has been building deco at the congress for years. He's good at that. He is also good at put on music that feels like a warm blanket.
otto/paul appeared at the event horizon of Sagittarius A* where he began his journey to planet earth. While travelling through space & time he happened to meet ancient astronauts, superintelligences and multi-dimensional entities and collected their most different types of music. Currently on earth, otto/paul blends breakbeats, pop, electronic, ambient, tribal and slow rhythim from allover the galaxy to satisfy and enlighten the ears of mankind.
siehe Beschreibung Anarchist Theory I – In a field of tensions against hegemony! - an anarchist perspective on theories of hegemony (Input und Diskussion) Wie erzeugt Herrschaft Zustimmung, freiwillige Unterwerfung und vermittelt einen Konsens, der sie stützt? Wie werden Herrschaftsverhältnisse auf verschiedenen Ebenen abgesichert und verschleiert? Hegemonietheorien bilden einen wichtigen Teil in linkem strategischen Denken. Worum geht es bei ihnen, was können wir damit anfangen und wie lassen sie sich anarchistisch interpretieren?
[Artificial Impact](https://artificialimpact.net/ "artificialimpact.net")is an educational board game about deep learning and the possible impact to society of the use of AI by institutions. Join us for an introductory talk and Q&A, after which there is time to play the game.
we will run during the congress a research office where we are collecting and analyzing public and personal data on the social and economic situation of club culture
Soldering SumoRobots for every age and skill level. No previous experience required!<br><br>SOLD OUT!<br><br>Dec 27, 14.00 - 15.30<br>Dec 28, 14.00 - 15.30<br>Dec 29, 14.00 - 15.30<br>Dec 30, 14.00 - 15.30
postapokalyptisches schrottbasteln aus überresten der menschlichen zivilisation. making postapocalyptic art things from from (electronic) scrap and other leftovers from human civilisation. upcycling workshop
We rely on mainstream computer engineering every day, but it's insanely complex, poorly understood, unreliable, and, as CCC reminds us every year, chronically insecure. This talk will explain some ways that we can do better: taming parts of this this chaos with precise understanding - illustrated with disturbing facts and clean models for current architectures and the C language, from the <a href="https://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/~pes20/rems/">REMS</a> project, and principled but pragmatic new alternatives, that build in more hardware and software security protection,as developed in the <a href="https://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/research/security/ctsrd/cheri/">CHERI</a> project. Computing has been massively successful, and we routinely trust computer systems with our personal, financial, medical, commercial, and governmental information. But at the same time, these systems are pervasively prone to security flaws and subject to malicious attacks. We have to trust them, but they are not *trustworthy*. There are two root causes. First, the pan-industry computing infrastructure, of processors, programming languages, and operating systems, is based on designs from a more forgiving time, with simpler systems and little incentive to design-in strong security protection. Second, the conventional engineering techniques we use (prose specifications, manually written tests, and test-and-debug development) are good enough to make systems work in common cases, but cannot exclude all errors - and a single coding error can lead to a devastating exploit. Are we doomed? Perhaps not. This talk will highlight the sorry state of the art and then draw on cutting-edge research, from the University of Cambridge, SRI International, ARM, and other partners, to show some ways we can do better. First, we'll show how it's become possible to build and use rigorous models for key existing interfaces to improve engineering: for the ARMv8-A and RISC-V architectures, and the C language, in the <a href="https://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/~pes20/rems/">REMS</a> project. Then we'll describe a principled but pragmatic path to build in more hardware and software security protection to future systems, as developed in the <a href="https://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/research/security/ctsrd/cheri/">CHERI</a> project. These are joint work by many people over the last 10 years.
Six years ago the idea behind CensoredPlanet started, that is now launched at censoredplanet.org. We had a simple (yet essential) guiding principle: measurements that may be politically sensitive should be done without volunteer participation. In this talk, besides a detailed scientific overview of the techniques and the current state of CensoredPlanet, I plan to talk about my experience in developing the project from the ground up. Despite the pervasive nature of Internet censorship and the continuous evolution of how and where censorship is applied, measurements of censorship remain comparatively sparse. Current censorship projects, including OONI, depend on participants within countries to help them collect measurements. While these projects are valuable, we have empirically seen that there are issues relating to continuity in terms of measurement, coverage of the geographical area, and ethical dilemmas when user participation is a requirement. Censored Planet use tens of thousands of *remote infrastructural and organizational vantage points* from over 170 countries to conduct it’s measurements, thereby removing the need for user participation. This allows us to regularly measure Internet disruptions over a longer period of time in significantly more countries in a safer way. The research we conduct at Censored Planet provides unique insights and data points on Internet disruptions. This information is extremely valuable to researchers in diverse fields from political science to computer science as well as to activists and journalists living and operating in countries where Internet disruptions are prevalent. By making our data easily accessible to the public, we aim to encourage future research in the field. Link to our data: https://censoredplanet.org/data/raw.
Meet SiliVaccine – North Korea's national Anti-Virus solution. SiliVaccine is deployed widely and exclusively in the DPRK, and has been continuously in development by dedicated government teams for over fifteen years. When we heard of this strange software, we were immediately driven to investigate it: it's not every day that you can catch a glimpse of the malware landscape inside the closed garden of the DPRK's intranet. In this talk, we will describe how we were able to obtain a rare copy of SiliVaccine; how we reverse-engineered it, despite the hair-tearing obstacles; and what surprising discoveries we made about its program architecture – all the way down to the file scanning engine, the system level drivers, the user mode utilities, and the most bizarre and puzzling implementation details. As it turns out, there is plenty going on behind the scenes of this product, away from the public eye. How was SiliVaccine created? Who created it? What was the game plan? We will try to shed light on these questions, and on the sheer effort that must have gone into developing this product. If there is anything we learned from this research, it's that DPRK state-sponsored software is a secretive industry underlied by incredibly shady practices, and that if Kim Jong-Un sends you a free trial of his latest security solution, the correct answer is "thank you but no thank you". Disclaimer: No significant knowledge in reverse engineering is required to understand the talk. We break down our thought process and methodology to its very basics, so that this talk can relate to both technical and non-technical audiences. Another Disclaimer: We guarantee an entertaining talk. :)
Der Datenschutz ist als erst relativ frisch erkämpftes Abwehrrecht von Bürgern gegen Firmen und Staat ein wichtiges, aber häufig missverstandenes Rechtsgebiet. Zuletzt ist es durch die Grundverordnung auf europäischer Ebene in den Blick der Netzöffentlichkeit geraten. Dieser Vortrag soll einen niedrigschwelligen Einstieg in den Datenschutz geben und aus Perspektive einer Datenschützerin mit zehnjähriger Erfahrung im Gebiet die aufregenden Aspekte und Herausforderungen aufzeigen, dem Bürgerrecht Leben einzuhauchen. Ziele des Vortrags (wird noch zum Volltext ausgearbeitet) * Eingrenzen des Rechtsgebiets * Beleuchten der Geschichte, Kontrast zu anderen "Geheimnis-Schutz"-Rechten * positive Auswirkungen auf den Bürger seit Kodifizierung durch BVerfG und Hessischem Datenschutzgesetz (angebliche) negative Auswirkungen auf Sicherheit, Strafverfolgung und Wirtschaftlichkeit * jüngste Neuerungen seit DSGVO * tatsächliche Auswirkungen der DSGVO auf bestehende Infrastruktur ("Blogsterben", "war vorher schon illegal") * Mythos Datenschutzerklärung * Wie sieht unsere Lieblings-Datenschutzerklärung aus? * Ausblicke auf weitere Initiativen
Als Organisation für Menschenrechtsbeobachtungen geben wir Euch einen Überblick der aktuellen Entwicklungen an der EU-Außengrenze auf dem Mittelmeer. Mare Liberum betreibt ein Schiff auf dem Mittelmeer, um Menschenrechtsverletzungen zu dokumentieren. Dabei arbeiten wir zur Zeit in der Ägäis, der Seegrenze zwischen der Türkei und Griechenland. Hier flüchten noch immer tausende Menschen auf der Suche nach Schutz und Würde. Seit den Vorträgen von Sea-Watch und der Iuventa-Crew ist viel Zeit vergangen. Die zivilen Seenotrettungsorganisationen fahren nicht mehr raus – sind alle gerettet? Wie hat sich die Situation für die Flüchtenden und Helfer verändert? Wie werden Euch einen Überblick der aktuellen Entwicklungen an der EU-Außengrenze auf dem Mittelmeer geben. Warum schaffen es die europäischen Staaten nach fünf Jahren Katastrophe im Mittelmeer nicht, das Sterben zu beenden? Was ist eigentlich deren Agenda? Warum wollen alle ständig eine neue Flagge? Wie gut funktionert eigentlich der EU-Türkei-Deal? Welche staatlichen Akteure gibt es auf dem Wasser und was machen sie? Warum ist die Rolle der Menschenrechtsbeobachter, selbst in Europa, so wichtig?
A nice & cozy relationship anarchy (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Relationship_anarchy) gathering.
The Workshop provides the official place to give feedback on the newly established arbitration board for handling conflicts at the Xc3
Sing- und Tanzspiele für Kinder von "kann selber laufen" bis 4 Jahre
Explore the Data-Pump and build new Wikidata requests to visualise Free Knowledge and connected data.
Additional space to address questions about Wikidata and the query service, if wanted.
Free Trains, Tram, and Busses, open for everyone, are a fascinating idea. If public transport was 100% financed by the public, ticket controllers could finally lose their jobs. But until then, we have to fear the controllers. If we only knew, when and where they are controlling tickets, we could save a lot of money. With Ticketfrei bots, a whole city can warn each other, when controls are happening. Sousveil the surveillers, and fight for your infrastructure. This workshop is about the political goals, how you can contribute to Ticketfrei, how you can get Ticketfrei to your city, and about Sousveillance as a form of political activism. Because infrastructure is political and we should fight for it. speakers: b3yond & ph4nt
We want to meet and connect with sign language using humans. Wir wollen uns mit anderen Gebärdensprachlern treffen und vernetzen.
Surface mount electronics for terrified beginners. Learn to assemble tiny parts on circuit boards by building a working power supply. Anyone can do it. Yes, even you who never touched anything electronic before. 90-100mins, 20€/kit, avoid caffeine immediately before. Max 21 participants per session, there is a PAPER!!1! signup list in the hardware hacking area.
pen&paper mini "Game Jam“
The Translation teams meets twice a day during the breaks to distribute shifts and self-organise.
The Translation teams for the second channel meets twice a day during the breaks to distribute shifts and self-organise.
We'll talk about fiction and non-fiction books.
Angel Meeting
Gemeinsames Chorsingen. Singing in a choir. All creatures welcome.
Using a simple non-technique, we will memorize digits of pi. It's fun. No prerequisites needed. In English and German. Bring your kids! (all sessions are independent from each other)
“People worry that computers will get too smart and take over the world, but the real problem is that they're too stupid and they've already taken over the world.”
Angel introduction meeting for Subtitles Angels. All Subtitles Angels are required to attend at least once.
Privacy is the space in which ideas are developed, to retreat into whenever you want. This space is not only physical but digital as well. Governments and companies don't want to respect that so we become active ourselves. The goal of this hands-on session is to pass on knowledge about protecting yourself in the digital space. This can include encrypted communication, preventing being tracked while browsing the web and general security advice for computers and smartphones.
Tinkerbots ist was du daraus machst – Nimm das Powerbrain in die Hand und baue deinen eigenen Roboter. Mit verschiedenen Modulen, die sich einfach zusammenstecken lassen und Daten und Energie automatisch übertragen, sind deinen vielen kreativen Möglichkeiten keine Grenzen gesetzt.
GNUnet is a new network protocol stack for building secure, distributed, and privacy-preserving applications. You will learn which problems GNUnet can help to solve. This talk is a introductory talk to motivate you joining the workshops of the GNUnet assembly. GNUnet is a metadata-preserving foundation for your application, covering areas from addressing, to reliable bidirectional Axolotl-encrypted channels, with advanced routing. You will hear about * GNS, "a censorship-resistant, privacy-preserving and decentralized name system designed to provide a secure alternative to DNS, especially when censorship or manipulation is encountered." * CADET, "a new algorithm for establishing robust end-to-end transport-layer connections in completely self-organized networks with-out a central authority." * secushare, an application for distributed, privacy preserving, "real" social networking.
After a short dive into the current state of instant messaging, we'll see how to take back our communications with aenigma, a fully standard-compliant and secure out-of-the-box xmpp server automation project. Follow us here: https://github.com/openspace42/aenigma Contact me here: nz [at] os [dot] vu [mail | xmpp | matrix/riot.im]
Wir haben im letzten Jahr die Hard und Software des Phone Operation Center fast vollständig ersetzt. Der größte Schritt aus Benutzersicht war, die langen DECT Registrierungsschlangen gegen eine Selbst- oder Auto-Registrierungsfunktion zu tauschen. In einem Vortrag möchten wir zeigen was wir gemacht haben, warum wir agil arbeiten, wie eigentlich ein Minimum Viable Product (MVP) geht, welche Fehler wir gemacht haben und im Nachgang eure Fragen beantworten.
Diskussionsrunde: Ein Teil der Freifunk-Krise seit 2016 in vielen Communities ist die Admin-Fluktuation. Was sind wirksame Modelle dagegen? "Wenn Freifunk performed, dann hört man nichts. Und wenn es nicht läuft, dann gibt es Schimpfe" ist ein oft gehörtes Klagelied. Darüber hinaus: Solange es gut läuft werden von den "Routerverteilenden" immer mehr Geräte herausgestellt... bis es nimmer läuft. Und dann sind wieder die Admins schuld. Umgekehrt haben sich viele Admins über die Jahre ihre Standards so weit entwickelt, dass es für Dazukommende schwierig ist aufzuschließen, auch weil Dokumentation häufig allenfalls rudimentär und/oder veraltet ist. Welche erfolgreichen Konzepte gibt es und was gilt es besser zu vermeiden?
Einführung in die vorhandene Soft- und Hardware am Sendetisch für alle Helfer:innen Wir gehen gemeinsam die Technik durch, die am Sendetisch für die Aufzeichnung benutzt wird, durch, damit alle Helfer:innen damit umgehen können. Wer an dem Termin nicht kann, trotzdem helfen möchte, kann auch bei Bedarf individuell eingewiesen werden. Aber es wäre natürlich schön, wenn wir das Wissen um die Technik auf möglichst viele Köpfe transferieren könnten.
Love Yodel - Hate Fascism "Jodeln klingt für Viele nach Heimatkitsch & Konservatismus - Nicht mit uns! Als Jodel-Delegation des 1. anarchistischen Traditions- und Folklorevereins jodeln wir gegen die Beschissenheit des Systems und für das gute, schöne, lustvolle Leben."
SPEAK UP part 1/3. we learn voice basics - breathing, humming, speaking loudly, staying calm, not destroying our vocal cords we will learn how to breathe, how to stand, how to warm up our voices for protests or speeches.
After a short dive into the current state of instant messaging, we'll see how to take back our communications with aenigma, a fully standard-compliant and secure out-of-the-box xmpp server automation project.
Inspired by Scrappy Circuits, come design some fun electronics materials, then donate the results to local educators!
<a href="https://www.sigfox.com/">Sigfox</a> is an emerging low-power wide-area network (LP-WAN) technology for IoT devices, comparable to <a href="https://lora-alliance.org/">LoRa</a>. This talk recounts my analysis of Sigfox's radio protocol and presents an open reference implementation of an alternative Sigfox protocol stack. It confirms that while Sigfox ensures authenticity and integrity, transmitted payloads are not confidential. This presentation is targeted at a technical audience with some basic knowledge of cryptography (security goals, AES), but <b>no</b> knowledge in RF technology (modulation, scrambling, error correction) is required. <p>Sigfox can be compared to a cellular network, but for mostly battery-powered IoT devices that don't need to transmit much data. While <a href="https://www.etsi.org/deliver/etsi_gs/LTN/001_099/003/01.01.01_60/gs_LTN003v010101p.pdf">some</a> <a href="https://www.sigfox.com/en/sigfox-iot-technology-overview">sparse</a> <a href="https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-zuniga-lpwan-sigfox-system-description-04">details</a> on Sigfox's architecture and <a href="https://www.sigfox.com/sites/default/files/1701-SIGFOX-White_Paper_Security.pdf">its security</a> have been published and <a href="https://www.disk91.com/2017/technology/sigfox/the-sigfox-radio-protocol/">some basic reverse engineering has been carried out</a>, most of the protocol specifications remain proprietary and closed, so by now, no independent security audit was performed. Advertised use cases of Sigfox include air quality monitoring, weather stations, utilities metering and tracking farm animals. In this talk, I illustrate why these applications are fine, but why one might not want to track a money transporter with Sigfox or base a home alarm system on it.</p> <p>The Sigfox network is very atypical, with uplink and downlink based on different physical layers. After a short introduction, I begin the presentation by taking a deep dive into Sigfox's radio protocol with a focus on its Security. Basics of radio technology (SDRs, ultra-narrow band (UNB) modulation, SRD bands) and techniques for analyzing protocols are briefly summarized and the uplink's and downlink's frame structures are presented.</p> <p>Subsequently, I show how a radio sniffer that has captured Sigfox messages can extract the uplink's and downlink's contents. While the uplink's payload is already contained in plaintext, the downlink is scrambled, but I indicate how the downlink's pseudorandom whitening sequence used for scrambling can be generated or brute-forced by an eavesdropper. Moreover, I outline attacks that could even compromise Sigfox's authenticity checking.</p> <p>Finally, I provide some suggestions on how to improve Sigfox's security.</p> <p>The reference implementation of an alternative Sigfox protocol stack "librenard" that was created as part of this work as well as reconstructed protocol specifications detailing the uplink and significant portions of the downlink protocol will be published immediately after this talk.</p>
This Foundations talk explains the systems and protocols that make up the Internet, starting from a laptop with a Wi-Fi connection. No particular technical knowledge required. Many consider "the Internet" a utility similar to electricity - and that's a great attitude! - but for most, "the Internet" only means access to a few centralized services offered by mega-corporations "for free", around which people build their entire social and professional lives. Come along for a look behind the scenes of all those fancy websites, let's go through what the Internet actually is! Knowing the difference between the network and services reachable through the network is perhaps more important than ever, because if we implicitly give service providers all the power by never asking for a public, utility-like network then that's the end of the Internet as we know it. Key word: Net neutrality. So in this talk we will discover the network. In simple terms and without too much technical detail we'll start out with the "atom" of networks <i>the packet</i>, then cover the fundamental <i>Internet Protocol</i> (IPv4-only for simplicity), we'll try to answer <i>what is a network?</i> - not obvious it turns out, we'll look at <i>where do IP addresses come from?</i> and then we'll move on to the Internet cornerstone that is <i>routing</i>. We'll approach routing from the perhaps most well-known router - the <i>wireless home router</i> - and then look at how similar or dissimilar <i>routers on the Internet</i> are to that home router, leading us to a look at the <i>routing protocol</i> which constantly determines how our packets flow throughout the world. Those are the basic building blocks of the Internet. Now for some delicious alphabet soup! We'll take a step toward applications and compare <i>UDP</i>, <i>TCP</i> and <i>SCTP</i>, which are all used together with IP for most if not all end-user Internet communication. Finally, we'll arrive at the most common applications, looking into how <i>DNS</i> (domain names), <i>SMTP</i> (sending email) and <i>HTTP</i> (web) work. All of this is actually surprisingly simple and surprisingly old. None of it was built to be secure. The goal is that you will gain an understanding of the structure of the Internet, that you will be able "see through" the browser, email client and web service facades, because now you know what's going on behind the scenes, and everything that's <i>actually</i> possible with a public utility network - far more than centralized consumption/you-are-our-product services.
After launching a spacecraft into orbit the actual work for mission control starts. Besides taking care of the position and speed of the spacecraft this includes e.g. detailed modeling of the power usage, planning of ground station contacts, payload operations and dealing with unexpected anomalies. In this talk we will see many examples of problems particular to space crafts and how they influence the way space craft mission operations works. <p>Suppose you built your own satellite and somehow managed to launch it into space, what are you going to do next? Can you just ssh into your onboard computer and try out a couple of things to take a picture of earth and download the file? Did you just lose contact with your satellite due to an empty battery, because it heated up too much or because it rotated in the wrong direction? What are other issues you might forget to account for?</p> <p>After understanding why in spacecraft operations nothing works the way one expects we will have some answers to these questions. Also we will see how these problems are nowadays tackled by mission control centers all over the world, what happens in emergencies, what FDS, GDS, LEOP and TTC stand for and why spacecraft operators worry so much about weird particularities of time systems. Everything will be illustrated by real-life examples.</p> <p>The only prerequisite for this talk is that you know that earth is not flat!</p>
<p>Von unerwünschten Nachrichten über Bedrohungen bis hin zum Intimizid. Allein im Jahr 2017 wurden rund 18.483 Fälle von Stalking polizeilich erfasst, die Dunkelziffer wird auf 600.000-800.000 Betroffene geschätzt. Unter dem Begriff Stalking wird allgemein das „wiederholte, widerrechtliche Verfolgen und Belästigen eines Menschen, so dass dessen Sicherheit bedroht und er/sie in seiner/ihrer Lebensgestaltung schwerwiegend beeinträchtig wird“ verstanden. Die Ausführungsformen und Intensität des Stalkings oder Cyberstalkings sind sehr heterogen, sodass sich oft die Frage nach der Grenze zur Strafbarkeit stellt.<\p> <p>Neben einer kurzen Einführung in den Phänomenbereich werden die Ursachen und Typologien des Stalkings skizziert, sowie Internventionsmöglichkeiten präsentiert: Welche psychotherapeutischen Unterstützungsmaßnahmen gibt es für Betroffene und Ausführende? Welche juristischen Möglichkeiten gibt es? <\p> <p>Da rund jeder zwölfte Mensch in Deutschland in seinem Leben von Stalking betroffen ist und der/die Ausführende zumeist aus dem Nahbereich der/des Betroffenen stammt, kann sich auch im eigenen Freundeskreis die Frage stellen: Wie kann ich einer/m Stalking-Betroffen/m unterstützen und helfen? Oder wie spreche ich eine/n vermutlichen Stalking-Ausführende/n auf sein/ihr Verhalten an?<\p>
In this talk @zelf invites to the world of Scuttlebutt, the decentralized P2P gossiping protocol, and how it can be transformative for society through decentralization of data and enabling local community development. Scuttlebutt is a fast growing decentralized social network. As an alternative to the large corporate social networks it enables autonomy for the users and a free zone from big data harvesting. It’s based on a protocol (referred to as SSB) which connects the users via a blockchain styled base with each user functioning as a node. Since the information is collected via a 2 or 3 step social connection it’s completely usable while offline and syncs when connected to a local network, a friend or wifi. Scuttlebutt has a large community of users who together develop the protocol and platforms. Completely open-source there are many initiatives of projects, maintenance and explorations as part of the Scuttlebutt ecosystem. Some of these projects range from local community on-boarding by @luandro in Quilombola - Brazil, git-ssb by @cel, and even a chess interface! As the Scuttlebutt interface is interchangeable, with the one most widely used being Patchwork, there is a possibility to utilize the same network with multiple applications. Perfect for local communities in rural areas or for environments which require offline workability or simply for user with integrity, the potentials are grand. As of today the estimate is that the user base is beyond 8000 individuals, yet there's no way to surely know. We will explore the Scuttleverse and beyond. What is Scuttlebutt now, and and importantly, what can it enable society to become?
Having lots of ideas for wireless technical gadgets but your WLAN range is to short? Building a sensor network, but you are tired of wiring the sensors together? LoRaWAN could be the way out of those traps for your next project! Set up a single gateway, and you will be able to deploy a ton of devices in kilometres of range. And what is best, there is even a cooperative community about it. You will provide your neighbours with LoRaWAN, too! LoRa is a low power long range radio data transmission technology. LoRaWAN is a wide area network protocol on top of LoRa, that makes it easy to hook up lots of wireless, battery powered devices to the internet or to your personal server. We will introduce you to LoRaWAN, tell you what it can be used for, and how it works. With “the things network” there exists an open source community that aims at creating a global network for LoRaWAN devices. You can use it to have your own technical creations reach your server at home from wherever there is a gateway. You can set up your own gateways to help build that network and share the coverage created by you with the community. We are working with this technology on a daily basis at our jobs (at Lobaro GmbH [1], a small company creating industrial IoT solutions), and find that it has high potential in many geek/hobby/maker projects. With "the things network" [2] there exists a community based open source initiative for making it available (think "freifunk" for IoT), but still there is not much knowledge about it in the scene. It's a cool technology that people should know about! Our introductions will be centred around Arduino based hardware, which is what most are familiar with. We will also have a LoRaWAN TTN Gateway at our assembly (which is Deep Cyber [3]) along with some LoRaWAN devices, so that people who get interested by the talk and want to try out how it feels to work with the technology can come to our assembly and have a go at it. We are aware that there has been a talk about LoRa at 33C3 [4], but that had a totally different scope than ours. They focused on the modulation and how bits are physically transmitted. We want to talk about LoRaWAN, which is build on top of LoRa, and which provides an affordable and easy to use way of data transmission. [1]: https://www.lobaro.com/ [2]: https://www.thethingsnetwork.org/ [3]: https://www.deepcyber.de/ [4]: https://media.ccc.de/v/33c3-7945-decoding_the_lora_phy
Rubik's Cube - Learn to Solve
Daily Meetup for A/V Angels
Meetup/Discussion for Hackers concerned with Climate Change
just random hacking
With the Wifi4EU programm the EU is planning to spend 100 million € by 2020 to subsidise a centralized surveillance infrastructure for centers of public life in the EU. The talk will lay out how Wifi4EU is supposed to work both administratively and technically, where there are problems with the later and what is and can be done about it. Slides: https://zenodo.org/record/2527538#.XCUXplxKjIU With the [Wifi4EU programm [1]](https://www.wifi4eu.eu/) the EU is planning to subsidies the installation of free Wi-Fi with 120 million € until 2020. The installations are planned to be "... free of charge, free of advertising and free from commercial re-use of data. ..." [[2]](http://europa.eu/rapid/press-release_IP-18-2065_en.htm) and aim "... to equip every European village and every city with free wireless internet access around the main centres of public life. ..." [[1]](https://www.wifi4eu.eu/) Unfortunately the technical specifications implemented in the first call on the 7th - 9th of November [[3]](https://ec.europa.eu/digital-single-market/en/news/preliminary-results-1st-wifi4eu-call) tell a different story. So far 42 Million € are planned to be spend in a flawed design. Amongst other problems they include: * requirements for a centralized authentification infrastructure - like eduroam [[4]](https://ec.europa.eu/digital-single-market/en/faq/wifi4eu-questions-and-answers) (FAQ 23), * inherent IT security problems - embedded snippets in the captive portals [[4]](https://ec.europa.eu/digital-single-market/en/faq/wifi4eu-questions-and-answers) (FAQ 26) and * proprietary standards - hotspot 2.0. [[4]](https://ec.europa.eu/digital-single-market/en/faq/wifi4eu-questions-and-answers) (FAQ 27) Following a talk at the wireless community weekend in May this year [[5]](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YbPpK8_X9Qg) the talk will include: * a short introduction to the programm, * how it came to be, * what happend so far * the implications of the programm * what can be done to fix things. Besides contacting the european comission, several members of the european parlament and Klaus Landefeld of the eco [[6]](https://international.eco.de/people/klaus-landefeld/) we were able to get members of the german Bundestag to get interested in the issue [[7]](https://twitter.com/jimmyschulz/status/1060210780992356352). This led to a "schriftliche Anfrage" towards the Bundesregierung regarding the GDPR compliance of the authentification infrastructure, the situation is currently evolving. The talk aims to inform about the current state of affairs and hoefully foster a discussion during the congress what can and should be done to prohibit the creation of yet another surveillance infrastructure and what a desirable public Wi-Fi infrastructure should look like.
In this talk I'll detail the Nextcloud End-to-end Encryption design, going through the steps of creating the private/public key pair, encrypting and syncing it, encrypting files and uploading them, adding devices to the trusted circle and so on. Nextcloud's E2EE is designed to protect user data from the server. The goal was to let users sync and share folders (and their contents) as easily as possible without the server ever having the ability to access the data. That rules out a web interface and has other limitations, but that's the price for knowing your server can't spy on you. It isn't and was never meant for ALL your data, as you should use a solution purely focused on E2EE instead! The nice features of Nextcloud, from online document editing to public sharing, will work on all your files except those you put in E2EE folders. The talk is reasonably technical - it doesn't delve in to code or algorithms but sticks to the general design and flow of data: how do we create and share public keys, how do we get the private key on another device without the server being able to access it, how do we encrypt files and share them and so on.
Einfach ein spontaner podcast vom 35C3 über podcasting von und mit Frauen Ich möchte spontan mit Frauen einen podcast aufnehmen. Welche Themen bevorzugen Frauen und warum fällt es Frauen vielleicht schwerer sich zum podcasten zu entscheiden. Außerdem stellt Daniela das Projekt podcasterinnen.org vor, welches aus dem 35C3 seinen Release feiert. Über weitere Gästinnen, die sich spontan einfinden und mit uns diskutieren möchten, freuen wir uns.
zuurb ist eine wandelnde Chillgoldmine. Ob vor internationalen Größen Drum´n Bass Sets astrein abzuliefern oder stundenlang melanchonische Knusper-Piano-Flocken rieseln zu lassen, er kann es. zuurb is a walking chillgoldmine, whether to deliver drum´n bass sets in front of international stars or to let melanchonic crunchy piano flakes trickle for hours, he can do it.
form ist ein Gutmensch und macht Arschbombe in die Rapszene. Denn entgegen landläufiger Erwartungen muss man gar kein faschistoider, sexistischer Volltrottel sein, um zu rappen. HipHop ist very gut, vergesst das nicht! form ist ein sehr lebendiger Beweis dafür. Drum reihet euch ein, um auf der Achterbahn der Gutmenschlichkeit durch die Höhen und Tiefen der menschlichen Existenz zu rasen. Es knallt, versprochen.
Here we gather to introduce Scuttlebutt and how to use it while also introducing each other. Get to know the community (IRL) and join the Scuttleverse.
Learn to see the world without your eyes: hands on, with blindfold and guide cane! Learn to use your everyday senses in ways you don't know you don't know, from Sai, who navigates blind all the time.
Learn to Solder! A large variety of way cool kits are available, all designed for total beginners to complete successfully -- and intriguing enough for the total hardware geek.<br> <br> <span style="color:orange">'''''This ongoing workshop will be happening concurrently with lots of other way cool workshops at the Hardware Hacking Area! Throughout all of 35C3.'''''</span>
This talk will teach you the fundamentals of machine learning and give you a sneak peek into the internals of the mystical black box. You'll see how crazy powerful neural networks can be and understand why they sometimes fail horribly. Computers that are able to learn on their own. It might have sounded like science-fiction just a decade ago, but we're getting closer and closer with recent advancements in Deep Learning. Or are we? In this talk, I'll explain the fundamentals of machine-learning in an understandable and entertaining way. I'll also introduce the basic concepts of deep learning. With the current hype of deep learning and giant tech companies spending billions on research, understanding how those methods works, knowing the challenges and limitations is key to seeing the facts behind the often exaggerated headlines. One of the most common applications of deep learning is the interpretation of images, a field that has been transformed significantly in recent years. Applying neural networks to image data helps visualising and understanding many of the faults as well as advantages of machine learning in general. As a research scientist in the field of automated analysis of bio-medical image data, I can give you some insights into these as well as some real-world applications.
Digitale Formen von Gewalt gegen Frauen sind keine eigenständigen Phänomene, sondern in der Regel Weiterführungen oder Ergänzungen von anderen Gewaltformen. Stalking, Kontrolle, Bedrohung, Erpressung, Beleidigung, Überwachung sind altbekannte Aspekte häuslicher Gewalt. Für alle diese Phänomene gibt es digitale Entsprechungen, allerdings ist wenig darüber bekannt, wie oft sie ausgeübt werden, wann und von wem. Das macht es für die Betroffenen schwer, sich zu wehren, auch weil Politik und Justiz hier genauso verständnislos reagieren wie bei anderen digitalen Entwicklungen. Warum ist Kinderpornographie ein Kernthema der deutschen und europäischen Innenpolitik, aber kaum jemand redet über Revenge-Porn?</br> </br> In diesem Talk geht es um die verschiedenen Formen digitaler Gewalt und darum, wie oft sie vorkommen und wer davon betroffen ist.</br> </br> Es gibt kaum aussagekräftige Zahlen und wenig Hilfe für Betroffene. Warum wissen wir sowenig und was gibt es für Möglichkeiten, sich gegen die verschiedenen Formen digitaler Gewalt zu wehren? </br>
How to apply Shannon's information theory to biology. <p>Cells, from bacteria to human cells, constantly take up, store, retrieve, communicate and make decisions based on information. How they realise all this computation using very unreliable components is still largely an open question. Instead of transistors they have to employ proteins, but proteins constantly degenerate and are re-built making their numbers fluctuate. If cellular signalling is impaired severe diseases can be the result, for instance cancer or epilepsy.</p> <p>As cellular communication is so pervasive and essential, researchers start to look into this information flow in biological systems in more detail. My research group at the BioQuant centre, Heidelberg University, is also active in this area, an area which I would call Information Biology — the study of how biological systems deal with information.</p> <p>I will show you how you can apply Shannon's information theory to biological systems. For this we need three ingredients, namely dynamic models of biological pathways, stochastic simulation algorithms (that take into account intrinsic fluctuations in molecular numbers), and, of course, Shannon's theory of information.</p> <p>I will give brief and user-friendly introductions to these three ingredients. After that I am going to talk about a number of use cases, such as:</p> <ul> <li>How much memory does a bacterium have? And how long can it remember things?</li> <li>How many bits per second can a liver cell process via its calcium signalling pathway?</li> <li>How must signalling pathways be constructed, structurally and dynamically, for certain stimuli to be decoded?</li> <li>and others…</li> </ul> <p>I will also give links to (open source) software that is being developed in my group, which you can use to simulate and play around with biochemical pathways, and also to estimate information flows and do information biology.</p> <p>FYI: The research I am talking about here is part of a research area which is called Computational Systems Biology. Systems Biology is a field which studies biological systems not by reducing them to their constituent parts, such as single receptors, genes, molecular complexes etc., but by viewing them in the cellular or organismal context and, importantly, as (dynamic) systems. And Computational Systems Biology is Systems Biology done with the help of mathematical models and simulation/analysis algorithms.</p>
In this presentation we will take a look at how to break the most popular cryptocurrency hardware wallets. We will uncover architectural, physical, hardware, software and firmware vulnerabilities we found including issues that could allow a malicious attacker to gain access to the funds of the wallet. The attacks that we perform against the hardware wallets range from breaking the proprietary bootloader protection, to breaking the web interfaces used to interact with wallets, up to physical attacks including glitching to bypass the security implemented in the IC of the wallet. Our broad look into several wallets demonstrates systemic and recurring issues. We provide some insight into what needs to change to build more resilient hardware wallets. Hardware wallets are becoming increasingly popular and are used to store a significant percentage of the world’s cryptocurrency. Many traders, hedge funds, ICOs and blockchain projects store the entirety of their cryptocurrency on one or very few wallets. This means that users of hardware wallets store tens of millions of euros of cryptocurrency on small USB peripherals that costs only a few euros to manufacture. Moreover, many users that trade and speculate in cryptocurrency interact, update, and generate transactions using their hardware wallets on a daily basis. In this talk we look at the good, the bad and the ugly of hardware wallet security: We will walk through the different architectures of the wallets, look at the different attack vectors and talk about the challenges of building secure hardware before diving in deep finding vulnerabilities in the different wallets. The vulnerabilities we will present range from vulnerabilities that can be fixed in a firmware upgrade, to bugs that will require a new hardware revision, up to attacks on the microcontrollers themselves, requiring new silicon to be fixed. Some of the (most entertaining) vulnerabilities will be demonstrated live on stage. <h2>Classes of Vulnerabilities we will look at</h2> <b>Firmware Vulnerabilities</b> Firmware vulnerabilities are vulnerabilities affecting the software that runs on the hardware wallet. Since most wallets provide update mechanisms this class of bug can be patched in a future firmware release. <b>Software Vulnerabilities</b> Software vulnerabilities are vulnerabilities affecting the host software that runs on the PC or smartphone and communicates with the hardware wallet. Since most wallets provide update mechanisms this class of bug can be patched in a future release of the host software <b>Hardware Vulnerabilities</b> Hardware vulnerabilities are vulnerabilities affecting the device hardware of the hardware wallet. Hardware vulnerabilities are generally incorrectly set configurations of the hardware either during manufacturing or by the firmware. If the configuration is set by firmware these vulnerabilities can be patched in a future firmware release. Otherwise, they are unlikely to be fixed by the vendor. <b>Physical Vulnerabilities</b> Physical vulnerabilities are vulnerabilities affecting the hardware design of the hardware wallet. Once the device has been manufactured, hardware vulnerabilities cannot be mitigated and can only be fixed in a future hardware revision of the device. This class of vulnerabilities is unlikely to be fixed by the vendor. <b>Architectural Vulnerabilities</b> Architectural vulnerabilities are vulnerabilities affecting the overall architecture of the hardware wallet. These are inherent design flaws in the device and can only be fixed in a major hardware revision, i.e. a new version of the device. This class of vulnerabilities is unlikely to be fixed by the vendor.
Encoding or decoding random radio-waveforms doesn't need incredible expensive hardware anymore which offers new possibilities for building up over-the-air communication systems. There are Software Defined Radios providing affordable cellular radio to remote villages, Community Radios are using SDR to build up digital radio networks and other cool stuff. Some basic knowledge what is going on in SDR Hard/Software as the influence of the samplerate, I/Q-data of the math behind the waterfall-diagram is helpful to have fun with SDR. Some theory on modulation techniques helps you to decode or encode your waveforms. With a cheap DVB-T USB receiver used with some SDR-Software you can already have a look whats going on in the airwaves around you at certain frequencies. But what happens between the antenna and your computer display showing or decoding the signal? The talk should give basic information and background about SDR and some modulation theory. There will probably be a SDR Challenge at the Congress to practice you new skills.
Die Möglichkeiten moderner 3D-Drucker sind mannigfaltig. Komplexe Objekte lassen sich in kurzer Zeit von der digitalen Blaupause in die reale Welt bringen. Wir möchten die Möglichkeiten moderner 3D-Drucker im wissenschaftlichen Laborumfeld aufzeigen. Wie wäre es hochempfindliche Sensoren und Raketenantriebe damit zu drucken? Und da alles noch besser mit einem LASER wird, bauen wir diesen auch gleich mit ein. Raoul-Amadeus Lorbeer, Benjamin Ewers Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt, Institut für technische Physik, Stuttgart Wir zeigen einen Laserantrieb für Satelliten aus dem 3D-Drucker. Dabei wird der Treibstoff durch intensive Laserimpulse beschleunigt und generiert präzisen Schub. Soll der Antrieb zudem noch in einen Cube-Sat passen wird eine kompakte Bauweise obligatorisch. Dies wurde mittels 3D-Druck verwirklicht. Gesteuert wird der Antrieb mittels Mikrokontroller. Und da alles noch besser mit einem USB-Anschluss wird, bauen wir diesen auch gleich mit ein. Beschleunigungssensoren arbeiten häufig mit einer federnd gelagerten Masse, dessen Verschiebung kontinuierlich gemessen wird. Verschiebungen lassen sich hervorragend mit optischen Interferometern messen. Wir zeigen einen präzisen interferometrischen Beschleunigungssensor aus dem 3D-Drucker, natürlich mit LASER. Und da alles noch besser mit einem SDR (Software Defined Radio) wird, bauen wir dieses auch gleich mit ein.
Introduction to beekeeping, short presentation on how to keep 2-10 hives for honey and for fun. Good for the environment, too...
Doxxing spyware suppliers by using FOIA and leaked material together to dox suppliers.
Learn to fold easy Origami objects and decorate your environment with paper
Meetup for everyone interested or part of the Rationality/LessWrong movement
Party at the haecksen's (https://www.haecksen.org)! We invite all beings at the congress to enjoy two hours of electronic, rock, jazz, pop and downtempo beats with dj shroombab (https://m.soundcloud.com/shroombab). Party party!
Der etwas andere apfellastige Tech podcast. Die Sendung die eigentlich noch vor dem Congress kommen sollte, die nun auf dem Congress statt findet, vor der Sendung die auf dem Congress statt findet ;)
Werkstattbericht: Wie kam es zu Programmieren mit der Maus? Wie geht es 2019 weiter und gibt es Wünsche für Programmieren mit dem Elefanten?
Treffen der LoRaWAN / The Things Network Communities aus Deutschland. Kennenlernen, Erfahrungsaustausch, gemeinsame Projekte anschieben & Fachsimpeln.
Sui likes the inconstancy of space affected by a diversity of sounds and people who drop in accidentally or with intent. All the emerging possibilities of such incidents are carefully sketched into a audible experience. This kind of soundvoyages evolving from slowly and fondly selected sounds and range from folklore to hiphop to field recordings to broken sounds. As she is not the best decision maker referring a genre, every sound that catches a curious ear and hits a heart needs to be played. A warm invitation to listen, hanging around lazily or to dance.
Lena Stoehrfaktor, rappende Underground-Größe aus Berlin, bringt sich seit 2004 mit rotzigen Styles in die karge HipHop-Landschaft ein. Seitdem entstanden 4 eigene Alben sowie 3 Crewalben mit "Conexion Musical". Außerdem wirkt sie in verschiedenen musikalischen Projekten mit. Seit ihren Anfängen ist sich Lena Stoehrfaktor treu geblieben. Die Themen ihrer Texte werden aus dem realen Leben gegriffen und in feinster Art und Weise auf Beats gelegt, die die Stimmung der Inhalte unterstreichen.
Talking about stuff. Everyday. Do it. Use the space.
This workshop aims to give an introduction to cultural protocols: underlying rules that govern our everyday life. After a brief introduction to the concept we try to collectively alter those rules and dig into the possibilities of social interactions. culturalprotocols.cc
Learn to see the world without your eyes: hands on, with blindfold and guide cane! Learn to use your everyday senses in ways you don't know you don't know, from Sai, who navigates blind all the time.
Einweisung der Lötengel die beim Junghacker-Tag (28.12.18/Tag 2) den Junghackern beim Löten helfen. Du kannst Dich auf dem Lötengel-Meeting als Lötengel freischalten lassen. Das Meeting findet am 27.12.18 um 18 Uhr statt.
Die Hackerethik ist die Grundlage für den Umgang mit den diversen ethischen Problemen, die sich beim schöpferisch-kritischen Umgang mit Technologie (auch "hacking" genannt) stellen. Die Hackerethik ist die Grundlage für den Umgang mit den diversen ethischen Problemen, die sich beim schöpferisch-kritischen Umgang mit Technologie (auch "hacking" genannt) stellen. Sie bietet Anhaltspunkte für die alltäglichen Fragestellungen und Probleme, die aufkommen, wenn man Technologie anders benutzt, als der Hersteller es sich gedacht hat, wenn man Lücken in Systemen findet und ausnutzt oder über Berge von persönlichen Daten stolpert. Dieser Talk gibt eine Einführung in die verschiedenen Aspekte der Hackerethik und regt zum Nachdenken über die ethischen Fragen an, die sich Menschen mit speziellen Fähigkeiten und Fertigkeiten stellen, wenn sie ihren Neigungen nachgehen.
Voicemail systems can be compromised by leveraging old weaknesses and top of current technology. The impact goes way beyond having your messages exposed. Voicemail systems have been with us since the 80s. They played a big role in the earlier hacking scene and re-reading those zines, articles and tutorials paints an interesting picture. Not much has changed. Not in the technology nor in some of the attack vectors. Can we leverage the last 30 years innovations to compromise voicemail systems? And what is the real impact today of pwning these? In this talk I will cover voicemail systems, it's security and how we can use oldskool techniques and new ones on top of current technology to compromise them. I will discuss the impact of gaining unauthorized access to voicemail systems and introduce a new tool that automates the process
Let's think "Beyond Slavery": Afroroutes is a one-of-a-kind VR experience conceived as a journey through 3 displaced African heritages, immersing users in Rituals and Ceremonies to experience that well-conserved memory form, but also to feel the power of Music as a strong anthropological tool. Connecting Afro-diasporic narratives: alterity and heritage transcendence within the digital era, Afroroutes is a trigger to open a crucial debate about diasporic identity. Afroroutes is a VR experience taking you to some burning key destinations where African culture has been displaced through slavery and then, rooted again. From Salvador to Bahia to Gujarat through Tangier, there is a common history. Based on this VR Experience, the debate should be extended around "Beyond Slavery". What happened with the millions of displaced African men and women? Where are their descendants living today? Did their original culture and language disappear? How did their heritage contribute to building their new countries? How did the assimilation or rejection process go? How has this memory subsisted, and how is it lived and celebrated today? But also, how to assimilate that chapter of history and transform it into a real global narrative - is there what we call a "diasporic identity"? And if it is the case, how to build this identity within a global, disrupted world? How can digital tools push this storytelling process? The medium "Virtual Reality" takes all its sense in this project, allowing an immersive and almost physical experience of those paths of slavery. This experience is triggered by music and sounds. Music is much more than a simple way of being together: it is the oral legacy of our intertwined culture. Music is such a powerful tool to explain and tackle the cultural dynamics of displaced heritage, but also as a most trustful narrative connector.
Kids DJ-Workshop
Sieben Jahre lang musste den Behörden jedes Stück der versprochenen Aufklärung des NSU-Komplexes abgerungen werden. Das Urteil im ersten NSU-Prozess zeigt: Deutschland ist nur sehr eingeschränkt bereit, rechtem Terror entgegenzutreten und ihn aufzuarbeiten, den Betroffenen, Geschädigten und Überlebenden zuzuhören und ihnen Schutz zu garantieren. Das zu leisten ist unsere Aufgabe: die Aufgabe der Gesellschaft, die Aufgabe einer antifaschistischen und antirassistischen Linken. Am 4. November 2011 enttarnte sich der „Nationalsozialistische Untergrund“ (NSU) selbst. Fast sieben Jahre später, am 10. Juli 2018, wurde das Urteil im ersten NSU-Prozess gesprochen. Heute, fünf Monate nach der von Neonazis bejubelten mündlichen Urteilsverkündung, müssen wir mit einem Urteil umgehen, in dem sich viele gebrochene Aufklärungsversprechen zuspitzen. Das Gericht geht von der These aus, der NSU sei ein weitgehend isoliertes „Trio“ ohne Netzwerk und ohne Verstrickung der Behörden gewesen. Nach allem, was in den letzten Jahren – teilweise mühsam – über den NSU-Komplex ans Licht gezerrt werden konnte, ist die „Trio“-These aber nicht haltbar. Zum NSU-Komplex gehören ein Neonazinetzwerk, der gesamtgesellschaftliche Rassismus und das Handeln der Polizei sowie des Verfassungsschutzes. Gleichzeitig stellen sich die Angehörigen der vom NSU Ermordeten und die Überlebenden der Anschläge immer noch die gleichen Fragen wie 2011: Wer hat die Tatorte ausgewählt? Warum wurde gerade ihr Vater, Ehemann, Sohn, ihre Tochter ermordet? Wer ist Teil des Unterstützungsnetzwerks des NSU? Was wusste der Verfassungsschutz und was machte er warum mit seinem Wissen (nicht)? Klar ist: Die gesellschaftlichen Verhältnisse, die den NSU hervorgebracht haben, müssen abgeschafft werden. Das Urteil im ersten NSU-Prozess hat noch einmal unterstrichen: Deutschland ist nur in sehr eingeschränktem Maße bereit, rechtem Terror entgegenzutreten und ihn aufzuarbeiten, den Betroffenen, Geschädigten und Überlebenden zuzuhören und ihnen Schutz zu garantieren. Das zu leisten ist unsere Aufgabe: die Aufgabe der Gesellschaft, die Aufgabe einer antifaschistischen und antirassistischen Linken. Im Vortrag soll der Stand der Aufklärung im NSU-Komplex umrissen werden und diskutiert werden, wie wir als Gesellschaft damit umgehen und was wir tun können.
Technology is the solution: What is the problem? This seems to be the motto. Algorithms may be about to control our free speech while tracking technologies could control our bodies and communications. Will we react or stay quiet? Technology is the solution: What is the problem? This seems to be the motto. Whether it is about preventing the dissemination of terrorist content or to prevent copyright infringements the solution from the legislator is upload filters. While content is controlled by algorithms, devices need to be under scrutiny. That is why confidentiality of communications needs to be secured now too. We have little time to stop these threats from becoming a reality, but we have most citizens on our side and the EU elections near. We still can and have to win this battle. Otherwise, once filters are put for copyright or terrorist content, they will be used for anything else. And if software and hardware does not defend our privacy by design and by default, 24/7 surveillance will be the new "normal".
Meetup for everyone who identifies as queer and/or feminist and/or trans* or otherwise non-{white+male+straight+cis}. We will network with each other, exchange projects and ideas and talk about the QueerFeministGeeks assembly. This meetup is open to people of all genders, but please be mindful of how much space you are taking up and let those this meeting is intended for take priority. We try to be newbie- and introvert-friendly, so please do come even if you don't know anybody yet! See our Code of Conduct below.
Void Linux is a general purpose operating system based on the Linux Kernel. In this talk we'd like to give an introduction about Void, why we think our work matters and talk about the challenges that we were faced during the last year.
Ein Workshop um Möglichkeiten aufzuzeigen, wie und wo sich Betätigungsfelder für Nerds, Geeks und Specialists im humanitären Bereich ergeben...operativ werden statt nur Geld spenden.
Philipp schwelgt zusammen mit Gästen (u.a. Jürgen aus dem Erfolgspodcast(TM) "Ach?") in der Nostalgie um den ersten eigenen Computer. Es geht um wohlige Gefühle beim Ladegeräusch von Disketten, dem unendlichen Frust beim Einstellen von Speichertypen und Stromschlägen durch das Netzteil. Das erste eigene Auto. Symbol für Freiheit. Unabhängigkeit. Erwachsenwerden und Abenteuer. Viele Abenteuer und Geschichten hängen an einem solchen fahrbaren Untersatz. Doch halt Moment - wir sind hier auf dem Congress. Das Objekt der Initialzündung zur Liebe zum Nerdtum, dem Tor zur Kommunikation mit Gleichgesinnten und manchmal sogar der eigenen Identität ist hier doch der erste Computer. Unendliche Ladezeiten von Datasetten. Das wohlige Krächzen des PC-Speakers. Die (gefühlt) hundertste Installation des Betriebssystems, weil mal wieder irgend etwas kaputt war. All das gehört in das Geschichten- und Leidens-Repertoire des alten wie jungen Nerds - und hier kommen sie auf die Bühne und ins Ohr. Macht euch also einen heißen Kakate (Halb Kakao, halb Mate), röstet einen Marshmallow über dem Netzteil und lauscht den nostalgisch verklärten Erinnerungen alter und junger Nerds über ihren ersten Computer. Falls ihr selbst eine tolle Geschichte zu erzählen habt: Meldet euch bei @derphilipp
Punk from Berlin
Make science experiment with Pocket Science Lab and explore how you can use it at home, classroom, research lab etc. Download PSLab Android App for the workshop https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=io.pslab
An introductory session to the cyberpunk pen&paper role-playing game Shadowrun
Hörertreffen vom Binärgewitter podcast
Die Venenerkennung ist eine der letzten Bastionen biometrischer Systeme, die sich bisher der Eroberung durch Hacker widersetzt hat. Dabei ist sie ein lohnendes Ziel, schützt sie doch Bankautomaten und Hochsicherheitsbereiche. In diesem Talk machen wir die Verteidigungsanlagen dem Erdboden gleich. Seit Jahrzehnten vor allem im asiatischen Raum eingesetzt sind bisher keine ernsthaften Versuche bekannt Venenerkennungssysteme zu üeberwinden. Neben dem Mythos der Hochsicherheit sind vor allem die, unsichtbar im Körper gelegenen Merkmale dafür verantwortlich. In diesem Talk werden wir zeigen, mit welch geringem Aufwand man an die "versteckten" Venenbilder gelangen kann und wie, auf Grundlage dieser, Attrappen gebaut werden können, welche die Systeme der beider grosser Hersteller überwinden.
TCP/IP is the most widely used protocol on the Internet for transmitting data. But how does it work in detail? This talk will explain the TCP protocol, from handshake over established to teardown in detail - and elaborate a bit on protocol adjustments over time and congestion control. I will briefly explain how computers talk to each other via the Internet Protocol (IP), and explain the transport protocols UDP and TCP, and their interaction with ICMP (for error and control messages). UDP is the user datagram protocol, an unreliable packet-oriented protocol. TCP provides a reliable stream of data, and includes connection establishment, feature negotiation, window management, and teardown. Over the last years at University of Cambridge I contributed to a formal model of TCP/IP and the Unix sockets API, developed in HOL4. We validated our HOL4 model with the FreeBSD-12 stack using Dtrace (packets, system calls, internal TCP state). In this research, we formalised a more exact TCP state machine than in initial RFCs or common literature (Stevens).
This lecture tells the story of Internet infrastructure transformations in Crimea, the peninsula disputed between Russia and Ukraine between 2014 and 2018. It is based on an extensive year-long study involving network measurements and interviews with key players. Crimea has become a "laboratory" where we can observe, in just 4 years, a rapid and profound transition of infrastructure, that deeply impacted the Internet Service Provider market, routing trajectories, Internet censorship practices in the region. Annexation has transformed the way Crimea is plugged to the "outer world" - in terms of peering and transit relations between various autonomous systems, creating a much more centralized infrastructure and monopolized market. This, in its turn, had an important impact for Crimean end-users - in terms of quality, speed, price of Internet service, as well as in terms of Internet censorship and various traffic anomalies that they experience. Moreover, server-side geoblocking by online payment platforms, Google Play, Apple and other important services, is imposed on Crimean users, because of international sanctions that have a controversial impact, including a risk of overblocking, further isolation of Crimean civil society and reinforcing a more general trend towards "balkanization" of the Internet(s). [1] This talk is based on a one-year long research conducted at Citizen Lab [2], using a mixed methods approach. On the one hand, we conducted network measurements with OONI probe [3], testing a set of URLs from Crimean vantage points, and comparing results with mainland Russia and Ukraine. We have done an analysis of BGP routing history, and AS neighbouring history, using data from RIPE and CAIDA in collaboration with researchers behind the "Internet Health Report" initiative [4] using the recently deployed methodology of "AS Hegemony Index" [5]. On the other hand, we conducted an extensive qualitative study, including interviews with Crimean ISPs, Ukrainian and Russian tech activists and representatives of RIPE and other Internet governance bodies; web-ethnography (analysis of professional chats and forums of Crimean / Ukrainian ISPs) and media analysis. We will briefly introduce the context of annexation from the point of view of Internet infrastructure, show an interactive timeline of events that have impacted Crimean Internet ecosystem. Then we will focus on the case of "Infrastructure interregnum", where Ukrainian and Russian traffic co-existed for a while. We will share our infographics, including video animation that demonstrates progressive "wiring" of Crimea to "Russian Internet". On the case of several Ukrainian ISPs we will show how routing becomes matter of dispute. We will question the role of international sanctions and geoblocking by Google, Apple and other big players, on Crimean Internet. Finally, we will conclude with observations of the effects of this infrastructure transition on the end-users, especially activists and journalists working in the region, in terms of their security and the way they experience censorship. We will also share our website [currently under final revisions, will be open to public by October 31, 2018] that presents results of our research in an accessible form for non-tech and non-academic audiences, but also contains longer reports and links for data and infographics that are open for downloading for further reusage, recycling and reading. [1] [Dalek et al., 2014] J. Dalek, B. Haselton, H. Noman, A. Senft, M. Crete-Nishihata, P. Gill, and R. J. Deibert. A method for identifying and confirming the use of URL filtering products for censorship. In 14th ACM Internet Measurement Conference (IMC), 2014. [2] Citizen Lab is an interdisciplinary research laboratory based at the University of Toronto, Canada. Citizen Lab studies information controls—such as network surveillance and content filtering—that impact the openness and security of the Internet. [3] https://ooni.torproject.org [4] https://ihr.iijlab.net/ihr/ [5] Romain Fontugne, Anant Shah, and Emile Aben. 2017. AS Hegemony: A Robust Metric for AS Centrality. In Proceedings of SIGCOMM Posters and Demos ’17, Los Angeles, CA, USA, August 22–24, 2017, 3 pages. https://doi.org/10.1145/3123878.3131982
Der podcast Autistische Wahrnehmungen beschäftigt sich mit Autismus und wie es sich damit so lebt. Auf dem 35c3 gibt es den podcast [Autistische Wahrnehmungen](https://autistische-wahrnehmungen.de/) zum ersten Mal live. Ich [(@fair_sein)](https://twitter.com/fair_sein) werde auf der Bühne sein und habe einen weiteren Autisten [(@wus_sel)](https://twitter.com/wus_sel/) zu Gast. Mit ihm werden wir das ersten Jahr Autistische Wahrnehmungen Folge für Folge Revue passieren lassen und nochmal ein paar Anmerkungen zu den Folgen machen. Und auch das Publikum kommt nicht zu kurz und darf uns jederzeit Fragen stellen.
Galina Balashova was the main architect and designer for the soviet space programme. She designed the interieurs and visual identity of spacecrafts such as the Soyuz, Buran, and Mir. »Space stations are not only technical structures but architecture built amidst zero gravity.« Galina Balashova (b. 1931) is a self-described "architect-engineer" who spent almost 30 years working in the Soviet Space Programme. She designed the ergonomics, the colours & style and the typography of most soviet spacecrafts, including the Soyuz, the Salyut space stations, the Buran shuttle and the Mir space station. Her pioneering work in the field of zero-gravity architecture is still referenced today in the ISS and other spacecrafts.
Learning basic action climbing skills, connect with other climbies and see what happens
Surface mount electronics for terrified beginners. Learn to assemble tiny parts on circuit boards by building a working power supply. Anyone can do it. Yes, even you who never touched anything electronic before. 90-100mins, 20€/kit, avoid caffeine immediately before. Max 21 participants per session, there is a PAPER!!1! signup list in the hardware hacking area.
The Translation teams meets twice a day during the breaks to distribute shifts and self-organise.
The Translation teams for the second channel meets twice a day during the breaks to distribute shifts and self-organise.
Abstimmungs- und Vorbereitungstreffen für den Junghackertag
SSG developers meeting
»Das weltweite Netzwerk fur ein bedingungsloses Grundeinkommen« steht gekleidet im Blaumann mit beiden Beinen fest auf einem leeren Bierkasten und zersingt altbekannte Popsongs. Es vervielfaltigt einfältige Ohrwurmer so lange, bis sie Schwarmintelligenz entwickeln. Es transformiert beiläufges Nachgesumme in gänsehauterregende Opernchöre und Unterhaltungsgedudel in antikapitalistische Klagelieder. »Das weltweite Netzwerk für ein bedingungsloses Grundeinkommen« ist der bescheidene Name des Musikarbeiters und Medienkünstlers Tommy Neuwirth, der ganz alleine mit den Tönen und ihrer Herkunft jongliert, dass einem das taube Dahinhören vergeht und die Ohren des Publikums ihre vielfältigen Verbindungen zu verschiedensten Hirnregionen, zu den Lachmuskeln, den Tränensäcken und den Tanzbeinen entdecken. Neuwirth gönnt seinen Songs - oder soll man sagen: Musikkabarettnummern? - Nachdenkpausen, wenn die musikalische Konventionen sie voran peitschen wurden, er gebiert Melodien und überlässt sie sich selber und dem Publikum, wahrend er seine Aufmerksamkeit schon neuem Spielzeug widmet. Er trennt die Geräusche, die er als Performer live auf der Bühne hervorbringt magischerweise ab von den Bewegungen seines Körpers und synchronisiert sich mit erstaunlichstem. »Das weltweite Netzwerk fur ein bedingungsloses Grundeinkommen« alias Tommy Neuwirth lässt seinen skurrilen Humor seit 2012 in Form von Videos, Konzerten, Performances und Radio-Improvisationen auf die Menschen los.
Warm Swords is the "solo-project" of Regal's very own Caelan O'Flaherty. Born in New Zealand, raised in France, lived in Belgium and now living in Leipzig Germany where he found his live band featuring two members of The Staches.
With a background in shaping landscapes and creating permacultural environments, Adel became a multidimensional and interdisciplinary artist creating visuals whilst exploring waveforms and rooms. As well as providing visuals for Herrensauna and AnnaMelina’s and Varg’s Flora project at atonalFestival, his music appears in the upcoming movie M/M by DrewLint. By launching ‘When Are We Now?’ Adel Akram takes the idea of a label as an archive to document his surrounding and the process of examination with different media, arts and questions about our current position in time.
Absurde Beschreibungen und Texte über Bands und ihre Musik, verfasst von ihnen selbst oder ihren Bookingagenturen, gelesen von einem Menschen, der diese täglich per E-Mail bekommt. Wer Konzerte, Parties oder Festivals veranstaltet, erhält eine erstaunlich hohe Anzahl an Bewerbungen von MusikerInnen aller Art. Neben dem obligatorischen Soundbeispiel auf Soundcloud, Bandcamp oder YouTube finden sich dabei immer auch beschreibende Texte. Ist die Geschichte oder die Karriere einer Band meist eher langweilig, so ist die Beschreibung der eigentlichen Musik herrlich absurd und unfreiwillig komisch. Die Lesung stellt ein Best of solcher Texte dar, die über Jahre gesammelt und archiviert wurden.
Everyday at 20:00 at the Assembly of the Free Software Foundation Europe we invite you to sing together the Free Software song; We have the lyrics and a conductor. Simply come, bring your hacker buddies and your voice and maybe an instrument and we form an ad-hoc choir and sing out loud our love for Free Software! Sing-along sessions will happen everyday at 20:00.
Burner Meetup at Discodrama Bar
we gather to exchange our stickers
Making of cidre/cider.
Als Kabel wird ein mit Isolierstoffen umman- telter Verbund von Adern bezeichnet.
Jam session with the weird self-built instruments at the T.R.A.S.H. space
We are tasting a classic north german drink called "Pharisäer" and other drings.
powerplant is an open source software that allows anyone planning a garden to utilize companion planting and other permaculture practices. It provides intelligent suggestions to help the gardener by advising the best planting schedules and combinations of crops to maximize the garden's yield.
The film documents the deconstruction of the Ferris Wheel at Augustusplatz, Leipzig in December 2017
I can‘t control myself contains both the fantasy and fear of the loss of self control.
Von #menaretrash bis #thefutureisnonbinary, von Beyonce bis Ada Hegerberg, von „Abtreibungsparagraph 219a“ bis „Aktion Standesamt 2018“ – es gibt viel zu besprechen. Zeit für einen empowernden feministischen Jahresrückblick! Mittlerweile hat es fast Tradition: der feministische Jahresrückblick auf dem Congress im Rahmen des podcasts „Reichlich Randale“ – mit tollen Gäst:innen. Diesmal dabei sind @die_horst, @_noujoum und @SuVeHe und als Host @genderbeitrag. Von #menaretrash bis #thefutureisnonbinary, von Beyonce bis Ada Hegerberg, von „Abtreibungsparagraph 219a“ bis „Aktion Standesamt 2018“ – es gibt viel zu besprechen. Wir freuen uns darauf, uns mit euch über empowernde Gedanken und Strukturen auszutauschen. Für intersektionale Solidarität und Freund:innenschaft! „Reichlich Randale“ ist ein Personal-Pöbel-podcast – inklusive exklusiver Becci-Rants. „Reichlich Randale“ ist feministisch, fußballverliebt, immer unterwegs, cinephil, laut, politisch, offen. Weil ich es bin. „Reichlich Randale“ erzählt euch ein bisschen aus meinem Leben, aber es fühlt sich gleichzeitig nach viel mehr an.
Mitglieder Versammlung des GNUnet e. V.
Sew LEDs into clothing and learn about design thinking.
Welcome to the first world, a promise shining on the horizon.
How do people translate into language what they have just experienced?
