36th Chaos Communication Congress

Day 4 (2019-12-30)


Seminar room 14-15

Is there such a thing as "Gaming Addiction" and is there a cure? Please note: This abstract is in English, but if there are no non-German speakers present, the talk may be held in German.Video Gaming addiction - buzzword, excuse for 400+ hours on Skyrim, mere symptom of depression or genuine psychological disorder? What even is there to become addicted to in gaming? Are there people more at risk than others and if yes, who? In what kind of ways are games engineered to make us become addicted? Where is the limit between normal gaming and a disorder? And if you are addicted, what helps? This talk aims to explore these questions and more, time for questions will be included as well!


Hardware Hacking Area

Hands-on with Wi-Fi hacking

Hands on with WI-FI Hacking on the ESP8266

Hands-on with Wi-Fi hacking Want to learn how Wi-Fi hacking works, and go home with your own esp8266 Wi-Fi deauther? Come to the MysteryHack bonus session to learn how hackers can shut down any Wi-Fi network in seconds with a low-cost microcontroller. Kody Kinzie will explain how the most common Wi-Fi attacks work, focusing on using low-cost microcontrollers and Raspberry Pi computers to crack passwords and attack IoT devices like WI-Fi security cameras. PLEASE BRING A MICROUSB CABLE!


Hardware Hacking Area

Geigerzähler– Hardwarebasteln mit LoRaWAN & WiFi Wir sind die Ecocurious-Initiative und haben einen LoRaWAN- und WiFi-fähigen Geigerzähler entwickelt. Diesen Low-Cost-Multigeiger mit gutem Zählrohr kannst Du bei uns löten, im Tausch gegen Materialkosten von 75 Euro mitnehmen und damit Teil unseres wunderbaren Messnetzes werden, das wir gerade aufbauen. Die Bauteile und unsere selbstentwickelte Platine bringen wir für Dich mit. Du findest uns in der Hardware Hacking Area, im Hamsterspace. Wir bieten 2 Workshop-Zeiten an: Am 29.12. von 14-17 Uhr und am 30.12. von 10-13 Uhr. Wir freuen uns auf Dich, mach mit! Geigerzähler– Hardwarebasteln mit LoRaWAN & WiFiWir sind die Ecocurious-Initiative und haben einen LoRaWAN- und WiFi-fähigen Geigerzähler entwickelt. Diesen Low-Cost-Multigeiger mit gutem Zählrohr kannst Du bei uns löten, im Tausch gegen Materialkosten von 75 Euro mitnehmen und damit Teil unseres wunderbaren Messnetzes werden, das wir gerade aufbauen. Das Gerät ist die ultimative Beta-Version, Änderungswünsche und Ideen sind sehr willkommen.Wir bringen die Bauteile und unsere selbstentwickelte Platine für Dich mit. Du findest uns in der Hardware Hacking Area, im Hamsterspace.Wir bieten 2 Workshop-Zeiten an: Am 29.12. von 14-17 Uhr und am 30.12. von 10-13 Uhr.Wir freuen uns auf Dich, mach mit!



spielerisch und kreativ die Welt der Computer kennenlernen Mit dem Calliope mini kannst du spielerisch und kreativ die Welt der Computer kennenlernen. calliope.ccAnzahl Teilnehmer*innen: 5-10Alter: 6+ JahreDauer: 30-60minAnmeldung erforderlich?: Nein


C-base / CCC-B / xHain

Let's make a game for the MAKERbuino! [[File:MAKERbuino.jpg|800px]]More information [[MAKERbuino|can be found here]].



Learn about the open hardware pocket science lab Join us for a self-guided exploratory workshop on Pocket Science Lab with your Android phone or laptop PC. Our goal is to develop an open source measuring device for electronics and sensors. In this exploratory open session you have the chance to install the app on an Android phone and test the Pocket Science Lab device with components and sensor kits.