Der Vortrag behandelt die Klage des Internetknotens DE-CIX gegen die strategische Fernmeldeüberwachung des BND vor dem Bundesverwaltungsgericht in Leipzig, was wir aus dem Urteil über den Rechtsschutz der Bürger lernen können und wieso der Fall nun das Bundesverfassungsgericht in Karlsruhe beschäftigt.
We all know what FAX is, and for some strange reason most of us need to use it from time to time. Hard to believe its 2018, right? But can FAX be something more than a bureaucratic burden? Can it actually be a catastrophic security hole that may be used to compromise your entire network? Come watch our talk and find out … Unless you've been living under a rock for the past 30 years or so, you probably know what a fax machine is. For decades, fax machines were used worldwide as the main way of electronic document delivery. But this happened in the 1980s. Humanity has since developed far more advanced ways to send digital content, and fax machines are all in the past, right? After all, they should now be nothing more than a glorified museum item. Who on earth is still using fax machines? The answer, to our great horror, is EVERYONE. State authorities, banks, service providers and many others are still using fax machines, despite their debatable quality and almost non-existent security. In fact, using fax machines is often mandatory and considered a solid and trustworthy method of delivering information. What the Fax?! We embarked on a journey with the singular goal of disrupting this insane state of affairs. We went to work, determined to show that the common fax machine could be compromised via mere access to its fully exposed and unprotected telephone line – thus completely bypassing all perimeter security protections and shattering to pieces all modern-day security concepts. Join us as we take you through the strange world of embedded operating systems, 30-year-old protocols, museum grade compression algorithms, weird extensions and undebuggable environments. See for yourself first-hand as we give a live demonstration of the first ever full fax exploitation, leading to complete control over the entire device as well as the network, using nothing but a standard telephone line. This talk is intended to be the canary in the coal mine. The technology community cannot sit idly by while this ongoing madness is allowed to continue! The world must stop using FAX!
Seit Juli 2016 darf ich – nominiert unter anderem vom CCC – den Bereich "Internet" im Fernsehrat des ZDF vertreten. Nach gut zwei Jahren ist es Zeit für eine Zwischenbilanz: Was macht ein Fernsehrat, was machen öffentlich-rechtliche Angebote im Netz, und was sollten sie eigentlich tun? <blockquote>Der Fernsehrat vertritt die Interessen der Allgemeinheit gegenüber dem ZDF. Deshalb ist er kein Expertengremium, sondern so vielfältig wie die Gesellschaft selbst. Seine Mitglieder werden von unterschiedlichen gesellschaftlichen Gruppen entsandt. Der Fernsehrat tagt öffentlich. Sowohl die Tagesordnung als auch die Zusammenfassungen der wesentlichen Ergebnisse der Sitzungen werden im Internet veröffentlicht.</blockquote> So beschreibt sich der ZDF-Fernsehrat auf seiner Webseite selbst. Nach einem Urteil des Bundesverfassungsgerichts im Jahr 2014 mussten die Länder den ZDF-Staatsvertrag neu formulieren, der Fernsehrat ist deshalb seit Juli 2016 neu zusammengesetzt. Nur noch maximal 20 von 60 Mitgliedern dürfen aktive Politiker sein, der Rest soll verschiedene gesellschaftliche Gruppen repräsentieren. Neu hinzu kamen im Zuge der Neuordnung Vertreter, die von den Ländern – in der Regel auf Vorschlag von Vereinen oder Verbänden – für Bereiche wie Minderheiten, Menschen mit Behinderung, Digitales oder LGBTQI nominiert werden. Während Bayern das Nominierungsrecht für den Bereich "Digitales" an den Branchenverband der Telekommunikationsindustrie BITKOM delegiert hat, wurde ich vom Land Berlin auf gemeinsamen Vorschlag der vier Vereine <a href="https://ccc.de/">Chaos Computer Club (CCC)</a>, <a href="https://d-64.org/">D64 – Zentrum für Digitalen Fortschritt e. V.</a>, <a href="https://www.eco.de/">eco – Verband der Internetwirtschaft</a> und <a href="http://www.medianet-bb.de/">media.net berlinbrandenburg e. V.</a> für den Bereich "Internet" nominiert. Nach etwas mehr als der Hälfte meiner vierjährigen Periode möchte ich im Rahmen des 35C3 von meinen Aktivitäten als und im Fernsehrat berichten – zumindest soweit das übertriebene Verschwiegenheitsklauseln zulassen – und skizzieren, welche (neuen) Aufgaben öffentlich-rechtliche Medien gerade im Zeitalter digitaler Plattformöffentlichkeiten haben.
Performance lecture by Cornelia Sollfrank that makes a (techno-)feminist comment on the entanglements of gender, technology and information politics exemplified by the case of Julian Assange and Wikileaks. The artist takes us in her text assemblage on an adventurous trip into the realm of zeros and ones, of data and pure information, of ciphers, signifiers and figures. On the other side of reality we encounter suspected heroes, leaks and phreaks, engineers of escape who control our secret desires. Rape can be performed in many ways. In a state of total transparency: what shall we eat, when society feeds upon the repressed? Knowing yourself means knowing what to look for. The performance is a technofeminist comment on the wikileaks case, in particular the fact that Julian Assange has spent more than five years in confinement following a rape accusation. Instead of making a moral judgement, however, the performance uses and combines sources from information science, psychoanalysis, cultural studies, feminist studies and activism to embed the case is a wide cultural landscape in which gendered structures becomes more than obvious. The performance is divided into 9 chapters with headers such as Information, Organisation, Zeroes&Ones, Binary Worlds, Pure Difference, Cyberfeminism, Gender&Technology, Naked Information and Transparency, and creates a captivating atmosphere by the use of sound and visuals.
An open minded discussion about the Rust programming language.
Ein Rootkit (englisch etwa: „Administratorenbausatz“; root ist bei unixähnlichen Betriebssystemen der Benutzer mit Administratorrechten) ist eine Sammlung von Softwarewerkzeugen, die nach dem Einbruch in ein Softwaresystem auf dem kompromittierten System installiert wird, um zukünftige Anmeldevorgänge (Logins) des Eindringlings zu verbergen und Prozesse und Dateien zu verstecken. Aufspüren von Schadsoftware durch Analyse des Datenverkehrs In unserem Talk beschreiben wir eine Methode, besonders gut getarnte (=virtualisierende) Rootkits sowie manipulierte Firmware (UEFI, BIOS, Netzwerkkarten- oder Grafikkarten-Firmware) zuverlässig zu entdecken. Hierzu wird ein Vergleich des erwarteten Datenverkehrs mit dem tatsächlichen Datenverkehr durchgeführt, um die Schadsoftware durch den von ihr initiierten Datenverkehr zu erkennen. Wir beschreiben, wie der Vergleich durchgeführt wird und wie die Daten erfasst und verglichen werden. Zudem beschreiben wir die Vor- und Nachteile des verwendeten Ansatzes, der im Zuge einer Masterarbeit entwickelt wurde.
Erinnerungen an den Mitgründer des Chaos Computer Clubs, Wau Holland alias Herwart Holland Moritz Bin gern bereit, einige Geschichten aus dem Leben von Wau Holland zu erzählen. Und ich würde mich freuen, wenn zu dieser Session noch andere Leute sich zugesellen würden, die Wau vor oder während der Gründung des CCC kennen und schätzen gelernt haben. Und die meine Geschichten relativieren oder andere Geschichten beifügen könnten. Wau oder Herwart Holland-Moritz ist nun seit 17 Jahren tot. Seit 15 Jahren gibt es die Wau Holland Stiftung, die ein Archiv seines Nachlasses der Öffentlichkeit zugänglich machen soll und sein Lebenswerk weiter in Erinnerung bringen und vervollständigen soll. Ich möchte meine persönlichen Erinnerungen an ihn teilen und Menschen treffen, die auch ihre Erinnerungen an einen großartigen und innovatives intergalaktisches Wesen teilen möchten.
As NGOs continuing searching the Mediterranean by boat and a few planes, it would be good to find additional effective ways to find people in distress in the sea. To be able to search a huge area in the Mediterranean its good to get more eyes in the sky. For this purpose I want to show you and discuss computer-vision approaches to detect refugee boats which are able to run on basic minicomputers (like the RPI) which are cheap enough to put on a simple drone. All done by using free open source software. Furthermore I want to present a dataset and the current codebase which enables you to help searchwing/seawatch to work on the topic
A black text on green background, scrolling towards the middle of the screen. Di-Dinnng! Gameboy: the electronic soul of the past. It flows across the dance floor like a flash in the fog. We are the symbiosis of man and machine, the pulse drives us, heartbeats counted in BPM, we make sounds out of waves and waves out of sounds, we turn music into emotions and emotions into music, from minimum to maximum, from techno to dubstep. The whole spectrum is dancing. Penetrating sounds move you, electrify you, and the bass is massaging your soul. 8-bit power saves your life. Give yourself a chance. Experience Melted Moon Melted Moon started in 2006, when Mathias combined his two hobbies (music and gaming) by converting Gameboys into instruments. Back then, Melted Moon was merely a solo project, which slowly but perceptively gained popularity in Aschaffenburg. Later, in 2012, his friend Stefan joined him, followed by Fabian in 2013. Stefan was more technically savvy, while Fabian brought a lot of musical know-how, and it took just half a year to find a label and release the first album, "Meltdown". Since the label (Kompuphonik) is affiliated with the well-known band "Welle:Erdball", who also use retro computer hardware to create their music, they came in touch with each other and Melted Moon now regularly performs as a sidekick on many large Welle:Erdball concerts. Melted Moon even officially played at "Rock am Ring" in 2016 - the largest open air festival of Europe - and has performed on Nintendoom (the largest chiptune festival on the European mainland) twice. Not only is Melted Moon known in the music scene - of course Nintendo had to hear about them - not only because of Mathias' conspicuous Nintendo tattoos. And so it came that Melted Moon is also often invited to make some noise at the Gamescom (the largest video games convention of the world) on Nintendo's stage, but Melted Moon is also an integral part of the ROCCAT raffle shows - every year since 2013 - as well as their daily performances on the retro stage in the Gamescom's family area. Also, the city festival of Aschaffenburg features Melted Moon every year on the most central stage of the town - the "5x4m ABhörn-Bühne". Melted Moon uses only original Gameboy hardware to make music. The Gameboys are, of course, modified with a so-called "pro sound mod" (audio output directly from the soundchip to eliminate noise from the volume control), a backlight for the LCD screen, Bluetooth transceivers as a wireless link cable, and MIDI-Out for additional hardware (like SID synthesizers). The software used by Melted Moon is called "Little Sound DJ", or LSDJ for short, which runs on flashable third-party cartridges. LSDJ is a tracker program with a "Live" mode, where sections in the four individual channels can be played and looped selectively (additional to some live editing and effects).
barbnerdy ist Teil der Congresschillabteilung - ja man streitet sich auch mal und dann schaut man nach vorne und hört gemeinsam gute Musik mit viel Bass, das ist nämlich ihr Steckenpferd. --- barbnerdy is part of the congresschill department - yes argue happened sometimes and then we look forward and listen to good music together with a lot of bass, that's her hobbyhorse.
Tango Nuevo von Astor Piazzolla, Eigenes und Anderes...
Make science experiment with Pocket Science Lab and explore how you can use it at home, classroom, research lab etc. Download PSLab Android App for the workshop https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=io.pslab
Sometimes I like to stand back and have a look. Eisenbahnstraße, Leipzig East.
Die podcast Quiz Show deren Name ein Anagram des Originals ist! Gala Be Need Inn ist nicht nur die große podcast Quiz Show deren Name ein Anagram des Originals ist, sondern auch wie das große Vorbild: Spaß für die ganze Familie. Wir gehen den wichtigen, ernsten Fragen des Lebens nach: Was ist ein Alarmstuhl, warum haben Schaffner in Frankreich Knallerbsen dabei, was ist ein Nagelkommando und was zur Hölle ist Spritzgeld? Seid dabei wenn sich die KandidatInnen diesen harten Fragen des Moderators MacSnider unter wachsendem (freiwilligem) Alkoholeinfluss stellen. Am Ende gibt es Ruhm und Ehre zu gewinnen!
Was hat sich in 2018 im Bereich Raketen und Raumfahrt getan? Die kurze Antwort: viel. Die lange Antwort liefern wir euch in unserem fast schon traditionellen Raumfahrt-Jahresrückblick auf dem CCC 2018 wurden erstmal seit 1990 mehr als 100 Raketen erfolgreich gestartet. Statt Russland oder den USA führt China in diesem Jahr die Spitze im nationalen Vergleich an. Es starteten Sonden zur Sonne und zum Merkur, es wurde auf dem Mars und einem Asteroiden gelandet und eine Sonde verließ zum zweiten Mal überhaupt das Sonnensystem. In Bremen kamen mehr als 6.000 TeilnehmerInnen zum größten Raumfahrtkongress der Welt zusammen. Es gibt viel zu besprechen und nur 3 Minuten und 45 Sekunden pro Monat Zeit! Frank Wunderlich-Pfeiffer (Vollzeitnerd und Weltraumjournalist) und Christopher van der Meyden (Teilzeitnerd und podcastspezi) reden seit drei Jahren alle zwei Wochen über das neuste aus der Raumfahrt und wollen am Ende des Jahres 12 spannende Monate Revue passieren lassen.
CRISPR/Cas hat die Genforschung revolutioniert und könnte bald in großem Stil gentechnisch eingesetzt werden. Aber was ist CRISPR und wie funktioniert es? Kurz gesagt: Teile des adaptiven Immunsystems von Bakterien werden genutzt, um Gene zu verändern. Und das funktioniert präziser als mit jedem anderen Werkzeug zuvor und offenbar in allen Tier- und Pflanzenarten. Damit ist CRISPR anders als die herkömmlichen Methoden der Gentechnik. Es ist einfach anzuwenden, preiswert, schnell, extrem vielseitig und damit in jedem Biologielabor erhältlich. Bio-Hacker haben sogar begonnen, CRISPR zu Hause zu nutzen. CRISPR wird bereits eingesetzt, um mehr über Genfunktionen und -dysfunktionen zu erfahren. So könnte es realistischerweise zur Behandlung einiger Krankheiten eingesetzt werden. Aber welche Hürden gibt es noch und welche ethischen Fragen würden sie mit sich bringen? Wie kann (oder sollte?) CRISPR in der Landwirtschaft eingesetzt werden, wenn der Klimawandel die Erträge verringert und die Biodiversität gefährdet? Unser Vortrag gibt einen Überblick darüber, was mit dem CRISPR/Cas-System möglich ist. Wir möchten genügend Informationen liefern, um zwischen Pseudowissenschaften und dem, was tatsächlich möglich ist, unterscheiden zu können. André ist Physiker, Biochemiker und Wissenschaftskommunikator. Katrin studierte Biochemie, verpodcastete Wissenschaftsnachrichten und berät wissenschaftliche Softwareprojekte. Anna ist Biologin und hat während ihrer Doktorarbeit teilweise mit CRISPR gearbeitet. Obwohl wir aus verschiedenen Bereichen der Wissenschaft kommen, haben wir eine gemeinsame Leidenschaft: Themen aus der Wissenschaft verständlich darzustellen. Eine der vielversprechendsten neuen Technologien ist CRISPR/Cas. Dabei handelt es sich um eine Gentechnikmethode, die ein großes Potenzial für Mensch und Umwelt hat. Aber wie jedes Werkzeug kann CRISPR sowohl für Gutes als auch für Böses eingesetzt werden - und es ist nicht immer einfach zu sagen, was was ist, besonders in biologischen und ökologischen Systemen. CRISPR hilft uns, Genfunktionen und Krankheiten besser erforschen zu können. Es könnte uns auch helfen, die Folgen des Klimawandels in vielerlei Hinsicht zu bekämpfen - doch haben wir uns nicht genug in die Umwelt eingemischt? CRISPR könnte uns helfen, Krankheiten zu behandeln, vielleicht sogar bei Embryonen mit genetischen Krankheiten. Aber ist es ethisch vertretbar, die menschliche Keimbahn zu verändern? Oder sollten wir sie bei Tieren verändern, um höhere Fleisch-, Milch- oder Eiererträge zu erzielen? Was könnten wir ändern und was sollten wir besser in Ruhe lassen? Was mit CRISPR getan wird - darüber sollte es einen breiten Dialog in der Gesellschaft geben. Wir wollen versuchen die wissenschaftliche Faktenlage darzustellen, und die Möglichkeiten und Grenzen von CRISPR zu beleuchten.
Advanced Bondage Workshop
How does climate change affects us, our families and our communities? Hearing 12 different perspectives connects us to our own through intermediate pair-discussions.
Welche Bemühungen zur Digitalisierung des Bundestages gibt es, warum "ein Pad und ein Wiki" eben nicht ausreicht, was man noch so tun könnte und wofür man eigentlich immer noch Faxgeräte in der Politik braucht - darüber diskutieren Julia (Bundestag, netzpolitik.org, cihr.eu), Ijon (Bundestag, LOAD e.V.) und Walter (Open Knowledge Foundation), moderiert von Noujoum. In Fragen der Digitalisierung des Staates ist Deutschland weit hinter andere europäische Länder zurückgefallen, die Politik soll es jetzt (endlich) richten, ist aber selbst noch hoffnungslos analog. Die politischen Prozesse und bürokratischen Abläufe im Bundestag sind den Politiknerds Ijon, Noujoum und Julia als Mitarbeitende von Abgeordneten im Bundestag im Detail vertraut. Welche Bemühungen es gibt, warum "ein Pad und ein Wiki" eben nicht ausreichen, was man noch so tun könnte und wofür man eigentlich immer noch Faxgeräte in der Politik braucht - darüber diskutieren Julia (Bundestag, netzpolitik.org, cihr.eu), Ijon (Bundestag, LOAD e.V.) und Walter (Open Knowledge Foundation), moderiert von Noujoum.
GUTS PIE EARSHOT are surely one of the most unusual modern bands who music-wise vaguely have something to do with punk/hardcore and in the same time breakbeat/techno. Their music is purely instrumental. This instrumentation may appear minimalist, only cello and drums are played, and yet the music conjures up entire new universes in the mind's eye - or ear.
From the family...
Plötzlich geht alles ganz schnell: Online-Behandlungen und elektronische Gesundheitsakten sind dieses Jahr für Millionen Krankenversicherte Wirklichkeit geworden. Zu einem hohen Preis: Bereits einfache Angriffe lassen das Sicherheitskonzept der Apps und Plattformen zusammenbrechen. Warum das so ist, welche kritischen Fehler Vivy & Co. gemacht haben und wie das möglicherweise verhindert werden kann, das soll dieser Vortrag zeigen - denn in spätestens drei Jahren sollen auch die Gesundheitsdaten aller übrigen Versicherten zentral gespeichert und online abrufbar sein. Die elektronische Gesundheitskarte ist gescheitert. Stattdessen kommt jetzt die elektronische Patientenakte: In spätestens drei Jahren sollen die Befunde, Diagnosen, Röntgenbilder und Rezepte aller gesetzlich Krankenversicherten online und zentral gespeichert verfügbar sein. Schon heute können Millionen Versicherte eine solche Lösung nutzen und, wie Gesundheitsminister Jens Spahn fordert, "auch auf Tablets und Smartphones auf ihre elektronische Patientenakte zugreifen". Zeitgleich zur elektronischen Patientenakte steht die Onlinebehandlung vor der Tür: Das Fernbehandlungsverbot wurde vor wenigen Monaten gekippt, und schon heute können sich Millionen Versicherte ausschließlich online behandeln lassen. Nach Jahren des Wartens geht dabei alles ganz schnell. "Diese Maßnahmen dulden keinen Aufschub", sagt Spahn. Und macht uns alle damit zu Beta-Testern in Sachen Gesundheit. Mit fatalen Folgen: Unsere streng vertraulichen Gesundheitsdaten liegen für alle sichtbar im Netz. In diesem Vortrag zeige ich an fünf konkreten Beispielen, welche fahrlässigen Entscheidungen die Online-Plattformen und Apps der Anbieter aus dem Bereich Gesundheitsakte und Telemedizin so angreifbar machen und demonstriere, wie einfach der massenhafte Zugriff auf unsere vertraulichen Gesundheitsdaten gelang. Zur Debatte steht, was angesichts dieser neuen alten Erkenntnisse zu tun ist - und was wir besser bleiben lassen.
An (almost) self-contained introduction to the basic ideas of quantum mechanics. The theory and important experimental results will be discussed. <p>Quantum mechanics is one of the two paradigm-changing physical theories of the early twentieth century (the other being special and general relativity). Suddenly, one of the most fundamental physical theories was no longer deterministic: Measurement is a probabilistic process in quantum mechanics. This caused a controversy on how to interpret this and whether quantum mechanics is a complete theory that continues until today.</p> <p>This talk tries to counter a trend: Most people know the fundamentals of special relativity, while few know quantum mechanics beyond the Bohr model of hydrogen. On reason is that the presentation of quantum mechanics in schoolbooks is often dated, inaccurate and incomplete, and, as a consequence, quantum mechanical concepts are often used as a magical component in fringe science and esoteric theories.</p> <p>The talk will shortly discuss some of the experimental results that have lead to the formulation of quantum mechanics and then formulate the theory. The parts of quantum mechanics that often show up in quack theories will be examined and dissected.</p> <p>Allergy advice: This talk may contain mathematics. Some prior knowledge of linear algebra will help to understand this talk.</p>
Open Source firmware ist ein Begriff seit 1999 wo LinuxBIOS (coreboot) und u-boot als Projekt starteten. Heute nach fast 20 Jahren ist endlich Open Source firmware bei den Herstellern von Hardware angekommen: Google Chromebooks - coreboot Facebook Open Compute Hardware - coreboot / LinuxBoot Purism Laptops - coreboot Microsoft Olympus - TianoCore Microsoft Surface - TianoCore IBM Power 9 - Hostboot / Skiboot ARM Hardware - ARM Trusted Firmware Intel Minnowboard - TianoCore, coreboot A lot embedded hardware - u-boot In diesem Vortrag werden wir uns den Weg der Open Source firmware Entwicklung von der Vergangeheit bis in die Gegenwart anschauen. Dabei werden wir ein Schwerpunkt auf neue Technologien in der Firmware Entwicklung und eine Einführung in bestehende Konzepte legen. Teil des Vortrags werden auch Sicherheitstechnologien und Konzepte der Firmware sein. Zum Schluss werden wir einen Ausblick auf die Zukunft und damit verbundenen Ideen uns anschauen. Dies ist ein Einsteiger Vortrag der dazu dienen soll mehr Menschen von der Open Source Firmware Entwicklung zu begeistern.
During her talk “Tactical Embodiment,” artist and activist Angela Washko will present several different strategies for performing, participating in and transforming online environments that are especially hostile toward women. She will introduce her long-term performative intervention “The Council on Gender Sensitivity and Behavioral Awareness in World of Warcraft” alongside several interventions, interviews, performances, written works and video games works she has created with the manosphere and online men’s seduction communities. In addition to walking the audience through her research, Washko will screen excerpts from her interview with a seduction coach who has been dubbed “The Web’s Most Infamous Misogynist” and highlight instructional DVDs, books, and hidden-camera videos created by a community of pick-up artists who teach men how to interact with and seduce women. The talk will close with an audience-participation based performative play-through of her most recent project “The Game: The Game,” a dating simulator video game presenting the practices of several infamous pick-up artists. During her talk “Tactical Embodiment,” artist and activist Angela Washko will present several different strategies for performing, participating in and transforming online environments that are especially hostile toward women. She will introduce her long-term performative intervention “The Council on Gender Sensitivity and Behavioral Awareness in World of Warcraft” alongside several interventions, interviews, performances, written works and video games works she has created with the manosphere and online men’s seduction communities. In addition to walking the audience through her research, Washko will screen excerpts from her interview with a seduction coach who has been dubbed “The Web’s Most Infamous Misogynist” and highlight instructional DVDs, books, and hidden-camera videos created by a community of pick-up artists who teach men how to interact with and seduce women. The talk will close with an audience-participation based performative play-through of her most recent project “The Game: The Game,” a dating simulator video game presenting the practices of several infamous pick-up artists. “The Game: The Game” is a video game presenting the practices of several prominent seduction coaches (aka pick-up artists) through the format of a dating simulator. In the game these pick-up gurus attempt to seduce the player using their signature techniques taken verbatim from their instructional books and video materials. The game sets up the opportunity for players to explore the complexity of the construction of social behaviors around dating as well as the experience of being a femme-presenting individual navigating this complicated terrain.
ich zeige Bilder meiner Urlaube, wo ich elektrische Installationen fragwürdiger Art fotografiert habe und erzähle ein wenig dazu. Im Prinzip dasselbe wie damals schon (https://log.koepferl.de/2017/12/29/34c3-elektrogruselkabinett/) Eine Diashow mit Erzählungen von teilweise abenteuerlichen Elektrokonstuktionen.
Hardware implants and supply chain attacks have been in the news recently, but how feasible are they and what can we do about them? In this talk we'll examine the design of a proof of concept SPI bus hardware implant that has similar capabilities to those described in the Bloomberg/Supermicro article as well as some countermeasures that we can use to try to detect these "modchips" and increase our trust in our systems. We don't know how much of the Bloomberg story about hardware implants installed in Supermicro servers shipped to Apple and Amazon is true, nor do we know the story behind the story and the reasons for the vehement denials by all the parties involved. However, a technical assessment of details of the describe implants reveals that a supply chain attack on the hardware is definitely possible, that the capabilities of the BMC can be used to bypass OS protections, and that there are means to access the BMC that would not necessarily generate readily identified network traffic. In this talk we'll examine the design of a proof of concept SPI bus hardware implant that has similar capabilities to those described in the Bloomberg/Supermicro article as well as some countermeasures that we can use to try to detect these "modchips" and increase our trust in our systems.
Nicolas Wöhrl, Stefan Schulz und Moritz Klenk wollen mit podcasterinnen und podcasthörern über die Finanzierung, Formate und Freiheit des podcastings diskutieren. podcasts sind Flauschzonen, aber unter dem Deckel brodelt es. Immer häufiger kristallisieren sich Themen heraus zu denen es sehr unterschiedliche Meinungen in der podcastlandschaft gibt. Wie sollte Werbung eingebettet werden? Welche Formate haben Relevanz? Gibt es noch neue Formatideen? Wie wichtig ist die Technik? Wir wollen über diese Themen diskutieren. Und der 35C3 ist der richtige Ort dafür, da nirgendwo sonst so viele podcaster ihren Hörern begegnen. Üblicherweise bestehen die spontanen Hörertreffen aus Dankesbekundungen und interessierten Nachfragen. Doch wir wollen die Gelegenheit wahrnehmen, unsere Fragen in einem Setting der Debatte aufzuwerfen. Ebenso sind wir daran interessiert, zu erfahren, wie podcasts tatsächlich gehört werden. Setting 90 Minuten, 3 + 1 ständig wechselnder Teilnehmer aus dem Publikum, so viel Publikum wie möglich, gleichzeitig und fortlaufend Stimmungsbilder aus dem Publikum durch die interaktive Präsentationssoftware “Mentimeter”. Ablauf Jede Diskussionsrunde beginnt mit einer einminütigen pointierten Themenvorstellung, auf die jeweils drei anderthalbminütige Meinungsbeiträge von uns folgen. Dieser Durchlauf eröffnet der Diskussion, zeigt das Meinungsspektrum auf und wir übergeben anschließend an einen Teilnehmer aus dem Publikum. Dieser nimmt auf dem freien Stuhl platz und erweitert die Diskussion mit seiner Meinung. Jeder kann so lang sitzen bleiben, bis er oder sie aus dem Publikum durch abklatschen abgelöst wird. Diskussionsteilnehmer können unbegrenzt häufig an der Diskussion teilnehmen. Nach dreißig Minuten wird das Thema gewechselt und ein neuer Durchlauf beginnt. Zusätzlich ermöglichen wir fortlaufend Impulse aus dem Publikum. Durch den Einsatz der Präsentationssoftware “Mentimeter” kann das Publikum zu jedem Zeitpunkt Stichworte oder kurzes Feedback mit Hilfe des Smartphones auf die Präsentationsfläche werfen. Diese niederschwellige Feedbackschleife ermöglicht die fortlaufende Abbildung eines Stimmungsbildes aus dem Publikum, auf das bei Bedarf eingegangen werden kann und was zusätzlich die Diskussion auf der Bühne bereichern kann. Themen Finanzierung Im Sendegate flammt von Zeit zu Zeit die Diskussion über Werbung als Geldquelle für podcasts auf. Eine ähnliche Diskussion über Hörerfinanzierung gibt es nicht. Dabei gibt es Formatfragen: Wie nimmt man das Geld an? Wie geht man mit den Zuwendungen im podcast um? Wie fragt man nach mehr Geld? Warum zahlen Hörer freiwillig? Formate Zwei Männer sitzen im Wohnzimmer und unterhalten sich ohne Sendungsplan über Technikkram. Das ist immer noch zu häufig die Wahrnehmung von privat produzierten podcasts. Aber stimmt das eigentlich? Wie sieht es mit der Formatvielfalt aus? Gibt es kluge und gewagte Experimente, die die podcastlandschaft hervorgebracht hat? Und wie findet man eigentlich neues Publikum? Wie durchbricht man die podcastblase? Sind Live-podcasts eine Möglichkeit oder befriedigen sie nur die Egozentrik der Macher ohne Mehrwert für den Hörer? Feedback Bertolt Brecht schrieb 1932 über das Radio: “Der Rundfunk ist aus einem Distributionsapparat in einen Kommunikationsapparat zu verwandeln. Der Rundfunk wäre der denkbar großartigste Kommunikationsapparat des öffentlichen Lebens, ein ungeheures Kanalsystem, das heißt, er wäre es, wenn er es verstünde, nicht nur auszusenden, sondern auch zu empfangen, also den Zuhörer nicht nur hören, sondern auch sprechen zu machen und ihn nicht zu isolieren, sondern ihn in Beziehung zu setzen. Der Rundfunk müsste demnach aus dem Lieferantentum herausgehen und den Hörer als Lieferanten organisieren.” Wenn wir vom podcast als Zukunft des Radios sprechen, ist es nicht genau das, was damit gemeint sein muss? Aber wie organisieren wir denn Hörer*innen, statt sie nur zu beschallen? Wie kann ein autoritäres Sender-Empfänger-Verständnis überwunden werden? Oder sollte es überhaupt? Welche technischen Lösungen braucht es für einen echten Kommunikationsapparat? Wie wollt ihr als Hörer*innen eingebunden werden - wie wollt ihr als podcaster*innen mit diesen Kommunikationsmöglichkeiten umgehen? Braucht es überhaupt noch diese Unterscheidung von Hörer*innen und podcaster*innen? Freiheit (Optionales viertes Thema) podcast waren einmal angetreten, um mit geringem technischen Aufwand interessante Beiträge zu erzeugen. Jeder konnte zum Sender werden und jeder konnte das Publikum für seine Inhalte finden. Ganz so “grassroots” scheint aber die aktuelle Szene nicht mehr zu sein. Arbeitsweisen werden dogmatisch abgelehnt. Mindeststandards für Technik definiert. Vertriebsplattformen, Technik, Software wird kategorisch in “richtig” und “falsch” eingeordnet. Sind wir noch offen für neue Ideen und Wege? Personen Nicolas Wöhrl (Methodisch Inkorrekt), Stefan Schulz (Aufwachen podcast), Moritz Klenk (Podlog)
Das fast 60 Jahre alte Cobol wird noch heute von sehr vielen Banken und Versicherungen eingesetzt. Ich erzähle aus meiner langjährigen, nicht selten schmerzhaften, Erfahrung als Cobol-Entwickler in der Großrechner-Umgebung, heute unter anderem mit Blick auf die Security. Um auf die Sicherheitsaspekte eingehen zu können, stelle ich Cobol und die mir bekannte Großrechner-Umgebung kurz vor. Wie alt ist die Sprache, wo sind ihre Schwächen - hat sie Stärken? Warum nutzen Banken und Versicherungen bis heute Cobol und Großrechner-Umgebungen? Im zweiten Teil geht es um die Sicherheit der Sprache. Wie lohnenswert ist der Angriff auf Cobol-basierte Systeme? Wie leicht das Spiel für Angreifer? Wie läuft die interne Fehlersuche der DV? Und die Fehlerbehebung? Wie wird das Programmverhalten protokolliert? Können Großrechner-Umgebungen geschützt werden? Und wird entsprechender Schutz genutzt? Warum nicht? Abschließend der kleine Hoffnungsschimmer: Immer mehr Banken und Versicherungen wollen von Cobol auf modernere Programmiersprachen umstellen und - gezwungenermaßen - den Großrechner abschaffen. Ich berichte aus meiner Erfahrung, wie diese Umstellung in einer Versicherung läuft und was mögliche Probleme sind. Talk ist für Einsteiger mit Grundlagen in der Anwendungsentwicklung geeignet. Ihr müsst und wollt Cobol dafür nicht verstehen.
Mohammed Atari spielte mal in Hamburg seine Lieblingsschallplatten, als ein junges Mädchen an das DJ Pult herantrat und laut rief: “Tolle Musik spielst du!”. Er ist ein Mysterium und ja wir sind gespannt auf sein Set. --- Mohammed Atari was playing his beloved vinyls once in Hamburg when a young girl appeared and shouted “you play great music!”. He is a man of mystery and yes we are curious to listen to his set.
Make science experiment with Pocket Science Lab and explore how you can use it at home, classroom, research lab etc. Download PSLab Android App for the workshop https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=io.pslab
We're going to play some rounds of the german drinking game "Flunkyball"
Heimatminister Horst Seehofer und seine Amtskollegen in den Ländern erweitern die Rechte der Polizeien und planen ein „Musterpolizeigesetz“. Damit handelten sie sich die größten Proteste gegen Überwachungsvorhaben seit Jahren ein. Wir geben nicht nur einen Überblick über die zahlreichen Neuregelungen der Polizeigesetze in den Bundesländern, sondern berichten auch aus den Anhörungen in den Landtagen und von den Stellungnahmen. Wir erklären, was in den neuen Gesetzen steht und welche rechtlichen und technischen Grenzüberschreitungen wir zu kritisieren haben. Und wir haben ein paar Forderungen.
This talk will discuss all about the Five Eyes, the espionage alliance between Australia, Canada, New Zealand, the United Kingdom and the United States. It is one of the largest intelligence operations in the world, which monitors billions of communications around the globe in the name of security. Yet the Five Eyes propose to weaken security, privacy and eroded the possibility of secure systems. This talk will go into details about the Five Eyes (FVEY), covering its origins in the aftermath of World War II, its expansion in the cold war, ECHELON, and further expansion in the the era of counter-terrorism, through today, where the Five Eyes have set their sights on enabling mass surveillance and stopping strong encryption. The discussion will include: - The history and background of the Five Eyes Origins Cold War (ECHELON) Terrorism - How the FVEY spying and intelligence sharing works - Malware - Backdoors - Routers - Internet exchanges - Domestic sharing: when one member spies on another’s citizens, and shares the information back to get around prohibitions on domestic surveillance. - More Eyes, More Problems. Proposals to expand the number of eyes, including many within the EU - Whistleblowers: What the documents shared by Edward Snowden revealed about the Five Eyes - The Five Eyes latest fight: Against strong encryption. FVEY member claim to aim to "thwart the encryption of terrorist messaging,” and the UK and Australia have taken steps through legislation to weaken security. - Why this matters - the legal and policy framework for communications surveillance and the application of human rights principles for surveillance.
As humans have a large negative impact on ecosystems all around the globe, we are approaching a major extinction event in which around 70% of all species will go extinct. This talk will give an introduction to a data-driven and system-based view of ecology. Since life emerged on this planet around 3 billion years ago, five global extinction events took place, that are characterized by over 60% of all species disappearing within a geologically short time interval. The last decades of environmental research, however, made it evidently clear that anthropogenic impacts on the global ecology could lead to a sixth global extinction. Being caused by the destabilization of ecosystems due to climate change, poaching, fragmenting of habitats, species invasions, pollution and other human activities, this extinction event would be the first induced by a species and not by natural catastrophes. Two general paths of action seem available to mitigate this threat or at least limit the damage: One consists of radically limiting anthropogenic influence on nature by restricting human habitats (to, as argued by E. O. Wilson among others, half of the earths surface), which, however, seems politically infeasible. A second strategy aims to effectively re-stabilize ecosystems by selective and specific intervention, but this would require a much deeper knowledge of ecosystem processes and how to modulate them. In this talk, I will provide an overview of the declining quality of ecosystems worldwide and argue that data-driven approaches as well as a hacker mindset will be essential to tackle open questions. I will support this argument by examples from my own research, in which I aim to identify important interactions between microbes in lake ecosystems. Finally, I will try to start a discussion on how to create citizen science projects that will help us understand our natural environment.
The software defined wide-area network is technology based on SDN approach applied to branch office connections in Enterprises. According to Gartner's predictions, more than 50% of routers will be replaced with SD-WAN Solutions by 2020. The SD-WAN can have firewalls and other perimeter security features on board which makes them attractive targets for attackers. Vendors promise "on-the-fly agility, security" and many other benefits. But what does "security" really mean from a hand-on perspective? Most of SD-WAN solutions are distributed as Linux-based Virtual Appliances or a Cloud-centric service which can make them low-hanging fruit even for script kiddie. Complexity of SDN creates additional security issues and cybersecurity pro should address it before an attack occurs. This presentation will introduce practical analysis of different SD-WAN solutions from the attacker perspective. Attack surface, threat model and real-world vulnerabilities in SD-WAN solutions will be presented. Detailed Outline: 1. SD-WAN overview a. SD-WAN in a nutshell b. Typical SD-WAN design overview c. Cloud, on premise, hybrid architecture d. Common technology stack (netconf, strongswan, DPDK, etc.) e. Customization, vCPE and VNF f. Security features Basic terminology, the essentials of SD-WAN architecture: declared advantages and implementation options. Customization approaches via tailored and 3rd party VNF and uCPE/vCPE. Overview of built-it and additional security features. 2. SD-WAN attack surface a. Management interfaces b. Local shells and OS c. Control plane and data plane separation d. Analytics-Controller-vCPE/uCPE-VNF communications e. Hypervisor and virtualization (VNF) separation f. Routing, IPSec Overlay g. Updates and Cloud features Technical analysis of data and control flow between major components in typical SD-WAN architecture (Orchestration – Controller – vCPE – VNF [and back]). Attack vectors, vertical and horizontal (for multi-tenant/managed service) privilege escalation scenarios. 3. Security Assessment a. SD-WAN as a (virtual) appliance b. Rooting the "box" c. Old school *nix tricks d. How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Node.js e. Built-in security features f. Post-deploy "Forensics" g. SD-WAN Managed Services h. Top down, bottom up and lateral movement Practical SD-WAN security assessment cases, vulnerabilities (next summarized in "SD-WAN vulnerabilities" section), tips and tricks. 4. SD-WAN Offensive and Defensive toolkit a. Internet census b. SD-WAN vulnerabilities c. Attacks cases d. SD-WAN threat model e. Pentester and hardening checklists f. Buyer guide SD-WAN Internet census, Google/Shodan SD-WAN Cheat Sheet. Issues with cloud deployment and support (AWS, Azure). Publically know attack cases. Vulnerabilities in top 5 SD-WAN (depends on fixes, responsible disclosure in progress). 5. Conclusion/ Takeaways
Microcode runs in most modern CPUs and translates the outer instruction set (e.g. x86) into a simpler form (usually a RISC architecture). It is updatable to fix bugs in the silicon (see Meltdown/Spectre), but these updates are encrypted and signed, so no one knows how microcode works on conventional CPUs. We successfully reverse engineered part of the microde semantics of AMD CPUs and are able to write our own programs. We also recovered the mapping between the physical readout (electron microscope) and the "virtual" addresses used by microcode itself. In this talk we present background on microcode, our findings, our open source framework to write custom microcode and our custom defensive measures implemented in microcode. We build on our results presented on 34C3 to provide more insight into how microcode works and more details of the microcode ROM itself. tl;dr diff to last talk: - Mapped physical readout to virtual addresses, we can now read the microcode implementation of specfic instructions - More microcode semantics known, more stable programs - Opensource framework for creating, diassembling and testing microcode on AMD CPUs - Simple hardware setup to develop microcode programs - More practical examples of what you can do with microcode, focused on defense instead of offense this time Since 34C3 we worked on recovering the microcode ROM completely and used that knowledge to implement constructive microcode programs that add to or enhance functionality of the CPU. We also worked on our now open source framework to create and diassemble microcode for AMD CPUs up to 2013. We will give a short intro into how to use it to create custom microcode programs and test them on real hardware. We also provide guidelines on how to construct the test setup we used, which is essentially any old AMD mainboard (native serial port required), a RaspberryPi with a serial adapter and some wiring including a few basic electronic components. Using this you can remotely and automatically test any number of microcode updates and it is integrated in our framework. On the microcode program side we will show how to hijack microcoded instructions to replace them with new semantics, for example reviving the good-old BOUND x86 instruction. We also show how to roll your own microcode update verification scheme, so only trusted and signed updates can be loaded on vulnerable CPUs. Additionally we will provide some implementation details found in the microcode ROM and show how it is used to implement complex functions like the instruction WRMSR, which among other functions is used to update the microcode. We will start with a crash-course covering fundamentals related to instruction decoding, CPU architecture and microcode principles. We will then present our new insights and finish with a demo of how our framework works.
Collecting all the tools for all the things you can do with computers
Seemingly out of nothing, through dust and with no bang, VRIL appeared on the scene in 2010 with his debut on Giegling. His music made such beautiful noise that it instantly found his place on Marcel Dettmann’s selection for his “Conducted” CD. Also he was part of the Berghain05 Compilation in 2011. His sound is a search for the evergoing movement, exploring a never stopping energy. Once he catches you in his groove it will shine so bright you won’t be able to escape it. Tales of his harder sounding live sets being heard at DGTL, Awakenings, Fusion Festival, Berghain and all over the world. All sets share the same common feature that it was an as euphoric as energetic travel in sound. Since 2010 he was touring nonstop worldwide and had been to over 45 countries. The warmer and more slower side of VRILs sound he shows in podcasts that are released yearly on sites like Resident Advisor, Dekmantel, XLR8R, Inverted Audio, etc. VRIL is also quite active in doing Remixes. For Percy X, Sterac, Suuns, Iori, HVOB to only name a few. His highly anticipated debut album on Giegling named “Torus” (2014) contained a lot of great surprises soundwise. The second Album „Portal“ (2015) (which had more functional sound) and also the 12inch called „Vortekz“ (2014) was realeased on Delsin Records. The same label where his third LP „anima mundi“ was released in late 2018. All Releases in 2018: VRIL -Haus- (12 inch on Giegling) VRIL -Omniverse- (12 inch on Dystopian) VRIL -anima mundi- (LP on Delsin Records).
From the family...
''RESCHEDULED DUE TO WORKSHOP CONFLICT''I designed some simple pcbs of a tardigrade with a focus on art rather than technicality. The pcb is a simple circuit which contains both smd and through hole components only 4 in total: cr2032 coin cell battery holder, smd switch, multicolour flashing led (through hole) and an smd resistor.
Tired of egoshooters? Feeling the need for better graphics, realistic physics and surround sound? Join the big Nerf-Gun Battle at 35c3! Come around - bring your own device - get shot!
Nico Semsrott hat in Zeiten des globalen Rechtsrucks den überflüssigsten Job der Welt: Er ist Demotivationstrainer. Mit Powerpointpräsentationen und viel Pessimismus schafft er es, komplexe Themen zu vereinfachen, ohne dabei auf alternative Fakten zurückgreifen zu müssen. Politisch gesehen ist zwar alles aussichtslos. Aber wenn man schon aufgibt, kann man man genauso gut auch das Resignieren aufgeben. Deswegen kandidiert Nico auf Platz 2 der Europaliste der Partei Die PARTEI. Um dann in Brüssel als Kommissionspräsident die Demokratie in Europa einzuführen. Notfalls gegen den Willen der Bürgerinnen und Bürger.
Curator of Nachtdigital Festival, Holger Records and many events in his home city of Leipzig - among them: Acid Haus (allnighters in a dark foggy basement), Sleep In (indoors & outdoors Ambient sleepovers), Idiots (parties in various off-locations).
Gregoa - Verkorkster Endvierziger mit Hang zu melancholischer Musik zwischen geschmeidigen bis stümperhaften Übergängen. Bislang unentdeckt, doch vom Chaos wegen der doch recht speziellen Musikmischung geschätzt. --- Gregoa - Corked up in his late forties with a tendency towards melancholic music between smooth and unprofessional transitions. So far undiscovered, but appreciated by the chaos because of the very special musical mixture.
Map.ache is Jan Barich, a Leipzig-based DJ-producer most widely known for his releases on Giegling, as part of the DJ duo Manamana, and work with KANN, the acclaimed imprint he runs with Alex Neuschulz (a.k.a. Sevensol) and Dennis Knoof (a.k.a. Bender). Promoting what they call "modern dance music," and with a discography that includes, among many other immensely talented artists, themselves, Traumprinz, and Falke, it's no surprise that the label is regarded so highly by deep house fans today. Barich's story has been partly told before: growing up in Leipzig, he began playing the drums aged 14 and subsequently became involved in two band projects, namely Diario and The Hands Of The Wrong People—the former of which was a real success. Steadily, throughout the mid-'90s, he became increasingly interested in electronica, in part down regular visits to Conne Island, an alternative youth cultural center that hosted a rich musical program ranging across the entire spectrum. "It [Conne Island] certainly shaped my musical personality," Barich reflects. Soon, however, he began attending illegal techno parties around the city, held in abandoned spaces in the twilight hours after Conne Island's doors had been closed. DJing and production started soon thereafter. He learned to do the former around the age of 14, though only started playing out in the early 2000s; while he taught himself the latter in 2003, inspired by the music he was being exposed too. He was, he says, a "shy bedroom producer" who lacked the self-confidence to share his music with labels, leading him to set up KANN in 2008 as an outlet for his productions and those of his partners. The imprint, without question, has been a success, seeing a wide number of wonderful releases and serving as a platform for Map.ache to share his work elsewhere: since quitting his job at Conne Island in 2014, the Leipzig-based artist has released a beautiful collection of musical works. He's certainly an artist on the rise, so what better time to catch up with him to reflect on his journey to date and plans for the future.
Bidi - https://vannutt.ch/ ist direkt aus einem Casting einer italienisch-schweizerischen Koproduktion über psychidelische Aspekte nächtelanger Chillkultur und derer Interaktion mit heruntergepitchen Schlagersongs entsprungen und wie immer lange und spät dran. Morelle entstammt einem alten Hamburger Geschlecht der Musikpudel und hat sich mit seinen gerne auch über Stunden ziehenden Sets bei entsprechender Musikauswahl immer als einer der DJs erwiesen, der weiß, wie es geht. Musik die wohltuend ins Ohr aber auch in die Beine geht. --- Bidi - https://vannutt.ch/ is the direct result of a casting of an Italian-Swiss co-production on psychedelic aspects of night-long chill culture and its interaction with down-pitched folksongs and, as always, long and late. Morelle comes from an old Hamburg family of music poodles and with his sets, which can last for hours, has always proved to be one of the DJs who knows how to do it. Music that goes pleasantly into the ear but also into the legs.
RSS DISCO (originally RSS Music Summary; later, two competing approaches emerged, which used the backronyms Really Simple Seduction and Relatively Serious Sequence respectively) is a type of continuous music feed which allows users and robots to access updates to recorded content in a standardized, computer-readable format. This feed can, for example, allow a dancer to keep track of many different tracks in a single night. Any fun aggregator can periodically check RSS Disco for new content, allowing the content to be automatically passed from the turntable to the soundsystem. This passing of content is called DJing. An RSS experience (called “set”, “mix”, or "performance") includes full frequencies, action and vibes.
Ein DJ Set, gemixed von avocadoom, mit viel Tech-House, mit bekannteren und unbekannteren Tracks, relativ ausgewogen und vielseitig. „Es ist Zeit, den Klangteppich mit 4 on the floor mal ein bisschen auszuklopfen.“. + VJ Moritz Hilscher Hey, ich bin Thilo (avocadoom) vom CCC-Darmstadt und neben dem ganzen gehacke lege ich ab und zu hobbymäßig House auf. Ich würde dieses Jahr gerne in die Welt des Klangteppichs eintauchen und euch ein bisschen House auf die Ohren geben. Das Set soll relativ ausgeglichen werden, nicht zu aufgeregt, nicht zu ruhig. Um das ein bisschen zu konkretisieren, hier ein paar Beispiele: - "La Luna" - Jude & Frank - "Crowd Control" - FISHER - "The Jam" - Guz, Simun
»Ach, wenn ich alleine rumfahre, höre ich meistens Industrial«, sagt das Auto. (aus Qualityland, Marc Uwe Kling) DJ-set - nicht nur für selbstfahrende Autos. Von melodischem Futurepop, Darkwave, Synthwave über stampfenden Industrial Dance, EBM bis krachendem Rhythm'n'Noise, IDM. »Ach, wenn ich alleine rumfahre, höre ich meistens Industrial«, sagt das Auto. (aus Qualityland, Marc Uwe Kling) DJ-set - nicht nur für selbstfahrende Autos. Von melodischem Futurepop, Darkwave, Synthwave über stampfenden Industrial Dance, EBM bis krachendem Rhythm'n'Noise, IDM, gespickt mit etwas Chiptunes.
Ich werde euch eine Ideensammlung an die Hand geben, wie ihr euch bei bestimmten Situationen verteidigen könnt. Der Workshop ist praxisorientiert. Es wird Schlag/Tritt und Würge-Abwehr trainiert. Als Bonus gibt es dieses mal Befreiung aus mit Kabelbindern gefesselten Händen.
Final Workshop with participatns of the fellowship program by Reporters Without Borders Germany
Meetup of Kerbal Space Program Players. Show off your contraptions, Mods. Find likeminded people.
Mr. Galonga ist Mutti und Vati vom Minmon Kollektiv. Vor allem im Raum Potsdam sind einige Partys und podcasts auf seinem Mist gewachsen. Ihm geht es nicht um Kohle, sondern um Liebe und deshalb ist er in diesem jahr erstmalig als Dj aufm 35C3. --- Mr. Galonga is mum and dad from the Minmon collective. Especially in the Potsdam area some parties and podcasts he did on his own bat. He is not interested in wonga, but in love and that's why this year for the first time he's a DJ on 35C3.
Zum Junghackertag gibt es extra Lötprogramme
Präsentation des Junghackertags und seiner Angebote für Junghacker und Begleitpersonen
!!!Now in Lecture room M3!!! We'll do some Yoga to calm our minds and move them bodies. Bring along comfortable clothes – and a towel to lie on ;-)
No ideology. No defined mindset. No spirituality needed. Let's just get intouch with our bodies and their flows of energy. Balancing body and mind energies. How do you do it? Let's strech, talk and learn from each other. And prepare for the day ahead. Bring a mat if you can.
M5stack is a modular programmable prototyping device which has the esp32 at its core. M5stack can be programmed with the arduino IDE, esp-idf, micropython and more. In this workshop however we will be focusing on using block programming to control the light, sound, images on the screen, sensors etc. This workshop is suited for kids or anyone who is taking their first steps in coding, and maybe are put off by thinking they have to learn lots of typed commands to do even the most basic of things. The Uiflow interface for M5stack (flow.m5stack.com) is designed to lower the creative barrier so that anyone without prior knowledge can get setup making their first IoT application in minutes.
Frühstück für Haeckerinnen (Haecksen) und alle, die es werden wollen
Is now a good time to care about camouflage in public spaces ?
Luft, Wasser und Lebensmittel - entdecke einige interessante Eigenschaften der Stoffe aus deiner Umgebung.
A chaotic introduction to the world of modular synthesis. For children from 12 years old.
daily habour clean up @ OIO daily habour clean up @ OIO
Workshop with input on letter writing to prisoners Ending up in prison sucks. Ending up in prison with no support can destroy you. Going through this experience with support is really important for those who are ending up in it. Writing letters is one of the few things we can do for prisoners to break isolation between us and them.
Learn to Solder! A large variety of way cool kits are available, all designed for total beginners to complete successfully -- and intriguing enough for the total hardware geek.<br> <br> <span style="color:orange">'''''This ongoing workshop will be happening concurrently with lots of other way cool workshops at the Hardware Hacking Area! Throughout all of 35C3.'''''</span>
Surface mount electronics for terrified beginners. Learn to assemble tiny parts on circuit boards by building a working power supply. Anyone can do it. Yes, even you who never touched anything electronic before. 90-100mins, 20€/kit, avoid caffeine immediately before. Max 21 participants per session, there is a PAPER!!1! signup list in the hardware hacking area.
The word blockchain has become incredibly overhyped in recent years, and even mentioning the word is enough to earn eye rolls from people in hacker culture. Diego is looking to break down the grandiose claims to look at what blockchain actually is, while giving a light-hearted, joke-filled take on blockchain culture, hacker culture, and the technology itself. Laugh and learn at the same time!
(für Kinder und Erwachsene) In der Schule besteht Mathematik zu einem großen Teil aus Rechnungen. Das ist aber nicht das, was Mathematik wirklich ausmacht! Mathematik ist die Kunst, das Verborgene auf das Offensichtliche zurückzuführen, und dazu gehören ergreifende emotionale Aha-Momente beim Verstehen von Zusammenhängen. In diesem Workshop behandeln wir grafische Beweise.
(für Kinder und Erwachsene) Vor etwa 15 Jahren schickte die Menschheit eine Radiobotschaft an ausgewählte Sterne, in der Hoffnung, dass die Nachricht Außerirdische erreicht, diese die Nachricht verstehen und uns antworten. Die Nachricht ist nicht auf Deutsch oder Englisch verfasst, sondern bedient sich einer eigens entwickelten Symbolsprache. Schaffen wenigstens wir Menschen, die Botschaft zu entziffern? Das wollen wir in dem Workshop an uns selbst testen und herausfinden!
(for kids and adults) Learn how to solve the Rubik's cube! Lerne, wie man den Zauberwürfel löst!
(für Kinder) In unserer Welt können wir uns nach links und rechts, nach hinten und vorne sowie nach unten und oben bewegen. Weitere Richtungen gibt es nicht. Das muss aber nicht so sein! In der Mathematik ist auch eine weitere Dimension vorstellbar. In diesem Workshop lernen wir diese vierte Dimension spielerisch und anschaulich kennen.
(für Kinder) Irgendwann lernt man, dass das Spiel „wer kann die größere Zahl sagen?“ langweilig wird. Oder stimmt das gar nicht?
Call to action to organise a campaign around ePrivacy in 2019
This talk investigates fake science factories; international twilight companies whose sole purpose is to give studies an air of scientific credibility while cashing in on millions of dollars in the process. We present the findings, outcomes and methodology from a team of investigative journalists, hackers and data scientists who delved into the parallel universe of fraudulent pseudo-academic conferences and journals. The story was published in Germany (ARD and Süddeutsche Zeitung Magazin) in mid of July and then went around the world. How did it begin? What did we learn in the process? And: What happened since the story got published? Until recently, fake science factories have remained relatively under the radar, with few outside of academia aware of their presence; but the highly profitable industry has been growing significantly in the last five years and with it, so are the implications. To the public, fake science is often indistinguishable from legitimate science, which is facing similar accusations itself. We expose the scale and value of two fake science operations: Well-known institutions and professors who abuse this route of publication for personal gain and the deadly consequences when the public believe in fake cures or weird discoveries that seem scientific at a very first glance. Beyond the pressure to publish, we find varying motivations from paid vacations and promotions to obtaining stipends and research grants. Our findings highlight the prevalence of the pseudo-academic conferences, journals and publications and the damage they can and are doing to society. For 35C3 we did some extra analytics and will publish new numbers, how pseudo-academic publishing has dropped since the story got out in several countries in July 2018.
Lightning Talks are short lectures (almost) any congress participant may give! Bring your infectious enthusiasm to an audience with a short attention span! Discuss a program, system or technique! Pitch your projects and ideas or try to rally a crew of people to your party or assembly! Whatever you bring, make it quick! Did you think that the thrill of sharing your ideas in front of a huge audience at a C3 was something you'd never experience? Do you work on a cool project and want to get the word out? Was your talk one of the hundreds that got rejected? Did you come up with an awesome hack that you need to share? Go ahead and enter your Lightning Talk now! The 35C3 Lightning Talks consist of three fast paced sessions which are perfect for pitching new software or hardware projects, exploits, creative pranks or strange ideas you need to get out to a global audience. Even if you don't have an awesome idea or project to share, a Lightning Talk is perfect for pitching your Assembly, your workshop or even a longer talk you'll give as a self-organized session. Your five minutes of fame! For registration and schedule info, please check out https://c3lt.de/35c3
Telephone networks form the oldest large scale network that has grown to touch over 7 billion people. Telephony is now merging many complex technologies (PSTN, cellular and IP networks) and enabling numerous services that can be easily monetized. However, security challenges for telephony are often neither well understood, nor well addressed. As a result, telephone networks attract a lot of fraud. In this talk, we will systematically explore the fraud in telephone networks, focusing on voice telephony. We will present a taxonomy of fraud, and analyze two prevalent fraud schemes in more detail: looking into the ecosystem of International Revenue Share Fraud (IRSF), and discussing a new countermeasure to the well-known problem of voice spam. This talk aims to improve the understanding of the fraud ecosystem in telephony networks. We first provide a clear taxonomy that differentiates between the root causes, the vulnerabilities, the exploitation techniques, the fraud types and finally the way fraud benefits fraudsters. As concrete examples, we first look into International Revenue Share Fraud (IRSF), where phone calls to certain destinations are hijacked by fraudulent operators and diverted to the so-called ‘international premium rate services’. This fraud often involves multiple parties who collect and share the call revenue, and is usually combined with other techniques (such as voice scam, mobile malware, PBX hacking) to generate call traffic without payment. We will further explore the IRSF ecosystem by analyzing more than 1 million `premium rate' phone numbers that we collected from several online service providers over the past 3 years. In the second part, we will look into voice spam, a prevalent fraud in many countries. After giving an overview of various types of unwanted phone calls, we will focus on a recent countermeasure which involves connecting the phone spammer with a phone bot (“robocallee”) that mimics a real persona. Lenny is such a bot (a computer program) which plays a set of pre-recorded voice messages to interact with the spammers. We try to understand the effectiveness of this chatbot, by analyzing the recorded conversations of Lenny with various types of spammers. As we consider the ‘benefits’ as a fundamental part of our fraud definition, we believe that chatbots can be combined with the existing fraud detection and prevention mechanisms, as a supplementary way of slowing down voice spam campaigns.
A major part of software development is maintenance, i.e. tinkering with software that should already be completed but still somehow does not work as it should. Software developed by tinkering is the antithesis to resilient technology, and a growing threat to our profession and our lives. Working on this kind of software crushes the soul. Yet this is exactly how most IoT devices (and computers in general) are programmed these days. We need to replace the dead technology-oriented objects of the past with supple models enriching our domains and our souls. This talk shows how it is done. So how do we gain autonomy over the software of the future, which is currently spiralling out of control? Not with object-oriented programming, as it turns out: Mutable state, the absence of uniform abstraction mechanisms and the complexity introduced by inheritance make it hard for humans to develop correct and robust software. While "agile" has given developers autonomy over the soul-crushing processes of the past, the prevalent technology - object-orientation - is a fundamental part of the problem, not of the solution. It is time to say goodbye; we must start to teach the principles of systematic construction of correct software instead. At the core of this revolution is the consistent application of functional programming, i.e. of immutable data structures, systematic abstraction and data modelling. The talk illustrates the problems of the programming techniques of the past, and shows how to build robust models that lead to useful software.
From Cyberfeminism to XenoFeminism - a short history of radical appropriations of media. This discussion will question how media is made (for whom and for what) and how meaning is produced through different contexts. it will feature media hacks and productions spanning a century and three continents. Sci-Hub, film excerpts, Red Planet and more will be referenced. It will also address how and where media matter, comparing different technologies, commenting on CCC projects and what is more/less relevant in different African and European contexts. We will also explore how media and technical developments are informed by their social, economic and political environments.
Evaluierung welches Betriebssystem am wenigsten Ressourcen verbraucht und welcher Browser am Besten geeignet ist. Installation und Konfiguration des OS auf dem RASPI sowie Konfiguration des Kiosk Modus im Browser. Der eingebaute Browser unserer Fernseher in der IT-Abteilung hatte Probleme, Nagios /Check MK richtig darzustellen. Mein Chef wollte einen Tiny PC Mit Windows 10 (Lenovo M920 ca. 1.000,--€)) einsetzten , Ich wollte Geld sparen und habe den RASPI vorschlagen, daraus wurde eine Wette ! Das hauptsächliche Problem war eine Distri zu finden, die auch auf dem Raspberry PI eine brauchbare Performance erzielt . Es musste aber auch sichergestellt werden, das wir in unserem Windows Umfeld einen Linux PC auch administrieren können (VNC, SSH)
Let's start into day 2
Calliope Workshops für Kinder und Jugendliche
Beim Makey-Makey handelt es sich um einen Minicontroller, an dem leitfähige Materialien angeschlossen werden können, um Programme, Spiele usw. zu steuern. Max. 8 Kids
Mix your own caffeinated sherbet powder (German: „Brausepulver“). We provide tools and ingredients, you mix.
Extensions are small software programs that customize the browsing experience. They enable users to tailor browser functionality and behaviour to individual needs or preferences. They are built on web technologies such as HTML, JavaScript, and CSS. (Source: https://developer.chrome.com/extensions) I've built a few basic extensions and want to assist you with your first steps to ease the steep learning curve. It helps if you know some HTML, JavaScript, or CSS – but if you don't join us anyway! Install a recent version of Chrome and Firefox before the workshop so we can start right away. PS: If you're a pro show up and help us newbies ;-)
Import your python code from everywhere and from everything
Angel introduction meeting for Subtitles Angels. All Subtitles Angels are required to attend at least once.
Connecting people who run Tor relays, people who would like to run Tor relays, and people generally interested in what we are doing.
Video Apps auf der PS4 sind etwas Herrliches. In diesem Talk zeige ich wie man sie Ausnutzen kann um eigenen unsignierten Code auszuführen (unabhängig von der installierten Firmwareversion). Schritt für Schritt zeige ich dabei vor was für Probleme ich am Anfang meines Einstieges in die PS4 Szene stand und wie ich diese, um ans Ziel zu gelangen, gelöst habe. Vor knapp drei Jahren hat meine Frau mir eine PS4 zum Geburtstag geschenkt. Sie konnte ja nicht ahnen das ich mit der Konsole alles tun würde, nur nicht zocken. In diesem Talk wird es um das Projekt gehen mit dem ich Fuß in der PS4 Untergrundszene gefasst habe. Schritt für Schritt werden wir sehen was nötig war um auf einem fremden/unbekannten System unsignierten Code ausführen zu können. Ich werde den Exploit und seine Schritte so detailliert wie möglich erklären und somit zeigen das Software-Exploits keine Magie, sondern eine Folge logischer Abläufe sind.
The Prototype Fund is a funding program for Public Interest Techfirst of its kind in Germany and supports independent software developers, hackers and creative people in implementing their open source ideas from concept to first demo. Since 2016, we (Adriana, Elisa, Fiona, Julia and Katharina) have been working to break down existing structures and narratives in the field of innovation funding and to encourage meaningful digital solutions for society in Software Infrastructure, IT-Security, Data Literacy and Civic Tech. We want to get to know you and your ideas and talk about how we, together with politicians, developers and other initiators from the (active) civil society, can best support, develop and make visible good digital-social innovation practices from the perspective of the community. Which decisions are necessary in the future, what are meaningful political demands? And which are the next big things in Tech? Get to know us, ask us everything, recover from the hustle and bustle of the congress!
The heck is Generative Art and what to do with it? The workshop will give a short introduction into paper.js and how it can be used to generate art. Please bring your own laptop so we can code together a bit.
How we improved the attack surface, compatibility, and scalability of Namecoin's replacement for the Certificate Authority system
Learn programming, Lerne Programmieren
Ein Treffen der Moin Assemblies
Jeremy Rand
Pink Totaliterianism Now! From #metoo through #all-lives-matter and #freedom-of-speech up to kavanaugh and bolsonaro, a zombie is being summoned: 'pink totaliterianism' (where 'aliter' is latin for 'other') - the imposition of rights-based oppression from 'the left' that keeps people from ‘things they want to do.’ This exhibition turns the phatasmatic picture of a left queer anti-racist anti-imperial anti-everything conspiracy into a real thing. [will be held in german if that's what participants prefer] 'the left' keeps people from ‘things they want to do' and they must be resisted. For ‘wanting’ being the core of consumption, it must be sacrosanct - or so the story goes. Some otherwise healthy and self-mobilizing political corpus ('the people,' 'the nation,' 'men and women,' 'the white race,' what have you) is allegedly under attack if not under the control of a small group of wicked, hysterical non-humans (‘Social Justice Warriors,’ ‘feminists,’ ‘leftists,’ ‘socialists,’ ‘communists,’ ‘gender terrorists,' 'the Jews'). 'Pink Totaliterians' manifest Jordan Peterson' deepest fears: they want whiteness dead, the couple form chased down and shamed publicly, mandatory sex toys and anal intercourse for all, collectivization of all property and white property first (#reparations), corruption of the youth, the mad running free, all prisons abolished, responsibility for hundreds of years of colonizations, imperialism and slave trade, demolition of colonial memorials, prohibition of dread locks for white people, testosterone blockers in the tab water, elevators and orientation systems for blind people everywhere, no lights, no cars, all national sports teams strung up at memorial hall, together with nationalism itself. But: pink totaliterians do not exist. The #altright fantasy does not face a real enemy. Hence, it is easy to blend the totaliterian with actual activists and generate a 'pink scare' while allegedly moving on emancipative soil. Debating this effectively means having our energies blocked, endlessly chipping away on dysfunctional ‘(non-)foundations’ of ‘Western society.’ But debate is over. 'Pink Totaliterianism' will build that enemy. For 35c3, we will focus on the history of infinity and the destruction of the internet. We will recount the history of infinity from its medieval inflections of the relation between 'creator' and 'creatures,' its kantian reduction to 'transcendental illusions,' its Cantorian mathematization up into its capitalistic dispersion into a composition of allegedly individual things and the internet as a manifestation of that idea. We will suggest, then, a 'pink infinity,' deflection of everything with everything and work and think together about post-capitalistic network communication for the pink revolution.
DeltaChat is an E-Mail Messenger app for Android (and soon iOS & desktop). It uses Autocrypt to implement OpenPGP encryption, and E-Mail for network effects and decentralization reasons. We want to play around with the current Android + Desktop preview releases. This is an intro, hands-on and Q&A session for using Delta.chat on Android devices and laptops. Attendants do not require special knowledge about end-to-end-encryption, or be programmers. The session is open for anyone curious and interested about Delta Chat. Delta Chat is a new app and approach for whatsapp/telegram/signal-style messaging. It offers the full Telegram-Style User Interface but has no single centralizing platform or own servers. It uses traditional e-mail providers to relay messages. So rather than mobile numbers or app-specific addresses, you can contact anyone of the 2.5 Billion people and organizations with e-mail addresses today. You can address people regardless of whether they use Delta or a traditional e-mail program like Outlook or Webmail. End-to-End encryption happens by default between Delta Chat running devices. Moreover, Delta can end-to-end encrypt with any other E-Mail frontend which supports the new and evolving Autocrypt e-mail encryption effort. This session is an open delta developer/community discussion and Q/A session, talking about news and prospectives for 2019. Delta chat is a young project and lots of things are happening. Rather than just growing "user numbers" we aim to get new folks involved and help drive the project. We'd also like to hear more folks' perspectives and feedback, to help drive and shape further Delta developments. You will also be able to install and try out Delta.Chat. Delta is a live, open and collaborative project. We are there to support those who want to try help with UI, code, documentation, trainings, testing or organizational aspects of the evolving Delta Chat effort. Talkers: Ksenia Ermoshina, Bjoern Petersen, Holger Krekel, compl4xx, and friends.
Wir lesen und diskutieren Texte von Horst Herold
Das Gettogether des CCC-CH am 35c3
Biometrische Videoüberwachung, Hausdurchsuchungen, Polizeiaufgabengesetze, Staatstrojaner und ganz viel Cyber: Wir geben einen Überblick über die Themen, die den Chaos Computer Club 2018 beschäftigt haben. Neben der Zusammenfassung und der Rückschau auf das vergangene Jahr wollen wir aber auch über zukünftige Projekte und anstehende Diskussionen reden.
The <a href="http://symbiflow.github.io">SymbiFlow project</a> aims to be the "GCC of FPGAs" - a fully open source toolchain supporting, multiple FPGAs from different vendors. Allowing compilation from Verilog to bitstream without touching vendor provided tools, it includes support for large modern FPGAs like the Lattice ECP5 and Xilinx 7 series. These FPGAs can be used for things previously out of reach of FOSS tools, things like high resolution video and many gigabit networking. We have also documented the FPGA bitstreams to allow other new tools and a process for replicating this effort on new types of FPGAs! <p> The <a href="http://symbiflow.github.io">SymbiFlow project</a> aims to be the "GCC of FPGAs" - a fully open source toolchain supporting multiple FPGAs from multiple different vendors. FPGAs have been around since 1980s but most have previously require getting giant closed source proprietary black boxes from the FPGA vendor (10 gigabytes or more!). Thanks to SymbiFlow this is no longer the case! </p><p> Like the previous IceStorm efforts, SymbiFlow includes <b>both</b> documentation of FPGA bitstreams and a <b>working</b>toolchain for compiling Verilog into these bitstreams. Unlike previous efforts, this new toolchain supports industry standard timing driven place, and route and significantly larger designs. This makes SymbiFlow a <b>big</b> change over the previous Project IceStorm effort and enables support for large, modern FPGAs that can be used for things like high resolution video and many gigabit networking. </p><p> This presentation will give you an update on the current status of the project. What currently works, the future roadmap and how you can help with the project and how to expand the number of supported FPGAs even further. </p><p> Currently SymbiFlow is supporting the Lattice iCE40 plus two modern, capable and popular FPGAs architectures - the Lattice ECP5 and Xilinx 7 Series. The project has also gone to an effort to provide a well documented process for understanding FPGA bitstreams. This provides a clear pathway for new contributors to extend the tooling to support even more FPGAs! </p><p> Come find out about how a small group are changing the world of FPGA development! </p> <h3>About FPGAs</h3> <p> Due to their reconfigurable nature, FPGAs make hardware problems into software problems and enable anyone to building custom integrated circuits. This means you could create <b>your</b> ideal microcontroller, not what some manufacturer <b>thinks</b> you want. You can have the <b>exact</b> right set of peripherals including as many SPI, I2C or CAN as you want! </p><p> Previously developing for FPGAs has require getting giant closed source proprietary black boxes from the FPGA vendor (10 gigabytes or more!). This has strongly hampered their adoption and reduced them to niche use cases. However, with the ending of Moore's law and things like <a href="https://riscv.org/">RISC-V</a>, FPGAs have a strong role to play in enabling open source communities to participate in the explosion of new hardware design. They also enable us to apply the high speed of innovation and security we expect from an open source software. </p> <h3>Presenters</h3> <p> <a href="https://blog.mithis.net">Tim 'mithro' Ansell</a> is the founder of <a href="http://code.timvideos.us">TimVideos</a>.He is known for having to many projects including hardware like the <a href="https://hdmi2usb.tv">HDMI2USB.tv</a>, <a href="https://tomu.im">I'm Tomu</a> and many more! Through this frustration with FPGA toolchains while developing these projects he ended up being heavily involved with the development of the <a href="http://symbiflow.github.io">SymbiFlow</a> project. </p>
In this talk we will go through the different mitigations in Windows 10 and see how they affect modern userspace exploitation. We will explain the primary ones and the different ways to bypass them. Finally, we will demo a cool exploit that achieves code execution. In the past few years, many new mitigation techniques were introduced both into Windows kernel and userspace. These are supposed to make exploitation of certain vulnerabilities significantly harder, reduce exploit reliability, and require dependency on multiple primitives. It impacts many of the core components of the OS and build stack, including the loader, front-end allocator, compiler, and memory management. With such investment and impact, how effective are these really, from the exploit developer’s perspective? In this talk, we’ll explain the primary mitigations in Windows that hinder modern memory corruption exploitation in userspace. Using examples of real-world vulnerabilities, we will see how to achieve arbitrary code execution on different Windows versions, comparing their impact on exploits. On our journey to code execution, we will learn the motivation behind these mitigations, understand their design, scope, and implementation, and study their weaknesses.
This talk will engage the practises and protocols of hacking in the context of Hong Kong, drawing parallels from the stigmergic responses of the city (consensus network organisation) and the peer-production (or attempt) of the hackerspace, Dim Sum Labs. Perspectives on this will also draw from the publication, The Field Guide to Hacking (_TFGTH), a collection of (project and essay) snapshots generated from the hackerspace and its surrounding community. Part I: Culture + Society: Idiosyncrasies of the Metropolis I.i Political and economic structures from outside (the space) to the inside (the space). I.ii Cultural identities from the outside to the inside I.iii The resulting pastiche Part II: Dim Sum Labs and _TFGTH: Hong Kong's First and Only Hackerspace II.i Brief introduction to our space and activities II.ii Introduction of the book (_TFGTH) II.iii A few excerpts within II.iv Demonstration of the interactive cover of the book Part III: Peer Production: Collaborative Scenarios III.i Meritocracy vs Democracy III.ii How this applies in the space/ III.iii How this applied to the project (_TFGTH) III.iv How this applies to the city III.v Parallels between hacking and urbanism
Meetup organized by the local privacy group in Leipzig
An introduction to Numerical Weather Prediction systems
Climate change is for real and we are sending a message to influence the government. Even better - setting the foundation to become the government 🔥🔥🔥
Der Vortrag gibt einen Einblick in das Thema Neusprech. In drei Teilen wird eine Definition im Historischen Kontext erarbeitet, anhand von konkreten Beispielen Neusprech unterschiedlicher Absender betrachtet und schließlich wird die Wirkungsweise von Neusprech anhand von Framing aufgezeigt. Teile das Vortrags basieren auf Arbeiten und Talks von Martin Haase. In der öffentlichen Diskussion wird oft die Verwendung von Neusprech angesprochen, doch was ist Neusprech genau? Im „Neusprech Crashkurs“ möchte ich anhand umfangreicher Beispiele aufzeigen, was Neusprech für Orwell war, was unter heutigem Neusprech zu verstehen ist und welche Strategien dabei eingesetzt werden. Dabei möchte ich mich nicht nur auf politischen Neusprech beschränken, sondern auch Aspekte wie die Public Relation und soziokulturelle Einflüsse beleuchten. Zuletzt möchte ich aufzeigen, was kontinuierlicher Neusprech in unseren Köpfen macht. Dabei möchte ich nicht nur auf Definition und trockene Theorie beschränken, sondern auch die emotionalen Wirkungen aufzeigen, die durch kontinuierliche Wiederholung auch unsere Gedanken verändern kann. Aktuelle Folien des Vortrags: http://www.NerdGirl.de/Download/Neusprech.zip (17,3 MB | .odp-Format)
envisioning a thriving, connected future amidst conflict-struck Nigeria. Creating opportunities for rural women and youth, in a scalable, inclusive way. ###About the presenter Paul Henckel from TribeGroup (DK-based) will share his thoughts and plans for an ongoing resilience project with Fantsuam (NG-based) in creating ICT coworking spaces for rural women and youths in Nigeria, using the knowledge from Freifunk communities. ###About TribeGroup TribeGroup is a Danish impact investment startup with mission to support or invest in other companies, projects or initiatives that have a potentially high social or environmental impact. It currently directs WorkHive, a flexible, affordable, inclusive and carbon negative coworking space in Copenhagen. The collaboration with Nigerian-based Fantsuam tries to integrate best practices of Freifunk, Fantsuam and WorkHive to create a new coworking space in Kafanchan, Nigeria. ###About Fantsuam Our Mission at Fantsuam Foundation (www.fantsuam.org) is to eliminate poverty and disadvantage among rural women and youths in Nigeria through integrated development programs. At our ICT Academy,In 22 years, we have empowered 12,000, and we aim to educate women and youths with relevant digital literacy skills to manage their development priorities, providing opportunities for girls to become developers and deploy ICT solutions for their livelihoods. Our services have become even more imperative as our communities come out of decade long cycles of sectarian violence. We plan to reach 25,000 more by 2020. Community Network, is a resilient communication platform in which the community owns, manages and maintains its own communication infrastructure provides the opportunities for rural youths to gain the necessary hands-on experience. Fantsuam Foundation hosts the Google Developers Group in Kafanchan, this is another resource that is being deployed to provide ICT skills and knowledge opportunities for our youths. We are now engaged in high level policy advocacy for affordable and available internet access for the unconnected in rural Nigeria. Obtaining the TVWS concession for the unconnected in Nigeria will begin to make for an inclusive national telecommunication effort. It is within that context that Fantsuam continues to support the increasing number of youths, particularly females, who now recognise the career opportunities available in ICT. Our ICT Academy provides basic digital literacy training and has expanded to provision of training in computer and network maintenance. In order to optimise the use of resources and make our services more accessible, we have located an office space in the Kafanchan Railway town where we would like to set up an ICT Co-Working space where budding entrepreneurs can have ready access to training and mentoring facilities, office space with assured power and internet access at affordable prices. Our efforts at tackling poverty through an integrated approach has meant that we also provide social services in public health, menstrual health hygiene, sanitation marketing, peace building, entrepreneurship training supported by microfinance. We currently have 32 full time staff and a large pool of volunteers who are invited to join specific projects and programs, which are usually of short duration. Our work in peace building led us to build six new apartments for victims of recent sectarian crisis, and we continue to explore opportunities to enable our communities to resume their normal lives. Our model of farming cooperatives, called the TIME-AID, empowers individuals and families to engage in commercial farming with the goal of household food security, family health insurance, adequate housing and education for all our children. Fantsuam Foundation’s integrated approach to develop has enabled it to have an inbuilt resilience to cope with the challenges of rural development, global economic challenges whose effects are usually more devastating at the base of the pyramid, while we continue to develop initiatives that helps the people to assert their humanity and freedom from poverty.
Spaß am Gerät: Mehrere Teams bauen gleichzeitig mit Nudeln um die Wette. Was man aus Nudeln alles machen kann ... Junghacker bzw. solche die es werden wollen können alleine oder als Team kommen. Es kann jeder mitmachen, der weiß was eine Nudel ist. Erwachsene dürfen auch mitmachen - werden aber wahrscheinlich gegen den Nachwuchs verlieren :-D PS: Erwachsene nur, so lange sie den Junghackern kenen Platz wegnehmen. PPS: Man kann auch mit Glutenallergie bedenkenlos teilnehmen.
MartinRuetzler, Mailonator und Ajuvo reden über die Gadgets ihrer Jugend(tm) Wie das so war als wir nüscht hatten als junge Leute , anno 1975 oder so. Wir reden über die Gadgets unserer Jugend in den 70ern. Alles, was wir hatten, oder eben nicht. Eine Aufnahme für damals-tm-podcast.de
Alle Leute, die FragDenStaat und Informationsfreiheitsgesetze bereits nutzen oder nutzen wollen, sind herzlich eingeladen. Wir sprechen über Neuerungen und Pläner für FragDenStaat.de und nehmen Kritik und Anregungen auf.
''Learn Arduino using TV-B-Gone as an example project''<br> <br> You've probably heard lots about '''Arduino'''. But if you don't know what it is, or how you can use it to do all sorts of cool things, then this fun and easy workshop is for you. As an example project, we'll be creating a '''TV-B-Gone''' remote control out of an '''Arduino''' you can take home with you.<br> <br> ''(This is one of many cool things happening throughout 35C3 in the huge '''Hardware Hacking Area!)'''''<br> <br> This workshop will be given twice<br>(both identical):<br> Day 2: 28-Dec, 1pm - 4:30pm<br> Day 3: 29-Dec, 1pm - 4:30pm<br>
Calliope Workshops für Kinder und Jugendliche
Alle Leute, die FragDenStaat und Informationsfreiheitsgesetze bereits nutzen oder nutzen wollen, sind herzlich eingeladen. Wir sprechen über Neuerungen und Pläner für FragDenStaat.de und nehmen Kritik und Anregungen auf.
Careables Calling all hackers, designers, makers, carers, and healthcare professionals! What are challenges you face every day using standard tools for health and wellbeing? Do you have an idea that makes everyday life easier? How could you use your existing hackerspace to foster exchange and collaboration in health and care? Through Careables, maker and designer collaborate with patients and healthcare professionals to create personalized solutions and open source knowledge that will improve the lives of many patients and professionals. Accessible, comprehensive and easy to use open source hardware are being documented, collected and shared through the platform Careables.org. This platform is currently being launched and will function as repository for well documented open hardware projects. It offers many different communities a place to connect and exchange knowledge, needs and co-create solutions. It's easy to think of open hardware that make a difference in people's lives. An example of this is OPEN LIGHTS. This project offers people with wheelchairs an adjustable wheelchair specific light that makes them better visible at night and that can be built with most common DIY technologies.
Polyamory - Rethinking Love, Rethinking Relationships
Meet Up of the Open Science and de-RSE (Research Software Engineers) community. Everybody how is interested in open science and software engineering in research in general is interested to join. Come by and get to know us! :D
In the talk we want to shed light on the current global situation and focus on how we can stand together with human rights defenders affected by hacking. How is digital persecution working? Who is involved? What can Amnesty, other NGOs and every person do about it, together and individually?
Meeting all these nice avatars from the fediverse! Thank your admins, spread love to your users, friends and bots!
Trickfilm-Workshop: Mach deinen eigenen Trickfilm! Du kannst dafür eigene Zeichnungen, Scherenschnitte und Bildhintergründe erstellen und am Computer animieren. Die Filme könnt ihr später auf Trixmix.tv sehen und herunterladen. Auf Trixmix.tv kann jeder eigene Trickfilme online erstellen. Alle Zeichungen aus dem kollektiv erstellten Bildwörterbuch können dafür verwenden.
Das Panel besteht aus Vertreter\*innen der F(NIT)-Gruppen aus mehreren Städten sowie dem Mz\* Baltazar’s Lab (Wien) und den Haecksen. Angedacht ist es, den Bogen von Feminismus im Generellen zur Planung und Umsetzung eines eigenen Spaces oder einer Gruppe zu schlagen. Dabei sollen Probleme, positive Erlebnisse, Strategien und Tipps für eine Neugründung gesammelt werden. Geplanter Verlauf: - Welche Probleme in unserer Gesellschaft aus feministischer Sicht seht ihr? - Was hat euch geholfen, euch zu gründen? - Welche Probleme gab es, im Space, generell, warum habt ihr euch keinem Space angeschlossen? - Wie seit ihr gegen diese angegangen, konnten diese gelöst werden? - Welche Unterstützung bräuchtet ihr, um noch offene Probleme anzugehen in eurem Space? - Welche Unterstützung bräuchte Mensch, um offene Probleme allgemein anzugehen? - Gibt es Dinge, Situationen, die euch positiv überrascht haben? - Was würdet ihr anders, genau so wieder machen um eure Gruppe entstehen zu lassen? - Welche Tipps habt ihr für Menschen, die eine lokale Gruppe in dieser oder ähnlicher Form gründen möchten?
Some students will present results of their projects * zoobab shows "MultipathTCP and Openwrt improvements with eBPF" * mwarning talks about the "Meshenger App"
Modify the Fairy Dust After standing in the cold rain and snow for too long, the Fairy Dust will find its place this time in the middle of the crowd at hall 5. A video installation will take place on the surface. This is a call for people, who can handle c4d files and have the bravery to put their vision on the symbol of the congress. The file attached to this event contains all information about the object, as well the position and lenses of the 4 projectors. Fell free to develop whatever you like. Keep in mind that the surface is very glossy and actually eats the light away. Rendered video best with HAP or MP4. In the hours between 2 pm and 5 pm on the days of the congress, there will be access to the video system, if you come around and have a device with HDMI out. Enjoy! Powered by PENTAKLON und Rico Rose Contact: privatlehrer[at]gmail[:]com
Einer der ersten Stunden. Ein echter Prototyp. --- One of the first. A real prototype.
Purest aloha spirit to dream away as you let the sounds transporting you to ocean, beach, surfers and luau riding on the back of a glittering Humuhumunukunukuāpua'a.
Letztes Jahr haben sich ein paar Leute zum Thema "Musterpolizeigesetz" getroffen. So ein hierarchiefreies und wenig strukturiertes Treffen soll auch dieses Jahr möglich sein. Gerne können auch Leute dazukommen, die sich gegen die derzeit wuchernden Polizeigesetzreformen zur Wehr setzen.
Inspired by Scrappy Circuits, come design some fun electronics materials, then donate the results to local educators!
Soldering SumoRobots for every age and skill level. No previous experience required!<br><br>SOLD OUT!<br><br>Dec 27, 14.00 - 15.30<br>Dec 28, 14.00 - 15.30<br>Dec 29, 14.00 - 15.30<br>Dec 30, 14.00 - 15.30
We will learn how to work with kefir culture making variety of delicious products.
we will run during the congress a research office where we are collecting and analyzing public and personal data on the social and economic situation of club culture
Beim Makey-Makey handelt es sich um einen Minicontroller, an dem leitfähige Materialien angeschlossen werden können, um Programme, Spiele usw. zu steuern. Max. 8 Kids
An introductory session to the cyberpunk pen&paper role-playing game Shadowrun
Over the summer Facebook, Google, and Twitter have started making transparent United States political ads shown on their platforms. We have been collecting and analyzing these political ads to understand how candidates, elected officials, PACs, non-profits, for-profit companies, and individual citizens are disseminating U.S. political content using these advertising platforms. Based on our analysis we will explain how major political sponsors are using online advertising system to send microtargeted messages to different audiences. We will also explain the messages, targetting, goals, spending, and impressions for major US political advertisers. As part of our project to improve the transparency of online political advertising, we have publically released our data and tools for others to analyze online political ads. This will be a talk about improving the transparency of online political advertising. We will start by describing the online political advertising transparency efforts that Facebook, Google, and Twitter have implemented. We will next explain how we collected data from each of these efforts and are making it public. After this, we will explain some of the methodologies and tools we are building to help analyze and visualize this data. Next, we will present some of our findings on how online political ads are being targetted and the messages they are communicating with different target audiences. We will also present some case studies on major online political advertisers such as Donald Trump, Beto O’Rourke, the NRA, and Planned Parenthood. This will focus on how they are leveraging „micro-targeted“ advertisements and the goals of their advertising. We will finish by demonstrating some of the visualization tools are have deployed to enable people to better understand online political advertising.
Project IceStorm provides the first end-to-end open source FPGA toolchain, was originally presented at 32c3, and only targetted Lattice iCE40 FPGAs. nextpnr is the next big step for open source FPGA tools, providing a retargetable open source FPGA place-and-route tool that will enable open source flows for many different FPGAs from many different vendors. nextpnr is a retargetable FOSS FPGA place-and-route tool that is replacing arachne-pnr as place-and-route tool in the IceStorm open source iCE40 flow. (I have originally presented IceStorm and arachne-pnr at 32c3.) nextpnr is retargetable, meaning it can be ported to other FPGA architectures easily, uses timing-driven algorithms, provides a python scripting API, supports complex placement and floorplanning constraints, and has a nice GUI. Python and GUI support are optional, which may be useful when deploying nextpnr on an embedded platform. In short: It is a big step forward for open source FPGA tools, attempting to close the gap to vendor tools in some aspects, and even setting new standards in other aspects. As of now, iCE40 FPGAs (Project IceStorm) and ECP5 FPGAs (Project Trellis) are supported in nextpnr, but support for more architectures is expected to follow in short order.
Learn to see the world without your eyes. Wonder what it's like to navigate while blind? Want to learn to use your everyday senses in ways you don't know you don't know? In this talk, I hack <em>you</em> with permanently enhanced sensory perceptions. This is very participatory, not just "sit and listen", and workshops are even more hands-on (blindfolded w/ cane in hand). Workshop & volunteer signup: <a href="https://s.ai/ccc/ws">https://s.ai/ccc/ws</a> Tag plz: #BlindNavigation @saizai #35c3 <h2>Talk</h2> <p><b>This talk is <i>not</i> the same on video as in person. Come in person if you can.</b></p> <p>A few things I'll cover require a cane, but the vast majority are sensory input that you already have, and you simply don’t realize or pay attention to.</p> <p>This will also (briefly) cover how and how not to interact with a blind person on the street, cognitive shifts from perceiving the world as a blind person, real vs myth difficulties, etc.</p> <p>This talk is specifically focused on navigation and sensory experience. It won't cover Braille, computers, general life skills, medical/legal issues, or the like.</p> <p>After you attend, I'd greatly appreciate your feedback: <a href="https://s.ai/ccc/fb">https://s.ai/ccc/fb</a>. If you post about it, I'd appreciate if you use gender neutral pronouns for me, and tag me (saizai) or send me a link.</p> <h3>Participation</h3> <p>The talk is applied and participatory, not just abstract. I want you to actually experience what I discuss, so that you have a genuine qualitative sense of what it is like to navigate the world while blind.</p> <p>You will have a better experience if you are totally sober, don't have arms or head covered, & have used the toilet beforehand. <p>Some things you may be asked to do: <ul> <li>make a single synchronized clap, to generate a sonic ping of the room</li> <li>listen carefully to the timing differences of echos</li> <li>stand up / sit down</li> <li>feel air currents</li> <li>put the back of your hand near the face of the person sitting next to you (& vice versa), feeling for heat changes & air currents</li> <li>come up to the stage when asking questions, so that you can get on stage if that would be helpful for me to demonstrate an answer for you directly</li> </ul></p> <p>Participation in these is strictly optional. It's totally OK if you don't want to (e.g. comfort, disability, not wanting to be on camera, etc), and you don't need to justify it. I'll ask for indications of consent or opt-out. However, participating will very significantly improve your experience and how much you'll learn.</p> <h2>Workshops</h2> <p>The talk will try to cover as much as can be done without direct experience. However, there's a huge qualitative difference between simply hearing me talk about it and experiencing it for yourself. Therefore, I am also running hands-on, 1-hour workshops (approx. 2 per day, TBD).</p> <p>Workshop participants will be blindfolded, given a guide cane, and led through a crash course in how to use and perceive the cues that are discussed in the talk, and an additional Q&A / debriefing session afterwards. This starts from simply walking along a straight path, and quickly escalates to hearing corridors, feeling walls at a (short) distance, etc.</p> <p>Workshop observers are welcome. I also need several volunteers to make this happen, so if you can, please do.</p> <h3>Workshop & volunteer signup</h3> <p><a href="https://s.ai/ccc/ws">https://s.ai/ccc/ws</a></p> <h2>Help wanted!</h2> <h3>People</h3> <p>I need volunteers:<ol> <li>on stage (general, e.g. as human obstacle, safety, slides-checker, demonstration partner, etc.)</li> <li>on stage (aikido uke)</li> <li>during talk, in audience (to walk and/or bike around the aisles to generate wind currents, hold an open cup of coffee / mate for smell, etc)</li> <li>workshop assistants (requires training, preferably before 35C3 day 0)</li> </ol></p> <p>If you can, please <a href="https://s.ai/ccc/ws">volunteer</a>. I'll train you on what needs to be done.</p> <p>Please also <a href="https://s.ai/contact">contact me</a> if you:<ul> <li>are blind / visually impaired and a cane or guide dog user going to 35C3; or</li> <li>would like to collaborate on blind navigation aids (e.g. cane-embedded compass).</li></ul></p> <h3>Stuff</h3> <p>If you have:<ul> <li>to give: <ul> <li>a working Northpaw anklet you can part with</li> <li>ability to make custom eyeglass frames with zero light leakage</li> </ul></li> <li>to borrow:<ul> <li>long white guide canes</li> <li>sections of tactile paving (bumps, grooves, etc used on the street for blind people)</li> <li>sections of any random paving, flooring, tiles, carpet, etc</li> <li>tatami (aikido floor safety style)</li> <li>tactile or audio street crossing indicators</li> <li>dry ice & a trough</li> <li>laser that can emit as a flat plane</li> <li>binaural audio recording equipment</li> <li>hands-free 360° video recording equipment (& editing capability)</li> <li>… or anything similar</li> </ul></li> </ul> ... please contact me: <a href="https://s.ai/contact">https://s.ai/contact</a></p> <h3>Money</h3> <p>All workshops are free.</p> <p>Unfortunately, the equipment to run them is not (it costs a few hundred Euros), and I'm poor. If you can donate, it'd be appreciated: <a href="https://s.ai/donate">https://s.ai/donate</a></p> <h2>About me</h2> <p>I do lots of things, e.g. conlanging (26C3), cognitive psychology (27C3), meditation (26C3 & 27C3), civil rights litigation, government transparency, meta-politics, meta-law research, etc. See my wesite. <a href="https://s.ai">https://s.ai</a></p> <p>I'm part-time fully blind. See <a href="https://s.ai/essays/interaction">https://s.ai/essays/interaction</a> for tips on how to interact with me & <a href="https://s.ai/essays/blindness">https://s.ai/essays/blindness</a> for background info. In particular, please understand that blindness is not "what I do", and I'm going to hit my capacity for talking about it with the talk, Q&A, and workshops. I always welcome feedback, collaborations, fellow-travelers, and press. Other than that, if you see me around Congress, let's please talk about something other than my blindness.</p> <p><a href="https://s.ai/contact">Contact info</a>:<ul> <li>Handle: saizai (Twitter/IRC/FB/G+/etc.)</li> <li>Email: ccc@s.ai</li> <li>DECT: 4724</li> <li>Signal/WhatsApp/Telegram +15103944724</li> </ul></p> <p>Gender neutral pronouns please.</p>
This talk will share the experience of a leading African extended reality lab - Imisi 3D. It will highlight this African journey to adopt augmented and virtual reality, the challenges and lessons learned and will then focus on some of the arts and culture use cases that have emerged so far. In particular we will explore the collaboration with the IAF Basel festival (organisers of the Contemporary Africa Photography prize) that resulted in Reality Check, a simultaneous virtual reality tour of Lagos and Basel.
A quick intro on how text network analysis can be used to detect bias in discourse and to generate insight from any text.
With our project [Datenguide](https://datengui.de), we work on making official statistics data more accessible to normal people. In this session we'll explain why and how we do it. Official statistics are statistics published by government agencies and other public bodies, usually about economic, environmental, and societal topics. They are commonly used by policy makers and public administrators but are also an important tool for journalists and civil society initiatives. Official statistics can be used for political reporting, for debunking misinformation and "fake news", and for lobbying for social change. The good news is that official statistics are open data, so at least in theory anyone can download and use them for whatever they like. The bad news is that official statistics are usually made and published by bureaucrats for other bureaucrats. German official statistics are hidden in ancient data portal software and are notorious for being hard to use and to understand. [Datenguide](https://datengui.de) is a civic tech initiative that aims to make German official statistics accessible to everyone. We work on [Python and JavaScript tools](https://github.com/datenguide/datenguide) for freeing official statistics data and organize events to help people use them. In this talk, we'll give an overview of the technology we are building, explain the problems we are facing, and talk about ways to contribute to the project.
Spaß am Gerät: Mehrere Teams bauen gleichzeitig mit Nudeln um die Wette. Was man aus Nudeln alles machen kann ... Junghacker bzw. solche die es werden wollen können alleine oder als Team kommen. Es kann jeder mitmachen, der weiß was eine Nudel ist. Erwachsene dürfen auch mitmachen - werden aber wahrscheinlich gegen den Nachwuchs verlieren :-D PS: Erwachsene nur, so lange sie den Junghackern kenen Platz wegnehmen. PPS: Man kann auch mit Glutenallergie bedenkenlos teilnehmen.
siehe Beschreibung Anarchist Theory II – (Anti-)Politics in Anarchism Schon auf den ersten Blick scheint ein anarchistischer Begriff von Politik ambivalent zu sein. Einerseits wird Politik als staatliche Herrschaftsregulierung oder dem Staat zugeordnete Beeinflussung von Herrschaft von Anarchist*innen abgelehnt. Andererseits organisieren sich Menschen in autonomen politischen Gruppen und treten für die Ideale einer selbstverwalteten, dezentralen und egalitären Gesellschaft ein. Geht es im Anarchismus also letztendlich um die völlige Abschaffung der Politik oder die Politisierung aller Lebensbereiche? Ist der Weg dazu eine politische Organisierung und sollte dieser explizit anti-politisch sein?
„game-over“ Society: Dieses Spielformat und Workshop, versucht mit euch, neue Protokolle zwischenmenschlicher Interaktion zu generieren und ein analoges Netzwerk zu stricken. engl: „game-over“ society, a gameformat and workshop, that tries to generate new protocols of human interactions with ur help. Ein spielerisches Experiment, das als Kommunikationsplattform, Dating-App, Zufallsgenerator, Horoskop usw. funktioniert: ANALOG ohne DATEN, ohne AKKU, ohne WEB nur mit Dir und Uns engl: A tool that functions as communication platform, dating app, networking tool, horoscope etc.. ANALOG without BATTERY without DATA without WEB. Just u and us. Lets game it over, under and allround.
Using a simple non-technique, we will memorize digits of pi. It's fun. No prerequisites needed. In English and German. Bring your kids! (all sessions are independent from each other)
Orgameeting der Hack im Pott 2019
Did you always dream to have your very own server instead of relying on surveillance capitalism services, but don't know where to start ? Then this hands-on workshop is for you ! YunoHost makes it easy to setup your own server with mail and apps with limited technical knowledge.
The hacker's journey - there and back again. How to make struggling stories work and write new ones with the hero's journey in mind.
Sing- und Tanzspiele für Kinder von "kann selber laufen" bis 4 Jahre
Nach Folge 0 auf dem 34c3 lässt die Landnerschaft in Folge 35 auf dem 35c3 das erste Jahr Revue passieren. Wir erinnern uns an das tuwat-Jahr mit rund 100 Stunden podcast und werden unsere persönlichen Bestof-Momente präsentieren und kommentieren. Die Saarländer cuba und holm wollten auf dem 34c3 ihren ersten podcast aufnehmen. Am Vorabend der Sendung lernten sie Wangeleile aus Norddeutschland kennen, der sich direkt bereit erklärte, mitzumachen. Dies war die Geburtsstunde der Landnerdschaft. Seitdem wurden 33 Sendungen produziert, viel dummes Zeug geredet, viel rumgenerdet, es gab Live Sendungen auf der Revision 2018 Demo-Party, dem Haxogreen 2018 sowie dem von der Landnerdschaft veranstalteten 1. podcast-Brunch im Hackerspace Saarbrücken. Wie man sehen kann, versuchen wir immer mehr Menschen zum podcasten zu animieren. und mittlerweie haben wir Andere mit dem podcast-Virus infiziert. Letztes Jahr gestartet aus der Motivation heraus, dem Motto tuwat gerecht zu werden, möchten wir nach dem aktuellen Motto zurückblicken und anhand unserer liebsten, wichtigsten oder peinlichsten Stellen aus einem Jahr Landnerdschaft unser Wiedersehen feiern.
We meet to talk about ride sharing. How to reduce the ecologic impact of traffic by more people riding in cars together. Some activists of the ride sharing ecosystem will be there and we would like to meet more people to grow. Topics will be tools, data and especiall ahot to imporove ride shraing to and from the Congress. Inhalte: Ride Sharing, Mitfahren, Fahrgemeinschaften, Trampen Note there is 35c3.fahrgemeinschaft.de for finding ride to and from the Congress. The meeting is not exclusively about fahrgemeinschaft.de but open to any other projects, ideas, etc.
Fussel, vom Pech verfolgt, ist er nicht nur unser Allrounder für die Umsetzung jeder noch so wahnsinnigen Idee, er hat auch einen ausgeprägten Hang zur endzeitlichen, elektronischen Musik - auf die wir uns sehr freuen. --- Fussel - followed by bad luck, he is not only our all-rounder for the realization of even-the-most-insane-ideas, he also has a pronounced inclination towards electronic music of the last days - to which we are very much looking forward.
Anna Hauss ist Sängerin, Texterin und Komponistin und lebt derzeit in Leipzig. Aufgewachsen ist sie in Berlin, wo ihre musikalische Laufbahn schon früh begann. 2013 erschien ihr Solo-Debüt "Summerbreak", ein Jahr später begann sie in Leipzig Jazzgesang zu studieren. In ihren Songs geht es um persönliche Erfahrungen sowie aktuelle Beobachtungen unserer Zeit. Dabei ist sie immer wieder auf der Suche nach neuen Herausforderungen und Sounds. Aktuell ist sie mit ihrer Band STILL IN THE WOODS und deren aktuellem Album "Rootless Tree" unterwegs, spielt Konzerte als Solokünstlerin oder startet Projekte mit Musikern aus der Leipziger Jazzszene.
A few minutes for you to share summaries of books you like, with brief discussions afterwards. Dead Tree Lovers, come and share your favorite books on collective organizing, decision making, and community or personal health! (or really any other book you feel is important; can be fiction or non-fiction) You will have around five minutes to present, but we want to keep the format flexible in case we feel the need to discuss and enhance the conversation. **If you want to share a book, please announce your interest and the title of the book(s) you want to present before December 26.** We will assign slots before the session starts. **If you want to use slides for your presentation (which we encourage!), send them at least two hours before the session** to deadtreelovers-35c3 AT kommunikationsliebe DOT org or share them on our channel #deadtreelovers on hackint. (We will try to use only _one_ computer, to speed things up.)
Let's meet up and talk about neurodiversity, and how to navigate being "different in more than one way"!
Surface mount electronics for terrified beginners. Learn to assemble tiny parts on circuit boards by building a working power supply. Anyone can do it. Yes, even you who never touched anything electronic before. 90-100mins, 20€/kit, avoid caffeine immediately before. Max 21 participants per session, there is a PAPER!!1! signup list in the hardware hacking area.
Make science experiment with Pocket Science Lab and explore how you can use it at home, classroom, research lab etc. Download PSLab Android App for the workshop https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=io.pslab
Hands on workshop to create a flexible textile speaker by embroidering an electromagnetic coil with conductive thread
A informal meetup for Dat developers & community
pen&paper mini "Game Jam“
come and code on powerplant!
The Translation teams meets twice a day during the breaks to distribute shifts and self-organise.
The Translation teams for the second channel meets twice a day during the breaks to distribute shifts and self-organise.
How to make mead (honey wine)
Learn to see the world without your eyes: hands on, with blindfold and guide cane! Learn to use your everyday senses in ways you don't know you don't know, from Sai, who navigates blind all the time.
Twink Geeks Gathering - Flausch für Jungs 🏳️🌈
Anyone interested in 3D stuff is welcome c: (Person organizing: betalars, but I can't put my name there for some reason :c)
Angel Meeting
Gemeinsames Chorsingen. Singing in a choir. All creatures welcome.
Build, build, build. Build structures, structures for resistance. Inside and Outside of the system. Fast and chaotic. Many, many, many. There is a multiverse of subversive organizations to be born. Let's start. Now. Are you ready? How can we start : Gathering, Saving and Spending money for revolutionary projects (before fascism takes over) / for resistance, extracting money from the system for that, by building structures in a fast forward approach and apply for funding with them. How do we do it : We define at least one goal with clear purpose per project, at least two persons assigned to it, with three areas of action / regions (at best transnational) who benefit from the project. What could be the outcome of it : We will build associations, ags, parties, gbrs etc. with a basic purpose and concept and start looking for funding. During our workshop. Is this possible: Let's find out. PS: Initiation rituals to be created for the organizations and for the welcoming / taking on part for new members are highly recommended. #egoistic and intrinsic learning motives welcome, #collaboration is necessary, #building cracks in capitalism
Meet Grin
Please write us an e-mail to register / Bitte schreibt uns eine Mail zum Anmelden -- Awarenessteam-Treffen, für interessierte Personen die auf zukünfigen Events gerne das Team bereichern wollen. Awareness Team meeting, for interested people who like to join the team in the future,
Wie wird ein Nagel zum Magneten und warum dreht sich ein Elektromotor? Aus Kupferdraht, Nägeln, Magneten und kleinen Lämpchen könnt ihr Stromkreise, Elektromagnete und kleine Motoren bauen und verstehen, was es damit auf sich hat.
Dieser Vortrag ist der Versuch, nicht-Fachleuten anhand eines Stack Buffer Overflows anschaulich zu erklären und zu demonstrieren, warum und wie ein vermeintlich harmloses Dokument wie bspw. ein PDF einen Rechner mit einem Virus oder Wurm infizieren kann. Hast Du dich schon mal gefragt, wie es eigentlich möglich ist, dass ein PDF, ein Office Dokument oder eine Email einen Rechner lahm legt? In diesem Vortrag gehen wir dieser Frage auf den Grund. Hierbei wird versucht, unwichtige Details weg zu lassen, nur die nötigsten Fachwörter zu verwenden und diese auch zu erklären. An einigen technischen Details kommen wir leider nicht vorbei, diese werden aber vereinfacht dargestellt, um möglichst viele erreichen und mitnehmen zu können. Als Beispiel dient ein klassischer Stack Buffer Overflow wie im berühmten Artikel "Smashing the Stack for Fun and Profit" beschrieben. Wenn die Demo-Götter gut gelaunt sind, "infiziert" der Vortragende am Ende live seinen eigenen Rechner mit dem vorgestellten Verfahren. Zielgruppe: Alle außer ITSec ExpertInnen und anderen Menschen, die bereits wissen, wie ein Buffer Overflow funktioniert. :-) Quellcode von Folien und Demo: https://gitlab.com/chaos-siegen/oektion/vortrag/buffer_overflow
How does Wikimedia serve a hundred thousand Wikipedia pages second? An overview of the technical side of running Wikipedia & Co, from code review and the server farm to the deployment process and scaling storage infrastructure.
Gluon mit BATMAN setzt klassisch auf ein großes Layer 2 Netz, was in den großen Freifunk Communities zu Problemen führt. Mit unseren Bemühungen in "Project Parker" versuchen wir diese Probleme durch den Einsatz von klassischem Routing zu umgehen. In unserem Talk stellen wir unsere Architektur vor und zeigen welchen Stand unsere Umsetzung erreicht hat. Gluon mit BATMAN setzt klassisch auf ein großes Layer 2 Netz, was in den großen Freifunk Communities zu Problemen führt. Diese Communities begegnen den Problemen i.d.R. mit der Segmentierung des Netzes in Domains. Innerhalb dieser Domains wird allerdings das klassische Netz (BATMAN) eingesetzt. Mit "Project Parker" versuchen wir diese Probleme durch klassisches Routing in einem hierarchischem Netz zu lösen: Jeder Freifunk-Knoten mit Uplink ist Gateway für sein Netzsegment, macht DHCP und ist DNS-Cache. Das Routing mit BATMAN beschränkt sich nun auf kleine Mesh-Netze innerhalb des gesamten Netzes. Wir stellen in unserem Talk unsere Architektur vor und zeigen welchen Stand unsere Umsetzung erreicht hat.
Wifi4EU is currently broken by technical specifications. Within this workshop session I would like to kick of a discussion what a desireable infrastructure would look like and if it can be realized within the given political boundaries. The issues with Wifi4EU will be outlined in the following talk: https://fahrplan.chaos-west.de/35c3chaoswest/talk/K39NLS/ tba
Karlakakarl wäre gern mit dem Rad gekommen, muss aber gleich weiter nach Tel Aviv - Karl untersucht den Einfluss guter Musik (vorsicht kann Teile von Jazz enthalten) auf die Bluthirnschranke und teilt seine Erkenntnisse für 2 Stunden mit uns. --- Karlakakarl would have liked to come by bike, but has to go straight on to Tel Aviv - Karl examines the influence of good music (caution may contain parts of Jazz) on the blood-brain barrier and shares his findings for 2h with us.
Peter Klohmann geb. 1986, Frankfurt am Main 2001-2005 Jungstudent am Peter-Cornelius-Konservatorium Mainz 2005-2010 Bachelor Studium Jazz Saxophon an der Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz 2010 bis 2012 Master Studium Jazz Saxophon bei Prof. Bernd Konrad an der Musikhochschule Stuttgart ab WS 2012 Master Studium Jazz Komposition bei Prof. Rainer Tempel an der Musikhochschule Stuttgart 2001-2007 Landesjugenjazzorchesters Rheinland-Pfalz 2007-2011 Bundesjazzorchester (BujazzO) 2012 Aushilfe HR-Big Band (Schultour) Tourneen führten ihn nach Brasilien, USA, Südafrika, Süd-Korea, Russland, Polen, Indien, Italien und auf den Balkan (Kroatien, Bosnien-Herzegowina, Serbien, Bulgarien, Rumänien) Gründet 2009 die Konzertreihe „Junge Szene Frankfurt“ 2013 Arbeitsstipendium Jazz der Stadt Frankfurt am Main 2014 Eröffnung des 45. Deutsches Jazzfestivals Frankfurt am Main
SHIKOBA, real name Adem Zor, creative mind behind the interstellar label Planet Almanac, collaborates with Don't DJ and Iku Sakan, varies in his DJ sets in the hypnotic tension field between Krautrock, Experimental and Techno. Juggling with the sound aesthetics appeals to him the most. Dance Music, which transfers the club night's escapism to a more artistic than functional level. Loops, rhythms and sound aesthetics are the three key words with which his sets can be described. Natural sounds combined with digital synthesis, using the listener as a medium to close the gap between these two. He himself understands his sets as experienceable ideas, which are presented and carried forward by the experiencer and be thougt even further.
SPEAK UP 3/3. we will learn not to freak out when holding a speech. we will speak up in front of each other. we will be an audience to each other, giving constructive feedback. we will read out loud we will breathe together we will exchange tips and tricks to calm our voices down and make them more lively and full of emotions bring your texts if you want! say what you have and got to say we will train with and without microphone
Im Dialog mit dem Terminal - das robotron K8912
Treffen von Leuten, die gerne fahrende Dinge bauen. Hier gibts support und tipps für alles mit elektrischem Antrieb, insbesondere mit Hoverboard-Teilen. Hauptsächlich Elektronik-und Firmware-patching, aber auch vorort-Grobmechanik ist wohl möglich.
An update on the circumstances of the Snowden Refugees will be provided at the 35C3 event and venue in December 2018. There have been many significant events and incidents during 2018, and some of these will be disclosed at the talk. Updates will provided on the Snowden Refugees appeals in Hong Kong and their refugee claims with Canada. There will also be disclosures on continued surveillance and harassment by the Hong Kong authorities.
Es ist 6 Uhr und ein Trupp uniformierter Polizisten steht vor deiner Wohnungstür. Was solltest du bis dahin getan haben und was solltest du jetzt tun? Eine Hausdurchsuchung ist etwas, was sich niemand ersehnt und vor dem wir möglichst verschont bleiben wollen. Dennoch passiert es auch im Chaosumfeld immer wieder, dass Hackerinnen und Hacker Besuch von den Staatsorganen bekommen. Dieses Jahr erwischte es unter anderem die Zwiebelfreunde, das OpenLab in Augsburg, den C3DO und evtl. andere. Daher solltet ihr euch gedanklich auf eine Durchsuchung vorbereiten und Schritte ergreifen. Im Vortrag erzählen euch Jens und Kristin, welche Maßnahmen weit vor einer Durchsuchung sinnvoll sind. Weiterhin geben sie euch Empfehlungen, auf was ihr bei einer laufenden Durchsuchung achten solltet und wie es nach einer Hausdurchsuchung weitergeht.
Men with osteoporosis or depression, women with heart attacks - these are examples of diseases where medicine still shows a gender bias. Assuming that men and women have the same bodies, except when it comes to the reproductive organs still causes maltreatment up to death. In the past few years sex- and gender-sensitive medicine has discovered that the assumption of the same body has lead to the unnecessary death of patients and needs to be challenged. This is a brief introduction into the paradigm shifting realm of sex- and gender-sensitive medicine showing how and where the sexes differ, that there are actually more than two sexes and that your gender also plays a role in how you are being treated by medical professionals.
Seit 2010 ist die Sehnsucht des Schauspiel Dortmund, ein gegenwärtiges und wagemutiges Schauspiel für ein Publikum des 21. Jahrhunderts zu schaffen, ein Volkstheater für die Digitale Moderne. Intendant Kay Voges, Videokünstler Mario Simon und Engineer Lucas Pleß berichten über Dortmunder Theaterarbeiten zum Menschsein im Digitalen Zeitalter, speziell über die Stückentwicklung "Die Parallelwelt", die im September 2018 am Berliner Ensemble und am Schauspiel Dortmund gleichzeitig Premiere hatte, sowie über die "Akademie für Digitalität und Theater", die 2020 in Dortmund gegründet werden soll. Einen Theaterabend, der die Ränder des Erzählens auslotet und die Grenzen zwischen Theater, Film und Netz in Frage stellt: Im September 2018 hatte „Die Parallelwelt“ simultan am Schauspiel Dortmund und am Berliner Ensemble Premiere. Regisseur Kay Voges, Videokünstler Mario Simon und Software-Ingenieur Lucas Pleß vom Schauspiel Dortmund berichten über die Entwicklung eines Theaterabends, für den zwei Bühnen und zwei Zuschauerräume in zwei Städten in Echtzeit per Glasfaser verbunden sind. „Die Parallelwelt“ spielt mit der Vervielfältigung von Identitäten im Zusammenspiel mit dem Wandel von Bildern, die sich die menschliche Spezies zu dem Kosmos macht, dessen Teil sie ist – und mit Entgrenzung, Auflösungs-Alptraum und einer Neuzusammensetzung der Welt, wie wir sie kannten. „Die Parallelwelt“ ist die neueste Produktion zum Thema Menschsein im Digitalen Zeitalter vom Dortmunder Team um Kay Voges, das seit 2010 inhaltlich und formal an den Grenzen von Theater und Installation, Performance, Coding, Game und neuer Medienkunst forscht. Die Sehnsucht von „Deutschlands führendem Theaterlabor“ (DIE WELT): Ein gegenwärtiges und wagemutiges Schauspiel für ein Publikum des 21. Jahrhunderts, ein Volkstheater für die Digitale Moderne. Diese Forschungsreise wird ab 2020 intensiviert werden, wenn in Dortmund die neue „Akademie für Digitalität und Theater“ an den Start gehen soll.
The internet has become essential services, and offline methods of sharing data are rapidly disappearing. Other possible networks are often better suited when connectivity is not available or affordable. Radios, sensors, and computing are available in the cheapest of smartphones and routers. Wind is integrating nearby/offline data exchange with the internet services that we all rely on. We rely on the internet for so many things, from personal relationships to essential services. As the internet has gotten stronger, the asynchronous and offline methods of sharing data are rapidly disappearing. There has not been enough investment in the many other possible nets, even though they are often better suited for situations where connectivity is not available or affordable. The potential in radios, sensors and processing available in the cheapest of smartphones and routers are not fully utilized or realized. Wind is a network designed for opportunistic communication and sharing of local knowledge. It is built on impermanence, movement, and spontaneity. Wind is a direct counterpoint to the metaphor of the Web, a system built upon the concept of fixed physical nodes, centralized authorities and permanent links. It is rooted in the mindsets and needs of people and communities who face challenges communicating. Wind is shaped by the movements and density of people in time and space. The Wind project began with giving F-Droid the ability to "swap apps" using only Bluetooth and local Wi-Fi connections. We have enabled users with limited connectivity to gather and share media to archive.org via OpenArchive. Added "nearby" data exchange to share sensitive or blocked news via Proofmode and Courier. LibraryBoxen are integrated in as relay or source of data. Guardian Project always works in partnership with the people and organizations whose needs we are aiming to address. Real world solutions do not exist in a bubble, so we always integrate with established free software projects, as well as develop design guidelines and document key concepts to spread all aspects of this research. This work was undertaken in partnership with Tibetans facing internet shutdowns, Cubans working with their own separate networks, Latin Americans facing expensive data plans, and people all over the world who experience outages and unreliable connectivity. For Wind, our development approach is to incrementally improve upon existing efforts, while also focusing on developing the new integration glue necessary to provide a smooth, usable and practical to deploy experience. We are not inventing a new stack or protocol from scratch, or envisioning a utopian silo in which our systems solves all of the potential problems end-to-end. The issue that we see is that there are many potential components, protocols or software libraries that exist today, but that they have not been unified into a cohesive, usable experience that promotes easy deployment, bootstrapping and adoption. This work just won fourth prize in the Mozilla "Wireless Innovation for a Networked Society" Off-the-Grid Internet Challenge, providing us funding to take the next step in the development.
GNU Radio Users & devs meeting. We talk applications, ways to go, and problems and how to solve them.
Eine kurze Einführung in den humoristischen Dichterwettstreit
Repeating 1st day workshop with explaining basics for total beginners. Feel free to come over if you wanna become more confident ans practices the basics! 90 minute session, this is just the meeting point. Session will take place in glass hall
Daily Meetup for A/V Angels
Einführung in Computerforensik
The pocket science lab is a tiny Free/Open Source device and software that provides an array of test and measurement instruments for doing science and engineering experiments by simply plugging it into a phone or PC. It can be easily extended with various types of sensors and also controlled by our Android app or Linux desktop app. The talk will outline the project goals and achievements and showcase some of its functionalities. Furthermore, I will introduce the team and collaboration process and talk about the roadmap to make free and open miniaturized science labs a reality.
In this session we will explore the notions used in hacking through interactive physical exercises. Creating the body-based code for the software, based on systemic thinking and non-equilibrium dynamics.<br><br> <span style="color:orange">'''''Physical practice workshop + interactive exercises. No experience needed, but get ready to work out.'''''</span>
Dieser Talk gibt einen Überblick darüber, wie das deutsche Stromnetz aufgebaut ist und wo die Reise hingeht. Wo stehen die großen Kraftwerke? Was passiert, wenn diese durch dezentrale Erneuerbare Energiequellen ersetzt werden und führt die Energiewende wirklich zu einer dezentraleren Energieversorgung? Wie ist das Stromnetz in Deutschland aufgebaut? Warum verwendet man Hochspannung? Wieso bauen Netzbetreiber lieber Freileitungen, als ein Kabel in den Boden zu legen? Die Energiewende verändert derzeit das elektrische Netz ungemein. Erneuerbare Energien übernehmen immer mehr die Aufgaben von Großkraftwerken und bringen dadurch völlig neue Herausforderungen mit sich. Plötzlich gibt es zu einigen Zeiten Überkapazitäten, die nicht nur zu absurden Effekten an der Strombörse in Leipzig führen, sondern auch gefährlich für die Netzstabilität werden können. Dann gibt es wiederum Tage, an denen die Erneuerbaren Energien fast nichts zum Strommix beitragen und der Großteil der elektrischen Energie aus Kohle-, Gas- und (noch) Kernkraftwerken kommt. Wir gehen den Fragen nach, ob die neuen dezentralen Energiequellen wirklich so dezentral sind, wie es heiß, ob neue Leitungen wirklich nur wegen der Energiewende gebaut werden oder nicht doch auch aus Profitgründen und warum Kabel oft nicht die bessere Alternative zu Freileitungen sind. Natürlich kommen am Anfang auch nicht die Grundlagen zu kurz. All das versucht dieser Vortrag verständlich zu erklären. Vorwissen wird nicht benötigt!
Global NGO Players vs. (linke) Grassroots-Gruppen - wer entscheidet, wem wann wie geholfen wird...und wo verkommt humanitäre Praxis zum politischen Spielfeld Aus Kritik am humanitären System der UN und seinen beteiligten Groß-NGOs haben sich viele (linke) Grassroots-Gruppen gegründet. Auch diese können natürlich nicht ohne finanzielle Mittel arbeiten, und sind somit auf Spenden, ergo auf Öffentlichkeitsarbeit angewiesen. Wie entscheiden die "Großen" wann und wie und wem geholfen wird? Welche Lücken bleiben dabei (zwangsläufig)? Und wie werden diese Entscheidungen bei den Grassroots getroffen? Und welche Auswirkungen auf die Wahrnehmung von Krisen hat ihre Öffentlichkeitsarbeit? "Trommeln gehört zum Handwerk", aber wo läuft linkes humanitäres Engagement Gefahr, in rein politisch motivierten Aktivismus abzudriften? Und wenn das schlimm ist, warum? Eine kritische Betrachtungsweise.
Kleiner Jahresrückblick mit verschiedenen Gästen Der Congress ist doch die beste Zeit um auf das vergangene Jahr zurück zu blicken. Mit verschiedenen Gästen*innen werde ich auf unsere podcasts, Serien und Film-Entdeckungen und -Neuerscheinungen des Jahres zurückblicken. Als Gästinnen dabei habe ich @_noujoum und @bkastl.
Moloch, Ringelpietz / Hamburg
Introduction to beekeeping, short presentation on how to keep 2-10 hives for honey and for fun. Good for the environment, too...
Make science experiment with Pocket Science Lab and explore how you can use it at home, classroom, research lab etc. Download PSLab Android App for the workshop https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=io.pslab
Briar is a free (GPLv3), decentralized (using Tor or bluetooth meshing), end-to-end encrypted messenger which is not tied to phone numbers. We are fans who want to present it and create a congress-wide group.
Talk was canceled because of too little space. Feel free to come by and talk personally with us about this topic.
Free time. For everyone. Use it. Now.
GERMAN: Mehr als 10.000 unterschiedliche Device-Hersteller aus aller Welt verwenden die Basis-Plattform (WIFI-Modul, Cloud, App) eines einzigen Unternehmens zur technischen Umsetzung ihrer Smart-Home-Produkte. Die Analyse dieser Basis zeigt erhebliche Sicherheitsmängel auch konzeptioneller Natur und somit diverse Angriffspunkte, von denen mehrere Millionen Smart Devices betroffen sind. Der Vortrag stellt die Funktionsweise smarter Geräte im Zusammenhang mit der genannten Basis-Plattform dar, zeigt das Ausmaß der Sicherheitslücken anhand diverser Angriffsszenarien und bietet der Community eine Lösung für die sichere Nutzung der betroffenen Geräte. ENGLISH: More than 10,000 different device manufacturers from all over the world use the basic platform (WIFI module, cloud, app) of a single company to technically implement their smart home products. The analysis of this base shows considerable security deficiencies, also of a conceptual nature, and thus various points of attack, which affects millions of smart devices. The lecture will present the functionality of smart devices in relation with the above-mentioned basic platform, show the extent of the security gaps using various attack scenarios and offer the community a solution for the secure use of the affected devices. GERMAN: Für die dem Vortrag zu Grunde liegenden Tests wurden verschiedenste Glühbirnen und Steckdosen verschiedener Hersteller bestellt und untersucht. Dabei fiel sofort auf, dass sehr oft ein ESP8266 (sehr kostengünstiger 32-Bit-Mikrocontroller mit integriertem 802.11 b/g/n Wi-Fi) der chinesischen Firma espressif verwendet wird. Weitere Untersuchungen zeigten, dass neben dem verwendeten WIFI-Modul, unabhängig vom aufgedruckten Hersteller der Smart-Devices, auch dieselbe Cloud, sowie die gleiche Basis-App eines chinesischen IoT-Modul-Herstellers verwendet wird. Diese Basis-Plattform ermöglicht somit jedem weltweit in kürzester Zeit selbst zum Reseller von bereits fertigen Produkten, wie „Smart Bulbs“ und „Smart Plugs“ zu werden, oder seine ganz eigenen Smart-Devices auf den Markt zu bringen, auch ohne den Besitz tieferer technischer Kenntnisse bezüglich IoT oder IT-Sicherheit. Die Analyse der "Smart"-Devices, die diese Basis-Plattform verwenden, ist allgemein erschreckend. Einfachste Sicherheitsregeln werden nicht befolgt und es gibt gravierende systematische und konzeptionelle Mängel, die stark zu Lasten der Sicherheit der Endanwender gehen. Aufgrund der einfachen Möglichkeit des Bezugs und Inverkehrbringens solcher Smart-Devices sind ganz neuartige kriminelle Konzepte denkbar, die auch ohne großes Experten-Hacker-Wissen in die Tat umgesetzt werden könnten. Der Vortrag stellt die Funktionsweise der untersuchten smarten Geräte im Zusammenhang mit der verwendeten Basis-Plattform dar und zeigt das Ausmaß der Sicherheitslücken anhand diverser Angriffsszenarien. Abschließend wird eine Lösung des Sicherheitsdilemmas bei der Verwendung betroffener Smart-Devices angeboten, welche die sichere Nutzung dieser Geräte im eigenen Zuhause, auch für Nichtexperten, möglich macht. ENGLISH: For the tests on which the lecture is based, various light bulbs and sockets from different manufacturers were ordered and tested. It was immediately noticed that an ESP8266 (very cost-effective 32-bit microcontroller with integrated 802.11 b/g/n Wi-Fi) from the Chinese company espressif is very often used. Further investigations showed that the same cloud and the same basic app from a Chinese IoT module manufacturer are used in addition to the WIFI module used, regardless of the printed manufacturer of the smart devices. This basic platform gives anyone worldwide the possibility to become a reseller of already finished products, such as "Smart Bulbs" and "Smart Plugs", or to bring their own smart devices onto the market in the shortest possible time, even without having in-depth technical knowledge of IoT or IT security. The analysis of the "smart" devices using this basic platform is generally frightening. The simplest security rules are not followed and there are serious systematic and conceptual shortcomings, which strongly affect the security of end users. Due to the simple possibility of obtaining and placing such smart devices on the market, completely new criminal concepts are conceivable that could be put into practice even without a great deal of expert hacker knowledge. The talk presents the functionality of the examined smart devices in relation with the basic platform and shows the extent of the security gaps on the basis of various attack scenarios. Finally, a solution to the security dilemma of using affected smart devices is offered, which makes it possible for even non-experts to safely use these devices in their own homes.
Teaching beginners how to program is often <i>hard</i>. We love building programs, and seeing our loved ones struggle with this is painful. Showing them how to copy-paste a few example programs and change a few parameters is easy, but bridging from there to building substantial programs is a different game entirely. This talk is about how to teach programming successfully, through comprehensible <i>design recipes</i>, which anyone can follow, using languages and tools designed for beginners. This approach is probably different from how you learned how to program, or how you're used to teaching. It is more effective, however, as it teaches more material successfully to a broader spectrum of people. It is also more enjoyable. The talk is based on many years of research by the <a href="https://programbydesign.org/">Program by Design</a>, <a href="http://www.deinprogramm.de">DeinProgramm</a>, and <a href="http://www.bootstrapworld.org/">Bootstrap</a> educational projects, as well as over 30 years of personal teaching experience in school, university and industrial contexts. A word of warning: The resulting approach is radically different from most teaching approaches used in universities and schools. In particular, it avoids teaching purely through examples and expecting students to develop the skills to arrive at the solutions on their own. Instead, it eaches explicit methodology that enables students to solve problems of surprising complexity on their own, whether they are 11 or 55, whether in a classroom, a training facility, or your home. Extensive documentation, material, and software to support this methodology is available for free.
What's been good, exciting, spooky and challenging in art and science/technology over this past year. With a short incursion into the ugly because even artists have the right to be awful. Global warming, the threat of another economic crisis, the rise of far right discourses across Europe or the mass extinction of natural species, it might seem futile to invest time and attention to contemporary art. And yet, with their inquisitive mind, their skills in (ab)using new media and their provocative attitude, artists and critical designers can play a valuable role in creating richer narratives around issues that tend to polarize and/or dismay. The talk will look at the good, the strange and the exciting in art and science/technology over this past year. With a short incursion into the ugly because even artists have the right to be awful. Some of the topics explored might include the environmental and human cost of AI, hormones hacking, 'racism' behind innocent looking devices and other prospects of a post-human world.
Never Forgetti <br> lecture performance, 2018 <br> multiplatform game, <br> <a href="https://soundcloud.com/imdrivingfast/sets/never-forgetti-ost"> soundtrack </a> & <a href="http://janberger.info/texts/nf_guide_web.pdf"> strategy guide </a> <br> <br> Never Forgetti is a didactic live gaming lecture about the deaths of female video game characters and how their normative framing prevents them from developing agency to avert their fatal destiny. The performance investigates on power relationships between lecturer and audience to reflect on how models of subjugation are established in media and our current social realities. Taking on the persona of Jenny Vorfahrt, a mysterious character that exists both outside and inside the gaming realm, I provide attendees with showcase of gameplay and theoretical knowledge about life and death of popular heroines, as well as the symbolism of classical game design. In reality, however, Jenny is pursuing her own secretive agenda...