Lecture room M3

We'll do some Yoga to calm our minds and move them bodies. Bring along comfortable clothes – and a towel to lie on ;-)



Chaos-West Bühne

**Eine Reise zu den Fundamenten der digitalen Welt**. Was ist eigentlich ein Rechenzentrum und wie funktioniert es? Welche Bedeutung haben Datacenter für das Internet und den ganzen digitalen Rest? Strom, Kühlung und Sicherheit im Überblick. Was muss alles passieren, damit Server, Storages und Netzwerke immer laufen können. Warum werden die Datacenter immer größer, wo doch die Elektronik immer kleiner wird? Welche Konsequenzen ergeben sich daraus? Wieviel Strom verbraucht eine Suchanfrage oder ein Videostream und warum ist das relevant? Ist Deutschland ein guter Standort für (neue) Rechenzentren und warum? Und was hat das alles mit Klimawandel und Nachhaltigkeit zu tun? Kann es GreenIT ohne "grüne" Datacenter geben? Wie sollten die aussehen? Was muss in den kommenden Jahren geändert werden, damit auch Rechenzentren ihrer Rolle beim globalen CO2-Ausstoß gerecht werden? Überraschende Einblicke in Planung, Bau und Betrieb von großen Rechenzentren.


Lecture room 11

c3lingo tech meeting about improvements for next year Workshop for c3lingo tech prep for 2020


Seminar room 14-15

This workshop is for everyone who wants to get an idea and some first look at the programming language Julia, which was originally designed for data analysis or scientific computing In this introductory workshop you are invited to get a first look at the programming language Julia. Julia is comparatively recent (version 1.0 got released August last year) and was originally designed from scratch to provide a high-level language, which is also fast. As a result applications include scientific simulations, data science, machine learning and generally high-performance computing. Writing Julia feels a lot like writing a scripting language, but since code is automatically (and painlessly) compiled down to machine code before execution, a performance comparable to low-level languages like C or FORTRAN can be achieved.We will use examples and a few exercises to discuss the main concepts of Julia. The main purpose is to get you curious and give you an overview. Care is taken to provide rich lists of links with further information to continue to explore Julia on your own (if you wish to do so ...).


Lecture room M2

How a mathematical breakthrough made at the end of the 17th century is the workhorse of the artificial neural networks of today Conventional computer algorithms are superior to the human intellect in many regards: for instance at multiplying large numbers or winning at chess by analyzing huge numbers of moves. But there are also many tasks which come naturally to us yet exceed the capabilities of algorithms by vast amounts: Rigid algorithms can't decipher human handwriting or drive cars.The recent breakthroughs in artificial intelligence circumvent these barriers by employing quite a different approach: They use artificial neural networks, which are inspired by the partially-understood way the human brain works.The unique feature of artificial neural nets is that they aren't rigid, but can <em>learn</em>. Human programmers specify their rough structure and supply training data, but don't write a single line of code governing their behavior.<strong>In the spirit of a good Unix command-line tool, this talk aspires to explain one thing and explain it well: How do artificial neural nets accomplish the feat of learning?</strong>We'll see that the answer is related to a mathematical breakthrough made at the end of the 17th century and discuss why deep learning only surged in the last few years, even though the basics of artificial neural nets were already understood in the 1980s. We'll also touch upon some of the biggest problems of neural nets, which emerge directly from the way neural nets learn.The talk doesn't require any advanced knowledge of mathematics. If you're already familiar with [http://neuralnetworksanddeeplearning.com/ Michael Nielsen's book], then don't expect to learn anything new and come to this talk only if you want to contribute interesting remarks.


Hardware Hacking Area

Learn to Solder! A large variety of way cool kits are available, all designed for total beginners to complete successfully -- and intriguing enough for the total hardware geek.<br> <br> <span style="color:orange">'''''This ongoing workshop will be happening concurrently with lots of other way cool workshops at the Hardware Hacking Area! Throughout all of 36C3.'''''</span><br> <span style="color:red">'''''Please come by any time to learn to solder!'''''</span> [[File:LearnToSolder.jpg|center|500px|Room full of happy hardware hackers at the Hardware Hacking Area at 30C3]]<br>'''What''': A place to get together to solder stuff!<br>       Learn to Solder!<br>       You can easily learn all of the skills you need in a short time.<br>       Make a project, and take it home with you!<br>       If you have your own project (advanced or simple),<br>       bring it by, and if you would like help, you can get it!<br>'''When''':<span style="color:red"> '''''Any time!'''''</span> All day and all night -- Every day of 36C3<br>       Most projects take about 1.5 to 2 hours<br>       <span style="color:orange">'''''This ongoing workshop will be happening concurrently with lots of other way cool workshops at the Hardware Hacking Area!'''''</span><br>       <span style="color:red">'''''Please come by any time to learn to solder!'''''</span><br>     '''Where''': The '''Hardware Hacking Area''' -- West side of Exhibition Hall 2 -- [https://events.ccc.de/congress/2019/wiki/images/c/ce/HHA_map.png map]<br>'''Who''': You! All ages, all skill levels -- It is fun to make things in the<br>       friendly community of the Hardware Hacking Area.<br>       ''Come join us. Everyone is welcome.''<br>'''Cost''': Instruction is free! We ask that people pay only for the cost of<br>       the parts used -- kit prices range from €10 to €30.<br>          <span style="color:orange">''' -- No need to register -- just come on by,</span> <span style="color:red">any time!'''</span><br>Learn to solder! [[User:Maltman23|Mitch Altman]] and others will bring kits to make cool, practical, intriguing, hackable things that you can bring home after you make it. Of course, you can also bring your own projects to hack. And if you have anything to fix, bring it by!Plenty of cool kits are available to make, including:<br>* TV-B-Gone (turn off TVs in public places!)<br>* ArduTouch Music Synthesizer (make cool noise and music with this Arduino-comaptible kit!)<br>* Brain Machine (Meditate, Hallucinate, and Trip Out!)<br>* Trippy RGB Waves (interactive art blinky lights!)<br>* MiniPOV (write your message in the air!)<br>* MintyBoost (charge your USB enabled gadgets!)<br>* Hello My Name Is... badge (Geeky, blinky version of the sticker!)<br>* microcontroller programmers (program all your AVR family chips!)<br>* Arduino clones (make just about anything!)<br>* And many, more!<br>More info on these projects is available at:<br>[http://www.CornfieldElectronics.com Cornfield Electronics] (click on the "projects" tab)<br>[http://www.adafruit.com/ Adafruit]<br>[http://www.evilmadscientist.com/ Evil Mad Scientist]<br>[http://analogmachines.com Analog Machines]<br>Anyone can learn to solder! Even if you have never made anything in your life, you can learn this very useful and enjoyable skill. It really is fun! [[User:Maltman23|Mitch]] and has taught tens of thousands of people to solder all around the world, and he can teach you, too! Add yourself to the ever increasing community!<br><br><br>


Hardware Hacking Area

Surface mount electronics for terrified beginners. Learn to assemble tiny parts on circuit boards by building an electronic touch-activated purring kitten. Anyone can do it. Yes, even you who never touched anything electronic before. 120mins, 20€/kit, avoid caffeine immediately before. Max 20 participants per session, there is a PAPER!!1! signup list in the hardware hacking area. [[File:Catsplash.png|800px]]Takes about two hours. Basic workshop. No prior knowledge needed. Materials cost 20€ per kit.We are going to build an electronic kitten using tiny SMD parts. It will purr when you touch it right and hiss when you touch it wrong. It's going to work.For people afraid of surface mount assembly/rework. You know those tiny little components in modern electronic devices? It's both possible and easy to assemble those by hand. You can do it, and I'll teach you how!Think you don't have the tools? Think you can't manually place 0402s? Everything is possible with patience and practice. The equipment is minimal and you probably already have it. We'll learn the answer to THERE'S A SHORT ON A TINY PART OMG WHAT NOW? After this, you'll no longer need to be scared of SMD. Avoid caffeine immediately before the workshop, because shaky hands are a disadvantage.The workshop kit costs 20€. Please SIGN UP ON THE PAPER LIST at the Hardware Hacking Area. PLEASE BE ON TIME!