Um das Entwickeln von eigenen Laufrobotern zu erleichtern, brauchen wir offene Alternativen zu bestehenden Plattformen. Am Beispiel unseres Projektes "Hannah" stellen wir euch Möglichkeiten vor, wie Open Source in Robotik-Hardware praktisch eingesetzt werden kann. Wir bauen einen vierbeinigen Laufroboter, der vollständig open-source in Hard- und Software ist, denn Roboter werden für uns alle sicherer und nützlicher sein, wenn wir ihre Funktionalität vollständig verstehen und ihrer Hardware vertrauen können. Außerdem sind wir überzeugt, dass zukünftige Robotik/KI-Systeme für die Menschheit allgemein förderlich sein werden, wenn die zugrundeliegende Technologie unabhängig von privaten Interessen und in den Händen von Wissenschaftlern, Ingenieuren und Hackern weltweit ist. Bei der Entwicklung von Laufrobotern ist die notwendige Hardware oft nicht erschwinglich, oder die Quellen für die Hardware-Designs oder die Software schwer zugänglich. Einen Laufroboter von Grund auf zu entwickeln kann leicht mehrere Jahre dauern, was für Forscher und Hobbyisten viel Aufwand bedeutet und für Startups ein hohes Risiko darstellt. Wir entwickeln ein völlig freies quelloffenes Hardware- und Software-Design für einen Laufroboter, welches von allen verwendet, studiert, modifiziert und verteilt werden kann, und wollen damit einen Beitrag zur Demokratisierung des Bereichs der Laufroboter leisten. Das mechanische Design besteht aus 3D-gedruckten oder Laser-geschnitten Teilen, welche anderweitig zu teuer wären, bzw. aus Standardteilen, welche vielerorts günstig erworben werden können. Der Roboter kann somit leicht im lokalen Hackspace oder zu Hause nachgebaut werden. Das Motorsteuerungssystem ist eine ebenfalls quelloffene Elektronik- und Firmware-Eigenentwicklung zur einfachen Regelung von DC-Motoren inklusive eines flexiblen Bussystems zur Echtzeitkommunikation. Die Software umfasst die Low-Level Motorregelung und die Algorithmen zur Bewegungssteuerung für verschiedene Gangarten und Richtungen, welche durch Mikroprozessor-freundliche neuronale Regler erzeugt werden.
Learn with me the basics of our collectives consensus driven decision making process, a process the premium collective uses for 17 years so far.
Most PLC protocols are old (older than the entire Ethernet protocol) and by their very nature insecure. I will not be discussing the “known” industrial protocols, such as S7com, TwinCAT and modbusTCP etc … in large detail, but rather the lesser known variants that are used to actually control and/or configure these devices. Almost every single use case and demonstration during this session are actually zero days and will remain zero days. Since it is a “normal” use of the (unauthenticated protocols) and these devices remain untouched for 20 to 30 years, it is practically impossible to “update the protocols” without closing down a million dollar factory for like a year or so. We will demonstrate vulnerabilities on Siemens and Beckhoff PLC's. Both patched and non patched (as part of the protocol).
Surface mount electronics for terrified beginners. Learn to assemble tiny parts on circuit boards by building a working power supply. Anyone can do it. Yes, even you who never touched anything electronic before. 90-100mins, 20€/kit, avoid caffeine immediately before. Max 21 participants per session, there is a PAPER!!1! signup list in the hardware hacking area.
Play video games using an indoor localization as a controller, so that you (physically) are the player! The installation is quite retro-ish and the open source game engine Godot was used, among other things.
Gathering of Ethereum Magicians
In diesem Workshop geht es um Finanzbildung mit Fokus auf Aktienmarkt und Fonds. Ich möchte einen Einblick in das Sparen am Aktienmarkt und die damit verbundenen Chancen und Risiken geben. Mit Rücksicht auf das Verständnis nähern wir uns dem Thema graphisch und analysieren Zeitserien bzw. Aktienkurse mit Python und jupyter-notebooks.
The criminalisation of unauthorised access is the original sin of computer crimes law. The free software community has long understood this but now everyone else is catching up. In the years following Aaron Swartz's death, the wider public has become increasingly aware of the importance of security research for the protection of their personal data. The role of hackers in journalism, as whistleblowers and journalistic sources, is increasingly visible. And free societies will always need protest and civil disobedience to raise awkward questions. While attempts to introduce "Aaron's Law" in the US ultimately failed, in this talk I'll talk about the developments in a number of jurisdictions that make Aarons Law-type reforms a realistic project in the next few years. In particular, I'll discuss the important implications of the EU draft whistleblowing directive for the free software community, the work I'll be doing through 2019 and the coalition we need to build in order to make Aaron's Law a reality.
Sammeln und Verkauf von Bewegungsdaten abseits von Mobilfunk und Smartphone. Der Mobilfunkanbieter weiß, wo Du Dich bewegst - no news here. Aber wie steht es mit den Dutzenden anderen Firmen, Marketing Agenturen, Kaufhäusern oder Netzwekausrüstern, die Deine Bewegungsdaten selbst ohne Smartphone-App erfassen und das, ohne dass Du es wissen kannst? Feature Phones, Smartphones, Laptops, Smartwatches, Bluetooth Kopfhöhrer - sie alle haben eines gemeinsam: sie können Funktechnologien wie WLAN oder Bluetooth. In den letzten Jahren hat sich eine ganze Marktsparte an Firmen entwickelt, deren Geschäftsmodell es ist, die Metadaten dieser Technologien zu erfassen, zu korrelieren und zu verwerten. Dabei ist es unerheblich, ob Du z.B. das öffentliche WLAN dieser Firmen nutzt oder nicht. Die Präsenz Deiner Geräte reicht aus, um sie (wieder)zuerkennen. Und eine automatische Macadressen-Randomisierung hilft nur begrenzt.
Wir würden gerne wieder auf dem Congress eine Folge mit Menschen die zu unserem kleinen Lauftreff an Tag 2 kommen podcasten. Die 3 Schweinehunde sind eine podcastende Laufgruppe die im Oktober 2019 einen Halbmarathon laufen möchte und dazu monatlich über Training, Motivation und Gadgets podcastet.
Mit OffeneGesetze.de haben wir sämtliche Bundesgesetzblätter seit 1949 frei veröffentlicht. Jetzt sollten wir die Dokumente auch angemessen nutzen. Hier besprechen wir, was man mit den Daten machen kann und was wir als nächstes befreien sollten.
LXC is an audio tinker from Leipzig, creating pretty much everything between Ambient and Hardcore with a focus on broken beats, dubwise soundscapes and a hefty amount of sub bass. Early sound research about 8 bit bassdrum sampling started about 1993, leading to a quite noisy Drum&Bass liveact around the years of 2000. The leipzig based label Phantomnoise pressed LXC's pretty harsh debut vinyl entitled Strukturbruch EP in 2002. Further releaes followed up on labels such as Offshore from overseas, Subtle Sudio from Dublin, Death$ucker from London, on the hamburg-based imprints Sozialistischer Plattenbau and Plainaudio and Tübingen's Santorin. These days one can find works on Zamzam's Khaliphonic and the latest compilation of Defrostatica, again from trade fair town. Or bare rave town? Beyond exploring unheard music and non-music, the man like LXC is running his own cutting-edge drum&bass/jungle imprint called Alphacut Records, which got expanded into sublabels like 45seven and Alpha Cutauri. Also, LXC is promoting Bassmaessage, Alphacutility and more bassy nights in his home hood, operating Bassmaessage sound system, mastering and cutting lacquers at the RAND Muzik vinyl pressing plant and is looking after an endless amount of smaller projects about audible and visual confusion every now and then. No shit. LXC sounds like: Anti-clockwize-Drum'n'Bass, Scientific Dubber, Fakecore, Noskoolbreaks, Dumbstep, Reggaetomb, Deathhall, Gabbadub, Chip Hop, Phunkrock, Bambient, ... LXC releases on: 45seven, Alphacut, Alpha Cutauri, Offshore, Subtle Audio, Bustle Beats, Modern Urban Jazz, Death$ucker, Zamzam's Khaliphonic, Defrostatica, Sozialistischer Plattenbau, Phantomnoise, Santorin, Plainaudio, Dhyana, Minor, Trash Tapes, Moniker Eggplant, ...
Mr. JB aka monkeyking ist die Geheimwaffe und der wohl am besten vorbereiteteste DJ im Shutterisland, ein wandelndes Musiklexikon und Meister der Übergänge und genau darum bekommt er auch 6h Playtime. --- Mr. JB is the secret weapon and probably the best prepared dj in shutterisland, a walking music encyclopedia and master of transitions and that's exactly why he gets 6h playtime.
Zso is the stage name of a young artist Sofia (16) from Novi Sad, Serbia. Her voice is regularly described as “hypnotic”, and her performances as “out-of-this-world”. She started to perform just recently and her sets usually consists of cover songs that the most of you will recognise, but they could hardly be labeled as “hits”. She also writes her own songs and one will be premiered at 35C3. Currently, she is touring Germany with her dad, _djura_ who is a musician and a DJ. Together, under the name “Zso & Co.” they will bring you interesting renditions of some popular songs in their own, unique style: combining analogue and acoustic instruments with dirty synths in minimalistic arrangements, accompanying Sofia’s beautiful voice. Zso is the stage name of a young artist Sofia (16) from Novi Sad, Serbia. Her voice is regularly described as “hypnotic”, and her performances as “out-of-this-world”. She started to perform just recently and her sets usually consists of cover songs that the most of you will recognise, but they could hardly be labeled as “hits”. She also writes her own songs and one will be premiered at 35C3. Currently, she is touring Germany with her dad, _djura_ who is a musician and a DJ. Together, under the name “Zso & Co.” they will bring you interesting renditions of some popular songs in their own, unique style: combining analogue and acoustic instruments with dirty synths in minimalistic arrangements, accompanying Sofia’s beautiful voice.
AL-D! (Alexa-D!saster) // electric-guitar //loops & effects // vocals // lo-fi //improv // DAW // drums // bells // Alexa D Saster is a DJ, musician and crossover artist based in Berlin. DJ Alexa D!saster is a record collector and sound-explorer. Her dj-sets are between mildstyle and wildstyle and based on underground-music and unheard rarities. She's spinning her sets in Berlin's subculture spots and elsewhere in Germany and Europe. Alexa is a guitarist and singer and plays in different formations. Under the moniker AL-D! she runs her indie-loop-project, where she combines electronic sounds with vocals and electric-guitar. She is creator of Golden Disko, resident of mild! open air in Berlin's cutest garden Zuckerzauber and host of Kizamani kisasa radio show on Radio Rixdorf. In addition to her music, Alexa is working as comic artist and web designer.
Es gibt eine Qualitative und Quantitative Auswertung der Verfassungsschutzberichte 2017 (Bund und Länder). Was sehen wir da, was will uns der Verfassungsschutz wohl damit sagen und können wir was davon lernen. Hierbei geht es um eine kritische Betrachtung der Verfassungsschutzberichte 2017, mit einem Fokus darauf wie sie mit dem sogenannte "Linksextremismus" und dem Neofaschismus bzw. in ihrer Logik "Rechtsextremismus" umgehen. Welche Gruppen werden wo laut Berichten beobachtet, was ist auffällig. Was ist auffällig unauffällig. Es wird die Möglichkeit geben auch live die Berichte zu untersuchen, falls Bereiche die, die Teilnehmenden interessieren von mir nicht behandelt wurden.
Mit OffeneGesetze.de haben wir sämtliche Bundesgesetzblätter seit 1949 frei veröffentlicht. Jetzt sollten wir die Dokumente auch angemessen nutzen. Hier besprechen wir, was man mit den Daten machen kann und was wir als nächstes befreien sollten.
A variety of initiatives aims at encouraging female engagement in the hacker and maker scene. We present there some promising approaches and key learnings in a joint panel discussion. Hong Phuc grew up in a small town in the Mekong Delta, south of Vietnam, She could never imagine how her life went a completely different path than what she was told as a young girl. Le RESET is a French feminist hackerspace created in 2016 by a small group of queer & feminist hackers and hacktivists. The goal was to create a space at the intersection of communities that often remain apart. Em O'Sullivan is a former hackerspace and Maker Faire organiser. Currently, they are a PhD student researching ways to improve women and non-binary people's engagement with technology via makerspaces. Ready to Code is a young project from Stuttgart that teaches girls and women how to code and stand up for themselves.
Meetup/Discussion for Hackers concerned with Climate Change
We live in a world of data theft and broken clouds and I believe it is time to decentralize, host at home or a local provider we trust. Nextcloud is an option that can take care of many of your file sync'n'share, chat and document editing needs, and I'll show how and why! The data from many people is floating around on 'clouds', regularly stolen and traded. We need to decentralize, host ourselves or at a large number of small, local providers we can trust! Probably the most used solution for that today is Nextcloud, which through its app ecosystem of almost 200 apps can be extended to do lots of things. With Nextcloud you can sync and share files, access your calendars and contacts, share holiday pictures with your family or play music. But also manage your passwords, track your phone through GPS, draw, read news, chat and have audio/video calls, read mail, manage tasks and much more. The community has developed almost 200 apps that do all that and more, and loads of tutorials on how to install Nextcloud on a Nuc, in a VM, on a raspberry Pi and more. If self-hosting isn't realistic for you, we have Simple Signup which sets you up at a Nextcloud hosting provider close to you in a few clicks. This talk is for people not yet familiar with Nextcloud!
Communitytreffen des Weimarnetzes
The Enemy brings you face-to-face with combatants from three conflict zones: with the Maras in Salvador, in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, and in Israel and Palestine. Their testimonies and confessions about their lives, experiences, and perspectives on war will allow you to better understand their motivations… and their humanity. The Enemy by Karim Ben Khelifa, a groundbreaking interactive Virtual Reality (VR) exhibition, and immersive experience, makes its North American premiere at the MIT Museum. Through 360-degree imaging and recordings, participants will encounter combatants on opposite sides of conflicts in Israel/Palestine, the Congo, and El Salvador. In their own words, each will offer personal perspectives on war, including thoughts on motivations, suffering, freedom, and the future. The exhibition incorporates concepts from artificial intelligence and cognitive science-based interaction models. Conceived by acclaimed photojournalist Karim Ben Khelifa, this ambitious project was further developed during a visiting artist residency at MIT hosted by MIT’s Center for Art, Science & Technology (CAST) and in collaboration with MIT Professor D. Fox Harrell.
Welchen Dialekt spricht eine Geflüchtete aus Syrien? Was verrät das Handy eines Asylsuchenden aus dem Irak darüber, wo er herkommt? Und ist der Name Wasef eigentlich typisch für Afghanistan? Über diese Fragen entscheiden im Bundesamt für Migration und Flüchtlinge (BAMF) zunehmend Computer. Sie spucken Wahrscheinlichkeiten für Herkunftsländer aus, die entscheidend dafür sind, ob Geflüchtete Asyl bekommen - oder nicht. Kurz: Menschliche Schicksale hängen von Maschinen ab. Diese Maschinen wissen nichts darüber, ob einem Menschen in seiner alten Heimat Verfolgung, Folter und Tod drohen. Mitarbeiter des BAMF verlassen sich auf diese Ergebnisse, auch wenn sie falsch sein können. Recherchen und bisher unveröffentlichte Dokumente zeigen, warum das schiefgehen muss und welche schweren Folgen für Schutzsuchende das haben kann. Im Jahr 2015 stellte fast <a href="https://www.bmi.bund.de/SharedDocs/pressemitteilungen/DE/2016/01/asylantraege-dezember-2015.html">eine halbe Million Menschen</a> einen Asylantrag in Deutschland. Das BAMF war überfordert, immer mehr unbearbeitete Anträge sammelten sich an. Der vermeintliche Ausweg lautete Prozessoptimierung. Allein im Jahr 2016 wurden 25 Millionen Euro für Unternehmensberatungen wie McKinsey ausgegeben, die das Amt <a href="https://www.zeit.de/2017/14/bamf-unternehmensberater-geschwindigkeiten-folgen-fluechtlinge/komplettansicht">zu einer Entscheidungsfabrik machen</a> sollten. Dass die Behörde über das Schicksal von Menschen entscheidet, trat in den Hintergrund. Immer mehr Entscheidungen in immer kürzerer Zeit, kaum ausgebildete Entscheider, schlechte Übersetzer, massive Datenschutzprobleme und viele falsche Ablehnungen, die im Nachhinein vor Gericht landeten und im Nachhinein revidiert werden mussten. Ein Beitrag zur vermeintlichen Optimierung sollten IT-Systeme für ein "Integriertes Identitätsmanagement" leisten, das aus vier Teilen besteht: Ein "Transliterationsassistent" soll Namen in arabischer Schrift einheitlich in lateinische Buchstaben übertragen, um Verwechslungen zu vermeiden und gleichzeitig auswerten, ob der Name im angegebenen Herkunftsland des Geflüchteten vorkommt. Aus einer automatischen Handyauswertung sollen sich Hinweise ergeben, welche Nationalität eine Person hat. Die Technik dafür stammt von einer Firma, die auch für Militär und Geheimdienste arbeitet. Mittels stimmbiometrischer Verfahren sollen die Entscheider Hinweise darauf bekommen, ob ein Antragsteller eher ägyptisches Arabisch spricht oder vielleicht einen levantinischen Dialekt, der auf eine syrische Herkunft hindeutet. Nicht zuletzt sollen biometrische Fotos helfen festzustellen, ob jemand bereits in einer anderen Datenbank registriert wurde. Damit will das BAMF "Vorreiter bei der Erschließung innovativer Technologien" sein. Doch die neuen IT-Systeme, die kurz vor der Bundestagswahl 2017 vorgestellt wurden, lösen die Probleme des BAMF nicht. Sie schaffen neue und entmenschlichen die Entscheidungen über Schutzsuchende, indem sie die Illusion von Korrektheit und Objektivität erzeugen. Durch Recherchen und Gespräche mit Betroffenen erhärtete sich der Verdacht, dass das zum Scheitern verurteilt ist. Geflüchtete erzählten davon, dass BAMF-Mitarbeiter die Systeme nicht richtig bedienen konnten. Ihre Asylakten zeigen, dass sie auch die Ergebnisse fahrlässig interpretiert haben. Sie vertrauten kaum aussagefähigen Prozentangaben aus intransparenten Computerprogrammen mehr als den Schilderungen und Dokumenten der Betroffenen. Bisher unveröffentlichte Dokumente zeigen, dass es sich wohl nicht nur um Einzelfälle handelt. Neben der Gefahr, dass Geflüchtete auf Grundlage der automatisierten Auswertungen abgeschoben werden, hat die Digitalisierungsoffensive im BAMF weitere Auswirkungen: Datenschutzprobleme und massenhafte Datenweiterleitungen an den Verfassungsschutz zum Beispiel. Doch die Behörde hat bereits ein neues Projekt gestartet: die <a href="http://www.bamf.de/DE/DasBAMF/BAMFdigital/Blockchain/blockchain-node.html">Blockchainisierung des Asylverfahrens</a>.
Facebook monopoly is an issue, but looking for replacements it is not enough. We want to develop critical judgment on algorithms, on why data politics matter and educate, raise awareness for a broad audience. With <a href="https://facebook.tracking.exposed">our tool</a>, we enable an individual to collect evidence and see how Facebook's algorithm truly shares their data. Not data about themselves, but the bias of facebook treats data, re-shares certain content over other content. Collectively we can analyze the algorithm, understand Facebooks agendas and show how little agency users have. As algorithms define what our priorities are, they should be recognized as an extension of our will. We must be able to consciously build our own algorithms, change them whenever we want, and not have to delegate this decision to a commercial entity, with opaque functioning and objectives. This is the goal of <a href="https://tracking.exposed">tracking.exposed</a>, a goal that can only be achieved through education. We recognize that not everyone possesses the knowledge and skills to design their own algorithms, and therefore there is the need to create a support community, where algorithms can be shared, compared, improved and criticized. The algorithm is power; it can be a harmful cage or a helpful filter. Only autonomous and informed individuals can decide what is most appropriate for them at a given time. We also worked on <a href="https://youtube.tracking.exposed">analyzing YouTube algorithm</a>! And others platform should follow; the collaborative observation approach is replicable in every platform which personalizes the results. This talk wants to be accessible for ordinary social media users. We understand that many have to be on these platforms, but at least, we can try to use them without getting used!
Beim Datenschutz geht es mitnichten um Privatsphäre, um das eigene Schlafzimmer oder um das Teilen privater Daten bei Facebook. Es geht gleichermaßen um den Erhalt einer demokratischen Gesellschaftsordnung wie um den Erhalt individueller Handlungsalternativen im digitalen Zeitalter. Wir dürfen also nicht so sehr über Einzelpersonen und ihre höchst subjektiven Privatheitswünsche sprechen, sondern viel mehr von Machtasymmetrien, Durchsetzungsmacht, sowie „starken“ und „schwachen“ Akteuren. Erst mit diesem strukturellen Blick können wir politischen Nebelkerzen wie "Selbst-Datenschutz", "Dateneigentum", "individuelle Datensouveränität" oder etwa "Algorithmen-Ethik" etwas entgegensetzen, die zunehmend als Lösung für das Problem der Verdatung der Gesellschaft angeboten werden. Wir müssen uns strukturell und auch theoretisch mit dem Problem der Informationsmacht großer Organisationen (Behörden, Firmen) beschäftigen, wenn wir einer grundrechtsorientierten digitalen Gesellschaft leben wollen. Denn Datenreichtumsbefürworter- und DatenschutzverächterInnen, die derartige Probleme wie so oft dem Individuum aufbürden wollen, haben nämlich keinen theoretischen Unterbau. Dieser Foundation-Talk vermittelt passioniert das Rüstzeug und die nötigen Grundlagen, um tatsächlich sinnvolle Datenschutzbebatten zu führen.
Redits, MongoDB and Confluent have recently announced plans to relicense their software or parts of it under new licenses that restrict their usage by cloud providers. These new licenses violate core ideas of Free and Open Source Software, but these companies go to great lengths to obscure that fact. Talk is held by Hanno Böck.
Programmierung der Audiosoftware Reaper
Arch Linux user meetup
Angel introduction meeting for Subtitles Angels. All Subtitles Angels are required to attend at least once.
[Rosenberg](https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marshall_B._Rosenberg) hat in der [gewaltfreien Kommunikation (GFK)](https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gewaltfreie_Kommunikation) vier konkrete Schritte formuliert, die jede/n besser kommunizieren lassen sollen. Im Slot werden diese vorgestellt und durch praktische Übungen begleitet. Mehr als eine kurze Einführung in die GFK kann der Slot in der knappen Zeit nicht bieten. Aber Achtung: It's simple, but not easy! :-) Die GFK ist eine "Erfindung" des amerikanischen Psychologen [M. B. Rosenberg](https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marshall_B._Rosenberg). Er hat verschiedene Ansätze und Ideen zusammengetragen und in ein praktisch anwendbare Handlungsempfehlung gegossen. Seine Ansätze sind nicht neu oder revolutionär, sie betonen nur gewisse Dinge und legen einen Schwerpunkt auf Empathie, Bedürfnisse und Gefühle. Rosenberg hat die GFK Mitte der 60er Jahre entwickelt. Vor der Jahrtausendwende hat GFK in Deutschland weite Verbreitung gefunden. Mittlerweile gibt es in vielen Regionen Deutschlands lokale Gruppen, die sich der Verbreitung und der praktischen Ausübung der GFK verschrieben haben. Im Slot werden wir die vier Schritte der GFK kennenlernen und (in kleineren Gruppen) praktisch üben bzw. erfahren. Besondere Voraussetzungen: keine: Offenheit und Neugierde auf Neues und die Auseinandersetzung mit den eigenen Gefühlen sind hilfreich. ;-)
Nein zum neuen saechsichen Polizeigesetz! Der Referent*innen Entwurf für das neue sächsische Polizeigesetz (Sächsisches Polizeivollzugsdienstgesetz – SächsPVDG) wurde geleaked: download Einführung Wenn es nach der sächsischen Polizei geht, sind wir zukünftig alle verdächtig. Wir alle sind eine potenzielle Bedrohung und müssen mit Kameras, Maschinenpistolen und Überwachungstechnik in Schach gehalten werden. Der Staat scheint sich vor uns schützen zu wollen aber wie schützen wir uns eigentlich vor dem Staat? Im sächsischen Landtag wird derzeit über ein neues Polizeigesetz verhandelt. In Bayern soll ein ähnliches Gesetz verabschiedet werden und stößt auf viel Widerstand. Nicht umsonst wird der (bayerische) Entwurf als „schärfstes Polizeigesetz seit 1945“ bezeichnet: Die Polizei soll umfangreiche neue Befugnisse erhalten, selbstständig Grundrechte einschränken und uns alle überwachen und bespitzeln dürfen. Gleichzeitig werden die Einheiten militärisch aufgerüstet und bewaffnet. Hier werden Freiheitsrechte und die Unschuldsvermutung mit Füßen getreten. Es wird verstärkt ein Klima der Angst und des gegenseitigen Misstrauens geschaffen. Der Rechtsstaat verändert sich immer mehr hin zu einem autoritären Polizeistaat. Diese Entwicklung betrifft uns alle! Angriff auf Grundrechte Das Gesetz gibt der Polizei Befugnisse bei einer „drohenden Gefahr“ und gegenüber sogenannten Gefährdern. Die sächsische Polizei könnte dann bei bloßen Vermutungen ermitteln, ohne dass überhaupt ein Verbrechen begangen wurde oder ein begründeter Verdacht vorliegt. Das bedeutet: Die Polizei kann quasi gegen jede/n ermitteln. So würde das Polizeigesetz die Unschuldsvermutung außer Kraft setzen. Eine Art Hausarrest (Aufenthaltsgebot §21) bis zu drei Monaten kann die Polizei verhängen, auch ohne richterlichen Beschluss. Dies kann sie mittels elektronischer Fußfesseln durchsetzten. Jede Privatsphäre von Betroffenen kann ohne konkreten Vorwurf ausgehebelt werden. Auch Verdächtige und Verurteilte haben Grundrechte. Das unterscheidet einen Rechtsstaat vom Polizeistaat. Mit dem neuen Polizeigesetz soll auch der besondere Schutz für Journalist/Innen und Beratungsstellen aufgehoben werden. Die Polizei darf diese dann auch nach eigenem Ermessen abhören und überwachen. Das ist ein drastischer Eingriff in die Pressefreiheit und gefährdet das Vertrauen in diese Institutionen. Das neue Polizeigesetz rüttelt an der körperlichen Unversehrtheit, der persönlichen Freiheit, dem Recht auf informationelle Selbstbestimmung, dem Briefgeheimnis, der Unverletztlichkeit der Wohnung. Das Gesetz ist ein Angriff auf unsere Grundrechte und die Grundfesten des Zusammenlebens. Das können wir nicht hinnehmen! Rassismus und Abschottung Viele der Maßnahmen, die im Gesetz vorgesehen sind, richten sich offensiv gegen Geflüchtete und Menschen, die nicht in Deutschland geboren sind. Die Einstufung von Refugee-Unterkünften als sogenannte „gefährliche Orte“ stellt alle dort Lebenden unter Generalverdacht und lässt zu sie jederzeit zu kontrollieren. Hausarrest und technische Überwachung erleichtern es, Menschen jederzeit orten und abschieben zu können. Stärkere Grenzkontrollen mithilfe von Videoüberwachung und Gesichtserkennung dienen nicht der allgemeinen Sicherheit sondern der Abschottung nach außen. Der Staat nimmt sich hier das Recht, Menschen als Kriminelle zu behandeln, sie zu bevormunden und zu schikanieren und das ausschließlich auf Grund ihrer Hautfarbe und Herkunft. Das ist keine Sicherheitspolitik, das ist rassistische Ausgrenzung. Flucht ist kein Verbrechen – Bewegungsfreiheit ist Menschenrecht! Überwachung um jeden Preis Das neue Gesetz würde die Videoüberwachung noch mehr ausweiten: Auch die Polizeibehörden, also die Kommunen, sollen künftig mit Kameras überwachen dürfen. Kennzeichen, Ort, Zeit und Fahrtrichtung von Autos soll die Polizei zu bestimmten Anlässen automatisch erfassen dürfen. In grenznahen Gebieten soll sogar automatische Gesichtserkennung ermöglicht werden. Der Öffentliche Raum wird so immer mehr überwacht. Der Staat soll überall zuschauen. Zusammen mit den vielen digitalen Überwachungsprogrammen führt das zum „gläsernen Menschen“. Wir lassen uns nicht belauschen und überwachen. Wir haben ein Recht auf Privatsphäre! Grungrechte statt Polizeisonderrechte Auch Polizeibeamt*innen im Dienst begehen Straftaten. Es kommt jedoch selten zu Prozessen gegen sie und sie werden praktisch nie verurteilt, obwohl Betroffene Anzeige erstatten. . Wir fordern dagegen, auch Polizist*innen zur Verantwortung zu ziehen: Mit einer Kennzeichnungspflicht könnten Beamt*innen nach Straftaten juristisch verfolgt werden. Eine Beschwerdestelle könnte ein Beginn sein, Polizei zu kontrollieren und Missständen entgegenzuwirken – wenn sie unabhängig ist. Das würde die Grundrechte Aller stärken. Stattdessen bleiben diese wiederholten Forderungen unbeachtet, Polizist*innen „kontrollieren“ sich gegenseitig und interne Ermittlungen enden weiterhin an einer Mauer des Schweigens. Keine andere Berufs- oder Bevölkerungsgruppe hat solche Sonderrechte. Paragraphen Militarisierung, Bewaffnung (§40) Einige Polizeieinheiten tragen künftig Handgranaten, Maschinengewehre und anderes militärisches Equitment. Hausarrest & Fußfesseln (§21) Die Polizei kann dir zukünft verbieten dich an bestimmten Orten aufzuhalten, dir den Kontakt zu bestimmten Menschen untersagen, dich zwingen einen festen Bereich nicht zu verlassen oder dich unter Hausarrest stellen. Dazu darf sie dich auch zwingen eine elektronische Fußfessel zu tragen. Videoüberwachung, Gesichtserkennung (§ 15, § 58 sowie § 30 PVB) Zukünftig dar der öffentliche Raum noch stärker videoüberwacht werden. Dazu darf auch Gesichtserkennungstechnik und Kennzeichenerfassung eingesetzt werden. Es kann dadurch genau erfasst werden, wann du dich wo in diesen Bereichen aufgehalten hast. Auch das Ordnungsamt und die Kommunen dürfen diese Technik einsetzen. Sie ist nicht auf konkrete Ermittlungen beschränkt. Telefon- und Handyüberwachung (§§ 66-70) Zukünftig dürfen Polizeibeamte nicht nur Telefonate abhören, sondern sie auch unterbrechen. Das gilt auch für ganze Funkmasten. Der Handyempfang kann so etwa in ganzen Gebieten (etwa bei Demos) unterbrochen werden. Außerdem dürfen auch die Bestandsdaten eines Mobiltelefons ausgelesen werden. Also: Name, Adresse, Kontodaten, PIN & PUK Nummer, gespeicherte Passwörter, alles Accountzugänge auf dem Telefon, Mailaccounts und gespeicherte Bilder und Kontakte.
Die LinuxLounge bringt euch regelmäßig Neues aus der Welt der freien Software. Diesmal mit einer Sondersendung von der 35C3. Die LinuxLounge bringt euch regelmäßig Neues aus der Welt der freien Software. Michael, Chris und Dennis reden über die 35C3, News, neue Software, praktische Tipps und Spiele, kurz alles was sich mit einem freien Betriebssystem eurer Wahl machen lässt. Dieses Mal berichten wir mit Eindrücken von der 35C3 und Neuerungen in der Linuxwelt. Wir freuen uns besonders, dass wir kurzfristig einen Platz im Sendezentrum ergattern konnten!
Moloch, Ringelpietz / Hamburg
kunstzeug aus schrott basteln – art scrap stuff tinker workshop
frickelzwang für sessionschwänzer
Die Wochendämmerung live! Mit Holger Klein und Katrin Rönicke zurück blicken: Was war los? Was war seltsam? Was regt uns auf? Die Wochendämmerung setzt euch jeden Freitag einmal auf den aktuellen Stand der Geschehnisse in Deutschland und der Welt. In einer unterhaltsamen Mischung aus intensiver Recherche, Gesprächen mit Expert_innen und sehr viel Meinung der beiden Hosts, Katrin Rönicke und Holger Klein, liegt das Geheimrezept dieses Wochenrückblicks. Auch zwischen den Jahren gibt es Ereignisse und Nachrichten, die durchleuchtet, zerkaut und kommentiert werden wollen. Gemeinsam mit euch wird also auch die letzte Woche des Jahres mit Katrins "wir danken für eure Aufmerksamkeit" und Holgers "Tschühüüs" enden.
Auf dem letzten Tor Meetup in Hamburg wurde beschlossen, dass ein Tor-Verein gegründet werden soll. Der aktuelle Stand und die nächsten Schritte werden in dieser Session vorgestellt.
A meetup for bug hunters to network and discuss the current issues in the bug bounty space
Die 3 Begriffe werden beleutet und Zusammenhänge hergestellt Heute hat sich eindeutig das Internet durchgesetzt und es stellt sich die Frage, wie gehen wir damit um. Die AkteurInnen im Internet sind Menschen oder von Menschen gemachte Programme. Als Grundlage im Internet sollten die nun schon 70 Jahre alten Menschenrechte gelten. Auch im Bildungsbereich verändert das Internet die bisherigen Strukturen unseres Bildungssystems, mMn sogar weltweit. Menschen begegnen sich auf Augenhöhe. Die open infrastructure hilft dabei Bildung für Menschen zugänglich zu machen und Menschen ein selbstbestimmtes Leben führen zulassen. Die "Hierachien im Kopf" werden von dem realistischen Denken "wir sind alle gerade jetzt auf der Oberfläche von Planet Erde auf Augenhöhe" abgelöst. Dies ist der Prozess, den wir gerade in vielen Bereichen unserer Gesellschaft beobachten.
An open discussion on ideas, ways and methods to fight fascism / alt-right online
Reflow soldering workshop for the TicTacLights Nano Colour kits sold at BlinkenArea
The Translation teams meets twice a day during the breaks to distribute shifts and self-organise.
The Translation teams for the second channel meets twice a day during the breaks to distribute shifts and self-organise.
Meetup for all Wikidata and Wikibase enthusiasts. Come and meet the community, ask questions, hack together
DJ from Dresden / Sachsen / Germany Styles: zenonesque, uk night psy, darkprog, psybass, psybreaks, psychill, psybient, ambient, ... "My style changes over the day. The atmosphere of the floor heavy influence the music I find fitting so, zero guarantees ;)"
Air Cushion Finish do multi-style and real time music. It's created from anything the players come up with at a particular moment. The resulting music defies style definitions. The slow motion part was referred to as homeopathic punk. before, however ambient, electro-acoustic electronica, dada, soundtrack, radio play, spoken word, impromptu (though preconceived in a certain sense), even jazz or free music could come to mind as well. Air Cushion Finish formed in Berlin in 2007 and comprised composer/player jayrope and natural vocal synthesizer Lippstueck, who had enjoyed playing Berlin’s underground together since the 1990s. Lippstueck prominently sings, wordless and backwards in time, while his partner jayrope tends to also appreciate any DIY, electronic, string or percussion instrument small enough to fit into a single suitcase altogether. Changing setup and subsequently music is programmatic to them, as well as having friends as guest musicians, all resulting into an unforeseeable slow motion cacophony of whispers, bleeps, rhythms and harmonies. There’s a notion of Dada, but you never know. This rather poetic note about their separation from cemented structures & styles took them to places. ACF got to support a number of their own favourite artists along the line. Subsequently ACF’s 8th album FLINK – upon a friendly invitation – was recorded and mixed with Thierry Amar at Montreal’s Hotel2Tango. For the first time in a proper studio, if you will, but nonetheless with an audience present at recording time. The resulting double 12” ‘Flink’ was released on Lullabies for Insominacs in early 2017, telling of ACF’s current state of poetical accident, swaying, swinging and bouncing, boldly careful, like a transparent tattoo on your forehead.
Con Han Hop, mjut / Leipzig
ist die autonome Bewegung? ist Autonomie ein Organisationsansatz? ist Autonomie ein alleinstehendes Ideal? und was ist hier eigentlich Gepose? - eine Polemik mit Diskussion Ich hab mir in den letzten Monaten vermehrt Gedanken dazu gemacht, wer eigentlich diese Autonomen sind, die im deutschsprachigen linksradikalen Spektrum allgegenwärtig sind. ich habe den Verdacht, dass der Autonomiebegriff uns davon abhält, über Inhalte, Utopien und Philosophien zu diskutieren. ich habe den Verdacht, dass die praktisch angewandte Autonomie leere Strukturen aus den 80ern übernommen hat. Reichsbürger sind doch auch autonom, oder? von der ersten Internationale bis heute - Sozialismus, Kommunismus, Anarchie - wo verläuft die Spaltung? ich will endlich mal wieder darüber reden, wer welche Ideale und welche Praxis hat. freu mich auf Haltungen, liebe Mitrevoluzzis.
Everyday at 20:00 at the Assembly of the Free Software Foundation Europe we invite you to sing together the Free Software song; We have the lyrics and a conductor. Simply come, bring your hacker buddies and your voice and maybe an instrument and we form an ad-hoc choir and sing out loud our love for Free Software! Sing-along sessions will happen everyday at 20:00.
Rubik's Cube - Learn to Solve
Daily jeopardy sessions at Backspace assembly
Make science experiment with Pocket Science Lab and explore how you can use it at home, classroom, research lab etc. Download PSLab Android App for the workshop https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=io.pslab
Rap Musical against Automated Propaganda Convenience, not choice.
We are tasting a classic north german drink called "Pharisäer" and other drings.
Jam session with the weird self-built instruments at the T.R.A.S.H. space
Vorstellung des Projektes und Diskussion über das Thema Allgemein für weitere Fragen schreibt mir gerne eine Email fs@aboutpolitics.co
We're going to play some rounds of the german drinking game "Flunkyball" right outside the main entrance
The film explores a thrilling new way of travelling and reveals a longing for more authentic forms of human interaction.
A meetup for anyone who identifies as feminist: hardware hackers, software hackers, society hackers, all welcome! At the FOSSASIA assembly, after the Feminist Perspectives panel
Daily jeopardy sessions at Backspace assembly
In this workshop, addressed at (absolute) beginners, you will get your feet wet in (Python) programming. Don't worry, everyone who wants to have a (first?) look at programming is welcome independently of their skills or background!
Is my 8-character long password secure? Why or why not? This talk looks into how passwords are threatened by brute-forcing and credential stuffing and what this means for password length - or not.
Jahresrückblick NSU-Watch-podcast mit Prozessbeobachter(n) und Blick u.a. auf NSU 2.0 und den Rechtsruck in Deutschland. Gesprächiger als sonst im podcast, der meist eher featuresk ist. NSU-Watch gibt es auch zum Hören als podcast: “NSU-Watch: Aufklären & Einmischen. Der podcast über den NSU-Komplex, rechten Terror und Rassismus”. Anders als sonst ungeschnitten und live werfen wir mit Gästen einen Blick zurück auf das Jahr 2018, das auch das Jahr der Urteilsverkündung im NSU-Prozess war. Wir wollen aber auch in die Zukunft schauen und darüber sprechen, wie es mit der Aufklärung des NSU-Komplexes und dem aktuellen Rechtsruck weitergehen könnte.
In Chemnitz wurde seit Frühjahr 2016 eine Überwachung der Innenstadt geplant und zum 1. Oktober 2018 umgesetzt. In einem kurzen Abriss werden die Ereignisse zusammengefasst, die eingesetzte Technik vorgestellt und anschließend die parallele Entstehung einer Antwort vorgestellt. Als es hieß, dass Chemnitz im großen Stil videoüberwacht werden soll, saßen wir in Chemnitz zusammen und haben über eine Antwort nachgedacht. Langsam entstand die Idee, die Überwacher zu überwachen. In reichlich einem Jahr ist MARVIN entstanden, während parallel immer neue Meldungen und Erklärungen der Stadt zur die Presse geisterten. Am 1. Oktober war es so weit, ein Großteil der Kameras ging online. Pünktlich hatte auch MARVIN seinen Auftritt und rief erste Reaktionen auf den Plan. Eine fernsteuerbare Drohne mit Kamera auf Augenhöhe führ und fährt nun durch die Stadt und soll die Überwachung ins Blickfeld zurückholen. Die Geschichte um die Kameras in der chemnitzer Innenstadt soll aber noch nicht abgeschlossen sein, da Sie nun auch den sächsischen Landtag beschäftigen
Ein podcast, der sich mit dem Web, Technologie und Open Source Software auseinander setzt. Wir sind die Open Source Laberrunde aus Deutschland und der Schweiz und beschäftigen uns mit den IT News der letzten Zeit sowie dem 35C3
In this talk, I’ll present several attacks that leak the plaintext of OpenPGP or S/MIME encrypted emails to an attacker. Some of the attacks are technically interesting, i.e. the two different efail attacks, some are somewhat silly, yet effective. Some abuse HTML emails, some also work with plain ASCII emails. Furthermore, I’ll discuss our lessons learned and describe the efail-related changes to mail clients and the OpenPGP and S/MIME standards. Email remains the least common denominator when two or more people communicate over the Internet. While many modern messengers use end-to-end (e2e) encryption by default, email relies on transport encryption among email servers, which offers a much weaker protection. OpenPGP and S/MIME are two competing standards that bring e2e encrypted communication to email. While S/MIME is mostly used in corporate environments and built into many of the widely used email clients, OpenPGP often requires that users install additional software and plugins. Both technologies never reached large deployment, mostly because both suffer from a range of usability issues. However, it is commonly assumed that if one manages to use OpenPGP or S/MIME to encrypt emails, it is very secure. In this talk, I’ll discuss several attacks that leak the plaintext of OpenPGP or S/MIME encrypted emails to an attacker. Some of the attacks are technically interesting, i.e. the two different efail attacks, some are somewhat silly, yet effective. Some abuse HTML emails, some also work with plain ASCII emails. The disclosure of the efail vulnerabilities caused a lot of stir in the press and the community, which also led to confusion about how the vulnerabilities work, about the mitigations and about the consequences for the OpenPGP and S/MIME standards. I’ll discuss our lessons learned and describe the efail-related changes to mail clients and the OpenPGP and S/MIME standards.
<p> This talk will present a historical narrative of the background behind how the <a href="https://kosagi.com/w/index.php/NeTV_Main_Page">NeTV</a> + Milkymist inspire the <a href="hdmi2usb.tv">HDMI2USB</a> then helped the <a href="https://www.crowdsupply.com/alphamax/netv2">NeTV2</a> projects and how they all became interlinked through events like Congress! From the study of this history, we will attempt to distill a few core lessons learned that can hopefully be applied to other open hardware projects. </p> <p> Open hardware projects tend to evolve differently from open software projects. Even though it’s very easy to fork an open software project, pull requests and merges help ensure the main branch of a project continues to improve. Furthermore, open software projects tend to evolve along with their tools, as evidenced by the concurrent maturation of Servo and Rust, or Linux and Git. In contrast, open hardware projects tend to fork and then fracture the community as they gain commercial success and go closed, as evidenced in the evolution of the 3D printer and drone communities. There are also few examples of hardware projects that co-evolve with their tools. </p><p> The evolution of the <a href="https://kosagi.com/w/index.php/NeTV_Main_Page">NeTV</a> + Milkymist to the <a href="hdmi2usb.tv">HDMI2USB</a> to the <a href="https://www.crowdsupply.com/alphamax/netv2">NeTV2</a>, along with the concurrent maturation and adoption of the <a href="https://m-labs.hk/migen/">Migen</a> and <a href="http://www.enjoy-digital.fr/">LiteX ecosystem</a>, is one of these rare examples. </p><p> This talk will present a historical narrative of the background behind each of these projects and how they became interlinked. From the study of this history, we will attempt to distill a few core lessons learned that can hopefully be applied to other open hardware projects. </p><p> One important lesson is that open anything takes time and patience, and so the project itself needs to be in a space where it can move at an appropriate pace to grow a healthy community while maintaining relevance against potentially better-funded closed-source options. </p><p> Another lesson is the importance of crowdfunding as a mechanism to marshall community around a given release, as opposed to relying upon sources of financing that expect direct returns on investment (such as venture capital or loans). </p><p> A final example of a lesson we will discuss is the importance of picking the right tools to co-evolve with the project. While many open source options alternatives exist to closed-source tools, it’s problematic if the design tools somehow limit the hardware implementation or introduces flaws in the design itself -- and hardware, unlike software, cannot be patched. Migen/LiteX are front-end tooling for describing FPGA designs (“gateware”), and their output being a bitstream means it can be in the hardware space while enjoying the privilege of easy patching and updates. Furthermore, Migen/LiteX offer critical features and performance metrics unavailable in the closed-source alternatives, meaning that these are not simply design tools, they are also core to enabling the competitiveness of the hardware itself. </p> <h3>Related previous Chaos Congress Talks</h3> <ul> <li><a href="https://media.ccc.de/v/cccamp11-4412-latest_developments_around_the_milkymist_system_on_chip-en"> Latest developments around the Milkymist System-on-Chip - A roundup of one the most advanced open hardware projects</a></li> <ul> <li><a href="https://media.ccc.de/v/28c3-4686-en-implementation_of_mitm_attack_on_hdcp_secured_links"> Implementation of MITM Attack on HDCP-Secured Links - A non-copyright circumventing application of the HDCP master key</a></li> <li><a href="https://media.ccc.de/v/33c3-8057-dissecting_hdmi">Dissecting HDMI - Developing open, FPGA-based capture hardware for conference & user group recording</a></li> </ul> <h4>Presenters</h4> <ul> <li><a href="https://blog.mithis.net">Tim 'mithro' Ansell</a> is the founder of <a href="http://code.timvideos.us">TimVideos</a>. He is known for having to many projects including hardware like the <a href="https://hdmi2usb.tv">HDMI2USB.tv</a>, <a href="https://tomu.im">I'm Tomu</a> and many more!</li> <li><a href="https://www.bunniestudios.com/">Andrew 'bunnie' Huang</a> is a hacker, activist and author who is known for many projects including hardware like the <a href=”https://kosagi.com/w/index.php/NeTV_Main_Page”>NeTV</a>, <a href=”https://chibitronics.com”>Chibitronics</a>, Novena, and Chumby. </li> </ul>
With the beginning of last year, two major security vulnerabilities have been disclosed: Meltdown and Spectre. While mitigations in software and hardware have been rolled out right away, new variants have been continuously released in the following months. With all those confusing names, how can you possibly still have a clear overview of all those vulnerabilities (SpectreV1, SpectreV2, Meltdown, Spectre-NG, SpectreRSB, L1TF, Foreshadow, ...)? With this talk, we present a novel classification that will ease the naming complexity of the current jungle of variants. Along with all different attacks, we will give an overview of all proposed mitigations and show how an attacker still can mount an attack despite the presence of implemented countermeasures. Furthermore, we will present new variants of the Meltdown attack, exploiting different parts of the CPU. Only a few days after the Chaos Communication Congress closed its doors last year, two major security vulnerabilities have been disclosed to the public. Meltdown and Spectre exploit critical vulnerabilities in modern processors, allowing attackers to read arbitrary data currently processed on the computer without any permissions or privileges. While mitigations in software and hardware have been proposed and rolled out right away, new variants of Spectre and Meltdown attacks have been published frequently in the following months. Spectre v1? Spectre v2? Meltdown? Spectre-NG? SpectreRSB? L1TF? Foreshadow? - With all those names and variants, how can you possibly have still a clear overview of those vulnerabilities? With all those operating systems, compiler, and microcode updates, is my system really protected? In our talk, we present a novel classification of Spectre and Meltdown attacks and propose a new naming scheme to ease the naming complexity of the current jungle of variants. Furthermore, we give an overview of all proposed mitigations and show that an attacker can still mount an attack despite the presence of implemented countermeasures. Finally, we show new variants of the Meltdown attack, exploiting different parts of the CPU.
This talk aims to give a general overview of iOS Jailbreaking by starting at what jailbreaking was back in the days and how it evolved up until today, while also taking a quick look at how it might evolve in future. Therefore the following topics are covered: - Jailbreaking goals (technical) - Types of jailbreak and it's origins (tethered, untethered, semi-tethered, semi-untethered) - Exploit mitigations (ASLR, iBoot-level AES, KPP, KTRR, PAC) - Kernel patches (h3lix) - Kppless jailbreaks The goal is to give an insight into the jailbreak terminology, exploit mitigations and how these are dealt with in past and modern jailbreaks. I will give an introduction in jailbreak terminology and walk through the jailbreak history, thus presenting how iOS devices have been hacked/jailbroken in the past while focusing on what mitigations Apple added over the years. Therefore i will discuss what effects these mitigations have on jailbreaking and how they were (and still are) dealt with. This should be interesting for hackers new in the iOS game, as several technical aspects are covered, but also for people who jailbreak their devices and want to get a better understanding of what is happening under the hood of jailbreaks as well as what challenges hackers have to face and why things evoled the way they are right now. This talk is structured somewhat similar to my previous talk 2 years ago "iOS Downgrading - From past to present". Watching my previous talk is not neccessary for understanding this one, but is suggested to get a better overall image of iOS hacking.
Datenreichtum, E-Voting, Massenüberwachung und andere netzpolitische Schauplätze in der Schweiz Der Kampf um die Freiheit im digitalen Raum wird auch in der Schweiz intensiver. Wir blicken auf das netzpolitische Jahr 2018 in der Schweiz zwischen Bodensee und Matterhorn zurück. Wir behandeln jene Themen, die relevant waren und relevant bleiben. Weiter zeigen wir, was von der Digitalen Gesellschaft in der Schweiz im neuen Jahr zu erwarten ist. <strong>Themen sind unter anderem:</strong> <strong>Massenüberwachung:</strong> Kabelaufklärung und Vorratsdatenspeicherung sowie die Beschwerden, welche die Digitale Gesellschaft in der Schweiz führt. <strong>E-Voting:</strong> Abstimmungen und Wahlen im Internet sowie der Kampf für das Vertrauen in die Direkte Demokratie in der Schweiz. <strong>Netzsperren:</strong> Die Zensur im schweizerischen Internet begann mit «Denkt denn niemand an die Kinder?» und geht nun mit Geldspielen im Internet weiter … <strong>Urheberrecht:</strong> Wie die USA im «Piratenstaat» Schweiz ihre Forderungen durchsetzen, unter anderem mit Massenabmahnungen gegen Filesharing. <strong>Datenschutz:</strong> Wo war in der Schweiz besonders viel «Datenreichtum» zu beobachten? <strong>Digitale Gesellschaft in der Schweiz:</strong> Razzia am «Hort der Linksextremen», Winterkongress und andere Aktivitäten. Nach dem Vortrag sind alle interessierten Personen eingeladen, die Diskussion an einem Workshop der Digitalen Gesellschaft fortzusetzen. Es werden Aktivisten von verschiedenen aktiven Organisationen der Netzpolitik in der Schweiz anwesend sein (Digitale Gesellschaft, CCC-CH, CCCZH, Piratenpartei Schweiz, Digitale Allmend). <a href="https://events.ccc.de/congress/2018/wiki/index.php/Session:Follow-up_meeting_to_the_Netzpolitik_in_der_Schweiz_talk">https://events.ccc.de/congress/2018/wiki/index.php/Session:Follow-up_meeting_to_the_Netzpolitik_in_der_Schweiz_talk</a>
For all creatures who want to learn KiCad
Wenn SNMP nicht will, wie kann man Netzwerk Hardware mit SSH überwachen. Welche Tools gibt es, wie kann man diese Tools verbinden und was für Informationen erhält man (plus welche Informationen wirft man besser direkt weg) Wenn die Netzwerkhardware bestimmte Dinge nicht über SNMP ausgeben will, aber man Daten via SSH erhalten kann zeigt dieser Vortrag wie man die Daten am besten nutzen kann. Es wird zusätzlich eine kurze Übersicht über python paramiko, splunk/ELK Stacks und was im Network Monitoring möglich ist geben, wenn SNMP keine Option ist. Dieser Vortrag ist auch für Personen interessant, die grundlegende Erfahrung sammeln wollen, wie man Python verwenden kann um Netzwerk Hardware zu verwalten. Die in den Beispielen verwendeten Quelltexte sind auf Github verfügbar.
The majority of Freifunk mesh routers only have 4mb flash and 32mb memory. The talk wants to start a discussion about possibilities and limits for future support of these devices. Lot's of mesh communities and even OpenWrt want to drop support for 4mb flash / 32mb memory devices. Where is the size and memory increase coming from? Can we do it in a different way or do we have to accept defeat? - Forcing OpenWrt to diet: What knobs can we tweak? What gains and tradeoffs can we expect? - A short introduction to ubus over HTTP - Stupid ideas and experiments.
Hier bekommt ihr eine kurze Einführung in die Welt der Nautik und der schwankenden Metallkähne. Was gibt es da für Technik an Bord, wofür wird es gebraucht und wie wird es benutzt. Überblick mit Schwerpunkt auf technischen Details. Wir fühlen uns auf Schiffen zu Hause. Wir nutzen sie als vielfältiges Mittel zum Retten und Versorgen von Menschen in Not, um Menschenrechtsverletzungen auf See zu dokumentieren oder um gegen das Aussterben von Tierarten zu kämpfen. Doch was hält eigentlich so ein Schiff zusammen? Wie steuert mensch es? Warum klingt unsere Kommunikation immer noch nach 19. Jahrhundert? Was ist eigentlich ein Ruderlagenanzeiger und wofür braucht man Stevenrohr und Stopfbuchse? Technisch-nerdige Antworten rund ums Schiff und eure Fragen.
Brought together by the power of the internet (and perhaps a touch of musical providence), California based computer programmer / rapper int eighty and English web designer / music producer c64 have been rocking the more studious side of the hip hop underground since 2007. Brought together by the power of the internet (and perhaps a touch of musical providence), California based computer programmer / rapper int eighty and English web designer / music producer c64 have been rocking the more studious side of the hip hop underground since 2007.
..puts compositions together like a dj does so that makes him a dj in a ambienty, krauty, electronicy way he is trtying to tell you something he only knows when its time for it. magical!
Silicon, raw material for the digital world, creates as an object real sound worlds in the music project kosmosklang.
Nach dem Vortrag «Schweiz: Netzpolitik zwischen Bodensee und Matterhorn» sind alle interessierten Personen eingeladen, die Diskussion an diesem Workshop der Digitalen Gesellschaft fortzusetzen. Es werden Aktivisten von verschiedenen aktiven Organisationen der Netzpolitik in der Schweiz anwesend sein (Digitale Gesellschaft, CCC-CH, CCCZH, Piratenpartei Schweiz, Digitale Allmend).
Power Side Channel Analysis on the cheapiest
Was passiert mit einer Faser die 10x um einen Bleistift gewickelt wird? Was hat es mit dieser Dämpfung auf sich, und warum macht sie mein Internet langsam? Was ist der unterschied zwischen 1310nm & 1550nm und warum gibt es beides? Diese und andere Fragen beantworten wir auf der Bühne. Was passiert mit einer Faser die 10x um einen Bleistift gewickelt wird? Was hat es mit dieser Dämpfung auf sich, und warum macht sie mein Internet langsam? Was ist der unterschied zwischen 1310nm & 1550nm und warum gibt es beides? Diese und andere Fragen beantworten wir auf der Bühne.
Welche (Ausdrucks)Form können Protest und Widerstand annehmen? Wie riecht Anarchie? Welche Farbe hat Revolution? Welche Symbole affizieren Menschen zu zivilem Ungehorsam? Wie fühlt sich heutzutage eine antifaschistische Praxis an? Wie hört sich Revolte an? Welche Methode passt am besten zu welchem Charakter? Und spielt das eigentlich eine Rolle? Lasst es uns zusammen herausfinden. Wir bringen ein paar Beispiele aus unserer aktuellen Praxis mit. Which form of expressions does protest and resistance have? How does anarchy smell like? What color does revolution have? Which symbols can affect people to civil disobedience? How does antifascism feels like these days? How does a revolt sound? Which method suits what character? And does it matter? Let's find out together. We will bring also bring a few recent examples of protests to examine. Wir leben in unruhigen Zeiten. Die Fratze des Faschismus zeigt sich immer häufiger. Ist wieder allgegenwärtiger Ausdruck reaktionärer und rassistischer Politik, von hasserfüllter Grenzenbildung, von Repressions-, Diskriminierungs und Ausgrenzungsstrategien. Gleichzeitig findet in Gesellschaft, Kultur und Subkultur wieder eine zunehmende Politisierung statt. Aus der heraus sich nachaltig widerständige Strukturen bilden können, und die sich aktuell schon in Demonstrationen, Protesten, Revolten und Direkter Aktion immer öfter (punktuell) Bahn brechen. In den Medien lesen, sehen und hören wir dies meist in klassischer Weise dargebracht. Wer nicht dabei war, bekommt nur eine von vielen Wahrheiten zu sehen. Nicht immer die von den Widerständigen intendierte, wenn es denn eine gibt. Bekannte Bilder ermöglichen schnelle und oft verfälschende Einordnungen, konventionelle Berichterstattungen und klassische Kommentare. Ungewohnte Bilder und Formen sorgen für Irritation, Störung und rufen gleichermaßen Neugier und Unverständnis hervor. Und steigern dabei womöglich auch die Mobilisierungskraft der oft unter großen Kraftanstrengungen durchgeführten Kampagnen und Aktionen. Ziel des Workshops ist es den Kanon der Antworten auf die Frage "Wie sollte Widerstand organisiert sein und aussehen?" aufzubrechen. Vom Schwarzen Block zu den Regenbogen Masken. Über Besetzung, Blockade und Blockupy; Hin zu wegbassen, wegbeamen und weghacken. Hambi bleibt. Lieber tanz ich als G20. Und was kennt ihr so? Wie sehr ihr das? Was spricht euch an und was nicht? Lasst uns zusammen auf die Suche nach neuen Narrativen, Symbolen, Sprachen und Darstellungen des Widerstands gehen. Und einen Blick in die Zukunft unserer Gesellschaft werfen, die wir entwerfen. Im Widerstand. Lasst uns unsere Erfahrungen und Ideen vergangener Handlungen besprechen und auf zukünftige unvoreingenommen blicken. (Unsere) Wirkweisen in die (Mitte der) Gesellschaft diskutieren und auf deren Effektivität prüfen. Sowie Möglichkeiten der kollektiven Arbeits- und Organisationsform und deren Protenziale teilen. Widerstand. Jetzt. #vernetzt #widerständig #bunt #vereint #massenhaft #militant #friedlich #kollektiv #solidarisch #frei #offen #alles #allen #reclaimthestreets #reclaimthecity #reclaimyourlife
Was Euch der Geschichtslehrer verschwieg - die kuriosesten und absurdesten Fakten aus der Geschichte Das geheime Kabinett Live! Im Archäologischen Nationalmuseum in Neapel gibt ein sogenanntes Gabinetto Segreto, also ein geheimes Kabinett, in dem sich ganz besondere Fundstücke aus der römischen Antike finden: Fundstücke aus den Grabungen in Pompeji die man „moralisch weniger gefestigten“ Personen vorenthalten wollte, weil sie den Kuratoren zu anstößig erschienen. Ähnlich dem neapolitanischen Kabinett beschäftigt sich auch "der Buddler“ in seinen regelmäßigen podcasts mit Skurrilitäten der Geschichtsschreibung, welche die „seriöse“ Geschichtsschreibung lieber verschämt unterschlägt: So etwa Rasputins verschollenes Gemächt, kleine Geschäfte mit dem kleinen Geschäft im alten Rom, hysterische Gebärmütter im Mittelalter, Pornographie im Vatikan, und vieles Derartige mehr. Zur Feier der 100sten Folge präsentiert der Buddler die absurdesten Fakten aus der Geschichte auf der podcastbühne - live und in Farbe.
There are multiple different ways to store cryptocurrency secret keys. This talk will investigate advantages and disadvantages of different methods with regards to cryptographic backdoors known as kleptograms. With the increasing popularity of cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin, there is now a variety of different wallet solutions and products available. Wallet in this context refers to any device or piece of software which store secret keys. Those secret keys are typically used to create and sign transactions (payments, smart contracts, etc.) using ECDSA. Wallet implementations range from simple open-source software to hardware tokens. Some solutions store the keys in files (possibly encrypted with a passphrase), while others use hardware-based cryptography modules. Hardware-based key storage comes with a lot of advantages. The chips are designed to make it hard to extract keys. What is often overlooked is that it is hard to verify that the wallet actually does what the manufacturer claims it does. One obvious solution is to not connect the wallet to a computer with Internet access in order to avoid exposure of secrets. However, there are possible cryptographic backdoors called kleptograms that can hide the secret information within the published signatures in a way that is provably undetectable. The kleptographic attacks were first discovered by Adam Young and Moti Yung in 1997 for classic DSA. The author of this talk has investigated the relevance of this attack for ECDSA in the context of Bitcoin. Note that this attack is not limited to Bitcoin and might be relevant for other ECDSA-based protocols as well.
Beginner's Bondage Workshop
BorgBackup Meetup for users and contributors
AcroYoga is a physical practice which combines yoga, acrobatics and Thai massage.
Die chaotische Variante des Familien-Duells, gleiches Spielprinzip nur Chaotischer. Gespielt wird in Teams, welche sich vorzugsweise aus Hackerspaces und ähnlichen Gruppierungen bilden. Am Ende ziehen zwei Teams ins Finale ein und haben die Chance auf "tolle Preise". Dieses Spiel soll sich stark an der Fernseh-Show "Familien-Duell" orientieren, nur mit anderen Fragen. Vor dem Spiel werde ich mich darum kümmern, dass sich Teams aus einzelnen Hackerspaces und anderen Hacker-Familien bilden die dann antreten können. Zudem werden die Antworten auf die Fragen die das Spiel voraussetzt aus Chaos-West gesammelt. Es wird zwei Spiele mit jeweils zwei Teams geben. Aus jedem dieser Spiele wird ein Team siegreich hervorgehen und dieses wird dann im Finale gegen das andere antreten. Das Team, dass im Finale gewinnt wird einige Preise erhalten, was das sein wird steht natürlich noch nicht fest. Dieses Spiel soll zum einen für ein wenig Entspannung nach Talks und Arbeit auf dem Congress dienen, zum anderen soll durch ein solches Spiel die Kommunikation zwischen einzelnen Hacksen, Hackern und Hackspaces fördern.
There are few artists operating in the house/techno milieu who offer much beyond functionality in their music. Those who bring more than this to the table always stand out from the crowd. Hamburg/Berlin duo Kollektiv Turmstrasse (Christian Hilscher and Nico Plagemann) are one of those rare acts whose music caters for both body and soul.
"This world is so full of love. You are not here by accident. You don’t have to worry about anything. Your being, is so full of love, so full of peace. You don’t have to go to someplace else to find peace. It is right where you are. Trust this, don’t worry about anything at all. Just enter this place and be ."
Hamburg in town Sven. sind Nele und Cornelius. Sie haben Irgendwann in der Vergangenheit gemerkt, dass sie ganz gut musikalisch aufeinander reagieren können. Zusammen lassen sie ein Amalgam aus gebrochenen Beats, krautigen Wellen und wabernden Flächen enstehen. In einen Genre-Setzkasten lässt sich das alles nicht stellen, muss es ja auch nicht, ganz im Gegenteil. Manchmal wissen sie selbst nicht so ganz genau, wohin die Reise geht, um dann aber trotzdem genau da anzukommen wo sie vielleicht hinwollten. Geradezu übernatürlich, einfach wowi.
Beer tasting at the FoodHackingBase. Taste some beers which are not very typical in german. Donations at your will, or bring at least 2 liters of unusual beer
If everything really does become a product – art, ideas, colours, the pictures of our surroundings and even our ‘selfies’ – then who do the pictures we take of ourselves, and our world belong to?