Open and trustworthy point of sale!

Lasst uns Anforderungen diskutieren!

Open and trustworthy point of sale solution. Im Rahmen der Session wollen wir euch unsere Idee vorstellen und diese mit euch diskutieren. Wie gehen wir mit den neuen Anforderungen an Kassensystemen um? Was fehlt sowieso schon an vorhandenen Lösungen?Wie würde die perfekte Lösung aussehen?



fast wie echtes Yoga Jeden Morgen um 11:00, Fast wie echtes Yoga.Am zweiten Tag um 10:30 Uhr, direkt vor dem Haecksen-Frühstück.


Studio Datsche

Sport and Porridge slowly getting into movement/ no gym yet but some easy reminder that we still have a body to use and enjoy. filling it with seeds and fruits which are provided by the megalomanic and perfectionist master of brei.



Lecture room M3

Collecting all the tools for all the things you can do with computers '''''See https://totalism.org/hacker-tools !'''''...Real-time document collaboration ...Self-hosted maps ...Mailserver ... Knowledge management ...PDF annotation ...File deduplication ...Data visualization ... Personal and server backups ... Collaboratively organizing and tagging media (photos) ... OS distribution ... Graph data ... Voice and video chat ... Intermedia Art / VR ... CAD/architecture/3D/industrial design ... Machine embroidery ... news reading ...



Lecture room M1

As every year, the CCC-CH (Chaos Computer Club Switzerland) holds its last Gettogether of the year at the congress. Everyone is welcome Regelmässiges Gettogether des CCC Schweiz. Alle willkommen.



Learn about the open hardware pocket science lab Join us for a self-guided exploratory workshop on Pocket Science Lab with your Android phone or laptop PC. Our goal is to develop an open source measuring device for electronics and sensors. In this exploratory open session you have the chance to install the app on an Android phone and test the Pocket Science Lab device with components and sensor kits.



SUSI.AI Personal Assistant for Creators and Artists

Learn How to Use an Open Source AI for Your Creative Work

After an introduction of the SUSI.AI project, discussion why open source personal assistants are important for our digital sovereignty and privacy we learn about the technology of SUSI.AI and get practical. We get started how do stuff with your real personal assistant and learn how to use it for creative work. You will learn how to create a simple bot and skills with SUSI.AI online and what you need to use it in your creative work, performance and even in theatre.





Open Infrastructure Orbit

Wir hacken den Osten


Wir erzählen euch von den Aktionen unserer Initiative #wirsindderosten und wollen anschließend gemeinsam über Ideen sprechen, Ostdeutschland zu puschen. Mit #wirsindderosten machen wir Menschen in und aus Ostdeutschland sichtbar, die die Zukunft positiv gestalten. So Vorurteile abzubauen ist nur der erste Schritt. Gemeinsam mit euch wollen wir weitergehen. So let’s hack the East!





Chaos-West Bühne

Sprache schafft Bewusstsein. Als ein Gegenpol zum rechten "Das wird man doch wohl noch sagen dürfen"-Narrativ soll es in diesem Vortrag um verbrannte Wörter gehen. Wörter, die durch die Nationalsozialisten derart negativ besetzt wurden, dass ihr Gebrauch wohl überlegt sein will. Dieser Vortrag wird den historischen Kontext zu bestimmten Worten oder Wendungen erklären, sei es zum Beispiel die "Aktion", "asozial", die "Überfremdung" oder "versifft". Den Zuhörenden soll hier dabei geholfen werden, bestimmte nationalsozialistische Denkmuster durch ihre Sprache nicht aktiv zu reproduzieren und dabei helfen, eine geschichtsbewusstere Sprache zu etablieren. An einigen Stellen wird die Analyse von Worten oder Wendungen auch einen klaren Bezug zur Sprache der neuen Rechten in Deutschland enthalten. Der Vortrag ist als Präsentation konzipiert und wird schrittweise verschiedene Worte genauer analysieren, der Vortrag kann dann im Abschluss aber gerne durch einen etwas längeren Fragenteil abgerundet werden.