Artificial Intelligence gives us a uniquely fascinating and clear perspective at the nature of our minds and our relationship to reality. We will discuss perception, mental representation, agency, consciousness, selfhood, and how they can arise in a computational system, like our brain. Cognitive Science describes our mind by identifying it as a particular kind of machine, a generally intelligent computer built from a nervous system embedded into the body of a social primate. Intelligence can be understood as a system's ability to create models, usually in the service of regulating the interaction of this system with its environment. But how does such regulation give rise to a sense of self and conscious awareness? This is the fifth installment on the series From Computation to Consciousness, which covers philosophy of mind, epistemology, the nature of consciousness, the emergence of social structure and the relationship between mind and universe using concepts from computer science and Artificial Intelligence.
There's a certain allure to zero-day exploits. At the apex of the security industry, these elusive technologies are engineered by a persistent few to open doors of software systems that were never meant to exist. We go behind-the-scenes to provide an inside look at the zero-day development lifecycle, breaking common misconceptions regarding this increasingly difficult tradecraft. In this talk, we will discuss the engineering process behind a <a href=”https://blog.ret2.io/2018/06/05/pwn2own-2018-exploit-development/”>zero-day</a> that was used to exploit Apple Safari at PWN2OWN 2018. Rather than placing an intense focus on the technical challenges required to weaponize this particular chain of vulnerabilities, we reflect on this experience as a case-study of the analytical approach we employ to attack unfamiliar software targets. In addition to these methods, we will contrast how this process differs from CTF/Wargame challenges, highlighting the path one can take to graduate from casual enthusiast to security professional.
Der nationale Höchstleistungsrechner SuperMUC-NG unterstützt die öffentliche Wissenschaft in Deutschland. Wie ist er aufgebaut, was kann man damit tun, und wo steht er im Vergleich mit den schnellsten Supercomputern der Welt? Im September 2018 wurde nach einem Jahr für die öffentliche Ausschreibung und Beschaffung sowie einem halben Jahr Bauzeit die Inbetriebnahme des bayerischen Höchstleistungsrechners SuperMUC-NG gestartet. Der Rechner am Leibniz-Rechenzentrum (LRZ) in Garching wird derzeit diversen Tests unterzogen und soll Anfang 2019 für die Wissenschaft in Deutschland zur Verfügung stehen. In diesem Vortrag soll die Architektur von SuperMUC-NG vorgestellt und auf seine Besonderheiten eingegangen werden. Dazu zählt u. a. der Einsatz von herkömmlichen Skylake-Prozessoren und der Verzicht auf Beschleuniger (GPGPUs), aber auch die spezielle Heißwasserkühlung in Kombination mit Adsorptionskältemaschinen. Anhand ausgewählter Anwendungsbeispiele aus der Astrophysik, den Erdwissenschaften, der Genomanalyse und der personalisierten Medizin wird gezeigt, wofür diese Rechner gebaut werden. Natürlich ist SuperMUC-NG nicht der einzige derartige Rechner auf der Welt und mit der Top 500 Liste der Supercomputer gibt es zwei Mal jährlich ein "Rennen" um den schnellsten Computer der Welt. Wo steht Deutschlands derzeit schnellster akademischer Rechner im internationalen Vergleich, und warum ist dieser Vergleich genauso unwichtig wie ein Formel-1 Rennen für die Automobilbranche?
In this talk I want to present the computational undertakings in the field of cosmological structure formation and galaxy formation. Here, sometimes gigantic simulations help us to unravel the processes that led to the Universe that we can see today. I will give a short overview of our current understanding of the evolution of the Universe, the history and techniques of the simulations and their current state and future. Almost every field of human discovery has gained immensely from the invention of computers, astrophysics maybe more than most others. Experiments are not an option in astrophysics. We cannot form planets, stars, or galaxies in laboratories on earth, but only observe them in an uncontrolled fashion using telescopes. We therefore rely on mathematical models that predict observations which we can test in reality. As the range of analytically tractable problems is very limited we rely on computers to numerically help us to understand the cosmos. In this talk I will concentrate on a specific branch of astrophysics and cosmology, the science of the evolution of the Universe as a whole: simulations of cosmological structure formation. These simulations follow dark matter in an expanding universe as it collapses under the influence of gravity into the structures which are the birthplaces of galaxies. We will see how these galaxies are glowing tracers on the highly complex, almost invisible structure of the cosmic web. The largest of these simulations are immense computational undertakings and take tens of millions of core-hours to run on tens of thousand of cores while producing hundreds of tera- if not petabytes of output. Throughout their history they have pushed to the limits of technical feasibility and limits of computing power. They are so rich in information that teams of scientists can find new results in them years, sometimes even more than a decade, after they were run. After a quick overview of our current understanding of the development of the Universe I will give an introduction to simulations of the dynamics of dark matter with so-called N-body simulations and how these were developed in the 20th century. We will then explore how people follow the evolution of gas and galaxies in these simulations to fill the darkness with stars, supernovae, black holes and sometimes even light. Finally, I will show how these simulations are comparing against our observations and how they helped us to further our understanding of what the Universe is made of, before ending with a short outlook on how cosmological simulations might improve in the future to explain more phenomena and keep up with observations.
Livestream from Room Adams
Let's have a conversation about what is happening in northern syria and how can we support their struggle. Rojava has being a source of inspiration to dream of other possible societies, while in the middle of a war in Syria. The situation there is getting worst by turkey army moving into the territory and threatening to kill a whole section of the population.
With the Wifi4EU programm the EU is planning to spend 100 million € by 2020 to subsidise a centralized surveillance infrastructure for centers of public life in the EU. The talk will lay out how Wifi4EU is supposed to work both administratively and technically, where there are problems with the later and what is and can be done about it. Slides: https://zenodo.org/record/2527538#.XCUXplxKjIU With the Wifi4EU programm [1] the EU is planning to subsidies the installation of free Wi-Fi with 120 million € until 2020. The installations are planned to be "... free of charge, free of advertising and free from commercial re-use of data. ..." [2] and aim "... to equip every European village and every city with free wireless internet access around the main centres of public life. ..." [1] Unfortunately the technical specifications implemented in the first call on the 7th - 9th of November [3] tell a different story. So far 42 Million € are planned to be spend in a flawed design. Amongst other problems they include: * requirements for a centralized authentification infrastructure - like eduroam [4] (FAQ 23), * inherent IT security problems - embedded snippets in the captive portals [4] (FAQ 26) and * proprietary standards - hotspot 2.0. [4] (FAQ 27) Following a talk at the wireless community weekend in May this year [5] the talk will include: * a short introduction to the programm, * how it came to be, * what happend so far * the implications of the programm * what can be done to fix things. Besides contacting the european comission, several members of the european parlament and Klaus Landefeld of the eco [6] we were able to get members of the german Bundestag to get interested in the issue [7]. This led to a "schriftliche Anfrage" towards the Bundesregierung regarding the GDPR compliance of the authentification infrastructure, the situation is currently evolving. The talk aims to inform about the current state of affairs and hoefully foster a discussion during the congress what can and should be done to prohibit the creation of yet another surveillance infrastructure and what a desirable public Wi-Fi infrastructure should look like.
Through the hacking of surveillance techniques, machine learning, and big-data analytics, DISNOVATION.ORG’s trilogy of internet bots is uncovering and repurposing some of the influential and opaque operating systems of our online environment. Started in 2012 with The Pirate Cinema (exposing the dynamics of peer-to-peer media sharing and its materiality), followed by Predictive Art Bot (a disruption of the normative effects of social media on creativity), and continued with Computational Propaganda (a ‘system test’ of the online political influence apparatus), this series explores black box technologies and the algorithmic governance of our aspirations, decisions, and political views. These three artworks aim to reveal emergent algorithmic imaginaries, expose the inner workings of these systems, and stimulate critical debate.
Unsere Kleine Welt Ein neues Format von Tim Pritlove startet mit zwei Überraschungsgästen. Unsere kleine Welt spricht mit Menschen über ihre Motivationen, Aktivitäten, Meinungen und Einschätzungen.
..puts compositions together like a dj does so that makes him a dj in a ambienty, krauty, electronicy way he is trtying to tell you something he only knows when its time for it. magical!
Laika Jona & Ixelonkoordinate are experimental loving Djs for the interzones of sonic & sensory perception.
A film about the emotional push and pull of work, its demands and absurdities, and the struggle for fulfilment.
Ein kurzer Grundlagenabriss über die Institution der Europäischen Union, insbesondere zur Funktionsweise und Zusammenarbeit Welche Institutionen gibt es? Welche Rollen haben sie? Wie sind die Machtverhältnisse? Was läuft gut? Was läuft schlecht? tbc
It is now 27 years since MS-DOS 5.0 was released. During its day there was the threat of viruses breaking your system or making it act in unpredictable ways. Due to its age and near total lack of consumer use it is safe to assume that all of the viruses for MS-DOS have been written. Using community archives and modern analysis methods we can uncover how they worked and reflect on how things have changed. Computers have come a long way in the last 27 years, and so has malware too. This talk will start off with some of the most famous and widely known payloads. A basic guide on how MS-DOS runs applications, and we will work up from there to analysing all 17k+ samples with that are in the archives using automatic tooling to pick out some of the most interesting ones. If you don’t have reverse engineering skills, don’t be afraid! We will start off with the basics of how the IBM PC works, MS DOS execution, binary runtime, and how we automatically run/disassemble/trace/fuzz malware on mass.
The last years, we all have felt the impact of applying technologies like machine learning, social networks and data-driven decision making on a massive scale to our societies. Yet all that technology has been developed by engineers like us. It's become clear that we have to do more than chase the ever evolving technological challenges and start to assume responsibility for our creations - or we too will wake up one day to the realization that technology we helped develop has done more harm than good. We want to present practical, every day guidelines and principles that can help engineers and organizations to build technology that not only serves the application and business purpose, but also minimizes negative long-term effects on society and the people that use it. The Good Technology Collective was founded in December of 2017 in Berlin by a diverse group of experts from academia, government & the private sector with the goal to bring fresh wind into the discussions everybody seemed to have about the impact of modern technology in the wake of the full impact of fake news, algorithmic biases, filter bubbles & massive data breaches - without ever resulting in tangible action. The GTC hosts and supports regular events to educate engineers, publishes articles to educate society through media partnerships, holds internal round tables and aims to work with policy makers long-term. As part of this years effort, we are releasing "Ethical Engineering Guidelines" that offer a practical way for engineers and organizations to responsibly develop new technology that takes ethics & societal impact more into account and can easily be applied to small and large projects alike. These guidelines have been developed throughout the year a parts of them presented at various events as they progressed, to collect feedback and further improve them. Members of GTC range from (former) whistle blowers, activist MPs, Oxford professors in ethics, authors to entrepreneurs and technology makers in various areas. The GTC is fully independent and only accepts public donations that are not tied to a specific project.
The world is finally catching on to the urgency of deploying post-quantum cryptography: cryptography designed to survive attacks by quantum computers. NIST's post-quantum competition is in full swing, and network protocols are exploring post-quantum extensions. This talk will take the audience on a journey through selected recent highlights from the post-quantum world. Post-quantum cryptography has become one of the most active areas in cryptography, trying to address important questions from potential users. Is post-quantum cryptography secure? In the first ten months of this year we have seen several serious breaks of submissions to the NIST competition. At this point, out of the original 69 submissions, 13 are broken and 8 are partially broken. Are the remaining 48 submissions all secure? Or is this competition a denial-of-service attack against the cryptanalysis community? NIST will select fewer candidates for the 2nd round, but it is not clear whether there is an adequate basis for judging security. Does post-quantum cryptography provide the functionality we expect from cryptography? For example, the original Diffie-Hellman system provides not just encryption but also more advanced features such as non-interactive key exchange (not provided by any NIST submissions) and blinding. The era of post-NIST post-quantum cryptography has begun with the exciting new CSIDH proposal, which has non-interactive key exchange and is smaller than any NIST submission, but uses more CPU time and needs much more study. Is post-quantum cryptography small enough? Even for network protocols that rely purely on encryption, integration remains a major problem because of the bandwidth requirements of most post-quantum systems, especially the post-quantum systems with the strongest security track records. Experiments with integration of post-quantum cryptography into TLS have focused on encryption without post-quantum authentication. A new generation of network protocols has been designed from the ground up for full post-quantum security. Is post-quantum cryptographic software fast enough, and is it safe to use? Adding post-quantum cryptography to the cryptographic software ecosystem has produced a giant step backwards in software quality. Major areas of current activity include software speedups, benchmarking, bug fixes, formal verification, patent avoidance, and development of post-quantum software libraries such as Open Quantum Safe and libpqcrypto. The talk will be given as a joint presentation by Daniel J. Bernstein and Tanja Lange.
"Mondnacht" von Stanislav Lem. Das berühmte SF Rundfunk-Hörspiel als Lesung mit analogen und digitalen Mitteln. Drei SchauspielerInnen lassen die letzte Mondnacht einer Raumfahrtbesatzung aufleben. Der Mond sieht still zu, wie sich in der beengten Atmosphäre der Raumstation ein verheerendes Spiel des Misstrauens entfaltet. Mit analogen und digitalen Soundeffekten werden die Zuhörer in die Hemisphere entführt. Ein besonderes Ereignis mit dem genialen Text des Meisters der SF Literatur.
Open Rope Jam (Bondage)
Bachstelzen / KaterBlau, Berlin Dave Dinger began his illustrious career in Berlins legendary Bar25 in his own, very special way. There, he didn’t just play music, but actually built the DJ booths where the music was played from. This unique blend of passion for music and intrigue in aesthetic concepts has driven him through the mesmerising Berlin underground since the end of the '90s. Dave is personalizing his workspace as a DJ according to his interpretation of what electronic music culture is all about. There is a certain warmth, honesty and depth throughout his work that transcends through both his musicality and his design treatments. As a core member of Berlins famous Bachstelzen Collective, he was one of the founders who blueprinted what got to be known as the typical Berlin style – an architecture of social, musical and aesthetic concepts. Using chaotic, wild and organic scrap wood in his constructions were his distinctive signature well before the term ‘up-cycling‘ became hip. Bar25, the Katerholzig club and the Bachstelzen floor at Fusion Festival were prototypes of this time. His recent works contain a more polarising focus; a love for minimalistic abstract geometry, and years of experience in project management. Nothing shows this development in a greater way than Garbicz Festival — whose natural, albeit utopian habitat has become a homebase for both his music and his design aesthetics. An invitation to create the celebrated Turmbühne Stage at Fusion Festival’s 20th anniversary along with a coveted gig on the stage marked a milestone for both of his careers. For Dave, spacial design and sound are tools for installing an arena for unconventional social interactions. A sphere where common aesthetics are to be challenged and will change therefore constantly. His residency in KaterBlau helped him to build up his reputation as a DJ and to grow into the international realm. In the last years he has worked and played in Australia, New Zealand, India and all around Europe. There is a saying that ‘To talk about music, is like dancing to architecture’ - Dave Dinger takes the latter part as a challenge. So let his music speak for itself — and dance to both.
Señor SIB ist in der (guten) politschen Bildung tätig und er sammelt (gute) Platten und er ist ein (guter) Freund - irgendein Bogen von jazzig zu drum´n bass war mal im Gespräch. --- Señor SIB is active in (good) political education and he collects (good) records and he is a (good) friend - some bow from jazzy to drum´n bass was once in the conversation.
Leafar Legov is a quiet but essential member of the Giegling family. Legov's relationship with club music seems purely conditional—he'll follow its guidelines only when they happen to suit his creative impulses. With Kettenkarussell, he makes what could loosely be described as downtempo house. On his solo records, he offsets ambient sketches with somber hip-hop instrumentals. But his personal musical universe is still, for the most part, a mystery—aside from "Blush," an excellent one-off from 2009 he made as Robert Oh, his first solo release was the EP "Talk" on Giegling, which came out in 2016. Abstract and subdued, it's a record that points to Giegling's emotional depth and stylistic open-endedness.
A selection of dub, african and techno classics will be rearranged for a mix; to park (20 kilogramm) suitcases; find a seat next to the smoking compartment and head off to gate B. Playing a DJ set with mostly vinyl, Samantha is slowly paneling her sound with a diverse selection of music.
Bei der Europawahl 2014 wurde ich als Spitzenkandidat der Partei für Arbeit, Rechtsstaat, Tierschutz, Elitenförderung und basisdemokratische Initiative in das Europäische Parlament gewählt. Seit Juli 2014 bin ich dort Mitglied im Ausschuss für Kultur und Bildung, in der Delegation für die Beziehungen zur Koreanischen Halbinsel und war stellvertretendes Mitglied im Haushaltskontrollausschuss bis Juni 2015. Seit Januar 2017 bin ich stellvertretendes Mitglied im Ausschuss für auswärtige Angelegenheiten. In diesen Rollen erlebe ich so manches Abenteuer.
"All Creatures Welcome sketches a utopian image of society in the digital era. Accompanied by the appeal to “use hacking as a mindset,” the viewers immerse themselves, together with the filmmaker, in a documentary adventure game and explore the world of digital communities at the events held by the Chaos Computer Club; a real-world reflection of the virtual spectrum." – after the rough cut screening at the 34c3 we will show now the final version. Join us and be part of the moment when we put the movie online and make it freely available under a creative commons license at the beginning of the screening! Together with the filmmaker and the slogan"use hacking as a mindset" we immerse in a documentary adventure game and explore the world of Komputerfrieks, as they used to call themselves at the inaugural meeting of the Chaos Computer Club in 1981. We come upon an open, free-spirited society. The events of the CCC are a kind of utopian real-world reflection of the virtual spectrum. We encounter angels, activists, robots, coders and makers. We learn what a hack is, why lockpicking can be important, how a cellular system works. We dive into the game and become part of the community that is as inclusive as it is sophisticated. Still outside of this collective the challenges are immense in an era, in which political certainties and institutions increasingly erode. Models of governance, economics, social order, technology and science are being put into question 24/7. With the internet’s rules of conduct, national laws are being repealed and transformed into global structures. While the worldwide web would structurally actually allow a radical renewal of democracy, changing it from representation to participation, more and more states are drifting towards authoritarian societies in political reality. In the course of that process, en passant the largest surveillance machinery of human history has been created. We see how the hacker culture meets these challenges and what inner contradictions it encounters. We learn that our lives are not determined by general, given truths but actually through the way we work, develop ourselves, suffer or dream. The events of the CCC become a possible blueprint of social upheaval. Self-organization, freedom of expression and critical discussion merge in a colorful, polyphonic chorus apart from social norms and capitalist constraints: "Be excellent to each other!“
We party and invite all creatures to party with us and explore the different genres of electronic music
akaak is also a member of hamburg-based dj-trio sutsche
ZeerOne der Philosoph mit diesem Humor darf nicht fehlen. Er ist der Inbegriff der gut gelaunten Stetigkeit und sein musikalisches Spektrum würde auf kein Display passen. --- ZeerOne the philosopher and with this humor must not be absent. He is the epitome of good-humoured consistency and his musical spectrum he would not fit on any display.
Oliotronix: In 2017/18 her new music setup has taken shape in form of energetic performances using Gameboy DMG and various electronic noise machines still combined with an hooligan/techno/rave DJ set. Few feedbacks from the audience: “What is exciting about DJ Oliotronix is she doesn't follow the trend but deliver crazy sets following her own taste while keeping it entertaining on a high level of intensity. Prepare to have fun!“ Madame Claude, Berlin “Very original and eclectic, with interesting non-standard use of equipment. Also very cool neo-cyber-hip look!” Galaxy Wolf, London “Great! Good energy and selection. Nice to see DJs enjoying themselves too!” Crux, London
frickelzwang für sessionschwänzer
A tap dancer performs, while elsewhere people run from the tear gas of the police
dj 7000, bidi, 404, köfte, dj abbau, dj closing, ayran, tyskie, dj partner set, and more ... Unter gewaltigen Opfern, schreibt er eine Reihe von Geschichten mit Ortsnamen, Jahreszahlen und sonstigen Daten, die sich durchaus belegen lassen und in ihrer Wirklichkeit nicht anzuzweifeln sind. Diese Eckdaten sind nur Bruchstücke, die aus einer Summe von Erinnerungen zusammengesetzt wurden. Das tatsächlich gelebte und dies was wir zu erleben glaubten, ist ein Teil seiner Biographie, die lediglich eine nachträgliche Interpretation darstellt.
Devon, Franziska, Jan, Malte. elektoinstrumentaler ambient chillcore, Glitchyplatsch meets Rohrschachbrettmuster im Darkroom. Alle können. immer. --- Devon, Franziska, Jan, Malte. electro-instrumental ambient chillcore, Glitchyplatsch meets Rohrschach board pattern in the darkroom. Everyone can. Always.
Fussel, vom Pech verfolgt, ist er nicht nur unser Allrounder für die Umsetzung jeder noch so wahnsinnigen Idee, er hat auch einen ausgeprägten Hang zur endzeitlichen, elektronischen Musik - auf die wir uns sehr freuen. --- Fussel - followed by bad luck, he is not only our all-rounder for the realization of even-the-most-insane-ideas, he also has a pronounced inclination towards electronic music of the last days - to which we are very much looking forward.
10 Jahre Schaffensphase, 20.000.000 Fotodateien, 9 Doors Open ist ein künstlerisches Langzeitprojekt, eine meditativ psychedelisch, audiovisuelle Reise. Für Fans von: Ambient, Doom, Dronemusik, visuelle Kunst, psychedelische Trips, Meditation, Bewusstseinserweiterung Andreas Voland (Musiker) und Steffen Freiling (Fotograf) verschieben in ihrem gemeinsamen Werk die Dimensionen Raum und Zeit und geben so die Möglichkeit, die uns bekannte Realität in vielfälltigsten Formen neu zu entdecken. Am 2. Februar findet im Friedrichshainer Zukunft am Ostkreuz (Laskerstr. 5, 10245 Berlin die Aufführung statt. Hier auf dem CCC schon vorab.
Wir bringen einen Überraschungsgast mit. Kommt vorbei, es wird gut werden! Wir bringen einen Überraschungsgast mit. Kommt vorbei, es wird gut werden!
Bring your Shirt - Get your Daphne Oram! Daphne Oram - Pionierin der elektronischen Musik geb. 31. Dezember 1925 in Devizes, UK gest. 5. Januar 2003 in Maidstone, UK Nur wenige Leute kennen Daphne Oram, doch ihre Leistungen haben dazu beigetragen, die Musik zu revolutionieren. Als eine der Ersten hat sie die Klänge und Lieder mitgeprägt, die wir heute hören. 1949 schrieb sie Still Point - als erste Komposition der Welt, die elektronische Klänge in Echtzeit manipuliert. 1957 gründete sie den berühmten BBC Radiophonic Workshop. Im selben Jahr begann sie an ihrer Oramics-Maschine zu arbeiten, die grafische Gesten in Musik verwandelte: Der Benutzer konnte die Töne "zeichnen", die er hören wollte. In Zusammenarbeit mit Haecksen erinnert die Restrealitaet an einige der Frauen, die Großartiges für Technologie und Wissenschaft leisteten. Umrahmt von einer kleinen Ausstellung und einer mobilen Soundinstallation (haltet Ohren und Augen offen!) bringen wir Daphne Oram per Siebdruck auf eure Shirts, Beutel und Unterhosen! Bringt eure Textilien bis Freitagnacht zum Stand der Restrealität (Komona) und markiert sie dort mit eurem Namen. Gedruckt wird live und vor Ort am Samstag - HelferInnen sind herzlich willkommen! Die Abholung eurer bedruckten Teile erfolgt im Laufe des Samstags/Sonntags im Workshop-Dome oder am Stand der Restrealitaet! Die Restrealitaet (RR) ist eine Online-Community für die Berliner Party- und Subkultur.
In this workshop, addressed at (absolute) beginners, you will get your feet wet in (Python) programming. Don't worry, everyone who wants to have a (first?) look at programming is welcome independently of their skills or background!
!!!Now in Lecture room M3!!! We'll do some Yoga to calm our minds and move them bodies. Bring along comfortable clothes – and a towel to lie on ;-)
We will teach you some foundations on doing rope bondage safe, sane and consentual.
No ideology. No defined mindset. No spirituality needed. Let's just get intouch with our bodies and their flows of energy. Balancing body and mind energies. How do you do it? Let's strech, talk and learn from each other. And prepare for the day ahead. Bring a mat if you can.
Einsteiger- und Fortgeschrittenen Workshop zur Bediehnung von Ultraschall, jeweils 90 Minuten und aufeinander aufbauend.
Luft, Wasser und Lebensmittel - entdecke einige interessante Eigenschaften der Stoffe aus deiner Umgebung.
Trickfilm-Workshop: Mach deinen eigenen Trickfilm! Du kannst dafür eigene Zeichnungen, Scherenschnitte und Bildhintergründe erstellen und am Computer animieren. Die Filme könnt ihr später auf Trixmix.tv sehen und herunterladen. Auf Trixmix.tv kann jeder eigene Trickfilme online erstellen. Alle Zeichungen aus dem kollektiv erstellten Bildwörterbuch können dafür verwenden.
Tinkerbots ist was du daraus machst – Nimm das Powerbrain in die Hand und baue deinen eigenen Roboter. Mit verschiedenen Modulen, die sich einfach zusammenstecken lassen und Daten und Energie automatisch übertragen, sind deinen vielen kreativen Möglichkeiten keine Grenzen gesetzt.
daily OIO habour clean up - Day 2 daily OIO habour clean up - Day 2
Hilda Matheson hat in den späten 1920er Jahren bei der BBC das Talk Radio entwickelt, den Vorgänger von podcasts, wie wir sie heute kennen. Matheson war bei der BBC die erste "Director of Talks". Nach ihrem Rücktritt von der BBC im Jahr 1931 veröffentlichte sie ein Buch über die Entwicklung des Rundfunks. Hilda Matheson ist der Beitrag des Sendezentrums zur Haecksen Memorial-Aktion beim #35c3. Während des Congress wird so an Erfinderinnen und Pionierinnen erinnert.
Workshop with input on letter writing to prisoners Ending up in prison sucks. Ending up in prison with no support can destroy you. Going through this experience with support is really important for those who are ending up in it. Writing letters is one of the few things we can do for prisoners to break isolation between us and them.
Learn to Solder! A large variety of way cool kits are available, all designed for total beginners to complete successfully -- and intriguing enough for the total hardware geek.<br> <br> <span style="color:orange">'''''This ongoing workshop will be happening concurrently with lots of other way cool workshops at the Hardware Hacking Area! Throughout all of 35C3.'''''</span>
Surface mount electronics for terrified beginners. Learn to assemble tiny parts on circuit boards by building a working power supply. Anyone can do it. Yes, even you who never touched anything electronic before. 90-100mins, 20€/kit, avoid caffeine immediately before. Max 21 participants per session, there is a PAPER!!1! signup list in the hardware hacking area.
Learn how to make your own mate and host a circle.
Kann man empirischen Studien trauen oder nicht? Wie kann ich gute Studien von schlechten unterscheiden? Und was mache ich, wenn es zu einem Thema Studien mit gegensätzlichen Befunden gibt? Der Vortrag soll helfen, Antworten auf diese Fragen zu finden und empirische Studien besser zu verstehen. Empirischen Studien begegnet man nicht nur in Vorlesungen und Laboren, auch in den Nachrichten und in Diskussionen werden sie zitiert und oft als unumstößliche Wahrheit dargestellt. Andererseits gibt es ein großes Misstrauen gegenüber diesen Studien. Den Satz „Traue keiner Statistik die du nicht selbst gefälscht hast“ hat wohl jeder schon gehört und beim Congress im letzten Jahr hieß es mit Verweis auf psychologische und sozialwissenschaftliche Methoden „Science is broken“. Aber entspricht das wirklich der Wahrheit? Der Vortrag beschäftigt sich mit der Frage, was die Denkweise hinter empirischen Studien ist und wie man sie besser verstehen kann. Dabei sollen sowohl Grundlagen wie Wahrscheinlichkeiten, verschiedene statistische Testverfahren und Metaanlysen als auch Probleme wie p-Hacking und die Replikationskrise angesprochen werden. Ziel des Vortrags ist es, den Zuhörer*innen einen Eindruck davon zu vermitteln, was empirische Studien aussagen können und was nicht. Dabei liegt besonderes Augenmerk auf der Frage, ob und welchen empirischen Studien man trauen kann. Man benötigt keine Vorkenntnisse zum verfolgen des Vortrages. Als Beispiele werden aktuelle und klassische Studien aus der Psychologie benutzt.
Lightning Talks are short lectures (almost) any congress participant may give! Bring your infectious enthusiasm to an audience with a short attention span! Discuss a program, system or technique! Pitch your projects and ideas or try to rally a crew of people to your party or assembly! Whatever you bring, make it quick! Did you think that the thrill of sharing your ideas in front of a huge audience at a C3 was something you'd never experience? Do you work on a cool project and want to get the word out? Was your talk one of the hundreds that got rejected? Did you come up with an awesome hack that you need to share? Go ahead and enter your Lightning Talk now! The 35C3 Lightning Talks consist of three fast paced sessions which are perfect for pitching new software or hardware projects, exploits, creative pranks or strange ideas you need to get out to a global audience. Even if you don't have an awesome idea or project to share, a Lightning Talk is perfect for pitching your Assembly, your workshop or even a longer talk you'll give as a self-organized session. Your five minutes of fame! For registration and schedule info, please check out https://c3lt.de/35c3
In this talk I will share my story of how in a little over a year, a high school student with almost zero knowledge in security research found his first RCE in Edge. After starting my BSc in CS and Math I picked up a new hobby: solving coding challenges. The next logical step was to try harder challenges, which lead me to participate in CTF competitions. During these CTFs I found that I’m fascinated by vulnerabilities: finding mistakes or things that developers failed to think through. This is how I started going down the rabbit hole. Fast forward a year later, I found my first 0-day, a critical RCE in Edge. To understand it, we will review the recent trend of JIT Type Confusion vulnerabilities in ChakraCore. I will talk about the vulnerability I found, explain how I discovered it and show similar vulnerabilities recently found by other researchers. Finally, I will demo a working exploit of this vulnerability. This session could be helpful both for people interested in getting into the security field, and for experienced security researchers who want to learn more about browser vulnerabilities and exploitation.
Modern cryptography is based on security-proofs. We will demonstrate how these work, why they are desirable and what their limitations are. <p>Even the use of secure primitives like AES or RSA does not guarantee that the end-result is secure as well. In recent years breaks of modern primitives have in fact become exceedingly rare, yet stories like the KRACK-attack or ROBOT keep appearing.</p> <p>The obvious answer to these problems would be to proof that our protocols are secure. While that may sound great in theory, there are many issues as well:</p> <ul> <li>Proving (almost) anything secure, would require to solve a millennium-problem.</li> <li>Given the above, assumptions are required; but which assumptions are reasonable?</li> <li>The word “secure” may seem intuitive, but can we formally define it? And can something be <em>too</em> secure?</li> <li>Idealizing primitives can solve many problems, but what about over-idealizations?</li> <li>Can backdoors be necessary to prove security?</li> <li>A proof can only show the absence of attacks in a certain model. What about attacks outside those models?</li> </ul>
Net neutrality, a big buzzword in the last years. It is not only a buzzword? There are economic reasons why it is a stake. This talk tries to give an overview and explain how money is made in the "internet" and how it is related to net neutrality. Topics discussed: - Early Days and the Finance behind the Internet / Darpanet - "Day 0" of the Internet as we know it today - Step By Step Explanation how the internet is built from Access To Backbone To World and back again - Add some price tags to the network and a try to explain the ecosystem behind it - „Netzneutralität“ a definition? - Show the relation between Netzneutralität and the price tags - Outlook into the next 24 months
Orga-Meeting für Teckids-Teamleiter
pam_panic is an authentication module made for people who think they might get into a distressing situation where they are forced to type in or even tell the password to bad people. The idea is to use a password or a media device at a login screen which issues a destruction of the LUKS keyslots. There will be a little crash course on what LUKS is to be more clear how and why it works. ## pam_panic ## [on github](https://github.com/pampanic/pam_panic) ### Purposes ### - Make a LUKS encrypted filesystem inaccessible when in distress ### What is the idea? ### - Have an encrypted system done by LUKS - Have two passwords or two media devices (One of the passwords/media devices is used for regular authentication, the other one is used for issuing a destruction of the LUKS key material slots and have a reboot/shutdown) - Ask for a password/media device before your regular user password ### Crash course: LUKS ### - What do we need to know to get this to work? - How does the LUKS header look like? ### Making my data inaccessible ### - Using `cryptsetup luksErase` ### Scenarios ### Scenarios where it can help: - Being forced to type/tell your password - Raids Scenarios where it doesn't help: - Letting them make a clone of your hard drive, then having your password/media device forced from you ## Demonstration of pam_panic ## 1. Setup 2. Show authentication password and media device 3. Show panic password/media device and show the result of inaccessibility ## Q+A ## ..if there's enough time.
Let's start into day 3
SailfishOS User Meetup
AcroYoga is a physical practice which combines yoga, acrobatics and Thai massage.
p≡p is an end-to-end privacy-focused security architecture, which, in its first incarnation, aims to provide a seamless private, encrypted email solution for everyone. This talk focuses on some of the development challenges in supporting an ambitious product from the inside and lessons-learned that don't appear in software engineering classes. p≡p is an end-to-end privacy-focused security architecture, which, in its first incarnation, aims to provide a seamless private, encrypted email solution for everyone. We do this without the requirement that the user has any understanding of keys, encryption, protocols, or encryption engines while still maintaining complete transparency at the core by providing the adapters and engine as free software. The p≡p foundation develops and maintains the engine and adapters which allow external app development (including that done by the business arm of p≡p) to securely use the p≡p engine without needing to understand and implement the secure functions of the p≡p protocol. Moving the complexity of a product to the engine, however, creates a number of challenges relating to ensuring maximal cross-platform compatibility, communication (and often, adaptation) of APIs and usage, determination of where problems should be solved, etc. Doing this with a product that handles email adds the additional entertainment of repeatedly revisiting the less-deterministic-than-desired land of MIME RFCs and the reality that the product has to support all of the violations of those RFCs, even when one would prefer to avoid the egregiously broken. This talk focuses on some of the development challenges in supporting an ambitious product from the inside and lessons-learned that don't appear in software engineering classes.
Weil jeder vorzugsweise in seiner eigenen kleinen Welt lebt, werden Menschen beim Macht Nix! podcast zu einem spannenden Projekt, ihrem Hobby, Engagement oder Job interviewt, um den Hörer/innen ihre ganz eigene Perspektive auf das Leben zu zeigen. Thematisch gibt es wenige Einschränkungen: die Person, die ich interviewe, sollte die Motivation haben die Welt ein bisschen besser gestalten zu wollen. "Macht Nix!" kommt übrigens daher, weil einige Bekannte/Freunde doch sehr bescheiden mit "Ich weiß aber gar nicht, worüber ich reden soll!" auf meine Anfragen reagierten mit mir eine Folge aufzunehmen. "Macht ja nix! Da gibt es auf jeden Fall etwas!" Denn ich denke, dass jeder Mensch eine tolle Geschichte zu erzählen hat! Manchmal werden halt nicht die richtigen oder gar keine Fragen gestellt. Das möchte ich mit dem podcast ändern!
A general overview and report on how Wikipedia uses artificial intelligence to improve its efficiency
Patstyx aka Schuppi war schon Sysadmin als man noch beim Internet angerufen hat - er zog weg, nach Halle, in Congressnähe. Legte schon immer auf, macht podcasts und Drum´n Bass Events und wir freuen uns auf Schuppi. Patstyx was already sysadmin when you called the Internet, by dialing a number on moms phone - he moved away, to Halle, near the congress. Allways deejayed, does podcasts and Drum´n Bass events and we are looking forward to Schuppi.
Die Radwege in deiner Stadt sind marode und gefährlich? Hier zeigen wir ein Tool, dass das ändert, den Radentscheid. Die Radentscheid-Bewegung bringt derzeit Berlin, Bamberg, Darmstadt, Frankfurt, Kassel, Stuttgart und viele weitere Städte in Deutschland beim Thema Fahrrad voran. Wir organisieren Bürgerentscheide, sammeln Unterschriften und schaffen neue Standards, mehr Platz und mehr Verkehrssicherheit. Jede Stadt verdient ein Update und in diesem Workshop erklären wir die wichtigsten Tools. Individuelles Coaching ist im Workshop und später möglich. Für Fragen: david [at] radentscheid-darmstadt.de https://events.ccc.de/congress/2018/wiki/index.php/Session:Update_f%C3%BCr_die_Fahrradwege_deiner_Stadt
Would you like to put your thoughts and ideas on paper and share it with others? Do you have no money, but have something to contribute with that you find missing in newspapers, magazines and the current media world? Then do it yourself! Zines offer a simple and accessible format for this and the Zinecamp offers an introduction to the topic. In addition to the insight into the history of the format and the (political) background (fan-zines, punk, diy, rrriot girl, …) we will present the techniques and methods of production and design as well as distribution. Likewise, it’s about independently producing zines. Various materials for working will be available on site.
Reflow soldering workshop for the TicTacLights Nano Colour kits sold at BlinkenArea
We are building different kinds of book scanners. The session is about the current state and open for everyone who wants to join.
FF-TNG aims at regrowing a local FF based network community by -on the one hand- going back to the 90's "Bürgernetze" Idea of free communication with others, (focus on VOIP, SMS, Chat, mail) but also by enabling the individual community member to offer services to others and the world (e.g. via DNS zone delegation to individual nodes). For true autonomy we envisage to not only use WIFI and VPN links but also include LORA-based communication to connect local nodes for low bitrate communication (chat, sms). A small group of FF-Munich people is currently developing a concept called FF-TNG "Freifunk - The Next Generation". It came about after FFMUC had grown rapidly but a vast majority of FFMUC nodes is only using FF as a cheap pseudo-VPN gateway to the internet and after the rapid growth has put BATMAN to its limits making FF an only 'so-so' experience. The concept aims at regrowing a local network community by -on the one hand- going back to the 90's "Bürgernetze" Idea of free communication with others, (e.g. VOIP, SMS, Chat) and -on the other hand- also by enabling the individual community member to offer services to others and the world (i.e. including DNS zone delegation to individual nodes and ipv6). For parts of the mesh we are looking at Babel. To get to a truly wide ranging individual network our concept includes LORA based communication for low-bitrate communication (Chat, SMS) to reach locations not reachable by simple 2.4 or 5GHz WIFI nodes. The talk will be a ride through our first concept of how we think communication power can be put back to people so they can control their communication network. We hope for comments and input from the community - also of the kind "das kannste schon so machen, aber dann isses halt kacke"
Vernetzung zur dezentralen Öffentlichkeitsarbeit
Der Vortrag beleuchtet die Einflüsse auf den geheimnisvollen Teil des Mobilfunks – Störquellen im Uplink und deren Auswirkungen auf die Mobilfunk-Kommunikation sowie Praktiken zum Aufspüren von HF-Störquellen. Die Feldstärke-Balkenanzeige eines Smartphones (die Downlink-Empfangsfeldstärke) ist nur die Hälfte der Wahrheit zur Bewertung einer Mobilfunkversorgung. Die andere Hälfte ist der weithin unsichtbare aber gegen Störeinflüsse hochempfindliche Uplink, die Richtung vom Endgerät zu den Basisstationen. In diesem Vortrag werden Uplink-Störquellen, deren Auswirkungen sowie Mess- und Analysemöglichkeiten erläutert. Der Uplink von Mobilfunknetzen ist für die mobile Kommunikation unerlässlich, aber niemand kann ihn wirklich sehen. Der Uplink kann durch Störsender, Repeater und viele andere HF-Quellen gestört werden. Wenn er gestört ist, ist die mobile Kommunikation eingeschränkt. Ich werde zeigen, welche Arten von Störquellen den Uplink stören können und welche Auswirkungen das auf die Nutzung des Mobilfunks hat und wie Interference Hunting durchgeführt werden kann. Zunächst erläutere ich die notwendige Pegelsymmetrie des Downlinks (von der Mobilfunk-Basisstation - eNodeB zum Endgerät) und dem Uplink (vom Endgerät zurück zur eNodeB). Da die Sendeleistungen von Endgerät und eNodeB sehr unterschiedlich sind, erkläre ich technische Hintergründe zum Erreichen der Symmetrie. Im Folgenden werde ich die Probleme und Möglichkeiten bei der Messung von Uplink-Signalen am eNodeB erläutern, in Empfänger kann man ja schlecht hineinschauen. Der Downlink ist im Vergleich dazu sehr einfach zu messen, man sieht die Balken auf dem Smartphone oder kann APPs dazu nutzen, die detaillierte Feldstärkeinfos etc. liefern. Der Uplink bleibt allerdings weitgehend unsichtbar. Wenn dieser allerdings am eNodeB gestört ist, sagen die Feldstärkebalken am Endgerät gar nichts aus. Dazu werde ich eine Möglichkeit der Beobachtung vorstellen, die einige Endgeräte on Board mitbringen bzw. mit APPs aus dem Chipset herausgelesen werden können. In welcher Form der Uplink gestört werden kann, die Auswirkungen für die Kommunikation und das Suchen von Uplink-Störquellen werden den Vortrag abschließen. Dabei werde ich auch auf das Problem der 'passiven Intermodulation' (PIM), eine (nicht) neue Störquelle in den Bassisstations-Antennenanlagen, deren Bewertung, Messung und Vermeidung eingehen.
Vor 5.7 Milliarden Jahren emittierte der Blazar TXS0506+056 eine große Menge schwach wechselwirkender Neutrinos. Von dem durch ein supermassives schwarzes Loch im Zentrum seiner Galaxie angetriebenen kosmischen Teilchenbeschleuniger fand eines dieser Teilchen seinen Weg zur Erde und interagierte mit Wassermolekülen im antarktischen Eis. Durch einen glücklichen Zufall konnte das IceCube Neutrino Observatory, ein Kubikkilometer großer Detektor aus instrumentiertem Eis, am 22. September 2017 eine Lichtspur aufzeichnen, die direkt zur Quelle zurück zeigte. Damit konnte erstmals ein bekanntes astrophysikalisches Objekt mit dem Ursprung eines kosmischen Neutrinos assoziert werden und das Ereignis IceCube-170922A schrieb Geschichte. Ein näherer Blick auf die während 2014-2015 gesammelten Daten zeigte, dass die Neutrino-Emission von TXS0506+056 phasenweise erhöht ist. Dies unterstützt die These, dass das Ereignis von 2017 tatsächlich dem Blazar zugeordnet werden kann und die Entdeckung wurde zu einem großer Erfolg für die Multi-Messenger Astrophysik. Bereits 1912 entdeckte Viktor Hess die als kosmische Strahlen bekannten hochenergetischen Teilchen, die im Sekundentakt aus dem Weltall auf die Erdatmosphäre treffen. Einige von ihnen stammen aus unserer Sonne, andere von Quellen in unserer eigenen Galaxie – bei den höchsten Energien liegen die Ursprünge allerdings vermutlich in weit entfernten Galaxien. Unglücklicherweise handelt es sich größteils um geladene Ionen, die auf ihrem Weg durch das Universum durch Magnetfelder abgelenkt werden und nicht zu ihren Quellen zurückverfolgt werden können. Deswegen konnte in den mehr als 100 Jahren seit ihrer Entdeckung keine eindeutige Quelle extragalaktischer kosmischer Strahlen identifiziert werden. Trotz allem gibt es dort draußen Objekte, die winzige Teilchen mit den unvorstellbar geringen Massen von 10^-24g auf die Energie beschleunigen, mit der Rafael Nadal seine Tennisbälle aufschlägt. In irgendeiner Form müssen diese Objekte strahlen und neben kosmischen Strahlen auch andere Teilchen emittieren. Hier setzt die Idee von Multi-Messenger Astroteilchenphysik an: Bei der Untersuchung der energiereichsten Objekte unseres Universums werden zugleich Licht, Neutrinos und Gravitationswellen betrachtet, allesamt ungeladene Boten, die Informationen von den Quellen direkt zu unseren Detektoren tragen. Während 2017 Gravtitationswellen eines Gammastrahlenblitzes identifiziert werden konnten, war der diesjährige Durchbruch in der Multi-Messenger Astroteilchenphysik die Assoziation eines von IceCube detektierten Neutrinos mit einem bekannten Blazar in einer weit entfernten Galaxie. In diesem Vortrag erklären wir, was Menschen zum Bau komplexer Detektoren an den exotischsten Plätzen der Welt motiviert, um hochenergetische Teilchen aus dem Weltall zu jagen. Wir sprechen über die bahnbrechende Entdeckung diesen Jahres und beleuchten, wie der Durchbruch durch twitter-ähnliche Echtzeit-Monitoring-Systeme überhaupt erst möglich wurde. 5.7 billion years ago, the blazar TXS0506+056, a gigantic particle accelerator driven by the super-massive black hole at the center of its host galaxy, emitted a large number of weakly interacting elementary particles, known as neutrinos. One of these particles found its way to Earth and interacted with water molecules in the South-Antarctic Ice Sheet. Fortunately, the IceCube Observatory, a cubic kilometer of instrumented ice recorded a track of light that pointed directly back to its origin, unlike many other neutrinos captured in the past. This event, called IceCube-170922A writes history, since for the first time a concrete astrophysical object can be associated to the origin of this neutrino and thus the presence of strongly accelerated, interacting matter. A second look at the data recorded in 2014-2015 confirmed that the blazar has indeed periods of high-neutrino emission, strengthening the confidence in the 2017 event to be a real discovery and great success for Multi-Messenger Astrophysics. As discovered by Victor Hess already in 1912, there are particles impinging the Earth’s atmosphere every couple of seconds called Cosmic Rays. Some of them are accelerated in the sun, others by sources in our galaxy but at the highest energies, these particles are very likely coming from distant galaxies. Unfortunately, most of them are charged ions that are deflected by magnetic fields on their way through the universe and they do not point back to the point where they have been accelerated. Therefore, even 100 years after the discovery of cosmic rays a definite and obvious source has not been discovered. However, there is something out there that can accelerate a tiny particle with a mass as little as 10-24g (this is a number with !23! decimal zeros) to the energy equivalent to a tennis ball served by Rafael Nadal, then it must somehow shine and emit other radiation among the Cosmic Rays. This is the basic idea of multi-messenger astrophysics that aims to study the most violent objects in the universe by looking simultaneously at the emitted light, the neutrinos and the gravitational waves, which are all uncharged messengers carrying the information from the sources directly to our detectors. While n 2017, gravitational waves from a Gamma-Ray Burst were identified, this years major breakthrough in the field of multi-messenger astrophysics was the association of a high energy neutrino detected by IceCube with a known blazar in a far away galaxy. In this lecture, we will aim to explain what motivates mankind to build complex observatories at the most exotic location around the globe to haunt for very high energy particles from space. We will shed light on this brand new detection and highlight that without the recent developments in a real-time monitoring/Twitter-like system the detection would have gone unnoticed.
Drivers are usually written in C for historical reasons, this can be bad if you want your driver to be safe and secure. We show that it is possible to write low-level drivers for PCIe devices in modern high-level languages. We are working on super-fast user space network drivers for the Intel 82599ES (ixgbe) 10 Gbit/s NICs in different high-level languages. We've got fully working implementations in Rust, C#, go, OCaml, Haskell, and Swift. All of them are written from scratch and require no kernel code. Check out <a href="https://github.com/ixy-languages/ixy-languages">our GitHub page</a> with links to all implementations, performance measurements, and publications for further reading. Supposedly modern user space drivers (e.g., DPDK or SPDK) are still being written in C in 2018 :( This comes with all the well-known drawbacks of writing things in C that might be prevented by using safer programming languages. Also, did you ever see a kernel panic because a driver did something stupid? It doesn't have to be that way, drivers should not be able to take down the whole system. There are three steps to building better drivers: 1. Write them in a safer programming language eliminating whole classes of bugs and security problems like bad memory accesses 2. Isolating them from the rest of the operating system: user space drivers that drop privileges 3. Isolating the hardware using the IOMMU We show that it is possible to achieve all of these goals for PCIe drivers on Linux by implementing user space network drivers in all of the aforementioned programming languages. Our techniques are transferable to other drivers that would benefit from more modern implementations. Our drivers in <a href="https://github.com/ixy-languages/ixy.rs">Rust</a>, <a href="https://github.com/ixy-languages/ixy.cs">C#</a>, <a href="https://github.com/ixy-languages/ixy.go">go</a>, and <a href="https://github.com/ixy-languages/ixy.swift">Swift</a> are completely finished, tuned for performance, evaluated, and benchmarked. And all of them except for Swift are about 80-90% as fast as <a href="https://github.com/emmericp/ixy">our user space C driver</a> and 6-10 times faster than the kernel C driver. We also investigate how garbage collectod languages affects the latency of a packet forwarder built on top of our drivers. We also got something for fans of functional languages: our implementations in <a href="https://github.com/ixy-languages/ixy.ml">OCaml</a> and <a href="https://github.com/ixy-languages/ixy.hs">Haskell</a> are working but not yet tuned for performance. We are also working on Python, Java, and Javascript. We take a brief look at Haskell, Swift, OCaml, and C# in the talk and a deeper dive into Rust and Go. The talk also features a quick summary from <a href="https://media.ccc.de/v/34c3-9159-demystifying_network_cards">last year's talk about user space driver basics</a>, so no previous knowledge is required. Another thing to take away from this talk is: writing drivers is neither scary nor hard. You can write one in your favorite programming language, so go ahead and try that :)
The meeting point of art and science as a place of inspiration, exchange of knowledge and creation is the main focal point of the talk. Together with Prof. Oliver Deussen, the PhD candidate Marvin Guelzow, and Liat Grayver we will discuss both the technical challenges and innovation aspects in the development of the e-David robot, alongside the the social and artistic practice its offers. Topics as such “paradigms of creativity” under the title “New Materialism / Anthropocentrism / Posthumanism” will be presented with the goal to position and understand machine-assisted creative interfaces within the broader field of media art and painting traditions. The painting robot developed at the University of Konstanz in southwestern Germany is a pioneer project in this field and is presently the only one with a visual feedback system. Much more than just a printer capable of reproducing a flat image, the e-David creates unique works through the application of paint strokes that are irreproducible in terms of their colour blend and the materiality of their layering. The possibility of visual feedback brings up many questions within the contemporary discourse on deep learning, artificial intelligence and robotic creativity. The Collaborating explored further possibilities to exploit the painting robot creatively, and reflected on ideas about the ways in which these could be implemented in the form of software and hardware. A number of questions of wider impact arose as the result of our collaboration: When and why would a semantic method of defining the object in the image be used? Is it an advantage or a disadvantage to paint semantic objects without having a pre-existing cognitive understanding of them? How could I use abstract forms, grammatical structures or mathematic models to achieve more complex surfaces? How would computer language be used to express the intentions of a composition? When and why would different painting styles be used? Further, on a technical level, we had to take into consideration how different materials would react with one another. For example, how could different colours be mixed on the canvas or on the palette? How should the size of the brush be set, and when is it necessary to add glaze? We would have to develop a range of distinct, individual brushstrokes (controlling the velocity and the z-axis) whose characteristics are analogous to those made by human painters in the “real world”, in order to be able to pre-define when, in which order and for which tasks each stroke is to be used. In doing so, we are basically defining and categorizing singular parameters within a library of painterly “acts” and “perceptions”, in order to create a grammatical structure for the “language” of robotic painting. Constructing e-David has provided many challenges in the realms of engineering, robotics, computer graphics and computer vision. We discuss how we arrived at our current painting set up and highlight the strengths and weaknesses found so far, as well as plans for future extensions. On the robotics side, the main issue is working with machines designed for repetitive, precise tasks and applying them for approximate and dynamic processes. Supervision of a painting process using vision or other sensors is challenging, as well as finding methods to process the data in a meaningful way. Seemingly simple tools like brushes are highly complex in their behaviour and using them precisely is difficult. In the talk, we elaborate on current problems and what future plans are to deal with these issues.
Coding and text editing with GNU Emacs for beginners
ein Überblick mit Übungen zu verschiedenen Modellen der Konflikttheorie
Learn about the most common attacks against your network privacy - and how to avoid them. By looking at things from an attackers perspective, we can get some insight into technical details that provide us with essential knowledge about network protocols. You will learn about three of the most common attacks against computer network security. In each of these scenarios, a victim's communication can be monitored and modified at a total loss of privacy. By learning how these attacks are executed, you can defend yourself better. ARP Spoofing is used to claim any IP address on a local network. This can be the address of the victim's computer or that of the router. I will show you how the possibilities of attacking in both directions. DNS Hijacking is a technique to monitor or modify the victim's queries on the Internet Domain System. Even when using encrypted protocols like HTTPS, privacy is at risk. With this scenario, you can apply a number of attacks I will present. Rogue Access Points on a wireless network are harmful on another layer than previously inspected. In probably most of the installations out there, the attacker can easily add a malicious access point to intercept traffic. I will give some short intro into wi-fi and its protocol design. Hopefully, you can use this knowledge to protect your own privacy and that of others. With these examples, you will at least get some valuable insight into an area that is the playground of the most commonly known type of hackers. Only basic knowledge about network protocols is expected.
Amüsante Nachrichtenmeldungen und ein kleiner Rückblick auf die vergangenen Congresstage. Wie eigentlich fast jeden Sonntag *hust* setzt man sich zusammen und bespricht die Ereignisse der letzten Tage. Da die andere Hälfte des SMC gerade noch damit beschäftigt ist den Weihnachtsschmaus zu verdauen setzen sich Judith und Stefan an den Sendetisch auf dem 35c3 und quatschen ein bisschen.
Much of the work in the Wikimedia universe, and especially on Wikidata, is done using external tools. Here you’ll see how you can build your own!
''Learn Arduino using TV-B-Gone as an example project''<br> <br> You've probably heard lots about '''Arduino'''. But if you don't know what it is, or how you can use it to do all sorts of cool things, then this fun and easy workshop is for you. As an example project, we'll be creating a '''TV-B-Gone''' remote control out of an '''Arduino''' you can take home with you.<br> <br> ''(This is one of many cool things happening throughout 35C3 in the huge '''Hardware Hacking Area!)'''''<br> <br> This workshop will be given twice<br>(both identical):<br> Day 2: 28-Dec, 1pm - 4:30pm<br> Day 3: 29-Dec, 1pm - 4:30pm<br>
Treffen der Datenschleuder-Redaktion
Hack your first solidity smart contracts
Was passiert, wenn menschen mit einer hacker_innen-artigen grundhaltung in die wirtschaft gehen? sie halten sich nicht an alle regeln. das geht nicht nur, es geht sogar oft viel besser als "normal"... wirtschaft ist auch nur ein system mit regeln. gesetze, sachzwänge, straßen, bwl, vwl, sowas. dinge sind wie sie sind. ja? nicht alle. gerade in der wirtschaft lassen sich regeln verbiegen und viele dinge anders machen. nicht die inhabenden treffen die entscheidungen, sondern alle betroffenen. nicht nur in mehrheiten, sondern im konsens. gewinne sind nicht nötig, ja gar nicht erwünscht. werbung ebenso. es gibt anti-mengenrabatte für kleine kunden, aber keine mengenrabatte für große. die umwelt ist wichtiger als der ertrag. einheitslöhne. und soweiter wir haben in den letzten jahren einiges in der wirtschaft verbogen; in der getränkebranche, in der festival-logistik, in beratungen, und in der hausverwaltung. und wir erzählen gerne davon, um andere zu ermutigen, auch dinge anders zu machen. das geht nicht nur, es geht sogar oft besser als "normal".
Das Independent Solar Energy Mesh System (ISEMS) knüpft an den Freifunk-OpenMPP-Tracker an. Das System (Lua-Tool, Integration in Luci, Mikrocontroller-Firmware für den OpenMPPT, Web-App) soll es für Nicht-Experten einfacher machen, ihrer eigene drahtlosen Freifunk-Kommunikationsinfrastruktur unabhängig vom Stromnetz zu betreiben. ISEMS überwacht u.a. den Batteriestand, die Batterietemperatur und die Energiedaten des Moduls und bietet Strategien zum Energiesparen. Mit der ISEMS-Software können Benutzer eine Übersicht einsehen, wie ihre Solarknoten arbeiten. Die Web-App zeigt eine Übersicht aller Knoten sowie eine Checkliste für die einzelnen Knoten. Wenn etwas aus dem Ruder läuft, liefert sie Warnungen und Hinweise zur Fehlerbehebung. Dauer: 20 Minuten für unsere Präsentation mit 10 Minuten für Q + A Zusätzliche Infos / Links / Referenzen: http://isems.de https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BxFpY2tsPtU https://wiki.freifunk.net/Freifunk-MPP-Tracker
Three hour active workshop on: How can we use the incredible power of spatial data, in an anonymized way, to bring about positive change in our communities? We each generate an incredible amount of spatial data. Our every move is being used by international conglomerates (Facebook, Google, Amazon, etc.) in order to better sell us products, understand our behavior, and manipulate us into consuming ever more. But what if, instead, local community groups could just as easily use this data for good? To help us get home more safely, better afford a place to live, or eat better? What if this data could help us maintain artist’s space, or start our own companies, or ensure fair land development? What if it could help us as a community realize the positive change that we want to bring to our cities? These are the themes that we want to explore in our workshop: how can we use the incredible power of spatial data, in an anonymized way, to bring about positive change in our communities? Over three hours, we will explore how to help local community groups to reclaim their data and the possible implications in order to bring about positive change in their communities. We will use the Berlin club community as a case study and lens to explore how we could apply a hacker mentality to “hack” nightlife, making it more inclusive, more fun, safer, and a better experience for community members. Our workshop will consist of three rounds of discussion and work sessions. These will be of the following three themes: community & empowerment, technical frame, and data availability. The workshop will result in the creation of a draft on standards/guidelines, and/or first pilot projects. Cityscan.berlin - is an initiative to make facts and maps for city development visible (based on open datas). We see ourselves as social hackers to empower communities!
The case study of Paralelná Polis Bratislava
Power Side Channel Analysis on the cheapiest
Introduction to programming languages for beginners
We will practice the concepts of vulnerability, infiltration and disruption through physical interactive exercises in order to gain additional insights into their operation.<br><br><span style="color:orange">'''''Physical practice workshop + interactive exercises. No prior experience needed. Total refresh.'''''</span>
A short view on my yet early stages of game development in Haskell and the tools I have crafted so far. In this talk I will give some insights into the programming language Haskell as well as common problems you encounter, when starting game development in this language. Furthermore You will see my attempts at game programming in this language, being both 2D and 3D applications, and my best attempts in completing a game, of which one is still work in progress. I will also be presenting "Affection", my own, still minimalist, game engine to the public and seek like-minded people to help advance it further.
Bea gibt einen Überblick über den aktuellen Stand zur Störerhaftung, wie es den Abmahnungen geht und was uns der Gesetzgeber neues bietet.
Additional space to help with building tools, if wanted.
Modify the Fairy Dust After standing in the cold rain and snow for too long, the Fairy Dust will find its place this time in the middle of the crowd at hall 5. A video installation will take place on the surface. This is a call for people, who can handle c4d files and have the bravery to put their vision on the symbol of the congress. The file attached to this event contains all information about the object, as well the position and lenses of the 4 projectors. Fell free to develop whatever you like. Keep in mind that the surface is very glossy and actually eats the light away. Rendered video best with HAP or MP4. In the hours between 2 pm and 5 pm on the days of the congress, there will be access to the video system, if you come around and have a device with HDMI out. Enjoy! Powered by PENTAKLON und Rico Rose Contact: privatlehrer[at]gmail[:]com
siehe Beschreibung Anarchist Theory III – Anarchistic thinking in paradoxies and fields of tensions Kritiker*innen verwerfen den Anarchismus als widersprüchlich und inkohärent. Tatsächlich gibt es sehr verschiedene anarchistische Strömungen, Projekte und Denkweisen, die in einem dauerhaften Spannungsfeld zueinander und den gesellschaftlichen Verhältnissen stehen. Könnte es aber sein, dass diese scheinbaren Widersprüche im Anarchismus ein Merkmal von ihm sind? Könnte es sein, dass anarchistisches Denken selbst paradox ist – und damit eine Vielzahl neuer Möglichkeiten eröffnet?
Soldering SumoRobots for every age and skill level. No previous experience required!<br><br>SOLD OUT!<br><br>Dec 27, 14.00 - 15.30<br>Dec 28, 14.00 - 15.30<br>Dec 29, 14.00 - 15.30<br>Dec 30, 14.00 - 15.30
We will brew and taste variety of probioitic beverages sharing also the cultures.
We will buld wallets made of ductape (or german Gaffer). This will take you around 2h. We will have some examples walltets and a lot of ductape. You need todo the rest by yourself and the help of the other people. Here is an example: https://www.wikihow.com/Make-a-Duct-Tape-Wallet
we will run during the congress a research office where we are collecting and analyzing public and personal data on the social and economic situation of club culture
Imperfect VR is based on the idea that everyone can create their own Virtual Reality experiences.
An introductory session to the cyberpunk pen&paper role-playing game Shadowrun
In diesem Workshop geht es um Finanzbildung mit Fokus auf Aktienmarkt und Fonds. Ich möchte einen Einblick in das Sparen am Aktienmarkt und die damit verbundenen Chancen und Risiken geben. Mit Rücksicht auf das Verständnis nähern wir uns dem Thema graphisch und analysieren Zeitserien bzw. Aktienkurse mit Python und jupyter-notebooks.
Learn how to knit. Lerne stricken.
Mit (u. a.): Rainer Rehak, Anna Biselli, Andre Meister, ... Was für die Breitbandversorgung in Deutschland gilt, gilt auch für Transparenz: Überall Demokratie-Funklöcher, die man stopfen muss, am besten mit Klagen. Wir erzählen, was das Informationsfreiheitsgesetz in diesem Jahr für die Demokratie-Infrastruktur getan hat, welche Rolle dabei Klagen gespielt haben und was die IFG-Meisterschaften damit zu tun haben.
Critical Thinking + Making = Critical Making. Around the world, academics and grassroots communities alike are engaging in critical making. With roots in critical design and critical engineering, etc., the point is to re-politicise making, help people understand that it needs to be more than printing cheap plastic knickknacks and can be used for activism and social innovation to improve peoples' lives. Using critical thinking in the DIY culture to look beyond the idealised picture of the maker and "reintroduce a sense of criticality back into post-2010 maker culture to un-sanitize, un-smooth and re-politicize it" (Hertz) is a relatively recent notion. More and more academia introduce Critical Making into their curricula, but bottom-up, grassroots movements also use critical making. Not only to raise awareness and hopefully change the status quo but also to see profit-oriented innovation practices vary, to minimise their adverse effects on society and the environment. This lecture will explore the notion of using more societal reflection in technology (both hardware and software) and its importance for our future. Insights on political-activist examples and case studies from around the world (Indonesia, Brazil, Germany) will be presented, with a focus on practice, practitioner and motivation. The aim is to explore making movement as a broader, global yet hyper-locally relevant phenomenon.
MicroPython is a lean and efficient implementation of the Python 3 programming language that includes a small subset of the Python standard library and is optimised to run on microcontrollers and in constrained environments.<br> This talk will give an overview about the MicroPython hard- and software and introduces the community. MicroPython is an Open Source project and developed in the open on GitHub. With more than 7000 stars, it ranks in the top 100 of the most popular C/C++ projects.<br> The MicroPython pyboard is a compact electronic circuit board that runs MicroPython on the bare metal, giving you a low-level Python operating system that can be used to control all kinds of electronic projects.<br> MicroPython is packed full of advanced features such as an interactive prompt, arbitrary precision integers, closures, list comprehension, generators, exception handling and more. Yet it is compact enough to fit and run within just 256k of code space and 16k of RAM.<br> MicroPython aims to be as compatible with normal Python as possible to allow you to transfer code with ease from the desktop to a microcontroller or embedded system.<br> It's used by educators, makers and professional hard- and software developers around the world. The use cases reach from embedded hardware testing over Industrial Internet of Things into space applications.
<p>We have analyzed the hardware full-disk encryption implementation of several Self-Encrypting Drives (SEDs) from Samsung and Crucial (Micron) by reverse engineering their firmwares. The vendors combined cover a majority of the market share of SEDs sold today.</p> <p>In theory, the security guarantees offered by hardware encryption are similar to those of software implementations. In reality, we found that many hardware implementations have critical security weaknesses, for many models allowing for complete recovery of the data without knowledge of any secret.</p> <p>BitLocker, the encryption software built into Microsoft Windows will rely exclusively on hardware full-disk encryption if the drive advertises supported for it. Thus, for these drives, data protected by BitLocker is also compromised.</p> <p>This challenges the view that full-disk encryption implemented in hardware is preferable over software. We conclude that one should not rely solely on hardware encryption offered by SEDs.</p> <p>In recent years, protection of sensitive data has received increased attention. Protection of digital data has become a necessity, certainly in the light of new European Data Protection Regulation. Technically, encryption is the go to protection mechanism; it may be implemented in software or hardware (or both). It can be applied on the level of individual files, or the entire drive, which is called full-disk encryption. Full-disk encryption is often the solution of choice as it takes away concerns of sensitive data leakage through, for example, temporary files, page files and caches. Several software solutions for full-disk encryption exist, and modern operating systems typically integrate it as a feature. However, purely software-based encryption has inherent weaknesses, such as the encryption key being present in RAM at all times and performance drawbacks.</p> <p>In an attempt to address these weaknesses, hardware full-disk encryption is often proposed; the encryption is performed within the drive itself, thereby confining the encryption key exclusively to the drive. Typically, the encryption itself is performed by a dedicated AES co-processor, whereas the software on the drive (firmware) takes care of the key management. It is often regarded as the successor of software full-disk encryption. Full-disk encryption software, including those integrated in modern operating systems, may autonomously decide to rely solely on hardware encryption in case it is supported by the storage device (via the TCG Opal standard). In case the decision is made to rely on hardware encryption, software encryption is disabled. In fact, BitLocker, the full-disk encryption software built into Microsoft Windows, switches off software encryption and completely relies on hardware encryption by default if the drive advertises support.</p>
The death rate at Europes seaborder reached a historical record: One out of five trying for Europe drowned this September: Main reason is the crackdown on sea rescue by European authorithies who barely pass any information on distress cases to competent rescue workers. The hope of those trying to escape torture, slavery hunger and other forms of violence therefore soleyly lies on the efforts of the civil rescue fleet. In the future, a civil society run maritime rescue coordination center could help to significantly reduce the death rate at sea. This talk will focus on the software and hardware components used on the aerial and nautical assets of the civil rescue fleet. We´ll talk about the difficulties installing sat com on a moving ship or even an aircraft, how the camera system of the Sea-Watch 3 recorded the evidence that is now challenging the Italian state at the European Court of human rights, how important data is secured if the state challenges you as in the case of the LIFELINE and about a software that will help to join forces in the near future to coordinate rescues in an efficient way. Help is still needed to tear down Europes wall. The death rate at Europes seaborder reached a historical record this year: One out of five people, who left wartorn libya on flimsy boats, bound for Europe, drowned in September 2018. The main reason for the increasing death rate ist the crackdown on sea rescue by European authorithies. Back in 2015 and 2016, when rescue NGOs took up rescue efforts on the deadliest waters of the world, the Italian Coast Guard, the NGOS and even the European Navy worked hand in hand, to save as many lives as possible. Nowadays European authorithies are trying to turn the central med into a blackbox: As they rather want to watch people drown then to see them arrive at Europes shores, and barely any information on distress cases is passed to competent rescue workers, the hope of those trying to escape torture, slavery hunger and other forms of violence soleyly lies on the efforts of the civil rescue fleet. Since no rescue coordination center clearly takes responsibility in favor of those in distress, the technical means of communication and such to increase the search capacity or to document incidents at sea, used on the aerial and nautical assets of the civil rescue fleet, do play a key role in the efforts to coordinate rescues d.i.y. In the future, a civil society run maritime rescue coordination center could help to significantly reduce the death rate at sea. This talk focuses on the software and hardware components necessary to challenge Europes deadly border policy of letting people drown. We´ll talk about the difficulties installing sat com on a moving ship or even an aircraft, how the camera system of the Sea-Watch 3 recorded the evidence that is now challenging the Italian state at the European Court of human rights, how important data is secured if the state fights back as in the case of the LIFELINE and about a software that will help to join forces in the near future to be even more efficient. We will talk about standards (NMEA0183, NMEA2000), Communication technologies (VSAT, IRIDIUM), Positioning and information/communication systems and anti collision systems (RADAR, GPS, AIS) Other interesting devices to be found aboard (Gyrocompass, etc.) and of course our setup (OpenWRT, OLSR, Ansible, Wireguard) and open source applications for nautic purpose (weather, navigation, etc: ZyGRIB, OpenCPN).
A warm and welcoming place for people who think they might be a little communist.
Vortrag über Chatbots im Kundenservice. Eine Inhaltsanalyse mit anschliessender experimenteller Befragung. Was können Chatbots heutzutage und können sie Kunden genauso zufriedenstellen wie ein menschlicher Mitarbeiter? Chatbots im Kundenservice sind heutzutage nichts mehr aussergewöhnliches. Unternehmen wie ebay, zalando oder H&M setzen für die Beratung ihrer Kunden virtuelle Agenten ein. Chatbots können Kunden 24/7 bedienen, sind billiger im Unterhalt als ein menschlicher Mitarbeiter und nie unfreundlich. Jedoch stellt sich für Unternehmen auch die Frage, ob die virtuellen Berater die Kunden genauso zufrieden stellen können wie ein menschlicher Mitarbeiter. Schliesslich kann es zu technischen Fehlern oder auch zu einem Unverständnis der Eingabe des Kunden seitens des Chatbots kommen. Ausserdem fühlen sich manche Menschen unwohl im Umgang mit einem im Real life nicht existierenden Gesprächspartner. Viele Kunden sind auch der Überzeugung, dass sie mit einer solchen Künstlichen Intelligenz nichts zu tun haben wollen oder Chatbots technisch noch lang nicht so weit sind, um einen guten Service zu leisten. In meiner Masterarbeit bin ich genau diesem Thema nachgegangen (zusammen mit meiner Kollegin, die leider nicht am CCC dabei sein kann) und will es nun auf dem CCC vorstellen. Zunächst werde ich vorstellen, wie sich der heutige State of Art der existierenden Service-Chatbots gliedert und welche Fähigkeiten diese besitzen. Zeigen sie Gefühle oder sind sie eher neutral? Sind sie gut darin, meine Wünsche zu berücksichtigen? Welche Umgangsformen herrschen? All dies wurde in einer Inhaltsanalyse erforscht. Danach möchte ich vorstellen, wie Menschen darauf reagieren, wenn sie von einem Chatbots oder einem Mensch über Chat bedient werden. Dazu wurde aus dem Material der Inhaltsanaylse ein Stimulus geschaffen, mit dem getestet wurde, wie Kunden auf einen Chatbot im Vergleich zu einem menschlichen Mitarbeiter reagieren. Es wurde eine experimentelle Befragung mit ca. 200 Teilnehmern durchgeführt, wo ihnen ein Kundengespräch mit Chatbots oder menschlichen Mitarbeitern vorgeführt wurde. Daraufhin bewerteten die Kunden das Gespräch auf die Qualität hin. Es kam heraus, dass es keinen Unterschied macht, ob man von einem Mensch oder einem Chatbot bedient wird, Hauptsache, der Chatpartner leistet eine hohe Beratungsqualität. Dies bedeutet, dass man Chatbots im Service-Bereich durchaus einsetzen kann, jedoch darauf achten muss, dass diese ihre Aufgabe gut erledigen.
Wir entwickeln [squarelet.org](https://www.squarelet.org), ein Open-Source-Pinboard für kooperatives Lernen und Arbeiten. In dem Workshop stellen wir die Alpha-Version vor, erstellen Use Cases und freuen uns über eure Ideen und Anregungen. Agenda: https://hackmd.okfn.de/0Q4h28VDRym0vKKAm7GRxQ#
„game-over“ Society: Dieses Spielformat und Workshop, versucht mit euch, neue Protokolle zwischenmenschlicher Interaktion zu generieren und ein analoges Netzwerk zu stricken. engl: „game-over“ society, a gameformat and workshop, that tries to generate new protocols of human interactions with ur help. Ein spielerisches Experiment, das als Kommunikationsplattform, Dating-App, Zufallsgenerator, Horoskop usw. funktioniert: ANALOG ohne DATEN, ohne AKKU, ohne WEB nur mit Dir und Uns engl: A tool that functions as communication platform, dating app, networking tool, horoscope etc.. ANALOG without BATTERY without DATA without WEB. Just u and us. Lets game it over, under and allround.
Presentation of an opensource laser
Wir entwickeln squarelet.org, ein Open-Source-Pinboard für kooperatives Lernen und Arbeiten. In dem Workshop stellen wir die Alpha-Version vor, erstellen Use Cases und freuen uns über eure Ideen und Anregungen.
Der etwas andere Apple-lastige Tech podcast! Wir sprechen (mehr oder minder) regelmäßig über die News der Tech Szene die uns bewegen. Meist sehr apfellastig, blicken aber auch über den Tellerrand, picken unsere derzeitigen Lieblings Apps, Serien, Filme oder sonstiges was uns gefällt. Hin und wieder Ranten wir auch und am Ende gibt es eine schönen musikalischen Rausschmeißer.
Aktuelle Infos zur Demonstration gegen den AfD-Bundesparteitag in RIESA vom 11. bis 14. Januar 2019. Alternativer Karneval in Riesa Der nächste AfD-Bundesparteitag findet vom 11.-14. Januar 2019 in RIESA (Sachsen) statt. Ein wachsendes Bündnis verschiedenster Gruppen hat sich zu einer grossen Demonstration am Samstag dem 12. Januar 2019 in RIESA zusammengeschlossen: "#AfdAde" ist der Aufruf zum Widerstand gegen den AfD-Bundesparteitag in RIESA. Riesa ist eine kleine Stadt zwischen Leipzig und Dresden, zwischen Chemnitz und Berlin. Sehr schön gelegen an der Elbe ist es zu jeder Jahreszeit einen Besuch wert. Als "Sportstadt" bekannt geworden, bietet Riesa ausserdem in der "Sachsenarena" und im "Stern" grosse Konzerte und Kulturveranstaltungen für die gesamte Region. Traditionell werden in Riesa Streichhölzer, Nudeln und Stahl produziert. Es gibt eine Fussgängerzone, ein Jugendzentrum, mehrere lokale Kultureinrichtungen und viele leerstehende Ladenräume. Überall laden Grünflächen zum Spazierengehen ein und die Ufer der Elbe bieten grossartige Plätze zum Campen und für Outdoorparties. Riesa hat zwar einen braunen Fleck, trotzdem ist Riesa bunt! Vor achtzehn Jahren hatte sich der NPD-Verlag "Deutsche Stimme" in Riesa angesiedelt. Die Riesaer haben sich das nicht gefallen lassen. Seit 2010 ist die Adresse des NPD-Verlags die "Geschwister-Scholl-Str. 4" in "01591 Riesa". Die Proteste gegen den AfD-Bundesparteitag in Riesa sollen deutlich zeigen, dass WIR Riesa nicht alleine lassen. Wir können an einem Wochenende den Rassisten und Sexisten in der NPD und der AfD gleichzeitig zeigen, dass sie in unserer Gesellschaft nichts verloren haben. Am Samstag wird es in Riesa eine grosse, gemeinsame Demonstration #AfDAde geben. Alles was die AfD hasst, trifft sich an diesem Tag in Riesa. Die AfD wird nicht nur am Samstag in Riesa sein. Von Freitagmorgen 09:00 Uhr bis Montagabend 18:00 Uhr werden etwa tausend AfD-Delegierte in der Sachsenarena tagen. Würden Samstagabend nach der grossen Demo die meisten wieder nach Hause fahren, überlassen wir Riesa den AfDlern und NPDlern. Dann lassen wir die echten Alternativen, die Widerständigen, dann lassen wir die Menschen in Riesa alleine. Der Bundesparteitag der falschen Alternative geht uns Alle an. Damit aus den Protesttagen gegen den AfD-Bundesparteitag ein grosses Fest der Alternativen wird, braucht Riesa Hilfe und Beteiligung aus der gesamten Bundesrepublik, schon bei den Vorbereitungen und nicht nur am Samstag - von Freitag bis Montag! Die echten Alternativen in Riesa brauchen Unsere Unterstützung. Gesucht werden noch weitere Soundsysteme, Künstler, Veranstaltungstechniker, Küchencrews, Rechtsanwälte, Sanis, Rollibetreuer, Kommunikationsgenies, Mobilisierungsgiganten, massenhaft Karnevalist*innen zum Mitfeiern und ein grosses Bierzelt mit Boden und Heizung. Auch wenn Ihr schon sicher seid, dass Ihr nicht nach Riesa kommen könnt, dann helft trotzdem mit durch schnelle, finanzielle Unterstützung für die Vorbereitungen, lokale Veranstaltungen oder Online-Aktionen zur Verbreitung des Aufrufs. Die AfD bedroht unsere Grundrechte, unsere Freiheiten, unseren Alltag und unsere Zukunft. Wenn wir sie nicht stören, bremsen, behindern, verhindern, wird die braune Bescherung weiterwachsen. Nutzen wir die Karnevalssaison für einen widerspenstigen Alternativen Karneval. Urlaub für Alle von Überall. Sonderzüge nach Riesa. Sonne für Riesa. Kommt zum Alternativen Karneval nach Riesa - vom Freitag dem 11.1. bis Montag den 14.1.2019! www.karnevalderalternativen.org (Dezember 2018)
Status update of the SpaceAPI project and dicussions about its future
Helping people instll Zeronet and understanding how it works
Make science experiment with Pocket Science Lab and explore how you can use it at home, classroom, research lab etc. Download PSLab Android App for the workshop https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=io.pslab
This talk is about SUSI.AI - an open source conversational framework developed by FOSSASIA developer community. The session will begin with a landscape of the world’s voice interfaces; follow by an introduction to current development of SUSI project including the overview of SUSI’s technology stack and the recent released hardware prototype; and end with a short demo on how to create a SUSI skill. A skill is an ability that allows a user to communicate with a device and demand it to perform an action by speaking a command.
Surface mount electronics for terrified beginners. Learn to assemble tiny parts on circuit boards by building a working power supply. Anyone can do it. Yes, even you who never touched anything electronic before. 90-100mins, 20€/kit, avoid caffeine immediately before. Max 21 participants per session, there is a PAPER!!1! signup list in the hardware hacking area.
foodsharing.de, a voluntary driven platform to coordinate foodsaving with more than 20000 volunteers is looking for people helping out with the development. Join us to get an overview of what we do and how you can help.
pen&paper mini "Game Jam“
The Translation teams meets twice a day during the breaks to distribute shifts and self-organise.
The Translation teams for the second channel meets twice a day during the breaks to distribute shifts and self-organise.
We need you to make ChaosZone at Chaos Communication Camp 2019 awesome. In this session we would like to start weaving the net between our hackspaces to make it happen.
Daily jeopardy sessions at Backspace assembly
We analyzed the topology and the content found on the "darknet", the set of websites accessible via Tor. We created a darknet spider and crawled the darknet starting from a bootstrap list by recursively following links.
Angel Meeting
Why software-based agents shall gain personhood
Einführung in Computerforensik
Daily jeopardy sessions at Backspace assembly
Using a simple non-technique, we will memorize digits of pi. It's fun. No prerequisites needed. In English and German. Bring your kids! (all sessions are independent from each other)
FPGAs and CPUs in your USB port. They're here, and they're open source. But what good are they? Come and share your ideas. We'll give out free USB Tomu boards to people who ask good questions! We'll cover the basics of how Fomu is set up, as well as some of the cool and very open technology you can use today to develop on some very usable FPGAs.
A warm and welcoming place for people who think they might be a little communist.
Alexa, Cortana, Siri: Where is the FOSS Personal Assistant? We do the “Wikipedia for AI” with the susi.ai project
Regiotreffen auf dem 35c3
Wie wird ein Nagel zum Magneten und warum dreht sich ein Elektromotor? Aus Kupferdraht, Nägeln, Magneten und kleinen Lämpchen könnt ihr Stromkreise, Elektromagnete und kleine Motoren bauen und verstehen, was es damit auf sich hat.
We'll give a short introduction what you might find in your machines firmware and tell the story of two hackers that magically found tens of thousands x86_64 firmware images in their backyard as well as their journey to explore common configuration fuckups, update frequencies and potential security risks. 24 vendor images that will make you wonder where we all went wrong 2 hackers looked over 5 mins on several thousand firmware images an you'll never guess what they found! These 6 x86_64 vendors belong in jail What happens when you suddenly find tenth of thousand firmware images in your backyard On a level from coreboot to [censored]. How fucked are you? You won't believe what vendors put in your firmware image. Everything you need to know if all your friends are apparently????? Having non-free firmware???? 42 Facts about vendor firmware that'll probably make you want to start your own coreboot port. Sorry, but you have to decide between these few firmware vendors. These are the biggest firmware trends of 2018, according to these two people
Die andauernde Kriminalisierung humanitärer Hilfe hat auch in diesem Jahr unsere Arbeit massiv erschwert, Menschenleben gekostet und die europäische Abschottungspolitik vorangetrieben. In diesem Talk geben wir einen Überblick darüber, welche Auswirkungen die Kriminalisierung humanitärer Hilfe haben kann und was im kommenden Jahr zu erwarten ist.
Meetup Calling all hackers, designers, makers, carers, and healthcare professionals! We want to discuss: What are challenges you face every day using standard tools for health and wellbeing? Do you have an idea that makes everyday life easier? How could you use your existing hackerspace to foster exchange and collaboration in health and care? Through Careables, maker and designer collaborate with patients and healthcare professionals to create personalized solutions and open source knowledge that will improve the lives of many patients and professionals. Accessible, comprehensive and easy to use open source hardware are being documented, collected and shared through the platform Careables.org. This platform is currently being launched and will function as repository for well documented open hardware projects. It offers many different communities a place to connect and exchange knowledge, needs and co-create solutions. It's easy to think of open hardware that make a difference in people's lives. An example of this is OPEN LIGHTS. This project offers people with wheelchairs an adjustable wheelchair specific light that makes them better visible at night and that can be built with most common DIY technologies.
“Hacks” (journalists) and “hackers” (technologists) work together to create physical and digital spaces for exploring new ways to tell stories.
Window Magic is the ambient/tape music project of Andreas Bonkowski. With an arsenal of cassettes, tape loops, analog synths, trusty fx units and escapist tunes he creates lo-fi collages and mystical soundscapes. Sometimes you hear a sound and may be not quite sure what it is. Or what it was. If you are fascinated by the mystery of noise, tape music is an artichoke, a rough diamond, a welcome phantom with many faces. Window Magic melts found sounds, manipulated source material and field recordings into tape deck ghosts and drones that haunt, flutter and sing. From a very early age growing up in East-Berlin, Andreas Bonkowski was fascinated by tape recorders and shortwave radio stations, filling C60s of his late night finds and experimenting with cutting techniques to make his own versions of songs and broadcasts. This fascination never left, though his other musical adventures with Corwood Manual or Siva. somehow took very different routes to explore other territories. Window Magic opens a portal to someplace else, channeling sounds that move outside the workings of time.
SPEAK UP 2/3. how do you say what you want to say? how do you make a point? how do you create affinity? how do you form an argument? we will learn how to write or not to write speeches. we will have a look at famous and touching speeches and how they are strucured. we will each work on our own language. bring your texts!
Action climbing training for people that are interested in ropes, knots and collectives. Focus in the morning will be on advanced stuff (#rescue, #whatthehackisacowtail, #newknots #banner) so if you feel already comfortable in ascend/decend you are even more welcome! Beginners exchange will take place in the afternoon again!
Elektra prepares some kits of her MPP tracker, you'll finish them with her help. See details here: https://wiki.freifunk.net/Freifunk-MPP-Tracker You can participate on a first come first serve base.
Come ask anything!
Frickelzwang für Sessionschwänzer
play the game - building temporary micronations at 35c3 (english & deutsch)
“Hacks” (journalists) and “hackers” (technologists) work together to create physical and digital spaces for exploring new ways to tell stories.
Alltägliche Probleme, der Vorteil zusammen zu arbeiten und die Frage nach der richtigen Form
If you want to try out NixOS doing a guided Installation then this workshop is the right one for you!
Jeder Nutzer hat das Recht bei seinen Dienstanbietern eine Kopie seiner Daten anzufordern. Doch wer macht das schon? Wir haben genau das getan. Das Ergebnis war nicht nur eine intensive und emotionale Brieffreundschaften mit der Datenschutz-Abteilung von Amazon. Das Ganze hat auch sehr viel Datenmüll zu Tage befördert. Jeder Nutzer hat das Recht bei seinen Dienstanbietern eine Kopie seiner Daten anzufordern. Doch wer macht das schon? Wir haben genau das getan. Das Ergebnis war nicht nur eine intensive und emotionale Brieffreundschaft mit der Datenschutz-Abteilung von Amazon. Das Ganze hat auch sehr viel Datenmüll zu Tage befördert. Amazon schickte eine Tabelle mit den letzten 15.000 Klicks – zu jedem Eintrag gab es bis zu 50 zusätzliche Angaben. Auf den ersten Blick war klar: In diesen Datenbergen lohnt es sich zu wühlen. Genau das haben wir in den darauf folgenden Monaten getan. Mit einigen Analysen haben wir nach Auffälligkeiten und Mustern gesucht und diese auch gefunden. Amazon weiß, wann wir wo unterwegs waren, wie es um die Qualität unserer Internetverbindung steht, wie es um die Häufigkeit von um Familienbesuchen bestellt ist und und welche Zeitung wir lesen. Der Vortrag erklärt auf unterhaltsame und kurzweilige Weise, was sich aus unserem Datenmüll mit einfachen Mitteln alles herauslesen lässt. Und warum es problematisch ist, wenn Amazon unsere Vorlieben irgendwann besser kennt, als enge Freunde. Als Bonus geben wir Euch noch die wichtigsten Tipps & Kniffe auf den Weg, wie ihr auch bei unkooperativen Unternehmen an Eure eigene Datenauskunft kommt.
Since its release in 2012, the PlayStation Vita has remained one of the most secure consumer devices on the market. We will describe the defenses and mitigations that it got right as well as insights into how we finally defeated it. The talk will be broken into two segments: software and hardware. First, we will give some background on the proprietary security co-processor we deem F00D, how it works, and what we had to do to reverse an architecture with minimal public information. Next, we will talk about hardware attacks on a real world secure hardware and detail the setup process and the attacks we were able to carry out. This talk assumes no prior knowledge in hardware and a basic background in system software. Focus will be on the methods and techniques we've developed along the way. How do you hack a device running a full featured, security hardened, and completely proprietary operating system executed on a custom designed SoC? Although the PlayStation Vita did not reach the market success of its contemporaries, it was a surprisingly solid device security-wise. Sony learned from the mistakes of PS3 and PSP and there were (mostly) no "FAIL" moments. It carried exploit mitigations that are standard today but groundbreaking for a "popular" device in 2012: SMAP, kernel ASLR, > 2 security domains, and more. Molecule was the first group to run unsigned code on the device as well as the first to hack kernel mode and TrustZone. However, to target the security co-processor (F00D), we need to bring out the big guns. Using a highly customized version of the popular ChipWhisperer hardware, we carried out hardware attacks on the device including fault injection (glitching) and side channel analysis. In a board with twelve layers, dozens of unknown ICs, and hundreds of passives, how do you even begin to attack it without any information? We will start with the basics: a whirlwind tour of the theory behind the attacks. Then we will move to the practical application: mapping out the power domains of a SoC, soldering tips for microscopic points, finding a good trigger signal, finding a glitch target, and searching the right parameters. Finally, if time permits, we will also talk a bit about how to extend our existing setup to perform side channel analysis with a few modifications. It is unfortunate that the Vita was such a niche device, but we hope this talk will inspire more people to pick it up. The Vita is dead, long live the Vita!
The classic spy movie hacking sequence: The spy inserts a magic smart card provided by the agency technicians into the enemy's computer, … the screen unlocks … What we all laughed about is possible! Smartcards are secure and trustworthy. This is the idea smart card driver developers have in mind when developing drivers and smart card software. The work presented in this talk not only challenges, but crushes this assumption by attacking drivers using malicious smart cards. We will present a fuzzing framework for *nix and Windows along with some interesting bugs found by auditing and fuzzing smart card drivers and middleware. Among them classic stack and heap buffer overflows, double frees, but also a replay attack against smart card authentication. Since smart cards are used in the authentication process, a lot of vulnerabilities can be triggered by an unauthenticated user, in code running with high privileges. During the author's research, bugs were discovered in OpenSC (EPass, PIV, OpenPGP, CAC, Cryptoflex …), YubiKey drivers, pam_p11, pam_pkc11, Apple's smartcard-services and others.
Matrix is an open standard for communication over the Internet. I will talk about the matrix standard, both the technical implementation and the reasons for its creation. We will focus on the changes and progress that has been made in the previous year, particularly getting the specification out of beta, and the growth of the ecosystem. Finally, the Matrix environment continues to develop, and we’ll look at the roadmap for the future.
We are presenting an innovative technology, which allows verifying the authenticity, integrity and/or the physical state of an item by employing the propagation behaviour of electromagnetic waves. In particular, it enables to check for any tamper attempts for larger structures, such as off-the-shelf computers and their periphery. The technology extends existing tamper proof approaches from the chip/PCB to a system level and is easily retrofittable. In this presentation, we are demonstrating exemplary tamper proofing in order to protect secret information without an attack-detection or data-deletion circuit (!), which is a known difficult problem and an imperfect undertaking. Therefore, we demonstrate the simplicity and effectiveness using a very cheap self-made testbed (using alumium foil) to protect standard hardware against invasive attacks, such as needle probing through the case. Cyber-physical systems are ubiquitous and are often located in non-trustworthy environments, in which data is processed that is both sensitive and worth protecting. Despite employed protection, measures such as secured communication an extraction of data and/or manipulation of it are often easily feasible if physical access to the components of the system is given. Or with the words of Brian Gladman: “It is relatively easy to build an encryption system that is secure if it is working as intended and is used correctly but it is still very hard to build a system that does not compromise its security in situations in which it is either misused or one or more of its sub-components fails (or is ’encouraged’ to misbehave) ... this is now the only area where the closed world is still a long way ahead of the open world and the many failures we see in commercial cryptographic systems provide some evidence for this.” Our technology is aiming to verify the integrity of such systems in order to detect attempts of an attack and activate appropriate countermeasures. The propagation behaviour of electromagnetic waves allows for an extension of the protection from individual small components to the entire periphery of a system (or even object). This allows detecting attacks, like spudding/drilling into cash terminals. By deriving cryptographic key material based on physical disorder and unclonable complexity of an environment, it is possible to create a protection, which protects secret information without an attack-detection or data-deletion circuit. Due to its generic nature it is possible to flexibly use this protection concerning size and application.
Wolltest Du schon immer mal sehen wie man Wasserstoff herstellt oder wie eine Brennstoffzelle funktioniert? Ich habe ein kleines Modell dabei, das einen Propeller antreibt.
The GPDR allows to take out your data **out** of the collapsing cloud (Google+ sunset: August 2019, Facebook jumping from data breach to breach, github now part of Microsoft), but the challenge is to take it **into** something else. This talk will show how to move it into net2o, a peer to peer system. #ybti #wefixthenet # Talk structure # 1. Motivation: The Internet is broken, it needs to be fixed. + Special highlight: Data in the cloud — up at whim to whoever owns that cloud + Nonfree software as a service means your data is useless without the service + Why free software means you have to operate it yourself 2. What is net2o: + peer to peer protocol stack + last years' talk: application layer framework. + this year: Let's talk about actual applications. 3. The technical challenge + how does data takeouts look like (Examples: Google+, Twitter, Facebook, blogger.com) + What kind of data does net2o want? + Convert the data + Done 4. The non-technical challenge + Get your contacts to net2o, too.
The Church of Monero holds weekly "Masses" where other disciples of privacy send each other a small amount of Monero in a circle-of-trust "Ring Ritual".
Play video games using an indoor localization as a controller, so that you (physically) are the player! The installation is quite retro-ish and the open source game engine Godot was used, among other things.
Weight-In und Vorausscheid für das später staffindende Hebocon-Finale
Daily Meetup for A/V Angels
Suche nach Methoden zur Förderung von kritischem Bewusstsein zu Medien- und Technikkompetenz
Die aus tuwat resultierende Gruppe AG Kritis trifft sich.
Autistic Meetup
After a short introduction about software freedom on Android and Custom ROMs, I will demonstrate the Free-Software-App-Repository "F-Droid" with its anarchic and anti-censorship features. But as F-Droid offers you access to hundreds of Free-Software-apps and the sheer amount can be overwhelming in the beginning, in a next step I will also come up with the 10 or so most important apps (IMHO!). F-Droid is a Free-Software-App-only repository for Android systems and every Android-based fork and a powerful client that is designed to be resilient against surveillance and censorship. For its competitive character, F-Droid is not available via other "app stores" (like Google Play). You have to download it via your browser once but then it is easy to install and easy to use - and without the need for any account! Once installed, F-Droid offers you access to hundreds of Free-Software-apps in compiled form and their sources. It also allows you to share (your) apps in mulitple ways, including offline methods and via onion repositories. You can add your own Free-Software-project to the official F-Droid catalogue or even set-up your own repositories and offer access via F-Droid. Unfortunately, F-Droid misses any kind of rating system, so the sheer amount of available Free-Software-apps can be overwhelming in the beginning. So, after a short introduction about software freedom on Android and Custom ROMs, I will demonstrate F-Droid with its anarchic and anti-censorship features. Next, I will come up with the 10 or so most important apps (IMHO!). **Update:** [Slides by Erik Albers, CC-BY-SA](https://web.3rik.cc/Nextcloud13/index.php/s/zRqYoA3TQb97mrP)
Bei der Konferenz Bits & Bäume haben im November Aktivist*innen unter anderem aus der Hacker- und Ökoszene über ihre Ziele, Utopien und Strategien diskutiert. Entstanden sind nicht nur neue Verbindungen sondern auch elf Forderungen an die Politik. Wir wollen die Idee und Ergebnisse der Konferenz vorstellen und mit euch gemeinsam weiterspinnen. https://bits-und-baeume.org https://bits-und-baeume.org/forderungen https://media.ccc.de/v/bub2018-246-eine_andere_digitalisierung_ist_moglich (ab 31:00)
Hacksaartours in Den Haag Besuch des Hackerspace Saar in Den Haag beim RevSpace
Alex is one third of esteemed label Kann and 1/2 of DJ Duo Manamana together with Map.ache. Aside from his former work in recordshops, Dj-ing since ages and releasing new music (Mana-All-Nite, Kann) Alex has also been quietly issuing out his own music (together with Bender) and remixes as well.
Theoriewissen für die linke Praxis: Framings entwickeln und etablieren für Aktionsplanung und Intervention in tagespolitische Debatten. Ich hab Lust die so richtig zu nerven 2019. In diesem Workshop wird durch einen Theorie-Input erklärt, was Framings sind, und an Beispielen gezeigt, wie sie von unterschiedlichen politischen Gruppen entwickelt und etabliert werden. In der Praxis ist dieses Wissen relevant, wenn es um Agendasetting und die konkrete Aktionsplanung geht, insbesondere, wenn mit Mitteln der Kunst und Kommunikationsguerilla gearbeitet wird. Ebenso für das Schreiben eines Aufruftextes, einer Pressemitteilung, Bannern, Zines und Posts in Sozialen Medien…
We talk about the how and why of **worker owned tech co-ops** and how **IT-Kollektiv** connects various collectives to create a more resilient and more resourceful network. After the talk there'll be QA and an open discussion.
Make science experiment with Pocket Science Lab and explore how you can use it at home, classroom, research lab etc. Download PSLab Android App for the workshop https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=io.pslab
Discussion was canceled because of too little space. Feel free to come by and talk personally with us about this topic.
We are interested in forming a community to analyse data and hopefully learn something helpful about how to stop the next mass extinction
Pursuit of “good customers’ experience“ not only leads to new customers, but also attract criminals of all sorts. Presentation will give overview of current security situation of ATMs with different auxiliary devices allowing cardless transactions. Cardless is new sexy for criminals. Era of ATMs has started in London in 1967. Since time, when the “hole-in-the-wall” cash machine used radiocarbon paper cheques, ATMs became more complex and smart, providing opportunity to withdraw money without cards. Vendors, in accordance to banks and consumer’s demand, create ATMs that replace plastic cards and PINs with smartphones or QR codes. Cash withdrawal from an ATM now easier than never before not only for clients, but also for attackers. Jackpotting an ATM via malware or black box are pretty familiar. Countermeasures against such attacks are already in place in many banks. Thus, attackers need to discover new (or well-forgotten) ways to achieve their evil goals. We will not chew the fat, telling stories about the old days, because new functionality provides new possibilities. Migration from Windows XP to Windows 7/10 means there is always PowerShell on the ATM. “New” types of input devices allow BadBarcode-like attacks. Legitimate auxiliary device connected to the ATM in pursuit of so-called good customers’ experience may lead to ejection of all money from ATM.
Whenever you enter a name into your computer, it resolves it to a numerical IP address. This resolution uses the Domain Name System (DNS), which is a hierarchical decentralised naming system used on the Internet. DNS is organised in a way that top-level domain (e.g. .com, .org) are delegated to registrars, which delegate subdomains (e.g. foo.com). This delegation is done as well via the DNS protocol via nameserver (NS) records. Since different types of data are kept in DNS, it can as well be seen as a distributed (and cached!) key-value store - which is fault-tolerant. I will explain the basic usage of DNS, including stub and recursive resolver, server, various protocol extensions (zone transfer, dynamic updates, authentication, notifications, ...), privacy extensions (query path minimisation, DNS-over-TLS), provisioning let's encrypt certificates. I will talk about attacks (poisoning, amplification, ...) and implementation pitfalls (not get stuck in the recursive resolver). I implemented DNS with above mentioned extensions as minimized MirageOS unikernels over past years. DNS is used since 1985 for the Internet, and provides useful service for various protocols. Its initial design could not foresee its wide usage 30 years later. DNS is a core dependency of today's Internet usage. Within the <a href="https://mirage.io">MirageOS</a> project we re-develop network protocols, and I was eager to learn about all the details of DNS, a protocol which has been around and will be around for more time since a lot of systems depend on it.
Wir wenden uns gegen Gentrifizierung, Luxussanierung und Spekulation mit Häusern. Das Mietshäuser Syndikat ist ein bundesweiter Verbund linker, selbstverwalteter Hausprojekte mit dem Ziel der Initiierung und dauerhaften Erhaltung von gemeinschaftlich genutztem und bezahlbarem Wohn- und Gewerberaum. Der Grundgedanke: Gemeineigentum wird geschaffen und dauerhaft dem Markt entzogen. Die Mieter*innen sind zugleich Besitzer*innen ohne private Gewinnerzielungsabsichten, sie transferieren Knowhow und oft auch Direktkredite an andere Hausprojekte. In einer Zeit, in der Mieten teilweise die Hälfte des Einkommens verschlingen, wollen wir mit unserer Idee des Mietshäuser Syndikats (MHS) dagegenhalten. Jedes Haus eines MHS-Hausprojektes wird dabei Gemeineigentum, die aktuellen Mieter*innen sind damit auch ihre eigenen Vermieter*innen. Das MHS beruht auf drei Grundpfeilern: Die Gruppen müssen sich selbst organisieren, sie müssen in einen Solidarfonds zur Initialisierung weiterer Hausprojekte einzahlen, und sie dürfen "ihr" Haus nie mehr verkaufen. Die einzelnen Hausprojekte agieren wirtschaftlich eigenständig, der Dachverband (das MHS) hält jedoch Besitzanteile an allen Hausprojekten und hat damit ein Vetorecht bei Verkaufsabsichten. Solvente Hausprojekte fungieren zudem intern oft als Direktkreditgeber mit dem Ziel, die Abhängigkeit von kommerziellen Bankkrediten erheblich zu reduzieren bzw. sie langfristig komplett obsolet zu machen. Die Mieten werden nur soweit erhöht, dass die laufenden Kosten gedeckt werden können. So entstehen bezahlbare Wohnräume und Räume für soziale und politische Initiativen – auch in Städten, in denen Mieten mittlerweile unerschwinglich geworden sind. Derzeit gibt es 133 MHS-Hausprojekte, in Frankreich, Österreich und den Niederlanden entstehen nach modifiziertem Modell eigene Syndikate und es gibt weltweit Beratungsanfragen. Die Hausprojekte sind in ihrer Vielfalt sehr unterschiedlich, von reinen Wohn- bis hin zu reinen Gewerbehäusern ist alles vorhanden. Oft gibt es Räume für Veranstaltungen oder Treffen von sozialen Gruppen und politischen Initiativen. Das MHS beschränkt sich auf die Organisation von Hausprojekten, denkbar wären auch andere Syndikatsideen wie z.B. Ackerland- und Wagenburgsyndikate oder lokale Energieerzeugersyndikate. Die anschließende Diskussion beleuchtet Synergien von MHS und CCC, teils am Beispiel des CCC Freiburg, der seit einem Jahr seine Clubräume in einem solchen MHS-Hausprojekt hat und so zum MHS-Mitglied wurde. Das MHS benötigt wachstumsbedingt Unterstützung bei der Einrichtung von Tools für Kommunikation, Organisation und Entscheidungsfindung, aber auch bei neuen Partizipationsformen an (teils länder- und sprachübergreifenden) Projekten oder Veranstaltungen, bei denen nur noch ein Teil der Teilnehmer*innen vor Ort ist und die übrigen digital mitwirken. Die Hausprojekte profitieren von freier Kommunikation in digitalen Datennetzen, wie es beispielsweise reudnetz oder freifunk anbieten. Die regionalen CCC-Verbände wiederum finden bezahlbare Clubräume in den Hausprojekten. Eine Zusammenarbeit auf politischer Ebene könnte genutzt werden, um gemeinsamen Kampagnen mehr Durchschlagskraft zu geben. Ganz konkret werden Projekte gegen Rechts immer notwendiger.
This workshop is for all who only have a vague idea or might not know at all what an "IP address" is. We'll learn how the Internet works by making Internet traffic visible. This is a beginner's workshop. If you toyed with Wireshark before, you will be bored to hell in this workshop.
This presentation will start off with a simple problem (how do you clear memory that holds sensitive content). It explores numerous possible solutions, and presents real live facts and figures. bugs in common applications will be shown.
Highly compartmentalized network segmentation is a long-held goal of most blue teams, but it's notoriously hard to deploy once a system has already been built. We leveraged an existing service discovery framework to deploy a large-scale TLS-based segmentation model that enforces access control while automatically learning authorization rules and staying out of the way of developers. We also did it without scheduling downtime or putting a halt to development. This talk covers how we engineered this, and shares lessons learned throughout the process. The "hard-shell, soft-center" model of network security has been popular since the invention of networks--building proper internal controls is often skipped when organizations grow quickly, and by the time that scale has been achieved, security teams resort to defending the perimeter. In this talk, I'll show an example of how we took a large modern network to a significantly more secure model by building network segmentation into the existing service discovery framework in use. Service discovery is a critical part of recent network design, and popular frameworks often offer security features. However, these tend to be difficult to implement after the network has already been established, and don't offer endpoint-to-endpoint solutions. We built a series of extensions to SmartStack, an open-source service discovery framework, that allow it to protect all communications with mutual TLS and offer both authentication and authorization. This was all done in a way that's transparent to the applications on either side, allowing us to migrate to this system without changing any application code or teaching developers the details of the system. This talk will discuss the technologies used and the challenges encountered in doing this rollout, and will aim to provide useful guidance to other security engineers wishing to make a similar transition.
I built a small demonstrator for Cross-Site-Scripting (XSS) attacks in impress.js. It would be a waste to let it stay on my computer, because I think it could help you giving a brief lecture on XSS. Much more interesting, probably, is my implementation of the whole thing: the cockpit (a header and footer that provide a visual frame, while the viewpoint navigates the 3-dimensional space of your presentation) and the handling of input to modify contents of successive slides. While I don't think to tell you anything new about cross-site scripting, I hope you are interested in the two features I add to the impress.js examples. Well the XSS-part also is interesting in itself, but I am astonished every time I find this weakness in the wild, because it is not difficult to prevent. Thus, if you also learn about XSS in the progress, I am happy. Mostly the presentation will show you two new example techniques for presentations with impress.js The cockpit: just some fixed headers and footer in the layout. But better graphical artists might actually turn this into a real cockpit view. In the end it is only a wee bitty of css, but it is something that turns a 3-d animation into a flight through the slide-space. Use my [demo sources](https://gitlab.com/larsipulami/xss-demo) and make me famous! Value-transfer: Why using JavaScript to present static slides, it makes no sense to not utilise a fully-fledged, yet tedious, interpreter environment — your web-browser — if you don't make something more dynamic with your slides. For example transferring inputs between slides and execute contents to demonstrate the effects of XSS.
librehosters is a network of cooperation and solidarity that uses free software to encourage decentralisation through federation and distributed platforms. Our values connect transparency, fairness and privacy with a culture of data portability and public contributions to the commons. This will be a talk introducing the network and will be followed by a related discussion at the librehosters assembly librehosters is a network of cooperation and solidarity that uses free software to encourage decentralisation through federation and distributed platforms. Our values connect transparency, fairness and privacy with a culture of data portability and public contributions to the commons. This will be a talk introducing the network and will be followed by a related discussion at the librehosters assembly
Surface mount electronics for terrified beginners. Learn to assemble tiny parts on circuit boards by building a working power supply. Anyone can do it. Yes, even you who never touched anything electronic before. 90-100mins, 20€/kit, avoid caffeine immediately before. Max 21 participants per session, there is a PAPER!!1! signup list in the hardware hacking area.
We create a box for making beef jerky together. Each participant (10 spots available) gets to take their box home!
This talk discusses some of the particular challenges we've faced in terms of supporting development of a free software core whose customers (app developers and users) live in the world of seamless, proprietary software. The lessons learned may not be new to anyone who has tried to produce a complex solution using only non-proprietary software libraries, but the specific discussion of the challenges of MIME and encryption in a free software context where the goal is maximum usability, cross-platform compatibility, and extensibility provides interesting use cases for further discussion.
Das Forschungsprojekt "Transformationsstadt - BürgerInnen forschen für ein Gutes Leben" (http://www.transformationsstadt.de/geoportal/) hat zum Ziel, ein GeoPortal für georeferenzierte offene Daten zu Themen des Gutes Lebens zu entwickeln. Warum noch ein GeoPortal? Und warum ein GeoPortal des Guten Lebens? Das haben wir uns auch gefragt. Die Antwort darauf erfahrt ihr in unserem Vortrag! Das GeoPortal des Guten Leben bietet eine Plattform, auf der zum einen georeferenzierbare offene Daten der Städte, Bundesländer und von wissenschaftlichen Einrichtungen fließen und zum anderen BürgerInnen Wissen über ihre Umgebung festhalten können. Alle Daten, die in das GeoPortal des Guten Lebens eingetragen werden, werden nach Dimensionen einer lokalen Adaption des Better Life Index der OECD (https://w-indikatoren.de/) indexiert. Zu den insgesamt 12 Dimensionen gehören beispielsweise Gemeinschaft, Infrastruktur, Wohnen, Engagement, Umwelt oder Sicherheit. Ziel des Portals ist einen dauerhaften Wissensaustausch zwischen Bürgerschaft und zivilgesellschaftlichen Initiativen, Wissenschaft und Kommunen zu diesen Themen zu initiieren. Eine erste Version des Portals wird aktuell entwickelt und im kleineren Rahmen getestet. Perspektivisch kann das Portal weltweit genutzt werden. Das GeoPortal des Guten Lebens wird gemeinsam von der zivilgesellschaftlichen Organisation Utopiastadt (http://utopiastadt.eu), dem Wuppertal Institut (https://wupperinst.org) und dem Zentrum für Transformationsforschung und Nachhaltigkeit (https://www.transzent.uni-wuppertal.de) entwickelt und verfolgt dabei die Grundgedanken von Open Data, Open Source und Open Access. Das Projekt wird gefördert vom Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung im Bereich Bürgerforschung.
Der Maschinenraum ist ein Hackspace, der seit fast 20 Jahren Teil des studentischen Lebens in Weimar ist. Bei uns läuft einiges anderes - wir erzählen vom Kampf um freie Software, Akzeptanz dezentraler Dienste, und dem allgemeinen Chaos. Wir betreiben als Initative des Studierendenkonvents u.a. eigene Nextcloud-, Gitlab-, Etherpad-, Wordpress- & Mastodon-Instanzen. Und wir kämpfen für freie Software in der Lehre – manchmal auch einfach nur, weil wir keinen Bock mehr haben 10 mal am Tag gefragt zu werden ob wir Photoshop cracken können. Und auch die Bürokratie kann nicht viel mit einem Hackspace anfangen, aktuell sollen wir z.B. der Innenrevision nachweisen, dass wir nicht im kriminelle Machenschaften verstrickt sind – und zwar indem wir Selbstzensur und Totalüberwachung betreiben. Wir haben also genug zu erzählen, aber erwartet bitte keinen allzu ernsten und technischen Vortrag. :)
3D-gedruckte Open Source GOTO Steuerung für 0815 Billig Teleskope, oder wer es lieber wissenschaftlich mag die bt³s Open Source und Open Hardware Steuerung zum nachbauen Open Hardware GOTO Steuerung für Low Budget Teleskope selber bauen. Erfahrungsbericht und Live Demonstration. Vorstellen der 3D gedruckten Open Hardware GOTO Steuerung für Teleskope (Entwickelt von Roman Hujer). Technische Details zur Hardware sowie Quellen Empfehlungen zum Nachbau. Konfiguration vorstellen für die GOTO Steuerung (Firmware) und Schnittstellen Konfiguration in Stellarium. Stellarium Konfiguration detailliert für GOTO Steuerung, GPS Daten via GPS/Glonas USB Stick einpflegen und Sternen und Satelliten Datenbank Repositories aktivieren und erweitern.
Das "Freifunk-Vernetzungsmumble" ist ziemlich tot. Warum? Möglichkeiten der Zusammenarbeit auf Community-Ebene? Es soll hier nicht die x-te Auflage von "warum das ICVPN in Zeiten von Public IPv6 niemand mehr will" und "warum es keine internen Dienste gibt" sein. Wir sehen deutlich mehr größere "Festivals", das WCW wird größer obwohl das Leben in vielen lokalen Communities eher weniger wird. Welche Inhaltliche Zusammenarbeit können wir ganz konkret selbst anbieten und wie könnte man es organsiieren, ohne eine Tooldebatte um "Mailingsliste vs. Slack vs Wiki (welches eigentlich?)" zu eröffnen.
Mexico is complicated, but we eat our way to an explanation. For all of Mexico’s problems, the food is not one of them. Join Florian and Nick as they dine their way through discussions of life in Mexico from their German and American born perspectives. There might be free tacos.
Android entgooglen (Max) Warum ich 1 Mozillian wurde (Jens) Android Entwicklung - Nativ vs nicht-Nativ (Abraham) Arduino ohne Arduino – bau nur den Microcontroller ein! (noniq) Amateurfunk (Janek Gàl und Noah Rullmann)
Im NSU-Komplex arbeiten aktuell auf juristischer sowie ausser- wie innerparlamentarischer Ebene verschiedene Akteure an der Aufklärung. Wir wollen uns über den aktuellen Stand und weitere Schritte verständigen. Ziel ist eine bessere Vernetzung und aufzuzeigen, wo auch das Chaos-Umfeld bei der NSU-Aufklärung helfen kann.
Demoscene Time Machine (aka David Whiting) has been making melodic bleepy music since 2008. Inspired by old SNES soundtracks, DOS demos and the ever-versatile range of the PC speaker, he’s now in full force producing heavy dancefloor-friendly fakebit music with catchy melodies and infectious beats.
Vortrag: Fledermaus Streaming Project NABU, CCC und Dominik Eulberg & DJ Spock Die Geräusche der Fledermäuse werden hörbar in Musik umgewandelt und gestreamt.
Ana Bogner is an electronic musician and sound artist. Her artistic content revolves around the theme of imaginary space: poetic realities as a state of human consciousness. She works both compositionally and installatively - architecturally. She layers spheres, dreams of utopian urban ambience, built on ethereal light-heartedness through which stories float. She received a honorary mention "Digital Musics and Sound Art" for "sounds from the white box" (as part of the exhibition Pulse 'Lab II: Works for Wave Field Synthesis', initiated by Robert Henke), Ars Electronica, AUS In 2014 her EP multiple proportions was published on headphonica. In 2019 there will be the release of 1967/People in collaboration with Arpen.
From the family...
Was wir aus 16 Jahren Restrealitaet für die Organisation von Communities im Internet und im RealLife lernen können. Die Restrealitaet (RR) ist eine Online-Community für die Berliner Party- und Subkultur. Die RR existiert seit Februar 2003 und wurde seitdem von der so genannten "Heimleitung" (lange bestehend aus sechs Personen) ehrenamtlich betreut. Es gibt rund 40.000 registrierte User, von denen ca. 3.000 derzeit noch regelmäßig die RR besuchen. Die Kommunikation in der RR läuft anonym über Avatare mit Pseudonymen. Trotzdem haben sich viele der Nutzer*innen über die Jahre im RealLife kennen und lieben - aber leider auch manchmal hassen - gelernt. Dies führt einerseits zu ganz tollen Dingen, wie z.B. eine immer verlässliche Nachbarschaftshilfe, kompetente Beratung in (fast) allen Lebenslagen, langjährige Freundschaften bis hin zu Familiengründungen und noch so vieles mehr. Aber neben all diesen wunderschönen Sachen gibt es bei einer so großen Gemeinschaft mit einem gewissen Hang zu Grenzerfahrungen natürlich auch hin und wieder eine dunkle Schattenseite. Es entstehen Probleme, die sich bei der Gründung der RR niemand auch nur annähernd vorstellen konnte. Anfangs gab es in der RR sprichwörtlich keine Regeln. Aber schon bald mussten zumindest rudimentäre RRegeln postuliert werden, die aber eigentlich nur selbstverständliche Umgangsformen umschreiben. Nur äußerst selten werden User*innen aufgrund dieser RRegeln verwarnt, bzw. temporär oder sogar dauerhaft ausgeschlossen. Die Selbstregulierung des Forums hat, dank der Mithilfe aller User*innen, jahrelang wunderbar funktioniert. Anders wäre der völlig unkommerzielle Betrieb der RR über einen so langen Zeitraum auch gar nicht möglich gewesen. Es gab Phasen, in denen der alltägliche Betreuungsaufwand für die Heimleitung minimal war. Aber leider kam es dann auch immer wieder zu so problematischen Situationen, dass der Umgang mit diesen selbst für ein gut funktionierendes und eingeschworenen Team kaum mehr zu bewältigen war. 2015 wurde deswegen der "RRat" gegründet, der aus rund zehn Personen besteht und als eine Art Schiedsstelle die Heimleitung bei der alltäglichen Moderation des Forums - aber vor allem auch in schwierigen Situationen - tatkräftig und moralisch unterstützt. Die RR ist nach wie vor ein offenes Experiment, das niemanden ausschließen und alternative Lebensweisen erkunden möchte. Deswegen freuen wir uns sehr auf einen Ideen- und Erfahrungsaustausch mit allen anderen Kollektiven, Projekten und Kreaturen beim 35C3.
What is the combination between a Demo and a Rave? A Demo Rave. How does it work? What is needed to produce such a thing? What is important do know, from experience? This workshop is for all that want to bring resistant life, dancing and music to the streets and protest for something that is worth fighting for. Wer einem Aufruf zu einer Demo folgt, verspürt einen inneren Auftrag, seine Haltung und Werte auf die Straße zu tragen. Und das ist gut so. Wer in letzter Zeit bei #afdwegbassen und anderen Rave-Demos war, hat sich dabei vllt. auch schonmal die Frage gestellt, wie sich das eigentlich alles organisiert an so einem Tag. Was ist zu beachten bei der Orga einer Rave-Demo? Was muss ich wissen und können, damit das alles gut klappt und für alle beteiligten Menschen sicher und freudig und sinnig bleibt? Wir gehen in diesem Workshop also der Frage nach: Wie geht das eigentlich wenn es heißt "oder macht euer eigenes Ding"? & produzieren ein (Digital-)Dokoment was wir mit anderen teilen und um (Erfahrungs-)Wissen erweitern können."
This is a meetup for (not only cannabis) vaporisation enthusiasts.
What inspired the Church of Monero? What is the purpose of the Church of Monero?
Mitch teaches how to solder to young kids of 4 to 6 years! They will solder a nifty Trippy RGB Waves Kit.
Como crear una red portable sin conexión externa para proteger tu privacidad
Meetup and Kick-Off for the CCC R5 Task force: Reuse, Repair, Recycle, Rethink, Redesign
It's time to highlight facts and epic fails that were observed on the wire during attempts to block Telegram in Russia. Russian Federal Service for Supervision of Communications, IT and Mass Media started the process to ban Telegram on April the 16th. Roskomnadzor press-office claimed that the process will take a few hours. Telegram mostly worked in Russia during the incident beginning and still works half a year later. Russia banned Amazon, Google, Microsoft, DigitalOcean, Hetzner and other networks covering almost 0.5% of Internet Protocol address space, presumably, to put pressure on international businesses to make Telegram persona non-grata on those networks. Russia also banned IP addresses of major local businesses (VKontakte, Yandex and others), presumably, by mistake. A flaw in the filter was exploited to bring one of the major ISPs down for a while. Moscow Internet exchange point announced that alike flaw of the filter could be used to disrupt peering. Proxy-hunting experiments were observed sniffing live network traffic, both for obfuscated MTProto proxy and good old Socks5. This talk will <em>not</em> cover legal aspects of the lawyers fighting for Telegram in court. Also, it will <em>not</em> show any "insider" information from Telegram team.
A cryptojacking website abuses the computing resources of its visitors to covertly mine for cryptocurrencies in the browser. In this talk, we explore this phenomenon and answer, amongst others, the following questions: How does the mining script work under the hood? How common is this attack? How much money do the attackers earn? And how can I defend myself against such attacks? With the introduction of memory-bound cryptocurrencies, such as Monero, the implementation of mining code in browser-based JavaScript has become a worthwhile alternative to running dedicated mining rigs. Based on this technology, a new form of parasitic computing, widely called cryptojacking, has gained momentum in the web. In this talk, we systematically explore this phenomenon: To begin with, we demonstrate how modern web technologies are used to create an efficient miner solely in JavaScript. We then present our methodology on how to identify mining scripts on real websites at scale, which we use for a study on the Alexa top 1 million websites. In particular, we perform several secondary analyses to gain insight into the cryptojacking landscape, including a measurement of code characteristics, an estimate of expected mining revenue, and an evaluation of current blacklist-based countermeasures.
Reverse Engineering zum Aufspüren von Schwachstellen ist gängige Praxis. Umso überraschender kam für 2 Forschungsteams die Abmahnung durch Rechtsanwälte eines Herstellers. Sie hatten Schwachstellen aufgedeckt und damit, so der Hersteller, seine Rechte verletzt. Vorwurf? Vom Verstoß gegen das Urheberrecht bis zum Verrat von Geschäftsgeheimnissen war alles dabei. Nach hunderten Seiten an Schriftsätzen, einem zurückgehaltenen Paper sowie 7 Stunden Marathon-Prozess konnte ein Vergleich geschlossen werden, bei dem wir mit einer Verpflichtung zum Responsible Disclosure davon kamen - die Kernfragen bleiben jedoch offen: Welche Teile des Reverse Engineering sind rechtswidrig? Verstößt Reversing auch zum Zwecke der IT-Sicherheitsforschung gegen das Urheberrechtsgesetz? Was schützt in Zukunft Sicherheitsforscher vor rechtlichen Schritten des Herstellers? Wie können sich Unternehmen verhalten und welche Abwägungen müssen vor der Veröffentlichung getroffen werden? Wir berichten vom Ablauf eines solchen Prozesses inklusive Anekdoten, weisen auf die Unklarheiten in geltendem Recht hin und schaffen ein Bewusstsein für die Problematik.
Mietshäuser Syndikat + CCC = Synergien? Raum für Nachfragen zum Vortrag im Dijkstra am 29.12. 17.10 Uhr
Voctomix / Voctoknopf discussion after the daily meetup for A/V angels (day 3)
Was tun für mehr Datenschutz? Bericht aus dem Alltag einer Datenschutz-Aufsichtsbehörde, Workshop und Meetup von Datenschützern für Datenschützer, Hacker und andere Interessierte.
Kids DJ-Workshop
Creating and using paper star wheel with walkthrough through sky with Stellarium app.
Party with the haecksen! Dance and celebrate with an uplifiting drum and base mix by dj shroombab (https://m.soundcloud.com/shroombab). Party party!
Am Beispiel einiger Freifunkinstallationen in Flüchtlingsunterkünften in München wird anhand von Best Practices beschrieben, wie am besten vorzugehen ist. Budget, Ansprache der Verantwortlichen, technische Hürden, Umsetzung, Planung, Rückbau.
A conversation on the latest development in privacytech with a panel of researchers, developers and entrepreneurs.
A conversation on the latest development in blockchains, cryptography and privacy tech with a panel of researchers, developers and entrepreneurs.
A space for tech-coops and people that are interested in tech-coops to get to know each other and socialize. Plan next steps and make plans to stay in touch after congress.
If everything really does become a product – art, ideas, colours, the pictures of our surroundings and even our ‘selfies’ – then who do the pictures we take of ourselves, and our world belong to?
Der Talk gibt einen Überblick über die Arbeit der Gesellschaft für Freiheitsrechte (GFF): Wir klagen, um Grund- und Menschenrechte vor Gesetzgebern und Behörden zu schützen. Die letzten Jahre waren harte Zeiten für die Bürgerrechte: Im Bund regierten große Koalitionen, die reihenweise Überwachungsgesetze verabschiedeten - etwa die Staatstrojaner im Strafverfahren, das neue BKA-Gesetz oder den Zugriff von Geheimdienste auf die biometrischen Passbildern aller Bürgerinnen und Bürger, selbst wenn sie sich nichts haben zuschulden kommen lassen. Auch in vielen Bundesländern scherten sich die Parlamente nicht viel um Grundrechte, etwa in Bayern, wo seit dem Sommer das härteste Polizeigesetz seit dem Ende der Nazi-Diktatur herrscht - ein Gesetz, das so krass ist, dass sich sogar die Polizeigewerkschaft kritisch äußerte. Diese und viele andere Themen beschäftigen die GFF, die mit strategischen Klagen versucht, Grundrechte und Menschenrechte zu schützen. Unsere Arbeit geht dabei weit hinaus über den Bereich "digitale Grundrechte" hinaus: Derzeit laufen Verfahren bzw. bereiten wir Verfahren vor gegen § 219a StGB (Maulkorb für Ärzt*innen, die Abtreibungen vornehmen), die Polizeigesetze in Bayern, NRW und Hessen, das Verbot von linksunten.indymedia, die Staatstrojaner in der StPO sowie gegen die Internet-Massenüberwachung durch den BND durch das G10 und das BND-Gesetz. Außerdem engagieren wir uns in einem Verfahren für gleiches Gehalt für Frauen und Männer und organisieren gemeinsam mit Frag den Staat eine Serie von Transparenzklagen, um Informationsfreiheit auch vor Gericht durchzusetzen.
In this talk, I discuss how to reliably find bugs in the Chrome IPC system with the goal of escaping the sandbox. I show how to enumerate the attack surface, how to identify the weak areas, and how to fuzz those areas efficiently to consistently produce bugs. Since the win32k lockdown on the Chrome renderer process, full chain Chrome exploits on Windows have become very rare, with the most recent successful competition exploit occurring in 2015. By applying new fuzzing strategies, I was able to identify many vulnerabilities in the sandbox in the past year, one of which I used to demonstrate a full chain exploit at Hack2Win this year when combined with a teammate's RCE bug. In this talk I hope to show how I found these bugs by using extremely targeted fuzzing in a way that was easy to setup but reliably had great results, and briefly cover how we leveraged one use after free bug to fully escape the sandbox.
Try out a mechanical keyboard or show off your collection.
While looking at Free and Open Source Software (FOSS) products for end-users, three major observations can be made: 1. There exist amazing products, 2. nevertheless FOSS has only a small market share and 3. many projects suffer from lacking resources.In this session we want to discuss an idea to generate significant funding for Free Software and distribute it among the projects with the overall aim of increasing the spread and the quality of Free Software.We first review existing business models and then propose the sale of *FOSS-support-certificates* as a feasible combination of some of those.With that money, FOSS projects would have more resources for development, design, marketing, documentation, etc. A rough estimate of the funding potential yields up to 1000 full time positions. Due to increased publicity and improved user experience, the market share of FOSS is likely to rise - to the benefit of the whole society. Contact: kontakt<ät>fsfw-dresden.de
Was war, was ist, was wird - ein Überblick über die Events der letzten Zeit und unsere Pläne für mehr Selbstverwaltung
Die bisherigen Lösungen für Lichtsteuerung sind in der Regel teuer oder sehr kompliziert/nutzerunfreundlich. Ziel ist es, eine neue Lichtsteuerung zu entwickeln, die auf FOSS-Basis ein gutes Werkzeug für kreative wird.
Wir laden ein zur Diskussion über verschiedene Methoden der Energiegewinnung und ihre Einflüsse auf Umwelt und Mensch. Energiegewinnung und Umweltschutz sind relevante, aber auch kontroverse Themen, bei denen es schwierig ist, sich zu äußern, ohne ins Kreuzfeuer zu geraten. Stigmata und Vorurteile dominieren die Presse und machen einen sachlichen Konsens unmöglich. Um dem entgegenzuwirken, möchten wir mit euch über genau diese Themen diskutieren und auch kritische Punkte ansprechen, die nicht gern gehört werden. Von Atom bis Wind soll jede Quelle Thema sein.
Digital is death. Shortly before the Tibetan Highlands, a small clearing, dressed with black fern which sways to the rhythm of the sun, extends itself. Here you can meet the inhabitants of a sleepy coastal village, who had found the remains of a huge comet years ago. A viscous dark mass that they turned immediately into brownies with ice cream and pickles. The energy that was gained from the process drives huge machines, planting anemones and helps the bees with their mating rituals. Every 1210 years when the planets order in a circular orbit, a child is born into this magical world, who comes to change everything. Viktor grew up in a musical family on the outskirts of a small mountain village. Early on, he discovered his love for nature and analogue soundscapes. He devoured all the sounds of nature and the vastness of the Antarctic wilderness and distilled from them his deep sound which accompanies him until today.
Das Kraftfuttermischwerk. Srlsy? Ihr kennt Ronny nich? Bester Mumpelkollege, Chillflaggenhochhalter, hat auch ein tollen Myspaceaccount. Das Kraftfuttermischwerk. Srlsy? You don't know Ronny? Best mate, chilloutmusic clockstone, also has a great myspaceaccount.
Alex is one third of esteemed label Kann and 1/2 of DJ Duo Manamana together with Map.ache. Aside from his former work in recordshops, Dj-ing since ages and releasing new music (Mana-All-Nite, Kann) Alex has also been quietly issuing out his own music (together with Bender) and remixes as well.
Do you have something you want to say and stick it to the walls, poles etc. of your city? Do you have something you want to say and stick it to the walls, poles etc. of your city? Let’s make it happen! Stickers offer a simple and playful format for expressing politics. We offer to show some DIY methods and techniques on how to design and produce them. Afterwards, you can create your own rad stickers and stick them on wherever you like (including your neighbors toilet or the forehead of your friend).
lets meetup for joggling, poi and other artistic things. Ever wanted to learn how to juggle? now is the chance.
Die bisherigen Lösungen für Lichtsteuerung sind in der Regel teuer oder sehr kompliziert/nutzerunfreundlich. Ziel ist es, eine neue Lichtsteuerung zu entwickeln, die auf FOSS-Basis ein gutes Werkzeug für kreative wird.
Using HD capable hardware wallet for SSH and PGP.
Learn to see the world without your eyes: hands on, with blindfold and guide cane! Learn to use your everyday senses in ways you don't know you don't know, from Sai, who navigates blind all the time.
realdadaistische neujahrsandacht
Wir als Chaostreff Flensburg machen (Technik) Jugend Bildung außerhalb von Schulen und wollen darüber reden und wissen wie das andere machen.