Lecture room 11

an opportunity to get involved and catch up with the hackerspaces.org community


Seminar room 13

Austausch zu alternativen Home Assistants Home Assistants sind hilfreich - doch wer möchte sich schon ein Abhörgerät ins Haus stellen. Alternativen zu Google Home und Amazon Alexa sind schwer zu finden. Ziel der Session: Austausch mit Anderen die Alternativen kennen, dabei sind sich selbst etwas zu bauen oder einfach nur Interesse am Thema haben. - offene Diskussion -


Lecture room M2

A trip down the memory l̶a̶n̶e̶ dump

An introduction to memory forensics

This workshop covers the fundamentals of memory internals and then dive into hands-on analysis with volatility. Newbie or seasoned, professional or hobbyist, this session is for you! Both theoretical and technical aspects of memory forensics will be covered: A theoretical approach of the basics of how memory in Windows systems works and hands-on dive to memory analysis.<br>The following topics will be discussed:<br>UPDATE: Download material for the workshop from : https://github.com/nov3mb3r/36c3-Workshop <br>* How memory works in Windows systems* Memory acquisition* Introduction to Volatility and its plugins* Hands-on analysis of machine hit by ransomwareLast 15 minutes will feature a general discussion and ideally will set the foundation of a C3 assembly dedicated to Digital ForensicsIt is a BYOD, so please have the latest version of volatility installed on your machine!<br>https://github.com/volatilityfoundation/volatility/wiki/Installation<br>The workshop will be all about how to use it, not install it! :)


Lecture room M3

Hackbases are several different types of hackerspaces where people can also live at. The 6th yearly self-org session will be a common presentation of the existing and planned bases, tools to organize new ones, etc. Come if you're interested in different ways of living and doing work. '''''Location: M3 (see on [https://36c3.c3nav.de/l/mh-hall-m3/@-1,148.3,180.34,4.53 c3nav map])'''''_________________'''''Hackbases are hackerspaces/hacklabs, that people also live in.'''''If you have regular paid work, there is a worrying probability it advances the political flux surrounding you - neoliberal capitalism. The current variety of places to work in - at universities, at NGOs, at "ethical startups", or even big corporations, as well as playful free-time participation within the current hackerspaces, could be insufficient to bring radical change, so needed by the many.Hackbases are experiments in alternative lifestyles, that for example could help you to focus on working to hack the planet.Find existing info: * https://wiki.hackerspaces.org/Hackbase * join #hackbases on Freenode ! (IRC client, or in the browser maybe with [https://riot.im/app/#/room/#freenode_#hackbases:matrix.org riot.im]) * start your own hackbase, see [https://pad.land/hackbases pad.land/hackbases] ;) * more info: [https://pad.land/hackbases pad.land/hackbases] * projects: https://next.totalism.org, https://ecohackerfarm.org, [...]SOME INTERESTS: Self-sustainability, off-grid, autarky / resilience and temporary architecture research & alternative construction // Free software and free hardware development // Free Industry // Open data, workflow and organisational technology, Tektology //Digital nomadism // Critical theory // Sound studio, bands, Intermedia Art // Growing food // Renewable energy technologies // Nootropics // A nomad hacker lifestyle in a network of hacklabs // "Coliving" and "Coworking" // Hacker camp // Financial and temporal freedom // Autonomy'''(via https://totalism.org)'''