Join us for a nice hour (or two) of open discussion around the topics of maritime hacking. Meet&Greet included.
Meetup/Discussion for Hackers concerned with Climate Change
Mars Rover Curiosity is one of the most sophisticated pieces of hardware ever launched into space. Because of the communication delay from Earth to Mars, it needs to accomplish most of its tasks completely autonomously: landing, navigation, exploration and singing birthday songs to itself. To do all this, it only has one central onboard computer. Let's look at that computer and the software it runs in detail. <p>While space is a somewhat unique environment, we can still learn a lot by looking at how the pieces hardware and software on board of Curiosity are designed and managed. The spacecraft only has one onboard computer that took over from the second it was launched towards Mars. It navigated the stars and orbits, managed a very complicated landing procedure, and now drives around as a car-sized rover over rocks and slippery ravines, all while collecting samples and analysing them with its on board lab.</p> <p>First we'll have a look at the history of the Mars Science Laboratory plans, then in part two we will launch into hardware. What processors do we have, how are the working together? How is redundancy handled, and shielding against radiation?</p> <p>As a part three, we'll look closely at the rover's software. Using over the air updates, almost all code running on Curiosity has been pushed there after it had landed on Mars. NASA pushed updates to enable new scientific missions, to make it traverse the environment in a different way, and to route around broken hardware. </p> <p>After listening to this talk, you should find yourself inspired to look at problems of software and hardware fault-tolerance and long-term maintenance in a new light. You should be entertained by a hopefully interesting aspect of computers and space flight. And you'll get a certain awe of the engineers at JPL and their accomplishments. </p>
This is a foundations talk about modeling and simulation as tools for development, testing and debugging systems. It requires very little previous knowledge to address all makers and hobbyists interested in creating or modifying hardware that physically interacts with its environment (e.g. robots, drones, etc.). It explains the purpose of modeling and simulation, basic principles, and tips and tricks on a practical level. During the development of robots, drones or other machines, the individual components are usually not all available at the same time, but are developed and tested separately and then assembled to the final system. Thus, it is often useful to have a placeholder that acts just like the missing components that are not present. Or, for debugging, it might be useful to have a reference configuration, which is known to work, in order to exclude potential sources of error. On the other side, it might be helpful to artificially recreate errors to test the system for robustness to these errors without risking real hardware. This is where modeling and simulation are useful tools to make the development faster and less error-prone. This talk explains basic modeling and simulation techniques that help even for small project, how to model the physical effects encountered most frequently and to make a simulation of the created model run in a simple way. All examples will be held as practical as possible for community projects, relying only on common hardware and open-source software, in order to make them useful for a broad audience. Bring your computer with Gnumeric, Python and OMEditor installed to follow the examples, if you want.
Where is the blockchain, how long is it, and what does it have to do with cryptography? And is it really something completely new? I spent a lot of time in pubs explaining to people what this blockchain hype is all about. It turns out that the best way to do that is to use images - literally. The idea behind this talk is to give you a rough understanding of the scientific background behind the Blockchain technology. We make a short excursion into the field of distributed computing where we gain a rough understanding of the origins behind this technology - in a most abstract way. We explore how different kinds of Blockchains are formed and what kind of properties we may achieve - good as well as the bad ones. Be warned: This is not meant as investment advice. The goal of the talk is to give you an actual basic understanding of the topic so you can teach your uninformed friends at the pub, too.
OParl ist ein Datenstandard für kommunale Entscheidungen, welche in Ratsinformationssystemen gespeichert werden. Mit den Daten kann man Transparenz und Beteiligung vor Ort fördern. Auf dem 33C3 stand der Standard in den Kinderschuhen, nun findet er zunehmend Verbreitung, und Version 1.1 ist auch veröffentlicht. Wir - ein Team der Open Knowledge Foundation - wollen den Stand der Dinge präsentieren gemeinsam über die Zukunft reden: Anwendungen, Standard-Weiterentwicklung, weitere Verbreitung.
Demarchy / Sortition / Elections by random selection - interested?
Wir (Anna und Claudia) vom Zellkultur-podcast (https://zellmedien.de/podcast/) würden uns sehr freuen auf der Bühne oder am Sendetisch eine Livesendung zu machen. Wir diskutieren - auch gerne mit Gästen - über aktuelle und nicht so aktuelle Themen aus dem Bereich Life Science. Seit 2015 gibt es unseren podcast, 2016 haben wir das erste Mal eine Live-Sendung auf dem c3 gemacht und da Fragen unserer Zuhörer beantwortet und mit unseren Gästen diskutiert. Und dabei Franzbrötchen gegessen. Weil das so schön war, haben wir das letztes Jahr wiederholt, diesmal mit dem Hauptthema Hygiene auf dem c3. Auch dieses Jahr hätten wir wieder großes Interesse eine Live-Sendung auf dem Kongress zu machen.
Abgründe und Gruseligkeiten aus der Operations-Welt Software will nicht nur gebaut, sondern auch betrieben werden. Spätestens, wenn es sich beim Production Environment nicht länger um Wohnzimmerprovider, Standard-Webspace und FTP handelt, wird schnell deutlich, was ein Stück Code wirklich taugt, ob er skaliert, oder ob das, was in der Entwicklungsumgebung noch ganz nett aussah im Betrieb für ernsthafte Schmerzen sorgt. Doch nicht nur die Software selbst hat Grusel-Potential...
NYMTech's first step in anonymizing everything
A meet-up at assembly place.
After several sessions on #OpenScience and related topics we want to get together to get to know each other and discuss further
How should a social network work? What is the Solid technology and how will it improve the current social network situation? (Spoiler: a lot)
The Translation teams meets twice a day during the breaks to distribute shifts and self-organise.
The Translation teams for the second channel meets twice a day during the breaks to distribute shifts and self-organise.
Insights from 40 years of civic gamma radiation measurement networks and DIY sensor development How to pick the fission plant signatures out of atmospheric dose readings
🙈 🙉 🙊 You Know Stuff ☐ ☒ ☑ Answer nerdy questions on your notebook / smartphone and win a (small) price 😸 😹 😻
covering cohabitation projects that mix permaculture with hackerculture, an online & onsite community
Du kennst Wikipedia. Gibt es ja auch seit 17 Jahren. Du nutzt Wikipedia regelmäßig und weißt alles darüber. Aber wer zur Hölle sind Wikimedia, MediaWiki, Wikidata? Was machen die? Was können sie für dich tun? Menschen, die für Wikipedia Artikel oder Code schreiben, sich politisch oder kulturell oder für die Freiwilligen der Wikipedia einsetzen, können dir in dieser Session deine Fragen beantworten.
Esmark is the latest musical vehicle of sound architect Nikolai von Sallwitz and experimental artist Alsen Rau. They’ve worked together on a variety of experimental and performative projects since 2001. Their latest project was recorded in late 2016, in Scandinavia, where they beautiful surroundings and solitude inspired them to record enough music for two albums. Rather than save some of the music for a followup album, a decision was made to release two albums simultaneously. Both Nikolai von Sallwitz and Alsen Rau are experienced musicians, who have enjoyed lengthy and successful careers. They’ve both previously worked together, and have also worked with a variety of different artists in a variety of roles. In the case of sound architect Nikolai von Sallwitz he was mastered Scheich In China first two albums and has written for the Karachi Files’ 2016 debut eponymous album and Scheich In China. However, Nikolai von Sallwitz is best known as known as Taprikk Sweezee, which is the moniker he has been using since 2006. Since then, Taprikk Sweezee has worked in a variety of capacities, ranging from singer and songwriter, to recordist remixer and producer. His career as Taprikk Sweezee started in 2006 as a vocalist and since then, he has served what is akin to a musical apprentice. That is only part of the Taprikk Sweezee story. Taprikk Sweezee has written music and has been involved with sound design for film, theatre and a variety of art and pop projects. Somehow, Taprikk Sweezee has found time to collaborate with a number of visual artists, including Chris Hoffmann, Andreas Nicholas Fischer and Robert Seidel. There are it seems, many strings to Taprikk Sweezee’s bow. In 2010, Taprikk Sweezee released his debut EP Conversea. A year later, and Taprikk Sweezee returned with his sophomore EP Poly. Taprikk Sweezee also finds time to work on projects with his friend Alsen Rau, including on the Barabass, Scheich in China and their most recent project Esmark. Just like Nikolai von Sallwitz, Alsen Rau has a wealth of musical experience. Over the years, he has been a member of various groups including Barabass, who released an EP in 2006. On + Brr followed in 2010, who released their debut album Peace and Love in 2010. This was followed by a quartet of singles. Alsen Rau’s next project was Scheich in China, who have released five albums between 2014 and 2016. However, this is just part of the story of Alsen Rau. He’s also one of the founders and curators of Kraniche, a Hamburg-based club, that is renowned for exhibitions of experimental art. They’ve received praise and plaudits from critics and cultural commentators. There’s also been performances of experimental music at Kraniche, which has gained a reputation as a place that is unafraid to showcase ambitious and inventive music. Away from Kraniche, Alsen Rau has also curated a number of exhibitions, performances and readings, and is heavily involved with city’s art scene. However, much of Alsen Rau’s time is spent making music.
„Welche Rolle spielt Musik bei der Identitätsbildung? Müssen Punker Punk hören? Dürfen Rocker nur Gitarre? Raver nur Techno? Rastas Reggae? Oder lässt sich da was extrahieren, gibt es sowas wie eine universale Musik? Aus einer in 30 Jahren in viele Richtungen gewachsenen Plattensammlung mit Subkulturaffinität werden im berliner underground, auf festivals wie fusion und eben auch hier Antworten versucht, Vinyl only, alles analoge Handarbeit.“
First time show of a video produced at a feminist protest in italy https://evulvissima2018.wordpress.com/
During the Congress we run a research office where we are collecting and analyzing public and personal data on the social and economic situation of club culture (raves, commercial clubs, progressive subculture). In a workshop we can collectively reflect on this. Club Culture and Urban Transformation Processes: A Data Perspective (daily opening hours 14-18pm - archive in progress - workshop on day 3) Following last years workshop on critical club culture we will run during the congress a research office where we are collecting and analyzing public and personal data on the social and economic situation of club culture (raves, commercial clubs, progressive subculture). We want to collect data of websites and literature related to the topic to highlight urban transformation processes (eg gentrification, culturalization, eventization). We will provide a digital library for information exchange. Our focus is on the cities where the congress was taking place: Hamburg, Berlin, Leipzig. Participants are invited to „refresh memories“ by contributing further information, ideas, data on their cultural infrastructure via surveyforms. This is testing ground for a more indepth interrogation and investigation next year. In the workshop we will present our questions, aims and first results and collectively reflect with you on this project. We want to connect, network, collaborate with you - as we are seeking to continue at 36C3 with this topic and take it further, outline first ideas for 2019.
Everyday at 20:00 at the Assembly of the Free Software Foundation Europe we invite you to sing together the Free Software song; We have the lyrics and a conductor. Simply come, bring your hacker buddies and your voice and maybe an instrument and we form an ad-hoc choir and sing out loud our love for Free Software! Sing-along sessions will happen everyday at 20:00.
This talk is about the story of FOSSASIA - one of the biggest open source community from Asia. How did we begin, what have we achieved in the last 10 years. Our lessons learned, our challenges and our next 10 year vision.
Rubik's Cube - Learn to Solve
Make science experiment with Pocket Science Lab and explore how you can use it at home, classroom, research lab etc. Download PSLab Android App for the workshop https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=io.pslab
Daily jeopardy sessions at Backspace assembly
How to make mead (honey wine)
we will run during the congress a research office where we are collecting and analyzing public and personal data on the social and economic situation of club culture
Smash the opposition, neutralize threats to the empire, protect your specie's way of life, in the Matrix Game The Klingon Civil War
Relaxed get-together of conscious entities interested in creating / working with / analyzing / breaking cryptography.
A film about the emotional push and pull of work, its demands and absurdities, and the struggle for fulfilment.
Jam session with the weird self-built instruments at the T.R.A.S.H. space
We're going to play some rounds of the german drinking game "Flunkyball" right outside the main entrance
Daily jeopardy sessions at Backspace assembly
A chaotic introduction to the world of modular synthesis. For children from 12 years old.
Im Datenschutz podcast geht es um Privatsphäre, Datenschutz und die gesellschaftlichen Auswirkungen der digitalisierten Welt. Datenschutz ist ein "Gähn-Thema". In der breiten Masse weckt schon das Wort die unweigerliche Reaktion: "Mir egal, ich habe ja nichts zu verbergen!" Dabei geht es gar nicht darum, jemanden eines Verbrechens zu überführen, die wir alle - hoffentlich! - nicht begangen haben, sondern um etwas ganz Grundlegendes: darum, unsere fundamentalen Grundrechte zu verteidigen, die bei zunehmender Überwachung, Untergrabung unserer Freiheit und allem, was die Politik weltwelt momentan aus dem Hut zieht, immer mehr in Vergessenheit geraten.
Sonderfolge Akronymisierbar mit Gästen und Freunden der show. Offenes Gespräch, siehe http://www.akronymisier.bar/012 Sonderfolge Akronymisierbar mit Gästen und Freunden der show. Offenes Gespräch, siehe http://www.akronymisier.bar/012
This project is started by Kee Wee Teng - a Singaporean ex-fighter pilot trainer of the national air force, who is also a member of FOSSASIA Org. Kee Wee's motivation is to turn Singapore to a making nation and foster local production with open technologies.
Sewing electricity with Helen Leigh
Just a gathering of Data Science Enthusiasts and a discussion about security in data science
Schon Wladimir Wladimirowitsch Putin wusste: "Hacker, das sind freie Menschen, so wie Künstler." Wie wollen dafür sorgen, dass es so bleibt. Der Hacksport erfreut sich immer größerer Beliebtheit – nicht nur in Russland. In diesem Einführungs-Talk geben wir einen Überblick über die Risiken des Hobbys: Eingetretene Türen, Hausdurchsuchungen und hohe Anwaltskosten trüben den Genuss des freien Hacksports. Hier lohnt es sich für den hackenden Nachwuchs, aus den Fehlern anderer zu lernen. Wir geben klassische Beispiele für Fehler in der Operational Security, damit Ihr sie nicht machen müsst.
We are going to outline the ingredients necessary to perform measurements at the LHC, starting from an ordinary bottle of hydrogen. Let us take you on a journey following the path of the protons from this bottle to being ready for collisions in one of the detectors. Once the collisions are recorded we show the approaches and tools on how to extract the metaphorical needle in the haystack. The Large Hadron Collider at CERN is one of the largest and most precise machines mankind has built. As a particle accelerator, it enables us to study proton collisions in large detector experiments such as ATLAS and CMS. These detectors basically work like huge cameras with millions of channels taking up to one billion snapshots of the collisions per second. In a large fraction of these collisions, reactions take place that have been studied and understood for decades now. The very rare processes, however, are those that are especially interesting, but at the same time challenging to extract. The probabilities of processes, that have been studied and confirmed so far, span a range of 14 orders of magnitude. Finding the needle in the haystack of events we record at the LHC is like trying to score a field goal in basketball from space. The rareness of the interesting phenomena not only calls for pure physics understanding, but it also requires advanced techniques in data mining to find as many events of interest as possible while reducing the number of incorrectly accepted events. Hence, data handling in high energy physics means to dig into petabytes of data to filter out and catch a hand full of interesting reactions.
Moderne Medizintechnik ist teuer und wenn sie kaputt geht, dann kann man sie normalerweise nur durch Servicetechnikerinnen austauschen lassen. Designkriterien orientieren sich an den Gesundheitsversorgung reicher Länder. Wir stellen ein System zur Messung der wichtigsten Vitalparameter vor, das nicht nur open source und frei, sondern auch für den off-road Einsatz ausgelegt ist, wenn die Servicehotline nicht erreichbar ist. Medizinische Versorgung orientiert sich immer stärker an ökonomischen Aspekten und das gilt auch für Medizingeräte. Insbesondere werden sie für Industrieländer entwickelt. Wie bei Laptops und Smartphones geht der Trend zu unreparierbaren Einmalgeräten. Was aber, wenn man als kleine NGO mit wenig Geld mit dem mobilen Krankenhaus im Krisengebiet ist oder eine Gesundheitsstation in Kirgisien aufbaut? Da hilft dann auch die gutgemeinte Spende von alten Medizingeräten nicht so richtig viel weiter und endet schnell als Elektroschrott. Mit dem Anspruch, dass Medizinische Versorgung überall möglich sein muss und Gesundheit keine Ware ist, bauen wir einen Vitalparametermonitor, der sowohl hard- als auch softwaremäßig open source ist und möglichst robust und reparierbar ist. Im Rahmen des Talks wollen wir Euch die wichtigsten Designkriterien, unsere Tests mit "herkömmlichen" kommerziellen Systemen und unsere Hard- und Softwarelösungen vorstellen und mit Euch disktutieren. Wenn alles läuft wie geplant, gibt es sogar schon Lötkits des Prototypen zum Selbstkostenpreis...
Ich möchte euch zeigen, wie ich mir aus einem Raspberry PI ein Smartphone baue. Auf welche Probleme und Schwierigkeiten ich dabei gestoßen bin und welche Lösungen ich gefunden habe. Das Projekt ist noch nicht abgeschlossen, es fehlen noch ein paar Kleinigkeiten. Trotzdem will ich euch schon mal mein Smartphone in der praktischen Butterbrotdose zeigen und euch erzählen wie es entstanden ist. Ich hab gar nicht gedacht, das der Bau eines Smartphones so kompliziert sein kann. Raspberry Pi + Touchdisplay ist nicht alles, was es zu bedenken gibt, bei diesem Projekt. Im Moment lebt das Smartphoneprojekt in einer Butterbrotdose und zieht in der S-bahn oder U-bahn schon mal die Aufmerksamkeit auf sich. Wenn die Powerbank passthrough kann, ist das vorteilhaft, hab ich feststellen müssen. Die Einrichtung der X und Y Achsen auf dem Touchdisplay, damit man damit auch die OnScreenTastatur bedienen kann, war nicht so einfach. Und ich musste feststellen das Landscape nicht die richtige Größe zum flüssigen arbeiten ist. Die meisten Linux-Programme sind, nicht so direkt Touchfähig oder brauchen zu viel Speicher. Dann gab es auch große Herausforderungen! Löten lernen war so eine. Erst lernen wie man lötet, um dann das entlöten zu lernen, um sich dann an den PI zu trauen. Diese und andere Geschichten zum Bau meines Smartphones möchte ich euch erzählen.
A Web Page in Three Acts is a live coding performance which combines principles of choreography within the formal structures of coding. An assemblage of semi-improvised visuals and composition experiments in web environments. The screen becomes an open stage for the hybrid code which links choreography and web programming as well as body and language. For the series ‘WebPage Act I, II, III’, Joana Chicau created a specific grammar or vocabulary that links choreographic concepts from post-modern dance with web-coding functions. This technique follows the concept of esoteric programming languages, also called esolang, used when writing so ware, integrating a new grammar into an existing one. Although an esolang doesn’t have a proper functionality, it is used in combination with other programming languages to explore alternative ways of composing and writing code. Chicau started using esoteric programming languages as an a empt to overcome the abstractness of algorithmic code, and simultaneously as a way to develop my own design language, which derives from choreographic concepts. The performance starts with a standard webpage, followed by the opening of the web console. The screen is now divided in two stages: the ‘frontstage’, the interface a user normally accesses and the ‘backstage’ or the web console in which programming languages can be ran. In the web console Chicau is calling, juxtaposing and manipulating different functions from a glossary of code, while simultaneously displaying the varied outcomes of graphic elements in the screen. These functions are named a er choreographic concepts, which are assigned to specific web actions. While the computer interprets the code, the audience will be interpreting and start wondering about the relation between the ‘choreographic vocabulary’ within the code and its immediate outcome. The screen becomes an open stage, providing the audience the access to the methodology and the tools used during the performance. The performative aspect of the act of coding is a way to make more transparent the process of composition and to enhance the nuances and transient character of coding. As in choreography, web-design also deals with space, time and movement qualities. It has been defining ways of moving, collectively or individually, through fluid nonetheless complex landscapes of information displays, networked spaces, and multi- media environments. The performance being presented and the notion of ‘choreographic coding’ is a technical as much as social, cultural and aesthetic experiment constantly being expanded. Program Code The flexibility of code allows for a combination of possibilities, not only for the live performance se ing, but also for the use of the code itself by other designers, just as in any choreography that can be re-interpreted, re-created and adapted. The code serves as a generative tool for new possible outcomes in the creation of graphics for interfaces and a way of playing with the choreographic logic. Therefore, this method promotes disciplinary openness, by sharing ideologies and methodologies and questioning structures of collaboration and of intellectual property. The documentation is delivered in an open-ended format, following Free/Libre Open Source (Floss) models/ philosophies. The source code for the project is available on: github.com/JoBCB
A short introduction into the international language Esperanto. A planned language actually spoken by nerds all over the world
A introduction into cross-compiling with nix and nixpkgs
In this workshop, addressed at (absolute) beginners, you will get your feet wet in (Python) programming. Don't worry, everyone who wants to have a (first?) look at programming is welcome independently of their skills or background!
Socialize with other Demosceners and rescue your old Amiga Floppy Disks as adf/SD
Wie organisiert man einen "offenen Abend" mit Vorträgen? Muss man da überhaupt etwas organisieren oder schaffen das die Vortragenden selbst? Wir erzählen vom [Freitagsfoo](https://wiki.chaosdorf.de/Freitagsfoo) im Chaosdorf und unseren Erfahrungen. Der Freitagsfoo ist ein wöchentliches Event im Chaosdorf, bei dem u.a. gegessen und vorgetragen wird. Wir berichten über Vergangenheit und Gegenwart und haben Ideen für die Zukunft. Früher wurde das mit den Vorträgen aber leider etwas schleifen gelassen. Dies hatte viele Gründe. Der Hauptgrund dürfte sein, dass die Moderationsrolle meistens erst spontan zugewiesen wurde - oder auch gar nicht. Mit unserem neuen Moderationsteam (die Vortragenden hier) und neuer Technik (z.B. unserer [Info-Beamer App](https://github.com/chaosdorf/freitagsfoo-infobeamer) und unserer [Web App](https://github.com/chaosdorf/freitagsfoo-web)) wird das alles besser! Außerdem berichten wir von einem anderen Anlauf, der in diese Richtung schon 2015 unternommen wurde, aber leider nur sehr kurzfristig (eine Woche) funktioniert hat.
You didn't manage to get an official Lightningtalk slot? Here is another chance to deliver your talk. Overflow talks will be managed by the "official" Lightning talk pretalx system. Please do NOT submit lightningtalks directly to ChaosZone. Detailed program: https://c3lt.de/35c3overflow/schedule/ CfP https://c3lt.de/35c3overflow/cfp
Freifunk München wird getrieben vom Freie Netze München e.V.. Jeder Verein hat Höhen und Tiefen. Um ein stabiles Team zu halten sind einige Basics notwendig. 1. Wir reden über die Größten Erfolge. 2. Über die Durststrecken ... ohne Admins. 3. Politik die mal will oder nicht in München und Bayern. 4. NixOS ist genial aber kaum einer kann es. 5. Segmentierung = Fluch oder Segen? 6. Warum traut sich keiner an Babel? 7. Virtualisierung Proxmox oder OpenNebula? Fragen....
Diskussionsrunde auf Basis einer Problemstellung (Kartendaten zu einer Anlage) ohne eine Lösung einzubringen. Ziel ist: Erfahrungen einzusammeln und auszutauschen, Hinweise und Tips zu bekommen und auszutauschen.
Maurizio Schmitz drives his own bus, dividing his diary effortlessly between work and play and playing. Half Italian, half German and his is a dizzying ongoing musical journey that flies economy and business all at the same time. Maurizio exploits these contrasts, wearing pinstripes or pyjamas or both - he jams. We are talking about psychedelic house here. Socks off and sensual. It works on the big stage, it works in the club and it washes all over an after hour. This sound did not happen by accident. In 1990 scrambling around some old Thorens decks in a club his mother worked in Maurizio was scooping up all the vinyl lost from the night before – the first Schmitz mixtapes (which actually were not mixed) saw the light of day at this time. Many were to follow and these valuable suckers live amongst 11,000 pieces of vinyl collected and stroked over the years. When German techno was dynamite, changing the rules and ushering in a whole new world of electronic music Maurizio was not only there – he was smack in the middle of it. Bonn, Hamburg, Frankfurt, Munich. From the infamous “Labor” club to a 10 years residency at 'FrequenzBerater' to Frankfurt and “U60311”. Many many more but maybe two things stand out and tell you more. Spaldingstreet 43 in Hamburg, the original flat sharing rave. Maurizio presided over 7 years of lovely madness. Today you could create a major art/music festival just from the people who crashed out on the sofas there. Then the tour de force. His very own Mauromusica night founded in Bonn 2004 in the beautiful “Rheingarten”. An octagon shaped glass pavilion. Promoter, resident DJ and mum on the door. Another 10 years. No need to name names, somewhere in the above paragraph they all passed through. Perhaps one name, because here comes the other Maurizio Schmitz. In a 1994 after hour set in Munich, “Pulvertum” it was called, the raver Maurizio noticed Sven Vath 2 metres high in a tree mid set. You don’t forget stuff like that. Their paths were never going to stop crossing. Event manager, promoter, booker and for some time now the right hand man and frequent support act for the immortal legendary magician Sven Vath. It is a relationship that is not stopping any time soon. So, to summarise, Sicilan passion met German techno and spat out the Dj Maurizio Schmitz. (2018, Words by Andrew Gillings)
Electric Kool Aid is the atmospheric deeptech outfit of label head, studiogeek and dj extraordinaire Peer Schmid. Looking back on an intimate personal relationship with more than fifteen years of electrosonic art, Peer has been able to make himself a name – both as an artist and a remixer, with a great hand for unique and diverse atmospheres - as well as a witty producer, with the ability to capture and further refine the magic studio moment. With his dj residency @ "Zoo" in Hamburg's world famous "Villa Nova" club - he is regularly warming up for some of the biggest names in the industry like Dave Seaman, Robert Babicz, Extrawelt, Oliver Schories, Butch, Namito, Thomas Schumacher or D-Nox & Beckers with his praised musical and atmospheric blend of deephouse and groovy deeptech. You should also try to catch one of his acclaimed radio mixes on Frisky radio with a more listening oriented, couch-esque approach. Having worked in event-, label- and artist management, in both the underground and the mainstream music industry alike, his music proves a mature sense for the outstanding and fresh. Apart from his solo works as Electric Kool Aid, he has released more than 60 tracks under diverse names and further collaborated in diverse styles with various artists on dozens of different projects.
The SUSIbian project aims at creating an implementation of SUSI.AI capable to run on Linux Devices in a headless mode. It will enable you to bring SUSI.AI intelligence to all devices you may think like a Speaker, Car etc.
noisy power free kraut music
We will taste variety of cidres.
Introduction of Qubes OS, for beginners to intermediates
Refreshing Memories of Tim C. May, Cypherpunks co-founder
Mathematicians work at the heart of most emerging technologies. Their work is re-shaping the world, and yet they have little knowledge, appreciation or training in ethical awareness. I am working to change this, and bring about a serious discussion in the mathematical community about the social impact mathematicians can have. My name is Maurice Chiodo, and I am a postdoctoral researcher in mathematics at the University of Cambridge. You can contact me at: mcc56 AT cam DOT ac DOT uk , or on twitter: @mauricechiodo
As algorithms are involved or even solely responsible for more and more decisions in our daily lives, there is more and more discussion about algorithms being unfair, biased, even straight-on discriminatory. The Austrian Public Employment Service (AMS) announced in October that they would start using an algorithmic system (in short, every-day language "algorithm") to decide who will receive more (or less) benefits and support from their system. First analyses in the days after the announcement already predicted that the system would be discriminating against people who are already marginalise In this talk I want to give people a better understanding of why and how algorithmic systems are biased and how people are trying to solve problems these biases cause. Specifically, we will see how data collection and interpretation, model creation, problem definition, definition of success and even the design of outputs can impact algorithmic systems – or improve justice and equality, if proper thought and care is put into designing them. As a computer science student, students' rights activist and privacy activist, I have worked on the topic of algorithmic bias at various institutions and with different groups of people. A one-page article I co-authored on the topic of algorithmic bias aimed at students in Austria can be found at <a href="https://www.progress-online.at/artikel/wenn-der-algortihmus-zum-unterdr%C3%BCcker-wird">Progress magazines' website</a>. A write-up for the masters' course "Critical Algorithm Studies" at TU Wien can be found on <a href="https://pascoda.fairydust.space/index.php/2018/09/write-up-bias-in-algorithmic-systems/">my blog</a>. It discusses which current issues in algorithmic systems are, in my opinion, the most urgent ones.
Der Vortrag soll sich hauptsächlich darauf beziehen, wie Mathematik bei der Lösung von informationstechischen Problemen helfen kann, wobei Möglichkeiten und Probleme aufgezeigt werden sollen.
Regierungen und politische Entscheidungstragende setzen auf die Forcierung und den Ausbau von Plattformen, um Bildung "endlich" zu digitalisieren. Doch die Umsetzung widerspricht dem Ziel, Menschen dazu zu befähigen, sich im digitalen Raum sicher und mündig zu bewegen.
The talk will present Fair Data Society initiative and give an overview of the protocol with a call-to-action to build projects in an ethical way on fair data principles.
OTRv4 is the newest version of the Off-The-Record protocol. It is a protocol where the newest academic research intertwines with real-world implementations. It is also one of the first protocols that comes from the global south which makes the political discussion around protocols an urgency. This newest versions also asks us to revisit our definitions around deniability (online and offline) and how important is it to the world. In this talk we will try to start a discussion around the importance of protocols, its political/moral foundations, the real-world implementation of academic ideas, the importance of securely implementing them, the definition of deniability in the current world and the design of OTRv4. As we know from past revelations, the Internet has become a place where any action is surveilled and recorded. In the light of this, the OTR protocol was created. But it was created long time ago. In the past years, there have been a increased work on cryptographic primitives, and privacy and security notions. But these thoughts have not been incorporated into projects. OTRv4 is the newest version of the Off-The-Record protocol, which tries to incorporate these new ideas. At the same time, OTRv4 is a protocol that challenges the common thinking around protocols as it comes from the global south, and takes moral questions into its design, as Rogaway tried to defined on his "The Moral Character of Cryptographic Work?" paper. Furthermore, OTRv4 tries to update the notion of deniability and why it is important for the world.
The human microbiome is a diverse community of bacteria that lives inside us. Their contribution towards our personal well-being or sickness is controversially discussed within the scientific world and, likewise, in our society. First attempts to rationally (reverse-)engineer the human microbiome are hyped in medicine and within the DIY biohacking scene. The implications of these endeavours potentially concern several aspects of our life: eating habits, fitness state, susceptibility for infections, aging, and cancer. But what about ethical aspects of hacking the human microbiome? How can biosafety be maintained? Are there any data security issues? I will seriously discuss the state-of-the-art and future directions of the research to show whether actual hacking of the human microbiome is rather science or fiction. First, I will answer some general questions to lay the foundation: What is the human microbiome? How is it studied? Why is there a hype at the moment? Subsequently, I will explain fundamental concepts of human microbiome research: Faecal microbiome transplantations (“eating poop”), microbiome enrichment (“taking probiotics”), microbiome depletion (“swallowing antibiotics”), and rational, targeted interventions (“getting or killing a single bug”). This will be followed by an introduction into different experimental and computational methods, that are being performed to discern the complex interplay between bacteria and our human body. The data obtained from these analyses are hard to interpret. The conclusions drawn from the data hardly move beyond associations. The advancement of the field from discovered correlations to causations is demanded but rarely achieved. I will outline major challenges in measurement techniques and analysis pipelines. The debate about the proper acquisition, encryption, storage and accessibility of genetic information of the human person itself is still in its infancy. Discussions about the (meta-)genetic information of the human microbiome are lacking even more behind. The talk will be concluded by a speculative but facts-based projection of current microbiome engineering approaches into the future.
Visual culture dominates our societies, every day encouraging and rewarding corporations and their users to create more visual content to populate their digital spaces and build their digital lives. But what if there was an unseen method of disruption to these powers? What can we learn from the blind and their increased awareness of sound and vibration to disrupt and circumvent these powers without detection? As we move towards immersive computing (XR) being the primary means of human-computer interaction, are we thinking of the blind and visually impaired? To this date, the simple answer to that question is no. However, through the visual innovations of VR HMDs, we have seen a strong momentum build for improved sonic and tactile computer interfaces. In my project Infinite Observer, I am working directly with blind innovators and content creators to set standards for UX in VR, and to empower the next generation of computing to support accessibility for the blind and visually impaired. Infinite Observer is the first narrative VR experience designed from the ground up by the blind for the blind. The experience places you in an underground ring of blind hackers called the Infinite Observers. As you discover throughout the experience, the group is filled with members of unique sensory skill sets and a deep understanding of the vibratory qualities that make sound so powerful. They monitor movements using echolocation and build resonant frequency-based weaponry. They can shift tectonic plates, teleport using molecular vibration, and hack into digital communication via sub-frequencies undetectable to the typical human ear. And you (as the user)…your purpose is to learn these skills and secretly take them to the AG to subvert the present, corrupted visual culture. The goal of the experience is to empower its users, and create a heightened appreciation for the hidden powers of the senses beyond sight. It is also meant to instill clarity around the dominance of the visual in modern culture, and inspire ways to circumvent this. As hackers, I would hope for a discussion surrounding possible techniques that might be used by the Infinite Observers, and how sound/vibration can facilitate either increased privacy/anonimity or direct disruption of dominant visual media in the real world.
LessWrong Open Space: Bring your own topic or join others for open ended discussions on rationality related topics
Ende des Kohlenpod (als Nullnummer da Countdown) und gleichzeitig Nullnummer des Nachfolgeprojekts. Zum Ende des Jahres endet der Steinkohlebergbau in Deutschland. Ich habe mit dem Projekt Kohlenpod.de dieses Ende als Countdown mit 52 Folgen im Wochenrhytmus begleitet. Es war von Anfang an geplant die "Nullnummer" auf dem 35c3 aufzunehmen. Mit dabei seien werden Menschen die in dem Projekt irgendwann mal beteiligt waren (Nicolas von Minkorrekt, Martin und Lars vom Sendegarten und eventuell Linus von LNP) - die Nullnummer des Kohlenpod -mit der das Projekt endet, wird gleichzeitig die Nullnummer des neuen Projekts herzschlag.ruhr Lockere Gesprächsrunde mit einem Rückblick auf das Projekt Kohlenpod sowie einem Ausblick auf das Projekt herzschlag.ruhr Mit Unterstützung von Videos, Fotos etc. wird auf ein Jahr Abschied von der Steinkohle zurückgeblickt. Die schönsten Momente werden gezeigt und die Reaktionen der klassischen Medien auf dieses einzigartige podcastprojekt gezeigt. Das Projekt ist für das Medium podcast ein wahrscheinlich einzigartiges Zeitdokument welches auch das Potential von podcasts aufzeigt, gesellschaftlichen Wandel zu begleiten, dokumentieren und zu archivieren.“ Geplant sind ca. 90 min, Setup wären 5-6 Menschen, Videoeinspieler, Fotos, Diverse Erinnerungsstücke sollen gezeigt werden
Albert Einstein hat sie vorhergesagt, bis in die 90er hinein war ihre Existenz heftig umstritten - die vielleicht verrücktesten Dinger im Universum: Schwarze Löcher. Eigentlich dürften Schwarze Löcher nicht existieren. Wie kann etwas "unendliche Dichte" haben, "unendlich klein" sein. Und wenn nichts, aber auch gar nichts ein schwarzes Loch verlassen kann, wie kann dann die Gravitation das schwarze Loch verlassen? Und was passiert mit der Zeit in der Nähe schwarzer Löcher, bleibt die da wirklich stehen? Und woher wissen wir, dass sie wirklich existieren? In Schwarzen Löchern krachen zwei unvereinbare Theorien aufeinander, die Quantenphysik und die Relativitätstheorie. Wir beschäftigen uns mit jeder Menge Fragen an den Grenzen der Physik... und manchmal ein wenig darüber hinaus. Vorkenntnisse sind nicht erforderlich.
Avengers: Refreshing Multiverse Es ist wieder soweit: das Jahr neigt sich dem Ende entgegen und auf dem 35c3 steht wieder das große Crossover The InSnider feat. Die KulturpessimistInnen an, bei dem der aktuellste Star Wars Film besprochen wird... aber der kam ja schon im Mai und wurde bereits beim Day of the podcast besprochen. Was machen wir denn da? Wir nehmen uns einfach ein anderes Film Universum vor, nämlich dass Marvel Cinematic Universe!
Sätche ist sowas von Teil der Familie - seine Echochamber läuft regelmässig in der c-base, er fährt ne alte Feuerwehr und wer ihm krummkommt, merkt das schon. Sätchmoe is sooo part of the family - his Echochamber runs regularly in the c-base, he drives an old fire brigade and whoever annoyise him, will notices that.
people also called her sets n°aromatherapy. it assumes that movement and emotion are directly related. Dance has been used therapeutically for thousands of years, its an expressive therapy for cognitive, social, behavioral and physical conditions. I’ve been hearing about Naroma from the beginning of my time working with artists from Europe. She’s a bit of a legend as an organizer - Urubu Marinka reported she traveled to Leipzig to play one of Naroma’s parties and stayed an extra night, and then another, and basically just moved to Leipzig, in large part due to Naroma’s warmth as a host. And then as a performer, there are Naroma’s 8-hour closing sets at Fusion. That’s some serious business. But, there’s a twist - for years she performed these marathons on two iPods. You know, with the wheels. This is entirely bonkers, borderline impossible. But don’t worry, since 2 years she uses a computer to play on and she loves all the new possibilities.
fuckoffgoole! After the neighboorhood of Kreuzberg made resistance for two years, Google's plan to move their campus in Berlin have been abandoned. Did we really win? What's happen now? Join us to hear about the second phase of the resistance, and how your town might join!
Web and mobile tracking has gone off the rails - do we have the tools to tell companies that we don't want to be profiled, monitored, exploited? Our web experience is eaten up by impractical, annoying, borderline legal cookie banners, while mobile apps siphon data to big companies without even us knowing. Privacy rules are poorly implemented and there are a few big players which exploit vast amounts of personal data. Our data is seen as an economic asset and the imbalance of power between users and companies has dramatically increased. How can we effectively stop data exploitation? How can we make companies listen that we don't want to be profiled, monitored, exploited? How can we enforce our rights to access, delete, correct our data? If you’re on your way to do something about all of this, please join this working group on figuring out what tools we need against third party tracking (web and/or mobile). If you've done research, played with different tools or if you're incubating ideas around third party tracking, this session is for us to get together, share knowledge and make the first steps towards working on practical solutions.
Make science experiment with Pocket Science Lab and explore how you can use it at home, classroom, research lab etc. Download PSLab Android App for the workshop https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=io.pslab
The lecture will give an introduction into the "EC Proposal for a Regulation on European Production and Preservation Orders for Electronic Evidence in Criminal Matters (COM (2018) 225 final)" and . the impact to civil liberties of the users as well as the challenges for service providers of the diverse range of services covered by the proposal.<br> Urgent action is required <b>now</b> by diverse groups to fight the existing proposal and prevent it from becoming binding law throughout the EU..
Polizei und Geheimdienste sammeln per "Funkzellenabfrage" Tag für Tag Millionen von Standort-Daten. Netzbetreiber liefern den Behörden regelmäßig Datensätze aller Mobilfunknummern, die zu einem bestimmten Zeitpunkt in bestimmten Funkzellen waren. Entgegen den gesetzlichen Bestimmungen erfahren Betroffene nicht davon. Dieser Talk macht deutlich, was diese Form der Massenüberwachung aus bürgerrechtlicher Sicht bedeutet. Danach stellen die Speaker das Berliner Funkzellenabfragen-Transparenz-System vor, das zumindest ein wenig Licht ins Dunkel dieser Überwachungsmaßnahmen bringen kann.
We will discuss about how to make hackerspaces.org better!
Infoveranstaltung für Interessierte eines Kollektiv-IT-Unternehmens
Wir beobachten in immer mehr Spaces Konflikte innerhalb der Community die teilweise bis zur Spaltung führen. Wir wollen versuchen die Probleme anhand unseres eigenen Spaces zu analysieren. Außerdem wollen wir potentielle Lösungsmöglichkeiten, die wir gerade versuchen einzuführen, vorstellen. Schließlich wollen wir Versuchen einen Diskussion darüber innerhalb der gesamten Hacking und Chaos Community anzustoßen anstatt das jeder Space versucht die Probleme alleine und erneut zu lösen Aktuellen sehen wir immer mehr Gemeinschaften in der Hacking Community in denen es kriselt und sich Konflikte innerhalb der Gemeinschaft auftun. Oft gibt es auf den ersten Blick keinen konkreten Anlass oder Grund dafür. Wir haben das sowohl aus erster Hand in unserem lokalem Space als auch aus der ferne bei mehreren anderen beobachtet. Wir glauben das die Gründe dafür unter anderem in fehlenden Gemeinschaftlichen Identität und Gemeinschaftlichen Werten sowie der Kommunikation liegt. In diesem Talk wollen wir die Probleme die wir glauben Identifiziert zu haben am Beispiel unseres Spaces vorstellen. Außerdem werden wir vorstellen was wir glauben wie man diese Probleme angehen und beheben kann. Da die Ereignisse bei uns sehr aktuell sind ist es aber noch nicht möglich ein Fazit zu sehen ob alle diese Techniken wirklich funktionieren. Wir sehen diesen Talk viel mehr auch als ein Startpunkt das wir als deutsche Hacking bzw Chaosnahe Gemeinschaft darüber eine Diskussion führen sollten wie wir mit solchen Fällen umgehen und was wir hoffentlich proaktiv tun können damit es gar nicht so weit kommt.
When working coding for the Atari 2600 VCS, one can assume that the guys building the hardware did some very crude fuck ups. Let my show you why this is a wrong assumption.
Org mode is the perfect tool for anybody who wants for capturing, managing and refreshing memories. It combines and unifies aspects like todo and project management, knowledge base like a personal wiki, spreadsheet, code snippets, documentation, and so forth. Let me surprise you. This is not about editors. At all. The speaker is using vim on a daily basis. Forget about editors for this talk. This is about an awesome tool which enables you to organize yourself in a way that you can externalize things that may distract you from actual working or living your life. It is a bottom-less box of LEGO bricks where you choose the bricks you want to take. It scales from simple note taking (engineering diary) and outlining up to the most complex workflows. Most likely, you have not seen a comparable tool so far. Notes containing all links will be published on [https://karl-voit.at/2018/12/28/35c3-orgmode/](https://karl-voit.at/2018/12/28/35c3-orgmode/) after the demo.
With great pleasure comes great responsibility. A responsibility, which is not taken enough into consideration by the smart sex toy manufacturers as they should, while handling extremely sensitive data. As long as there is no serious breach, there is no problem, right? This was the basis for a research project (Master Thesis) called “Internet of Dildos, a long way to a vibrant future”, dealing with the assessment of smart sex toys and identification of vulnerabilities in those products, including mobile apps, backends and the actual hardware. After the assessment of a selection of multiple smart sex toys an abyss of vulnerabilities was revealed. The identified vulnerabilities range from technically interesting vulnerabilities to vulnerabilities which affect the privacy of the users in extreme and explicit ways. In recent years the internet of things has slowly creeped into our daily life and is now an essential part of it, whether you want it or not. A long-existing sub category of the internet of things is a mysterious area called teledildonics. This term got invented about 40 years ago and described (at this time fictional) devices, allowing their users to pleasure themselves, while being interconnected to a global network of plastic dongs. In the 21st century, teledildonics actually exist. Multiple devices are on the (multi-million dollar) market, offering the ability to pleasure an individual, while being connected to the internet. Those devices offer functionalities, like remote pleasuring over local links as well as over the internet. They implement social media-like functionalities such as friends lists, instant messaging, movie chats and explicit-image sharing. With great pleasure comes great responsibility. A responsibility, which is not taken enough into consideration by the smart sex toy manufacturers as they should, while handling extremely sensitive data. As long as there is no serious breach, there is no problem, right? This was the basis for a research project called “Internet of Dildos, a long way to a vibrant future”, dealing with the assessment of smart sex toys and identification of vulnerabilities in those products, including mobile apps, backends and the actual hardware. After the assessment of a selection of multiple smart sex toys an abyss of vulnerabilities was revealed. The identified vulnerabilities range from technically interesting vulnerabilities to vulnerabilities which affect the privacy of the users in extreme and explicit ways. It was possible to gain access to thousands of users’ data records, including cleartext passwords, explicit images, real-world names, real-world addresses, and many more specific facts. Furthermore, we were able to remotely pleasure individuals without their consent over the internet, or over a local link. Presentation Outline 1. Why? Explanation as to why it is necessary to conduct penetration tests in the area of teledildonics and why the topic was chosen for further research. 2. Quick introduction into basics like Internet of Things (IoT) Sextech Teledildonics (History of Smart Sex Toys) Internet of Dongs (IoD) 3. The “Test Devices” A quick introduction of the test devices examined during this project. Explanation of their feature set including areas of application and use-cases. 4. Let’s get dirty – An overview of the identified vulnerabilities DS_STORE File Information Disclosure Customer Database Credential Disclosure Unrestricted Access to administrative interfaces Weird authentication implementation Unauthenticated Bluetooth LE Connections Missing Authentication in Remote Control And many more… 5. Bluetooth LE Protocol exploitation Brief overview over Bluetooth LE security features Brief overview over Bluetooth LE authentication/pairing methods Brief overview over Bluetooth LE exploitation Hardware Brief overview over Bluetooth LE exploitation Software Hands-on example 6. The “Swinger Club Problem” How the manufacturers tried to downplay the vulnerabilities. 7. Legal Issues – Rape over the wire? How are current laws dealing with sexual pleasure without consent over the internet? 8. Responsible Disclosure Process Coordinated vulnerability remediation with the German CERT-Bund 9. Ongoing/Similar Research Takeaways Attendees are made aware that not a single category of devices in the internet of things is secure, no matter how obscure and outlandish the device might be. This should also raise attention and motivation to test all those devices that are already out there and handle the Internet of Things more cautiously. Another important takeaway is to raise attention to how poorly programmed many IoT devices are and how it is still possible to discover vulnerability cases, which should be resolved and extinct. Last but not least, we want to take the opportunity to discuss and raise attention to the hot topic of “remote rape” or how our current legislature deals with remote pleasuring without consent. Why this talk? First and foremost, this talk will be a lot of fun while teaching the audience how to assess smart sex toys and penetrate their backends (pun intended). The audience will learn what an attacker is capable of when attacking smart sex toys, nowadays. Furthermore, the audience will get deep insights into Bluetooth LE penetration testing including a hands-on example on a selected smart sex toy. Most of the identified vulnerabilities [1, 2, 3, 4] identified to this day include minor backend issues and or the good old exploitation of the Bluetooth LE protocol. The major difference compared to this research is, that the SEC Consult Vulnerability Lab identified a potential massive breach of data, including explicit images, clear text passwords, etc) via the “publicly” accessible database, as well as the issue with the remote pleasuring without consent, which is a so called “Feature”. [1] https://arstechnica.com/information-technology/2017/10/screwdriving-many-bluetooth-sex-toys-leave-users-vulnerable/ [2] https://internetofdon.gs/reports/ [3] https://www.pentestpartners.com/security-blog/screwdriving-locating-and-exploiting-smart-adult-toys/ [4] https://scubarda.wordpress.com/2017/10/17/hacking-a-bt-low-energy-ble-butt-plug/
Video identification is the process of establishing the identity of a person via video chat. The person to be identified has to show his face as well as her official ID card to the camera. This lecture gives a step-by-step tutorial on how such video streams can be augmented with computer-generated official ID cards, including all visible watermarks. To be specific, we will use a credit-card printed with markers, which will be detected using the Aruco library shipping with OpenCV. The resulting position and orientation will then be used to render a 3D representation of an official ID card with arbitrary information. The 3D representation will be rendered using OpenGL. A shader will compose its look using several layered textures. Additionally, skin detection will be used to create a skin mask in the area of the card to avoid rendering over fingers held in front of it. Finally, the input image, the known position and orientation of the card, the rendered fake card and the skin mask will be composed to a convincing output image - ready to be presented to the call center agent.
When you're fighting for a cause, you need tools that reflect your values. While venture capital-backed tools are seductive, especially at the beginning of your movement, they can be harmful in the long-term. This session shows how co-operatively owned, non-hierarchically built Free and Open Source Software (FOSS) provides a more sustainable, and equitable, solution. Capitalist and consumerist structures have led to reduced incentives to make the most efficient use of food. Wastage is massive and the reasons are many: misshapen vegetables, damaged packaging, mislabeling, forecasting errors, unsold items, etc. These are all symptoms of the structure of our industrialised food production structures, food waste is inherent in these systems. Many organisations have sprung up to try and access this food, using many approaches. France has tried to outlaw supermarket food waste, apps like Olio and Too Good To Go try and use the startup/funding approach, charities like FareShare in the UK receive massive government funding to redistribute to other charities. Startups and big charities replicate the hierarchical structures and bureaucratic processes of capitalist organisations. Whilst they can achieve much at times, we don't believe this is the sustainable resilient model - profit motives or government objectives dictate the approach to take. In Germany <a href="https://foodsharing.de">foodsharing.de</a> was created as a grassroots volunteer movement with origins in the dumpster diving scene. It has scaled up to co-ordinate the activities of 30k food savers to collect leftovers from supermarkets. This was achieved with almost no external funding. It faced its own organisational scaling issues and expanding beyond German speaking regions has not been possible. In response to this, and working together, we created <a href="https://github.com/yunity/karrot-frontend">Karrot</a> to try and alleviate some of these issues. Unlike in foodsharing.de we develop the software independently from any specific group, this has allowed us to build common software to be used across 6 countries by independent groups. We empower local groups with access to high quality software but otherwise leave them to organise themselves. We believe that for solving a problem you cannot use the very practices that produce it in the first place: Hierarchies lead to passive individuals who wait for their leader's decisions and don't dare to get active on their own accord. For-profit organisations need to make money and will always prioritize this goal. We are not just here to save food, but want to support and encourage self-help, self-responsibility, democracy, equality, equity and solidarity. This brings us inline with the wider co-operative and solidarity economics movement. To reject the capitalist structures that cause the problem in the first place. However, it's not always easy...
Einführung in Überwältigung mit Seil und Schmerzbondage
Avengers: Refreshing Multiverse Es ist wieder soweit: Das Jahr neigt sich dem Ende entgegen und auf dem 35c3 steht wieder das große Crossover The InSnider feat. Die Kulturpessimist*innen an, bei dem der aktuellste Star Wars Film besprochen wird... aber der kam ja schon im Mai und wurde bereits beim Day of the podcast besprochen. Was machen wir denn da? Wir nehmen uns einfach ein anderes Film Universum vor, nämlich dass Marvel Cinematic Universe!
Eine bunter Blumenstrauß von Nerdsniping-Themen!
from the family from the family
Electroaccoustic interplay between the Leipzig-based musicians Judith Crasser & Adam Sauer, both representing the local Pracht collective, an association and venue dedicated to extraordinarities in sound and beyond. In their dialogic live-perfomance they investigate the relations between sonic reality and synthesized fiction, dynamically combining elements of Musique Concrete, Industrial, Glitch and Free Improvisation.
Bringing together open source projects and communities around the world to share & collaborate! Everyone is welcome.
what can we do to systemically improve mental health etc in our communities?
Für Journalisten bieten soziale Netzwerke eine Vielzahl von Quellen und Informationen, in einem Ausmaß, das vor Jahren unvorstellbar war. Doch damit steigt auch das Risiko immer weiter, auf Manipulationen und „Fake News“ hereinzufallen. In Zeiten von „Lügenpresse“-Rufen stellt das Journalisten vor neue Herausforderungen. Der Vortrag zeigt, wie die Verifizierung von Bildmaterial bei großen Medienhäusern abläuft – und warum auch normale Nutzer diese Möglichkeiten kennen und benutzen sollten. Während Bildmaterial bis vor wenigen Jahren noch hauptsächlich eigenproduziert oder eingekauft wurde oder über Agenturen geliefert wurde, kann dank Smartphones jeder zum Video- und Nachrichtenproduzent werden. Teilweise haben solche Videos eine Reichweite, von der etablierte Medien nur träumen können. Es geschieht kaum eine Breaking News, bei der nicht nach wenigen Minuten bereits Bilder im Netz kursieren. Dass solche Bilder nicht ungeprüft übernommen werden sollten, hat sich zum Glück rumgesprochen. Aber wie kann der Wahrheitsgehalt eines Bildes oder Videos unabhängig und nachvollziehbar verifiziert werden? Viele Medienhäuser haben erkannt, dass traditionelle Recherchemethoden bei diesem Thema schnell an ihre Grenzen stoßen und haben Verifizierungsteams gegründet. Glücklicherweise gibt es viele Programme, Webseiten und Plug-Ins, die einen bei der Verifizierung unterstützen. Der Vortrag zeigt, welche Arten von Fälschungen es gibt und wie man Fälschungen mit welchen Mitteln entlarven kann.
Regelmäßiger podcast mit Michael Seemann, Max von Webel und idealerweise Gast oder Gästen. WMR dürfte mittlerweile zu der Urgesteinen der deutschsprachigen podcasts gehören. Seit bald 10 Jahren reden Michael und Max regelmäßig über das Zeitgeschehen, wenn es geht mit Gästen. Es wäre toll, unseren Reunion podcast auf dem Congress zu machen: Max hat über 4 Jahre lang in Kalifornien gelebt, und dies könnte dies könnte die erste Folge sein, die regulär wieder an nur einem Ort aufgezeichnet wird.
A tap dancer performs, while elsewhere people run from the tear gas of the police
Im Mai 2018 initiierte Reclaim Club Culture (RCC) in Berlin einen Protest gegen einen Aufmarsch der AfD und die AFDsierung der Gesellschaft. Zusammen mit mehr als 170 Techno Clubs, Festivals und Veranstalter*innen organisierten wir innerhalb von zwei Wochen drei Demozüge, auf denen sich mehr als 60.000 Demonstrant*innen versammelten. Dies ereignete sich in einem politischen Klima, in dem die Linke von den Erfolgen der Faschist*innen wie gelähmt schien und ein großer Teil der Gesellschaft immer weiter nach rechts abdriftete. Ausgehend von einer selbstkritischen Praxis werden wir der Frage nachgehen, wie und warum dies (scheinbar) plötzlich gelang. Dieser Impuls war Teil einer Mobilisierung, die in 2018 - zumindest was Großdemos angeht - insgesamt wieder ein wenig Hoffnung macht. Gleichzeitig stellt sich die Frage, wie wir unsere Straßenmobilisation stärker in den gesellschaftlichen Alltag tragen. Auf keinen Fall dürfen wir trotz unserer Paar Erfolge vergessen, wie es unter anderem in Ellwangen und Chemnitz aussieht und dass global und in Europa gerade wieder ein vermehrtes Aufkommen faschistischer Regierungen Realität ist. Mit den entsprechenden Folgen für die dort lebenden Menschen. Derzeit arbeiten wir an Organisationsstrukturen, wie Infrastruktur, Kommunikation, Netzwerken und Sicherheit, die weitere politische Aktivitäten unterstützen sollen. Während dieser Arbeit und der Durchführung von weiteren Aktionen blieben einige Fragestellungen innerhalb dieser Felder unbeantwortet. Einer der größten Unterstützer*innenkreise der Aktion war der wohl älteste Club Berlins: der CCC. Wir werden unsere gegenwärtigen Ansätze vorstellen, untersuchen und daran die Frage knüpfen, wie durch die Hackercommunity der digitale Raum als Unterstützung im Kampf gegen Faschismus besser aktiviert werden kann. Ziel dabei ist gemeinsam ein anderes, vielleicht gar neues Level von Aktivismus zu erreichen.
Securing Linux by defining a new Userland, How hard can it be, lets have a discussion and propably kick off a project.
Bei diesem Spiel, geht es um Filme und Code. Um nerdige Referenzen und tötlichen Wortwitz. Zwei Teams müssen anhand von Codeschnipseln Filmtitel erraten. Die Teams haben abwechselnd 30 Sekunden Zeit um den richtigen Titel zu finden. Mehr wird noch nicht verraten. In einem Moment endloser Langeweile schrieb einst Großmeister der Hackerfilme einen Code. Dabei viel ihm auf, dass dieser Code einen echten Handlungsstrang aufwies. Er rätselte über ein halbes Jahrhundert, bis ihm auffiel, dass es sich um den Pseudocode von "V wie Vendetta" handelte. Darauf hin beschloss er allen Code der Welt zu analysieren und auf versteckte Filme zu prüfen. Das Ergebnis von 3,1415 Jahrtausenden Arbeit ist IMFUC. Ein Spiel. Eine Challenge. Ein schmerzhafter Wordwitz. Auch das Publikum wird mitraten dürfen. Dabei wird die Anzahl der korrekten Antworten auf der Bühne angezeigt. Und das ganz sicher nicht, um die Teams ein wenig zu trollen.
<p>In this talk, we’re looking at third party tracking on Android. We’ve captured and decrypted data in transit between our own devices and Facebook servers. It turns out that some apps routinely send Facebook information about your device and usage patterns - the second the app is opened. We’ll walk you through the technical part of our analysis and end with a call to action: We believe that both Facebook and developers can do more to avoid oversharing, profiling and damaging the privacy of their users.</p> <p>In this talk, we’re looking at third party tracking on Android. We’ve captured and decrypted data in transit between our own devices and Facebook servers. It turns out that some apps routinely send Facebook information about your device and usage patterns - the second the app is opened. We’ll walk you through the technical part of our analysis and end with a call to action: We believe that both Facebook and developers can do more to avoid oversharing, profiling and damaging the privacy of their users.</p>
In Österreich regiert seit einem Jahr eine Koalition aus der rechtskonservativen ÖVP und der rechtsextremen FPÖ. Eine ihrer ersten Maßnahmen war eine vollkommen überzogene Verschärfung von Überwachungsbefugnissen: Bundestrojaner, Anlassdatenspeicherung, verstärkte Videoüberwachung, Straßenüberwachung. Registrierungspflicht für SIM-Karten, etc. Zugleich wurde versucht, die Datenschutzgrundverordnung (DSGVO) zu untergraben. Betroffenenrechte wurden ausgeschlossen, weite Ausnahmen geschaffen und Strafen sollen am besten gleich gar nicht angewendet werden. In diesem Talk geben wir ein Update über die netzpolitische Lage in Österreich. Die neue österreichische Regierung steht für mehr Überwachung und weniger Datenschutz. Viele der Maßnahmen treffen alle Menschen in diesem Land und nicht nur Kriminelle. Schutzsuchenden werden die Menschenrechte überhaupt aberkannt. Künftig sollen sie im Asylverfahren ihre Mobiltelefone zur Beweissicherung aushändigen müssen. Diese können dann komplett ausgelesen werden, es kommt zu einer digitalen Hausdurchsuchung. Damit wird stärker in die Rechte von Asylwerbern und Asylwerberinnen eingegriffen, als in die von Menschen, die einer schweren Straftat verdächtigt werden. Heikle personenbezogene Daten aus öffentlichen Datenbanken sollen zu allen wissenschaftlichen Zwecken – auch kommerziellen – zur Verfügung stehen, z.B. auch Daten aus der Elektronischen Gesundheitsakte (ELGA). Krankenkassen wurden zur Rasterfahndung in Gesundheitsdaten verpflichtet, um "Missbrauch von Versicherungsleistungen" zu verhindern. Auch eine Vorratsdatenspeicherung von IP-Adressen versuchte die Regierung in einen Gesetzesentwurf zu schmuggeln - als es auffiel und Protest hervorrief, nahm sie den Vorschlag jedoch sofort wieder zurück. In unserem Vortrag versuchen wir, einen Überblick darüber zu geben, was sich im letzten Jahr in Österreich netzpolitisch getan hat und was noch alles auf uns zukommen könnte.
Die Repaircafé-Bewegung rollt über unser Land herein. Wie können wir uns daran beteiligen und Synergien nutzen? In vielen Städte sind in den letzten Jahren Reparaturtreffs zur festen Institution geworden. Was gibt es für Schnittmengen mit der Hacker- und Makerszene? Warum solltet ihr euch beteiligen, was gibt es dabei zu beachten und zu gewinnen?
Till & Konsti, zwei Seelenverwandte begegnen einander. Diese zwei Jungs aus Berlin, finden sich um einen Sound zu kreieren, ihre Stimmungen und Erfahrungen in unverwechselbare Sounds zu verpacken, durchlaufen verschiedenste Facetten der elektronischen Tanzmusik... Sumseln sich durch das Dickicht des Deep-House Waldes, das Ziel... Back to the roots, um sich zu einem großen Ganzen zu vereinen, unabhängig von Zeit und Raum tanzen wir schwerelos durch die Unendlichkeit. Till & Konsti, two soul mates meet each other, these two boys from Berlin find each other to create sound, to wrap their moods and experiences into unmistakable sounds, go through different facets of electronic music... Are humming through the thicket of the deep-house forest, the goal... Back to the roots, to unite to one big whole, independent of time and space we dance weightlessly through Infinity.
One half of On+Brr and Brenz Hold (both with Alsen Rau), known for their infamous Hamburg club "Kraniche" (R.I.P.).
Hailing from Geneva to Falken, bambi de luxe has been haunting Zurich's underground scene for many years. She cultivates an alternative vision of living in occupied places promoting community spirit and rejecting materialism in the centre of capitalism and consumption. Plays only on best PA’s. On a couch. Never calls the police. LOVE FREEDOM EVERYTHING
We let the technically ungifted build robots and to fight each other for the laughs. Please contact @honky in RocketChat or visit the ChaosZone Hall 2 if you want to participate. We need at least 8 Robots to participate, if we have more, we'll bring this to the battlefield. Let's build funny robots and let them fight each other as long as we are superior to them :) Please let's dishonor high tech and celebrate everything made out of stuff we usually throw away (and blinks). Please contact @honky in RocketChat or visit the ChaosZone Hall 2 if you want to participate. We need at least 8 Robots to participate, if we have more, we'll bring this to the battlefield.
From the opening of the heart, aware of the body, while recognizing the Divine, you will experience Tantric energy in a safe and loving environment.
Andreas Krüger, aka Der Dritte Raum, is the man behind some of the most stirring electronic music of the past twenty-five years. But he'd rather not talk about himself. "The least important thing in all I do is myself," he says. "It's about the music." But of course there would be no music -- no epic anthems like "Hale Bopp" nor transcendent tunes like "Electric Friends" without his creativity, vision, and technical virtuosity which has been honed by his lifelong fascination with sound. The son of musical parents, Andreas grew up immersed in music. He began to study the piano as a child but quickly tired of rigid instruction. He stopped taking lessons and instead played along to records by The Beatles and Pink Floyd, "trying to understand how they made the songs." His main love, though, was electronics and physics. "I never thought I'd be a musician," he says with a chuckle. "I was the boy who built my own circuits, my own AM radio." This fascination with electronics helped spark his love for pioneering synth bands like Devo, Human League and Heaven 17. When a friend lent him a synthesizer, Andreas and his brother set it up in their basement, along with a drum machine and organ, and proceeded to "make a lot of noise." He was studying physics at the time but music absorbed more and more of his energy. In the early 90s he and a friend opened a "freaky punk New Wave" studio. Suddenly, being a professional musician or recording engineer seemed realistic. About the same time another life-changing experience occurred: Andreas started going to techno parties. For the first time, he saw his two great loves, music and technology, wedded to create something unique. "It was music without a standard arrangement, music without vocals," he explains. "Our New Wave and EBM projects always had a standard intro, bridge, verses, etc. Techno was totally new." With typical fervour, Andreas dropped his other projects to concentrate on making a "really cool techno record". Much to the delight of electronic music fans, he has been doing so, with surpassing brilliance, ever since. The marriage of Andreas's deep musical background and peerless technical skills birthed a unique sound that runs like a high-tensile wire through his prolific output as Der Dritte Raum. In the course of a dozen albums and almost thirty records and EPs, Andreas has never lost his fascination with pushing the boundaries of melody and technology. "Commercial music has a very narrow horizon," he says. " It is important for me to make music that can be played with other tracks without copying other ideas or sounds. It is dangerous to maintain a unique direction but that is the basic idea of making art." Currently, the artist is at work on multiple projects, including polishing a new techno album for release later this year, playing with a live band, remastering old Der Dritte Raum material, and taking his music to the masses with his DJ/live performance partner Ralf Uhrlandt. As Der Dritte Raum live, Andreas and Ralf have been pushing the boundaries of electronica since the early '90s. They bring the studio to life onstage with an array of computers, synths, desks and effects. "The equipment keeps evolving but it's always about jamming with sounds," says Andreas. However far-flung his gigs, or wide-ranging his ideas, Andreas is grounded by a simple truth: "I love music. Not just electronic music. All music.