Hardware Hacking Area

''Learn to solder together a cool, powerful music synthesizer,<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;and learn to make cool music, sound, and noise!''<br> <br> ''(This is one of many cool things happening throughout 36C3 in the huge '''Hardware Hacking Area!)'''''<br> <br> This workshop will be given:<br> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Day 4: 30-Dec, 12pm - 2pm<br>



10 Rechner zum Factorio spielen, Leute die das Spiel erklären 10 Rechner zum Factorio spielen, Leute die das Spiel erklärenAnzahl Teilnehmer*innen: ca 10-20 gleichzeitig (inkl. Zuschauer)Alter: 7-m JahreDauer bis zu ca.1.5hAnmeldung erforderlich? nein (wenn was frei ist)



Musik aus und mit modifizierten, selbstgebauten Klangerzeugern Musik aus und mit modifizierten, selbstgebauten KlangerzeugernAnzahl Teilnehmer*innen: 3-7Alter: für Kinder von 5-99 JahrenAnmeldung erforderlich?: nein, kommt jederzeit vorbei (während der Workshopzeiten)Unkostenbeitrag: Freiwillige Spenden



print your own t-shirt, Bedruckt eure T-Shirts Print your own t-shirt with screen printing.Bedruckt eure eigenen T-Shirts mit siebdruck.Anzahl Teilnehmer*innen: 4 / StundeAlter: > 6 JahreDauer 15 ~ 30 MinutenAnmeldung erforderlich? Wir werden Wartemarken ausgebenUnkostenbeitrag: freiwillig, 8~10€ je nach Verbrauch



Captain Sonar

Let's Play 4

Captain Sonar Wir spielen das Spiel Captain Sonar.Bitte über https://www.schokoladensouffle.eu/captainsonar/ anmelden, maximal acht Teilnehmer, FCFSWir spielen bei der Gaderobe im Pseudoroom (CCL Gebäude ganz unten)DECT 3060 bei Rückfragenmehr Infos zum Spiel: https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Captain_Sonar


Hardware Slackers

Voltage glitching for beginners, with fun and faults '''Please drop by the Hardware Slackers assembly FIRST and complete the 5 minute Xbox controller fault injection challenge!'''We'll be doing some mini-workshops on voltage glitching (fault injection). We'll explain the basics, and then let people play around a bit with voltage fault injection setups themselves.We are very limited in space/resources so feel free to also drop by at a random time and see if we're around.


Hackers Beauty Palace

It's a combination of acupressure and breathing techniques. How much pain do you carry? Can you imagine to make yourself perceptible? Can you imagine potential behind pain?


Studio Datsche

Laura Pöhler, Pressesprecherin des Bündnisses gegen das neue bayerische Polizeiaufgabengesetz #noPAGTom Patzelt, Fridays for Future/ Jugend gegen Rechts LeipzigFranz Knoppe,Vorstand vom ASA-FF e.V.




Open Infrastructure Orbit

Mit #wirsindderosten wollen wir den Osten hacken. Wir erzählen euch von unseren bisherigen Aktionen und wollen mit euch über neue gemeinsame Ideen sprechen. Hi, Wir wollen euch bei einem Lunch von #wirsindderosten erzählen, einer Initiative, die Menschen in und aus Ostdeutschland sichtbar macht, die die Zukunft positiv gestalten. Wir wollen das Potential des Ostens zeigen und nutzen - und wo ginge das besser als beim 36c3 in Leipzig! Lasst uns gemeinsam über Ideen sprechen!




Lecture room 12

This talk gives a leisurely introduction to the secret of the number five, which links SpongeBob's pineapple, approximations to π known to antiquity, the Mandelbrot fractal, and infinite continued fractions together. The talk is aimed at people who are interested in mathematical patterns, but no fancy math knowledge is needed to enjoy the talk. There will be pretty pictures.