Deeply inhaling rock music, then hiphop and, maybe most significantly jazz from an early age, collecting music has been Niklas’ favorite pastime since way back when. Starting to dj was then really just a process of making public and formatting a bit what had been going on at home anyways – with as little care for genre and imposed boundaries as possible, you’ll find Niklas aka Franco DJ play a diverse range of fringe dance musics from percussion and library records, disco and boogie tunes, spiritual jazz, No Wave, far out Kosmische and, yes, some roughed up house music. In Berlin, he regularly throws a party dedicated to genre-defying dances named SMELLS in various locations such as Sameheads and Loophole. Guests thus far include Jan Schulte, Retrogott, Basso, Philipp Otterbach, Jules, Twit One, Katzele among others. As a DJ, Niklas was heard at the Salon Des Amateurs, Düsseldorf, in Berlin at KaterBlau, JohnnyKnüppel, Klunkerkranich and Sisyphos, at the Teder/Romano in Tel Aviv and over the airwaves of LYL Radio, Redlight Radio and Cashmere Radio. Also catch him at his monthly bar residencies at Heiner/Weserstr. 58 in Berlin-Neukölln and at King Georg in Cologne.
Chaos meets Poetry Slam. Der humoristische Dichterwettstreit mit Informatikhintergrund. Mitmachen ausdrücklich erwünscht. Und keine Sorge, ein Poetry Slam hat nichts mit dem Ingeborg-Bachmann-Preis zu tun. Hierbei geht es um einen Wettkampf bei dem selbstgeschriebene Texte live vorgetragen werden. Prosa, Lyrik, lustige Geschichte, das ist eure Wahl. Erzählt von euren Sysadmin Lovestorys, WebDev-f*ckUps oder was auch immer euch auf der Seele liegt. Für Kurzentschlossene bieten wir euch davor noch einen Crash Kurs in Slam Poetry an, damit auch ihr das Publikum begeistern könnt und mit in das Finale einzieht. Die Session findet ihr zeitnah im Event-Wiki. Auf dieser Seite findet ihr auch eine Adresse, um euch für das große Event anzumelden. Durch den Abend begleitet euch das Slam-erfahrene Team der "Slamigans" aus dem Umfeld des Chaostreff Flensburg. Moderiert von Thorben Dittmar, früherer U20-Local aus dem Kühlhaus und ewiger zweiter Platz, stimmt das Publikum zusammen über die besten Beiträge ab. Das Siegertreppchen darf sich schon auf tolle Preise freuen. Also schnell anmelden!
Willkommen in einer Welt, in der knusprig gebackene Bassdrums den Ton angeben; in der Momratzn zu zwickenden Hihats zucken und dir Sprechblasen sympathische Bässe zuwinken! Du musst eine schwierige Entscheidung treffen? Super Flu empfehlen dir Doppelbrötchen mit Knoblauch und 6-Minuten-Eiern! Dein Equipment ist Schrott? Vertrau auf dein Gefühl, kitzel das Maximale aus der alten Bude und quetsch Inspiration aus allem, das du in die Finger kriegst! Dir fehlen die Ideen? Hör auf deinen Papagei! Mach Urlaub und trink Bier. Probier, (weißt schon, was zu machen, was du sonst nie machen würdest). Hör Jazz. Bastel was aus lustigen Dönerbuden-Namen, exotischen Instrumenten und Kinderspielzeug. Mit deinem besten Kumpel und mindestens einem gemeinsamen Lieblingsbäcker, viel Herzblut und einem großen Traum dahinter kann dir nun nichts mehr passieren…!
Swiss bliss & HH Adel
walking on tounges of drums, writing melodic textures - why not crying for a miracle ?
Frickelzwang für Sessionschwänzer
Rap Musical against Automated Propaganda Convenience, not choice.
The film explores a thrilling new way of travelling and reveals a longing for more authentic forms of human interaction.
Deeply inhaling rock music, then hiphop and, maybe most significantly jazz from an early age, collecting music has been Niklas’ favorite pastime since way back when. Starting to dj was then really just a process of making public and formatting a bit what had been going on at home anyways – with as little care for genre and imposed boundaries as possible, you’ll find Niklas aka Franco DJ play a diverse range of fringe dance musics from percussion and library records, disco and boogie tunes, spiritual jazz, No Wave, far out Kosmische and, yes, some roughed up house music. In Berlin, he regularly throws a party dedicated to genre-defying dances named SMELLS in various locations such as Sameheads and Loophole. Guests thus far include Jan Schulte, Retrogott, Basso, Philipp Otterbach, Jules, Twit One, Katzele among others. As a DJ, Niklas was heard at the Salon Des Amateurs, Düsseldorf, in Berlin at KaterBlau, JohnnyKnüppel, Klunkerkranich and Sisyphos, at the Teder/Romano in Tel Aviv and over the airwaves of LYL Radio, Redlight Radio and Cashmere Radio. Also catch him at his monthly bar residencies at Heiner/Weserstr. 58 in Berlin-Neukölln and at King Georg in Cologne.
From reverbnation: RK9 is an allias for Joeri Jungschlager, he used to play in bands and compose music in gerne's like hardcore (punk), jazz, deathcore & mathcore. in 2012 he first released on his own behave a EP Liquid Mind Fucks/Push this party till dawn later on in 2013 his first own EP murder for reblogs which came out on 2C-Broadcast Recordings and in 2014 a fully 3DS produced single came out through bandcamp 'miss the sky' and later used in a full live set recording avaible through youtube. RK9 is a general work out of the idea of a hybrid between liquid drum & bass and breakcore. Allong the road the hybrid ellements changed from the orginal idea too hardcore drum & bass/breakcore with mathcore. Which have given endless suprises and elements too the act. With support from around various scené's and different labels doing VIP Remix for various Dubstep & DnB labels. And founded 2C-Broadcast together with the prototype being the only hard DnB label in the Hague but also made several appearnces at District 9, Langweiligkeit, Benchmark Sessions and the PRSPCT stage on Eendracht Festival (Rotterdam) His productions since 2015 got several radio plays. And is played on the internet. Also he made several podcasts in that year Satanicast for example. RK9 is the Allias for Joeri Jungschlager also known as the disturbing breakcore panda but that is just a scene name. He was born in Drachten, Netherlands but now lives in Rotterdam. ==== From Soundcloud: Started out pretty young in the squat scené around nintencore & breakcore but moved on to breakcore and jungle and a different allias in 2011 RK9 plays and produces a violent combination of Liquid Drum & Bass, Breakcore and crossbreed with support from around various scené's and different labels doing VIP Remix for various Dubstep & DnB labels. And founded 2C-Broadcast together with the prototype being the only hard DnB label in the Hague but also made several appearnces at District 9, Langweiligkeit, Benchmark Sessions and the PRSPCT stage on Eendracht Festival (Rotterdam) His productions since 2015 got several radio plays. And is played on the internet. Also he made several podcasts in that year Satanicast for example. RK9 is also a Developer of OpenDJ: (text from Github) Open DJ or oDJ project is a project that aims to build a fully open source tabletop mediaplayer like pioneers X/CDJ or Denon SC5000 allowing DJ's to do more with their equipment than just DJ. The goal so far is to build 3 models one CDJ which contains CD/USB/SD card and ethernet/wifi link up connections, one XDJ which contains USB/SD, ethernet connections, wifi & LoRaWAN and a modular model which will start with an USB/SD but is expandable and get it's own development kit. Since this all can be quite complex and we have a tech community with more knowledge than just me, I want to build a community around this. This topic for a relatively simple device will be heavily cross domain. The goal is to provide an Open Source building block for smart clubs.
Siegfried Kärcher (1974/Force Inc.) wurde in die Zeit der Heimcomputer hineingeboren. Nach Atari VCS 2600 folgte der C64 und dann der Commodore Amiga und einige Berühmtheit in der Hacker/Cracker- und Demoszene. Er ist Mitglied des Computerkollektivs Spreadpoint. Der nahe gelegene Techno Club in Frankfurt, wo seit Anfang der 80er Techno erfunden wurde, wirkte ebenso stilprägend. In den Anfangstagen gab es noch keine strikte Trennung der elektronischen Musikstile und so erlebte Kärcher von piepsenden Konsolen und chiptunigen Heimcomputern wie dem C64, harter EBM, über Midifizierung der Tonstudios durch den Atari ST, Harddiskrecording, Kommerzialisierung und Ausverkauf des Technos eigentlich alle wichtigen Entwicklungsschritte mit. Seit einem Hochbegabtenstudium der freien bildenden Kunst entwickelt er Werke im Bereich bildender Kunst und Musik. Er lebt und arbeitet in Frankfurt am Main und Berlin. Auf dem 35c3 nimmt uns Siegfried Kärcher mit auf eine Klangreise in technoide Ambientgefilde, die musikalisch mal historische Leuchttürme aufblinken lassen aber auch in die Zukunft schauen lassen oder einfach nur zur Kontemplation einladen. Siegfried Kärcher (1974/Force Inc.) was born into the time of home computers. After Atari VCS 2600 followed the C64 and then the Commodore Amiga and some celebrity in the hacker/cracker and demo scene. He is a member of the computer collective Spreadpoint. The nearby Techno Club in Frankfurt, where Techno was invented since the beginning of the 80's, also had a style shaping effect. In the early days there was no strict separation of the electronic music styles and so Kärcher experienced all important development steps from beeping consoles and chiptuning home computers like the C64, hard EBM, via midification of the recording studios by the Atari ST, hard disk recording, commercialization and sell out of the techno. He has been developing works in the field of fine arts and music since he studied free visual arts as a highly gifted student. He lives and works in Frankfurt am Main and Berlin. On the 35c3 Siegfried Kärcher takes us on a journey of sound into technoid ambient environments, which musically blink historical lighthouses but also let us look into the future or simply invite us to contemplation.
Wie letztes Jahr wird es wieder ein spezielles Set auf der Chaos West Bühne zur CTF Afterparty geben. Es wird intensiv elektronisch und tanzbar mit Techno, Hard Electro, Psytrance, Drum and Bass und ähnlichem. & Real-time generated visuals combined with live (shader) coding. I use a self-written OpenGL engine written in Python that can hotload both python and shader code to create an ever evolving visual landscape. Herzlich Willkommen zur dieses Jahr erstmals offiziellen CTF-Aftershowparty. Nachdem letztes Jahr so ein Erfolg war, ist die Wiederholung dieses Jahr selbstverständlich. Statt dem Hirn und Augen sind jetzt Ohren und Füße gefragt: Mit einem Mix aus Techno, Psytrance, Hard Dance und Artverwandtem. Lasst euch ein bisschen überraschen, es wird auf jeden Fall elektronisch und auf jeden Fall extrem tanzbar. Als coolen Zusatz gibt es Live Shaderprogrammierung von VJ Pyree obendrauf. Kommt also zur Chaos-West Bühne und lasst die Nacht voller Energie ausklingen zu lassen!
Documentation and Q&A with crew members of Iuventa and other SAR ships
This workshop will build on the speech in the congress-programm scheduled on 29th for 11:30pm in Clarke and leave room for further discussion, networking and solution prototyping. Im Mai 2018 initiierte Reclaim Club Culture (RCC) in Berlin einen Protest gegen einen Aufmarsch der AfD und die AFDsierung der Gesellschaft. Zusammen mit mehr als 170 Techno Clubs, Festivals und Veranstalter*innen organisierten wir innerhalb von zwei Wochen drei Demozüge, auf denen sich mehr als 60.000 Demonstrant*innen versammelten. Dies ereignete sich in einem politischen Klima, in dem die Linke von den Erfolgen der Faschist*innen wie gelähmt schien und ein großer Teil der Gesellschaft immer weiter nach rechts abdriftete. Ausgehend von einer selbstkritischen Praxis werden wir der Frage nachgehen, wie und warum dies (scheinbar) plötzlich gelang.
Techno/Techhouse Set by dray Techno/Techhouse Set, vermutlich vom Stil zwischen Johnny Aemkel und Tiari, könnte sich aber auch noch ein wenig ändern.
Technoide Musik live gemixt von Juli Jane. Technoide Musik im Live-DJ-Mix von Juli Jane Eine bunte Mischung von Techno, Tech-House, Deep-House und/oder ähnlichen elektronischen Genres. * Set vom 34C3 im Electric Cube: https://soundcloud.com/juli_jane/nerds-can-dance * Set vom EMF Camp 2018: https://soundcloud.com/juli_jane/roadtrip * Mehr Sets und eigenproduzierte Tracks: https://soundcloud.com/juli_jane Zuvor zu hören u.a. bei: * CCC Camp 2015 - Chaos West * 32C3 - Chaos West Klangteppich * SHA2017 - Chaos West, GeraFFel und Mainfloor * 34C3 - Electric Cube * EMF Camp 2018 - Null Sector
Sewing electricity with Helen Leigh
!!!Now in Lecture room M3!!! We'll do some Yoga to calm our minds and move them bodies. Bring along comfortable clothes – and a towel to lie on ;-)
M5stack is a modular programmable prototyping device which has the esp32 at its core. M5stack can be programmed with the arduino IDE, esp-idf, micropython and more. In this workshop however we will be focusing on using block programming to control the light, sound, images on the screen, sensors etc. This workshop is suited for kids or anyone who is taking their first steps in coding, and maybe are put off by thinking they have to learn lots of typed commands to do even the most basic of things. The Uiflow interface for M5stack (flow.m5stack.com) is designed to lower the creative barrier so that anyone without prior knowledge can get setup making their first IoT application in minutes.
How does climate change affects us, our families and our communities? Hearing 12 different perspectives connects us to our own through intermediate pair-discussions.
For students of mathematics, computer science or a related subject.
OIO habour clean up
Basics that you need to flash your phone with a custom OS This will be my poor approach to teach you how to install TWRP. I'll try to tell yu the very basics that will enable you to flash it yourself and talk about all the fall pits you might avoid during your journey. Please bring your charged Phones, Laptops and working datacables!
Workshop with input on letter writing to prisoners Ending up in prison sucks. Ending up in prison with no support can destroy you. Going through this experience with support is really important for those who are ending up in it. Writing letters is one of the few things we can do for prisoners to break isolation between us and them.
Learn to Solder! A large variety of way cool kits are available, all designed for total beginners to complete successfully -- and intriguing enough for the total hardware geek.<br> <br> <span style="color:orange">'''''This ongoing workshop will be happening concurrently with lots of other way cool workshops at the Hardware Hacking Area! Throughout all of 35C3.'''''</span>
Surface mount electronics for terrified beginners. Learn to assemble tiny parts on circuit boards by building a working power supply. Anyone can do it. Yes, even you who never touched anything electronic before. 90-100mins, 20€/kit, avoid caffeine immediately before. Max 21 participants per session, there is a PAPER!!1! signup list in the hardware hacking area.
Besichtigung Syndikatsprojekt SchönerHausen
Every year since 2011 on the 28C3 we organize a Capture the Flag contest for people on the Congress and from all over the world. This year we want to give you an overview about what a CTF is, the challenges, the players, the community and how much fun it is to play (not only our) CTF. Capture the Flag competitions started to become a thing in the infosec community more than 20 years ago. When we started playing they were casual games to improve our skill set every now and then on weekends with a bunch of friends. In recent years, the CTF community grew much bigger and nowadays you can play a CTF every weekend if you want to. So what is it all about? For the past 7 years, we organized the C3 CTF with a variety of challenges that try to be oriented towards real-world scenarios. The range of topics include reverse engineering, crypto(graphy) and web, and of course good old binary exploitation. If you solve a task, you get a flag. As simple as that. For the second time this year, we also run a separate, entry-level CTF designed for folks who do not like spending 48 hours on a single challenge. We are honored that over a thousand teams are playing with us every year from every corner of the world, and trolling our IRC channels. We will present some challenges from this year's contest to give you an idea what you are up to when you decide to play. You will see how to solve our challenges even if you never played a CTF before. We realize that everybody needs to start somewhere and would love to motivate even more people to join our lovely community.
Lightning Talks are short lectures (almost) any congress participant may give! Bring your infectious enthusiasm to an audience with a short attention span! Discuss a program, system or technique! Pitch your projects and ideas or try to rally a crew of people to your party or assembly! Whatever you bring, make it quick! Did you think that the thrill of sharing your ideas in front of a huge audience at a C3 was something you'd never experience? Do you work on a cool project and want to get the word out? Was your talk one of the hundreds that got rejected? Did you come up with an awesome hack that you need to share? Go ahead and enter your Lightning Talk now! The 35C3 Lightning Talks consist of three fast paced sessions which are perfect for pitching new software or hardware projects, exploits, creative pranks or strange ideas you need to get out to a global audience. Even if you don't have an awesome idea or project to share, a Lightning Talk is perfect for pitching your Assembly, your workshop or even a longer talk you'll give as a self-organized session. Your five minutes of fame! For registration and schedule info, please check out https://c3lt.de/35c3
We mostly see with the mind, and the mind is flexible. For the four hundred million people with amblyopia (lazy eye), their brain encountered an installation error when linking both eyes as babies. As a "Plan B", their brain switched one eye off. I'll talk a bit about how the visual system works, and how our open-source virtual reality software (backed by social impact lab Leipzig and the prototypefund.de) can hack through that suppression and provide a chance to "re-install" full sight with two eyes. By providing an open set of tools for creating comparable experiments, our goal is not just to provide a tool, and a set of tools for building more tools, but to provide the basis for one of the world's largest open-science experiments. Nobody claims to have predictive scientific models of how the visual system works in its entirety, and that means there is still so much more to discover. In the case of Lazy Eye, some aspects of the visual system are de-activated and/or dormant. What we can do is to comparatively explore which techniques and approaches have which effects on opening visual perceptions, and thereby drive our understanding of the system forward on a theoretical and practical level. If you'd like to know more, check out www.eyeskills.org and come along to this talk. :-)
Why do navigation systems have feminine voices? We know Tay, Eliza, Siri not only as female names, but also as chatbots and software, which directly interact with humans. Although computer programs are per se genderless, gender seems not to be cancelled out in human-machine interaction, but why? This talk aims to examine how we map gender on computers and machines. This includes looking at software in machine-human interaction, as well as digging deeper into a cultural history of imagining and building human-like machines. To look at this, two view points are taken; In the examples of the virtual assistants; What do the responses these devices give in conversation reveal about their design? What are the expectations and projections users map onto a machine when they interact with it? This connects to the cultural imagining of machines as subjects, which has been pondered in literature and film before and parallel to technical research. From 18th century clockwork powered figures, that wrote and played music, to 19th century literature, in which young men fall in love with piano playing automata to A.I. characters in movie series and cinema. This talk tries to explore the relations between design and perception of machines and the dynamics in between.
Radical Digital Painting groups and presents several ideas and artifacts related to contemporary painting and contextualizes its connection to historical processes and digital technology. It is inspired by and is a continuation of Radical Computer Music. Through demonstrative, interactive performance lectures, American artist and educator Jeffrey Alan Scudder presents homegrown software inventions and new theories about painting and picture making. He has performed 60 times since 2016 across the US and Europe, mostly in art schools for students, and often with collaborators Goodiepal, Casey REAS, Julia Yerger, and Artur Erman. A Google search for “digital painting” today mostly brings up Photoshop tutorials related to translating age old representational painting techniques to computational media, but the topic of digital painting has much more to offer fine arts in terms of poetry and theory. Painting software today has largely developed out of a need for traditional artists to keep up pace of work in large scale mass media production pipelines, like those of video games and movies. Few systems have been developed to explore the spontaneity and spirituality present in modernism and contemporary art and further develop the language of painting in general. Jeffrey has created several programs that highlight abstract expressivity, play, and improvisation over production quality and technical control. In addition to software demos, new theoretical models of image resolution, computer literacy, and picture making are illustrated, described, and connected to the history of abstraction in drawing and painting. New ways of approaching drawing are also presented. He presently spends all his time traveling, performing, and continuing to develop his software and media performances. As of Summer and Fall 2018 he is traveling and lecturing with the Danish composer Goodiepal and his band GP&PLS throughout Europe. Jeffrey’s work Ten Minute Painting is now a part of the International Goodiepal Collection at the SMK Statens Museum for Kunst in Copenhagen, Denmark.
Get back control over your data - learn how to install your own Nextcloud instance!
Bildschirmtext war der Onlinedienst für Konsumenten bei der Post. Dieser Talk führt in die Technik dahinter ein und soll auch zeigen war man daraus für einen Web-Nachfolger wiederverwenden kann, und was man ändern müsste. Bildschirmtext ist nun schon seit 15 Jahre abgeschaltet. Wie bei jeder alten Technik spiegelt die Technik jedoch ihre Zeit wieder und zeigt gleichzeitig Möglichkeiten für die Zukunft auf. Bildschirmtext ist einerseits simpel genug, dass es von Einzelpersonen weitgehend implementiert werden kann, andererseits jedoch vielseitig genug um moderne Features einzubetten. Die Standards hinter Bildschirmtext sahen bereits hoch aufgelöste Fotos, Vektorgraphiken, Dateiübertragungen und Audio vor. Mit den gleichen Mechanismen von damals könnte man heute Video realisieren. Im Gegensatz zum Web, bei dem die Browser inzwischen Gigabytes an RAM benötigen, kann man ein simples Videotextterminal in einem mittelgroßen AT-Mega implementieren. Dafür muss man natürlich irgendwo anfangen. Deshalb habe ich vor ein kleines BTX-System aufzusetzen . Der Code dafür ist hier https://github.com/Casandro/cas_btx und wird dann (hoffentlich) per IP und DECT erreichbar sein. Dieses System hat einen primitiven Editor für BTX-Seiten und ist als Startpunkt für weitere Entwicklungen gedacht.
Let's start into day 4
Important day. Relevance for action. Together. Let's do it.
Closed Orga Meeting
Gerade im Bereich der IT halten externe Berater (und auch Mitarbeiter) sich oft mehr oder weniger an den Vorgaben der Aufsicht fest. So manch einer hat keine Ahnung, ob das eigentlich zielführend ist - und von was redet der Techniker am anderen Ende des Tisches da eigentlich?!?!!!??? Garniert mit eigenen Anekdoten, kleinen fiktiven Beispielen und absolut tauglich für Anfänger: Informationssicherheit & IT-Risikomanagement am Beispiel der Bank B! Zum Aufwärmen: Datenschutz und Informationssicherheit. Wo ist der Unterschied? Dann die drei Schutzziele Vertrautlichkeit / Integrität / Verfügbarkeit am Anfang des Regelkreises zur Informationssicherheit: welchen Schutzbedarf haben meine Informationen? Welche Prozesse wirken darauf ein? Auf welchem Server liegen die Informationen eigentlich? Hat meine Anwendung eine Schnittstelle? Warum stellen diese Leute immer so viele Fragen? Bisher ist doch auch nichts passiert? Dann mach ich halt mal was.... spätestens an dieser Stelle atme ich normalerweise tief durch. Dann kommt nämlich der Part, an dem erklärt wird: nö, ist nicht. Wenn dann weißer Rauch aufsteigt, und alle irgendwie zufrieden sind, kommt das Restrisiko. Wie, noch mehr zu tun?! Ja! Dann werden Risiken eingestellt, bewertet, und "gemanaged", berichtet, abgelehnt, verloren, wiedergefunden, mitigiert und irgendwie zu einem eigenen Süppchen gekocht. Dabei könnte es so schön sein (vollständiges, adressatengerechtes Reporting *hüstel*). Der zweite Teil beinhaltet dann also die Risikoanalyse. Über die Klärung, was eigentlich ein Risiko und eine Bedrohung ist, quantifizierter vs. qualifiziertes Ansatz, Risikobehandlung, Eintrittswahrscheinlichkeit & Schadenshöhe.
"Wir brauchen einen Hackspace." Mit dieser Aussage beginnt alles. Aber was ist notwendig, um diese Idee Wirklichkeit werden zu lassen? Einen geeigneten Ort finden, bürokratische und finanzielle Hürden, Raumgestaltung, die Gemeinschaft in Ihrem Raum zusammenhalten ... Es gibt eine Menge Dinge, die man beachten sollte. Mit Hilfe von Design Patterns zeigen wir Euch, wie Ihr Euren eigenen Hackspace aufbauen könnt. Der Hackspace Design Pattern Catalogue wurde erstmals auf der 24C3 vorgestellt. Seitdem sind die HackspaceDesignPatterns DAS Handbuch zum Einrichten eines eigenen Hackspace geworden. Jetzt, über 10 Jahre später, glauben wir ist es an der Zeit, einige dieser Pattern zu aktualisieren. Was ist noch gültig? Was hat sich verändert? Brauchen wir neue Pattern? Brauchen wir Patterns für Makerspaces? etc... Kommt zu diesem Vortrag, wenn ihr im Begriff seid, euren lokalen Chaos Computer Club oder Hackspace an irgendeinem Ort der Welt zu gründen und um von unseren Erfahrungen zu lernen!
Inter/de-pend-ence is a non-competitive board game that encourages deep conversation around questions of empowerment and support. Players share how they practice autonomy and relatedness via questions, examples, tactics, and listening. Inter/de-pend-ence emerged from shared interests in mutualism, agency, and artists’ roles. Let’s play.
This workshop will build on the speech in the congress-programm scheduled on 29th for 11:30pm in Clarke and on the workshop session / discussion taking place in komona on 30th at 01:00 am and leave room for further discussion, networking and solution prototyping. Im Mai 2018 initiierte Reclaim Club Culture (RCC) in Berlin einen Protest gegen einen Aufmarsch der AfD und die AFDsierung der Gesellschaft. Zusammen mit mehr als 170 Techno Clubs, Festivals und Veranstalter*innen organisierten wir innerhalb von zwei Wochen drei Demozüge, auf denen sich mehr als 60.000 Demonstrant*innen versammelten. Dies ereignete sich in einem politischen Klima, in dem die Linke von den Erfolgen der Faschist*innen wie gelähmt schien und ein großer Teil der Gesellschaft immer weiter nach rechts abdriftete. Ausgehend von einer selbstkritischen Praxis werden wir der Frage nachgehen, wie und warum dies (scheinbar) plötzlich gelang.
''Learn to solder together a cool, powerful music synthesizer,<br> and learn to make cool music, sound, and noise!''<br><br>''(This is one of many cool things happening throughout 35C3 in the huge '''Hardware Hacking Area!)'''''<br> <br> This workshop will be given:<br> Day 4: 30-Dec, 12pm - 2pm<br>
Meetup for everyone from or related to the HPI
Developed by artists Christine Wong Yap and Sarrita Hunn, Inter/de-pend-ence is a non-competitive board game that encourages deep conversation around questions of empowerment and support. Players share how they practice autonomy and relatedness via questions, examples, tactics, and listening. Inter/de-pend-ence emerged from the artists’ shared interests in mutualism, agency, and artists’ roles. Let’s play
Make science experiment with Pocket Science Lab and explore how you can use it at home, classroom, research lab etc. Download PSLab Android App for the workshop https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=io.pslab
An introductory session to the cyberpunk pen&paper role-playing game Shadowrun
BigTrak is a vintage programmable electric vehicle toy. Let's play!
Die Möglichkeiten des Microtargetings, aber auch der Desinformation mit Hilfe von Werbeplattformen wie Facebook sind vielfältiger, als man vor dem Cambridge-Analytica-Skandal vielleicht vermutet hätte. Darauf wollen wir auch angesichts der anstehenden Wahlen in Europa einen Blick werfen. Seit dem US-Präsidentschaftswahlkampf und dem Brexit-Entscheid sind Details ans Licht gekommen, wie politische Propaganda heute praktisch durchgeführt wird. Was die noch nicht einmal beendeten Untersuchungen bisher ergeben haben, wollen wir zusammenfassen. Denn dass sie mindestens dazu beitrugen, die Wahlergebnisse zu beeinflussen, ist nun nachvollziehbar. Entsprechend werden in Brüssel derzeit Gegenmaßnahmen geplant, die die Wahlen zum Europäischen Parlament vor ungebetenen verdeckten Manipulationen schützen sollen. Aber halten sich die zur Wahl Stehenden selber an ihre Forderungen und Vorschläge?
Private Unternehmen müssen nicht so transparent sein wie Behörden - selbst wenn sie sich wie Behörden benehmen. Welche Mittel können wir nutzen, um trotzdem Lichts ins Dunkel der Konzerne zu bringen? Wir stellen zwei Projekte mit unterschiedlichen Herangehensweise vor: Zum einen OpenSchufa, das das Scoring-Verfahren der Schufa rekonstruieren soll und erste Ergebnisse vorstellen kann. Zum anderen OffeneGesetze, das alle Bundesgesetzblätter seit 1949 erstmals kostenfrei und zur freien Weiterverwendung bereitstellt und jetzt dafür möglicherweise verklagt wird.
Spaß und ein kleines Bisschen Wissenschaft mit 3D-gedruckten Orgelteilen Musikinstrumentenbau ist überwiegend geheim-by-accident, es wird persönlich weiter gegeben und ist nicht ohne weiteres öffentlich zugänglich. Das ist für musik- und handwerklich interessierte Nerds natürlich unbefriedigend. 3D-gedruckte Pfeifen werden ich mitbringen. ## Ablauf * Kurze Einführung, was ist eine Orgel eigentlich * Was kann man heute cooler machen mit 3D-Druck und modischer Elektronik, Erläuterungen zu Funktionsweisen und CAD-Files * Überlegungen über Tastatur-Dynamik ## Links Das Spektrogramm auf dem Mac: ffmpeg -f avfoundation -i ":0" -lavfi showspectrum=s=1440x900:slide=rscroll -c:v rawvideo -r 25 -pix_fmt yuv420p -f matroska - | mpv - Linux: ffplay -f pulse -i "default" Previously auf media.ccc.de * https://media.ccc.de/v/MRMCD15-7058-die_pfeifenorgel_im_zeitraffer * https://media.ccc.de/v/WHTT3V Parametrische Orgelpfeifen-Files (FreeCAD und OpenSCAD): * https://github.com/benjaminwand/3d-printed-labial-pipe * https://github.com/benjaminwand/3d-printed-reversed-free-reed-pipe * https://github.com/benjaminwand/3d-printed-organ-parts Fachwörter-pdf: https://www.walcker.com/downloads/dictionnaire-des-orgues.pdf
Have you ever wanted to trace all syscalls or dump all IPC traffic across a Linux system? Until recently, doing so may have required some significant setup involving a half-baked tracing kernel module, a custom kernel module, or even using a kernel debugger. This talk will introduce the eBPF functionality of the Linux kernel and cover practical uses of the technology beyond mere code profiling. We will show how eBPF can be used both defensively and offensively to protect, or compromise, a system. This talk will primarily focus on using eBPF to dynamically instrument kernel functionality and gain deep insight on the workings of both kernel and userspace code across a running system. Attendees will leave with practical knowledge for using eBPF to (performantly) watch every action taken on a running system and make processes reveal their secrets. eBPF (or "extended" Berkeley Packet Filter) is a bytecode and virtual machine used as a safe computing environment within the Linux kernel to perform arbitrary programmatic actions. It is a redesign of the original BPF bytecode VM used, typically in userspace, to power features like tcpdump filters. eBPF has an entirely different set of capabilities and instructions, with its primary goal being to serve as a JIT-able virtual machine instruction set that can be targeted by compilers of a memory-safe "restricted C" language. In the Linux kernel BPF and eBPF have been applied to various different kernel features, from programmatic syscall filtering (for sandboxing) to performing efficient custom packet processing inline on the kernel's network data plane. In this talk, we will first introduce and briefly discuss the internals of the eBPF implementation in the Linux kernel, its features, and the current set of components that it may be integrated with. We will also briefly cover how eBPF does not intrinsically make C code secure and demonstrate how using eBPF instead of other, more mature, technologies may introduce vulnerabilities. The majority of this talk will focus on using eBPF to trace kernel functions to inspect both kernel and userland code and the data that flows through them. In line with this goal, this talk will cover pragmatic approaches to using eBPF and the non-idiomatic coding styles required to perform useful tasks in eBPF's sandbox. Additionally, while the aim of this talk is to cover the capabilities of "vanilla" eBPF, we will also demonstrate how the kernel may be trivially modified to lift the constraints of the eBPF sandbox when one does not have the time to tiptoe around the bytecode validator (or seeks to use eBPF as a drop-in replacement for kernel modules). Lastly, this talk will show that while eBPF may generally be "safe" for the kernel itself, it is decidedly not when applied to userspace code. We will conclude this talk by demonstrating a general purpose privilege escalation technique that may be used by privileged users to hop namespacing and escape certain container configurations using nothing but eBPF.
An introduction of wrong or missleading facts that we know in our expert fields, and following discussion how to handle them with the perspective to help others to recognise false facts.
A first introduction to Julia and why I am exited about it.
# Hacker eG * Eine Genossenschaft für chaosnahes Wirtschaften Viele von uns brauchen neben ihrem alltäglichen Broterwerb eine Genossenschaft, die uns gehört und uns bei Bedarf sogar nebenbei anstellt. Viele von uns wissen nicht, dass das so ist und warum. Dieser Vortrag erklärt die Zusammenhänge und das Vorhaben. Viele von uns haben einen Voll- oder Teilzeitjob zum täglichen Broterwerb und tun daneben gutes im Chaos und darüber hinaus. Manchmal würde man dafür auch gern etwas Geld nehmen und auch gern bekommen - und nimmt dann doch keins, weil man dann ja ein Gewerbe anmelden, ein Unternehmen gründen, Nebentätigkeiten genehmigen lassen müsste, Steuerberater beschäftigen usw. usf. So mancher von uns braucht nur mal zwischendurch eine Firma. Für ein cooles Projekt, den Containerimport aus China, oder zur Überbrückung zwischen zwei Jobs. Erst gründen und dann wieder abwickeln lohnt sich oft nicht. Oder man möchte das zugeworfene Kleingeld für gefällige Dienste rechtssicher und steuerehrlich in einen solidarischen Topf geben. Manchmal kann man auch Fördermittel für Projekte bekommen - wenn man denn nicht "nur" ein kleiner Freelancer ist. Für alles das gibt es seit 150 Jahren eine Lösung. Nennt sich Genossenschaft. Ist ein bisschen aufwändig. Jedenfalls für einen alleine. Auch für 10 Leute. Aber nicht für 100 von uns. Tun wir uns zusammen. Grundsatzinfos: [https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Genossenschaft](https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Genossenschaft) und bald auch konkret hier: [hkbl.de](http://hkbl.de) Registrierung als Gründungsinteressent: Leere Mail mit Betreff "Interesse" an geno@damals-tm-podcast.de
podcastpat:innen podcastpat:innen
Mit unserem Projekt Datengui.de machen wir die Daten der statistischen Ämter zugänglich für alle! In unserer Präsentation zeigen wir, wie wir die Daten aus der amtlichen Statistik saugen und für euch so aufbereiten, dass ihr sie verstehen und weiterbenutzten könnt.
Utopia international network part of Infoladen at Komona are having an open call for comrades to get to know the collectives and participate in direct action wherever we are and coordinate together. Everyone is welcome to come and find out how we can work together. We are from diverse activist groups from Austria, Bulgaria, Germany, Portugal, Lithuania, Italy, and beyond.
Datenaustausch zwischen Retro und Moderne; und Ersatz-Lösungen für heulende Festplatten
Make science experiment with Pocket Science Lab and explore how you can use it at home, classroom, research lab etc. Download PSLab Android App for the workshop https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=io.pslab
Das Jahr 2018 bietete wieder zahlreiche Beispiele für einen netzpolitischen Wetterbericht. Die Große Koalition lief sich mit der Bundesregierung warm und am Ende des Jahres droht man den Überblick über zahlreiche Kommissionen und Arbeitsgruppen zur Digitalisierung zu verlieren. Die gute Nachricht ist: Netzpolitik ist angekommen und geht nicht mehr so schnell weg. Die schlechte Nachricht ist: Beispiele für eine bessere Netzpolitik, Wert auf den Schutz und Ausbau von Grund- und Verbraucherrechte legt, gibt es leider eher weniger. Während die Urheberrechtsrichtlinie wahrscheinlich Uploadfilter und Leistungsschutzrecht auf EU-Ebene verankert, bringen die Innenminister Uploadfilter gegen Terrorpropaganda voran. Die ePrivacy-Verordnung hatte im Parlament zuviele Fans von Verbraucherrechten, deshalb wird sich jetzt im EU-Rat gestoppt. Der Skandal um Cambridge Analytica führte dazu, dass Geschäftsmodelle und Datenschutz bei Facebook und Co in der Öffentlichkeit stärker diskutiert wurden und nebenbei erblickte die Datenschutzgrundverordnung das Licht der Öffentlichkeit. Fast alles in der Netzpolitik dreht sich derzeit um Künstliche Intelligenz, wobei immer noch unklar ist, was sich Politikerinnen und Politiker darunter vorstellen, wenn sie davon sprechen. Irgendwas mit Arbeitsplätzen auf jeden Fall, vielleicht auch noch was mit Ethik und Regulierung. Je nach Perspektive. Dafür gibt es natürlich mehr Überwachung. Es gibt neue Behörden und Agenturen für den Bau von Staatstrojanern und am Bahnhof Südkreuz wurden erfolgreich/erfolgslos biometrische Videoüberwachungssysteme getestet, die demnächst überall ausgerollt werden könnten. Neue Polizeigesetze bringen mehr Überwachungsbefugnisse auf Länderebene. Es gibt aber auch gute Nachrichten aus diesem Jahr. Mehr dazu dann gerne live vor Ort. Es ist viel passiert in 2018 und die längeren Linien helfen dabei, einen Blick in die Debatten des kommenden Jahres zu werfen.
Did you always dream to have your very own server instead of relying on surveillance capitalism services, but don't know where to start ? Then this hands-on workshop is for you ! YunoHost makes it easy to setup your own server with mail and apps with limited technical knowledge.
DE/EN/Fi Build a little electronic insect robot from a toothbrush and a motor
Why do you write code? How does it influence you that you write code? How does it influence others that you write code?<br/>An artistic research project on the motivation, self-perception and sense of responsibility of people who write code.<br/>Come to reflect and discuss!
Gesprächsrunde über die aktuellen Denunzierungsseiten der AfD.
Climate change is for real and we are sending a message to influence the government. Even better - setting the foundation to become the government 🔥🔥🔥
Prometheus BoF: Prometheus, OpenMetrics, Observability, and all the things monitoring
Space is hard, but not that hard. Despite progress in technology, and cheaper rockets, science in space is becoming ever more expensive. Even copies of old missions now cost 2-4x as much. Better solutions are available, some taken straight from smartphones and consumer cameras. Satellite hardware is not magic dust. It's a piece of electronics in a somewhat exotic environment. These days, hardware development has progressed to the point where off-the-shelf hardware can be used in space. Improving performance, while cutting costs to a fraction. Professional star trackers cost several hundred thousand dollars a piece. But it is just a simple camera and the necessary software to find and track star constellations. Consumer hardware, like CPUs and camera chips, is essentially space-rated by default. Silicon-on-insulator used to be special hardware for radiation environments, but is now used in consumer electronics. Cheaper rockets became possible by pragmatic rocket engineering, notably by SpaceX but also Russian rockets still flying today. The ideas had been around for a long time. European, Chinese and Indian Launcher provide some examples on how to achieve reductions in launch cost and how not to achieve them. Cheaper rockets in many cases also allow higher mass to be traded for lower prices. Larger margins reduce work for quality control and modular systems reuse old engineering hardware in new missions. Higher satellite mass become increasingly acceptable, if they reduce development and manufacturing cost. And none of this is rocket science.
Why hassle with the VPN-Overhead. With the availability of commodity SV-VDSL Hardware in Gluon , it’s now possible to replace Mesh-VPN with Mesh-DSL. What we learned in the process and how major projects and wireless backbone networks in particular can benefit from a "VPN-free" solution.
Let's talk about computers on wheels. Electric cars. Let talk about experiences, hardware, software, hacking cars, coding cars. No presentation, just talk about experiences, ideas, problems and solutions.
Eine Rückschau auf den Congress aus Kinder- und Familien-Sicht Dieses Jahr sind wir zum ersten Mal als Familie auf dem Congress dabei. Nachdem ich letztes Jahr das erste mal im Sendezentrum als Gast aufgenommen wurde, schleppe ich nun meine Kids und die Herz-Liebste mit nach Leipzig. Wir werden den Congress aus Kinderaugen Revue passieren lassen. Außerdem berichten wir über unsere Erlebnisse als Familie in Leipzig auf dem Messegelände und "um zu". :-)
Modify the Fairy Dust After standing in the cold rain and snow for too long, the Fairy Dust will find its place this time in the middle of the crowd at hall 5. A video installation will take place on the surface. This is a call for people, who can handle c4d files and have the bravery to put their vision on the symbol of the congress. The file attached to this event contains all information about the object, as well the position and lenses of the 4 projectors. Fell free to develop whatever you like. Keep in mind that the surface is very glossy and actually eats the light away. Rendered video best with HAP or MP4. In the hours between 2 pm and 5 pm on the days of the congress, there will be access to the video system, if you come around and have a device with HDMI out. Enjoy! Powered by PENTAKLON und Rico Rose Contact: privatlehrer[at]gmail[:]com
siehe Beschreibung Anarchist Theory IV – Subject – Resistance – Emanczipation – anarchist theory of subjectivity (Input und Diskussion) Nach wie vor und vielleicht mehr denn ja, müssen wir verschiedensten Anforderungen entsprechen, wird unsere Seinsform von Normen bestimmt und geformt. Die gesellschaftliche Struktur des Subjekts ist dabei als Kampffeld verschiedener politischer Projekte anzusehen. Widerstände gegen Subjektivierung allein haben jedoch nicht automatisch emanzipatorischen Charakter, sondern können ebenso reaktionäre vereinnahmt werden. Wie können wir die Grenzen unseres Subjekt-Seins erweitern und aufsprengen? In welchem Verhältnis steht die Selbstveränderung zur Veränderung der Gesellschaft?
The Raddix Hacklab is a not-for-profit autonomous collective, part of a global movement of hackers and makers setting up a radical, community-run space in Athens (Greece) for people to come together to learn, share, organise, and create. The goal of this session is to meet and chat with people that want to know more about our Hacklab.
Soldering SumoRobots for every age and skill level. No previous experience required!<br><br>SOLD OUT!<br><br>Dec 27, 14.00 - 15.30<br>Dec 28, 14.00 - 15.30<br>Dec 29, 14.00 - 15.30<br>Dec 30, 14.00 - 15.30
Let talk about electric cars - computers on wheels.
Make science experiment with Pocket Science Lab and explore how you can use it at home, classroom, research lab etc. Download PSLab Android App for the workshop https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=io.pslab
There is four times more dark matter and over fifteen times more dark energy than regular matter in the universe. And we have absolutely no idea what these invisible dark substances might be. This talk will show how we know that dark energy and dark matter exist, although we cannot see them directly. This kind of reverse enigneering of the universe already revealed some interesting features of the dark parts. However, the true nature of dark matter and dark energy are literally in the dark. When it comes to dark matter, cosmology is facing a crisis. Many theories that can be tested nowadays where falsified and dark matter particle candidates still haven't been found in most of the predicted energy ranges. Whatever dark matter and dark energy will turn out to be, it will be stunning. So stay tuned and explore the dark.
The deepening of global Internet infrastructure comes accompanied with an invigorated capacity and intent by adversaries to control the information that flows across it. Inextricably, political motivations and embedded power structures underlie the networks through which we interpret and understand our societies and our world - censorship threatens the integrity of the public sphere itself. The increasing technical sophistication of information controls deployed by censors in adversarial network environments around the world can be uniquely viewed and researched by circumvention tool providers, whose work continues to preserve access to the open Internet for all communities. Through this presentation, we endeavour to share insights gained from the front lines of this technical contest. The deepening of global Internet infrastructure comes accompanied with an invigorated capacity and intent by adversaries to control the information that flows across it. Inextricably, political motivations and embedded power structures underlie the networks through which we interpret and understand our societies and our world - censorship threatens the integrity of the public sphere itself. The increasing technical sophistication of information controls deployed by censors in adversarial network environments around the world can be uniquely viewed and researched by circumvention tool providers, whose work continues to preserve access to the open Internet for all communities. Through this presentation, we endeavour to share insights gained from the front lines of this technical contest. The following key questions will be answered in this session: - What are circumvention tools conceptually and how do they work? - How have the techniques of adversaries evolved? - What are the latest innovations in circumvention technology? - How have emerging economies been affected, where censorship and and surveillance hardware and software are built-in to newly established ICT infrastructure? - How do circumvention trends follow censorship events and social/political movements? - Where do we see these technical advances leading the next generation of censorship and circumvention technology? This is a Foundations talk. No prior understanding of circumvention technology is required to enjoy this, but the presentation will hopefully be enjoyable to all experience levels.
There has been a lot of talk about Virtual Reality (VR), but still there are very little applications to enhance our everyday lives outside of entertainment. Augmented Reality (AR), the less known sibling of VR, has the power to have a more profound impact on our lives than VR ever could. Instead of replacing the real world with a virtual one, AR enhances the reality with virtual content. Therefore, AR can be a gateway for people in accessing and understanding todays technology and could provide vast possibilities to support our everyday lives, e.g., for navigation, traveling, or education. This talk will give an overview on AR in general and explain its possible benefits and use cases, as well as the issues that may arise, e.g., regarding privacy, data security, as well as psychological and sociological challenges. The talk requires no special knowledge and is suited for people with little exposure to AR and mixed reality, but it will also give insights into current relevant research and development. The recent renaissance and the technical advance brought Virtual Reality (VR) into the spotlight of the mainstream media and led to many promises of a upcoming VR revolution. But despite the abundance of VR headsets, the profund impact into our everyday lives is still not on the horizon. However, hidden in the shadows of VR, Augmented Reality (AR) has a much higher potential to change our lives. In contrast to VR, which aims to replace our physical reality with a virtual one, AR expands our physical world with virtual content. While VR disconnects us from the world, AR bridges the gap between the real and the digital world. Research in last decades focused mostly on specialized and professional use, e.g., in medicine or the industry. Nonetheless, there are a lot of applications for everyday usage, like navigation, traveling, education, and others. Probably the most important promise of AR is that it can help mend the ever increasing breach between humans and technology. Todays technical systems are often to complex, processes to distributed for humans to fully understand the function and state of systems. With AR we can superimpose these information directly on our physical world, visualizing data flows and connections, and make technology understandable again. Despite these opportunities to improve our lives, AR also harbors possible dangers for our society. Looking at the development of the smartphone ecosystems, there will very likely be a few closed systems controlled by their respective globally operating manufacturer. The Microsoft HoloLens is an early example of this likely trend with supporting only applications of windows universal platform. This implies the danger that these concerns have a vast control over the devices itself and with AR could literally dictate what we are allowed to see and what not. Privacy is also an important factor. To function in a satisfactory manner, AR headsets need a very good positional tracking and a video feed of what the user is currently seeing. To make sense of these informations, cloud-services will very likely be involved. This means sending what is basically a live feed of a persons live to somewhere in the vast expanse of the web. It's very hard to think of data that is any more sensitive than this. Therefore the challenge is how to make sure the data is handled responsibly and remains in the control of the user. Furthermore, AR can also be used for services, which are not in the best interest of the user, like personalized advertisements that, in a worst case scenario, could be superimposed on any surface. Last but not least, there are also some psychological and sociological challenges in the regard of how AR could influence our understanding of the world and how we interact which each other. This is an important question with our current use of smartphones, it becomes even more important when AR has entered our everyday lives. All of this makes Augmented Reality one of the most interesting areas of the current technical development. Therefore, it is important to get an understanding of what it is all about, which is exactly the goal of this talk. Besides a short definition and overview of the historical context and the current state-of-the-art, the talk will introduce a possible scenario of how AR can influence our everyday lives, which is based on the raise of the smartphone to the ubiquitous device it is today. We will hopefully close with an interesting question and answer session, where we can discuss some aspects even further.
Broadcom's Bluetooth firmware on popular devices – such as Nexus 5, Nexus 6P, Raspberry Pi 3, and Raspberry Pi 3+ – shares the same firmware update mechanisms, which allows for local firmware modifications. With InternalBlue we published a framework to change lower Bluetooth layers. In this talk we go even further and demonstrate a remote exploit in the Broadcom firmware. In the first part of this talk we present the InternalBlue framework, which allows to experiment with Broadcom-based Bluetooth chips. On Nexus 5 and 6P, it already supports monitoring and injection tools for the lower layers of the Bluetooth protocol stack. The second part of this talk focuses on security. We show how behavior during pairing can be modified, e.g. by setting other device features or IO capabilities. We also demonstrate an implementation of the recent publicly known ECDH key exchange attack. Last, we demonstrate a new attack (CVE-2018-19860) that can crash the Bluetooth stack and execute a limited set of functions – only requiring knowledge of the Bluetooth MAC address of the device under attack. This vulnerability has silently been patched in newer firmware versions, but it applies to Broadcom chips in popular devices such as Nexus 5, Raspberry Pi 3, iPhone 6, Xperia Z5, Samsung Galaxy Note 3, MacBook Pro 2016 and more.
Laut Mythos wurde der CCC nur zu einem Verein, weil als einzige andere Rechtsform nur noch die kriminelle Vereinigung zur Alternative stand. Damit es bei euch nicht soweit kommt zeigen wir euch wie ihr bequem aus eurem Interessensverband, der Brettspielgruppe oder dem Nerdstammtisch einen guten deutschen e.V. macht. Alles mit einer Prise Humor aus unserem eigenen Versagen und einer Gemeinnützigkeit als Kirsche obendrauf. Was macht eigentlich ein Vorstand? Ist Kassenwart sein nicht voll viel Papierkram? Wie mache ich jetzt richtige Beitrittserklärungen? Alles Fragen die unser eins gerne davon abhalten einen richtigen Verein zu gründen. Wenn man sich aber kurz in das Abenteuer Vereinsrecht stürzt hat man am Ende ein klasse Tool in der Werkzeugkiste um noch fantastischer im Hackerspace zusammen an Projekten arbeiten zu können. Wir sprechen dabei aus teilweise schmerzlicher, teilweise lustiger Erfahrung. Samuel und Thorben waren beteiligt an der Gründung und Entwicklung mehrerer Vereine. In den letzteren Versuchen dann auch mit mehr Erfolg. So existiert und floriert bis heute auch der Chaostreff Flensburg e. V., an dessen Geschichte wir euch zeigen wollen wie ihr einen Hackerspace oder ähnliches auf die Beine stellen könnt, wo ihr ihn beheimatet, wie ihr Mitglieder gewinnt, eine Community schafft und auch das nötige Kleingeld für eure Projekte zusammenkratzt. Was für Tools und Technik könnt ihr auf eure Probleme werfen und wo hilft der Gang zum befreundeten Steuerberater? Und wie kann man überhaupt ein Teil des großen Chaos werden, ohne überhaupt nur eine Seele dabei zu haben die weiß worum es geht? Und wie kann ich mein erstes kleines Event starten? Den nötigen Papierkram für Gründung, Beitritte und Versammlungen bringen wir euch natürlich zum Kopieren und benutzen mit. Freut euch auf eine humoristische Mischung aus gut gemeinter Inkompetenz und gemeinnützigen Papierschlachten. Danach wollt auch ihr Vereinsmeier werden.
Demo einer Alphastation mit 21064 Prozessor. Dazu Infos über die Geschichte des Alpha-Prozessors und wie digital drin hängt/gehangen ist. Sowie Eckdaten zum Alpha
In mesh networks clients stay in separated ethernets. We developed and implemented a distributed dhcp algorithm so our mesh nodes now can serve dhcp directly while maintaining a consensus about leases of the same subnet. In mesh networks, you can either run central dhcp servers or run them on the mesh nodes and have some administrative control about the served subnets, but those then scattered dhcp servers have no consensus about the whole lease state and thus are not able to renew leases of roamed clients. Our algorithm, implemented in the ddhcpd addresses these problems: It coordinates the served leases automatically, so you need no administrative control entity. And it allows roamed clients to renew and keep their IP addresses, through a forwarding mechanism. The talk will be about the theoretical concept, the state of our implementation in ddhcpd and practical experience. DDHCPD: https://github.com/sargon/ddhcpd Gluon Packet: https://github.com/sargon/gluon-sargon/tree/v2018.x/ddhcpd
Basic introduction how to get started to hack on Wikimedia software projects with Q&A
Reclaim Club Culture would like to meet with other collectives and networks against racism, fascism and social oppression to build new structures of political support and exchange of knowledge.
A meet-up session bringing together journalists, scientists & developers passionate about community-driven approaches to battle misinformation.
Does your back hurt after four days of congress? Here you find some relief.
We will present FAQin congress and its CTF to anyone willing to get some nice time in March in Madrid
How would offer a talk at 36C3 or at Camp? What other events are there where I could give my first talk? An Introduction
Sing- und Tanzspiele für Kinder von "kann selber laufen" bis 4 Jahre
Wie ist denn das so, zum ersten Mal auf dem Congress zu sein? Und wie war das zweite Jahr im CCL? In dieser Sendung spricht MacSnider mit Neulingen auf dem Congress über deren Eindrücke.
In unserem Workshop wollen wir Hindernisse, Probleme und Fragen der Einfluss- und Entwicklungsmöglichkeiten kollektiver Strukturen erarbeiten. Vielleicht gelingt es uns zusammen, einerseits die Gründe für die Partikularität und mangelnde Kontinuität und andererseits langfristige Handlungsoptionen und Orientierungspunkte herauszufinden. Wie wollen wir leben? Subkultur versucht die Frage nach einer besseren Gesellschaft zu beantworten. Selbstorganisierte Kollektive schaffen Freiräume mit verschiedenen nicht-kapitalistischen Bereichen und entziehen sich dadurch teilweise dem Verwertungszusammenhang. Sie bleiben dabei aber oft in ihren jeweiligen Blasen gefangen und auf diese beschränkt. Die dabei auftauchenden Probleme in Struktur, Organisation und Kommunikation scheinen sich in allen Kollektiven zu gleichen. Was ist der subversive Kern der Subkultur? Wie können wir als subkulturelle Kollektive handlungsfähig werden und nachhaltig und langfristig gesellschaftlichen Einfluss üben? Wie kann eine effiziente und einfache Organisation, Kommunikation und Vernetzung in Kollektiven ermöglicht werden? Wie kann eine entsprechende Professionalität und Autorität erreicht werden? Wie kann Kontinuität in Arbeit und Kritik erreicht werden? Wie erreichen wir eine Synergie der Kollektive und der Subkulturen? Es geht uns weniger darum, Antworten zu liefern, als uns auszutauschen und die relevanten Fragen und Probleme im Zusammenhang subkultureller Kollektivarbeit herauszufinden und zu formulieren. WEITERE INFOS: Der Text zum Workshop steht [IN DIESEM PAPER.](https://think.breakallthe.systems/pad/#/2/pad/view/fPLEDo1SBfG7jeOwub9OCVIoNCPgND9AGJBAj4O6n98/embed/) Dazu kannst Du schon in drei Arbeitsgruppen Deine Gedanken und Fragen formulieren. Hier: [Arbeitsgruppe 1 - SUBKULTUR](https://think.breakallthe.systems/pad/#/2/pad/edit/XVSGAna+gk8yqabPyGJNK9UR/)<br> Da: [Arbeitsgruppe 2 - KOLLEKTIVITÄT](https://think.breakallthe.systems/pad/#/2/pad/edit/5KsgH86U6YZiHFuLemq3LhHd/)<br> Dort: [Arbeitsgruppe 3 - ORGANISATION](https://think.breakallthe.systems/pad/#/2/pad/edit/taP7wgPx0Kf2XtFzLjrk8uj7/) Wir freuen uns auf Dich und Dein Input!
Make science experiment with Pocket Science Lab and explore how you can use it at home, classroom, research lab etc. Download PSLab Android App for the workshop https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=io.pslab
The Translation teams meets twice a day during the breaks to distribute shifts and self-organise.
Let's talk about creating the software that stimulates imagination and creative thinking, not consumerism and dopamine addiction. I will also demonstrate a text network analysis tool called InfraNodus that helps visualize a text as a network to generate insight about a discourse.
Using a simple non-technique, we will memorize digits of pi. It's fun. No prerequisites needed. In English and German. Bring your kids! (all sessions are independent from each other)
The Translation teams for the second channel meets twice a day during the breaks to distribute shifts and self-organise.
Once upon a time, George Orwell said, ”Good writing is like a windowpane.” That’s why I decided to reveal to you the secrets of how to use the windows of the 21st century in order to prevent writer’s blockage. To do this, we embark on a virtual journey to various free of charge writing tools on the web.
Angel Meeting
Eine Diskussion: Weniger Nachfrage, unzeitgemäße Performance, Adminfrust, erklärungsbedürftige Hardware-Situation: Was können wir anders machen in den etablierten Communities. Visionen oder schlicht Ansätze
Introduction to 3D modeling
16H10, M1. Rescheduled from 14h to 16h10. Sorry for the inconvenience
Autistic Meetup - zweites Treffen aller interessierten Autistinnen und Autisten
AcroYoga is a physical practice which combines yoga, acrobatics and Thai massage.
I love music and I mix and create tracks which make me happy. I do my thing and if you like it, it makes me even happier :)
anarchist's singing session. bring musical sheets or lyrics, if you have! let's sing our hearts out together. there will be some songs, you can bring some songs, if you have a guitar (or other fun instruments) bring it along. a warm-up and some practical tips for organizing a protestchoir and open source songbook-pdfs will be provided
Neuroplastic Society aka How to Learn Your Mind by Karol Sokolowski
frickelzwang für sessionschwänzer
Was hat sich im letzten Jahr im Bereich IT-Sicherheit getan? Welche neuen Entwicklungen haben sich ergeben? Welche neuen Buzzwords und Trends waren zu sehen? Wie immer wagen wir den IT-Security-Alptraum-Ausblick auf das Jahr 2019 und darüber hinaus. Denn was wir wirklich wissen wollen, ist ja schließlich: Welche artifiziell intelligenten Poltergeister werden in unseren Geräten herumspuken, welchen Meistern werden sie gehorchen und wie werden wir sie wieder los?
35C3 is run by teams of volunteers. In this event, they will provide some insight into the challenges they faced while building the GSM, DECT and IP networks, running video streams, or organizing ticket sales. All graphs will be pointing up and to the right.
Security Nightmares Streaming Security Nightmares Streaming
Balboa Swing dance basics 4u To dance is to communicate between mind and body. Prediction, adaption and realization. When dancing together we communicate using our bodies and overcome the barriers of spoken language. We'll introduce you to the basics of Balboa swing dance. Couple dance is based on the follow and lead roles. You'll switch roles during this workshop. No prior experience and no partner needed.
Meet at Komona Thunderdome
Discussion about a new party concept, setting out to make politics great again.
Hier hört es auf.
Streaming des offiziellen Closing Events Streaming des offiziellen Closing Events
Livestream from the 35C3 Closing Ceremony
The talk is a call to discuss about how we can contribute our skills to those who are in Rojava and build solidarity in a material way.
Lets come together and talk about komona action @ CCC Camp and planning of this. Let's do it.
we gather to exchange our stickers
Shutdown notice
From the family...
Dissecting iPhone's Qualcomm Baseband firmware
We were deeply into research, together with a mad cartoon scientist, when shit hit the fan! ..However, we got stuck in your dimension. And we brought you something very special. Our Quantum Techno Generator - EXOBOOM. You don´t want to miss us firing up that thing!
Since years OneTake & Perm share a faible for heavyweight and spacey Dub 7inches. Every once in a while they get together for a rare b2b set.
With a background in breakcore, weirdo electronic music and a love for video game soundtracks disrupt and a trashy laptop set out on a mission to unite bits and bytes with the goodness of DUB back in 2003. Starting the Jahtari imprint as an outlet for those humble but fun experiments helped to gain momentum for the sound and DIY approach the label is now known for. A fair heap of releases followed since 2007: “Foundation Bit” (on Werk Discs), “The Bass Has Left The Bilding” (LP), “Dot Matrix With Stereo Sound” and many ruffneck dancehall EPs and 7″s alongside Maffi and Naram. Disrupt also produced the cosmic enka LP “Karma No Kusari” by Kiki Hitomi, and the dub poetry epics “Dis Side Ah Town” and “Dog Heart City” by Roger Robinson. With his highly immersive SciFi adventure album “Omega Station” disrupt is setting out towards a new era of space exploration for the Jahtari label.
Since years OneTake & Perm share a faible for heavyweight and spacey Dub 7inches. Every once in a while they get together for a rare b2b set.
Clear Memory member, future record store owner and Data Wrangler based in Leipzig. Transforming Breaks, UK Bass, Footwork, bossy Electro and Jungle into another format with the intent of making it more appropriate and valuable for a variety of listeners.
Leipzig based Artist and Producer Sebastian G. aka RUZ. Associated with: ALPHACUT | 45SEVEN | BASSMÆSSAGE Original Junglist, Soundscape lover and musical Madness searching Vinylist from Leipzig, Germany. From ruff & rugged Breakbeat fiddlin' over smooth Oldschool Reggae Dub Vibes to dark, psychotic and melancholic Soundspheres. For fans of 90's oldschool Jungle & newly modern Drum and Bass movements.
Ingo Boss was born in 1979 in Frankfurt am Main. At the tender age of 11, Ingo was already entranced by the new sound called techno that he had heard on the radio – two years later he already became acquainted with the wonderful things one can do with two decks and a mixer. As so many others, he was inspired by the music Sven Väth played at the legendary „Omen“ in Frankfurt where Ingo used to turn the night into day at the age of 15. In 1998 he had his first gig at the short-lived „U-Bahnstation Miquelallee“ in Frankfurt. In 2000, Ingo became a resident at a series of events called „Spectrum@MTW“, organized by the German music magazine GROOVE. That same year he published his first production „modes“ in cooperation with his studio partner Denis Engemann on PV Records and later on two mix CDs. In 2001, Ingo went on a tour which also led him abroad for the first time: with PV Records and with the Delirium Recordstore on the occasion of their 10 year anniversary. In 2002, he began his residency at the „U60311“ in Frankfurt and he held it until he gave it up in 2004 in favour of Cocoonclub. Ingo’s breakthrough as a producer came in the form of his EP „Transistor“, which was released on Cocoon Recordings in 2003 and which contained the goosebump track „Little Eternity“. The track made it onto Sven Väth’s mix CD „Sound of the Fourth Season“. On Christmas Eve 2004, Ingo made his debut at Cocoonclub where he played side by side with Sven Väth and 2Raumwohnung – he became a regular at Cocoonclub and pretty soon, he hosted the „micromized“ night with Chris Tietjen as co-host. In 2006, he and REBOOT made the successful remix of G-Man’s techno classic „Quo Vadis“. In november 2010, the industrious musician finally released his first album on TopModel Records. Ingo has been part of the Cocoon roster since 2009. In 2011 he launched his BEATPORT label called EUREKA Frankfurt. In February 2012 he released "Same Mind" - his second artist album - on Eureka. Later on followed by the „Same Mind Remixes“ abum incl. Remixes by Mark Reeve, Johannes Heil, Romano Alfieri, Dr. Shingo and many more artist. In this year he launched also his „insane“ Techno Release „Freakshow EP“ with a Neil Landstrumm Remix (EURK006). And a Co-Op Production with Mark Reeve on Cocoon Recordings („Initial Spark“ – COR12099). In August 2013 he decide to be an artist of CONTACT Booking agency.
two guys from the family, Erna Besen & Rosa Luxus, helping you to dance goodbye to 35C3