Lecture room M1

We will use consequence scanning as a method to think through building tools against online harassment





Seminar room 13

Lösungshinweise in Multiple-Choice-Fragen exploiten # Wir exploiten unbeabsichtigte Lösungshinweise in Assessments.# Bei Interesse erstellen wir auf Moodle unsere eigenen Assessments.----* Erstelle Multiple-Choice-Fragen (MC) in deinem Kurs ([https://ilias.unibe.ch/goto_ilias3_unibe_cat_307859.html Veto] / [http://www.eassessment.uni-bremen.de/mc_leitfaden.php Tipps]).* Erweitere die Fragensammlung per Hand und / oder Import.** Verwende die Import-Formate [https://docs.moodle.org/en/Aiken_format Aiken] oder [https://docs.moodle.org/en/GIFT_format GIFT] (UTF-8).* Lege einen Test an, füge MC hinzu und führ ihn durch.** Tipp: Einfachere Fragen als Einstieg (Prüfungsstress reduzieren).** Tipp: Browservollbild (F11) und [https://safeexambrowser.org/ Safe Exam Browser (SEB)].* Bewerte einen Freitext, erstelle eine Notenformel und gib Einsicht.** Tipp: Freitext-Antwort-Umfang vorgeben, Bewertungsraster erstellen.* Optimiere die MC-Fragen statistisch für die nächste Durchführung.* Zum Abschluss zusammen die [https://die-agentur.ch/die-moodle-rallye/ Moodle-Rallye] absolvieren :-)



What rather simple failures and contradictions in the physics of the early 20th century made Einstein create General Relativity? What problems did he face and why? How to unify two theories - like electromagnetism - is crucial in modern physics. It's a problem we are facing again.





Chaos-West Bühne

Heat waves, wildfires and new movements like Fridays for Future and Extinction Rebellion have brought the climate crisis back into the news. If the world continues to emit greenhouse gases like today, the world will heat up by at least 3 degree celsius, potentially much more. Yet despite increased attention for the climate crisis no political action even remotely sufficient to tackle the problem is in sight. The talk will give a brief overview of the state of the science of climate change, the politics and the scale of the challenge. It'll also give an overview of some - more or less scientific - worst case predictions that sometimes lead to claims that it's just "too late to do something", which may become a new form of justification for not doing anything.


Lecture room 11

CryptoParties are free and open for everyone, but especially those without prior knowledge, who haven't yet attended one. CryptoParty is a decentralized movement with events happening all over the world. The goal is to pass on knowledge about protecting yourself in the digital space. This can include encrypted communication, preventing being tracked while browsing the web, and general security advice regarding computers and smartphones. To try the tools and apps directly at the CryptoParty, bring your laptop or smartphone.


Seminar room 14-15

Kritical - Kubernetes in Critical Infrastructure

Upcoming challenges to move from cloud native to a security aware mindset

The meeting is to exchange ideas and opinions about the upcoming use of K8S in critical infrastructure The organizer has audited and consulted on several projects of Kubernetes in critical infrastructure. Areas audited are traffic control, power grids and several health care projects. Some show very strict awareness of security, others have approached the topic totally naive.Let us exchange ideas about the bare necessities and no gos for microservices going critical.


Seminar room 14-15

Kritical - Kubernetes in Critigal Infrastructure

Upcoming challenges to move from cloud native to a security aware mindset

The meeting is to exchange ideas and opinions about the upcoming use of K8S in critical infrastructure The organizer has audited and consulted on several projects of Kubernetes in critical infrastructure. Areas audited are traffic control, power grids and several health care projects. Some show very strict awareness of security, others have approached the topic totally naive.Let us exchange ideas about the bare necessities and no gos for microservices going critical.


CDC - Stage


Hardware Hacking Area

In this 2-3 hour workshop I teach you how to solder and program an Arduino!


Roter Salon

Gemeinsam sind wir mehr!

Gemeinschaftliches Arbeiten und Entscheidungsfindungen in Gruppen und Kollektiven

Über kollektives Entscheiden und Handeln Einführung und Panel: Karolina IwaGemeinsam sind wir mehr! Über kollektives Entscheiden und Handeln.Was brauchen wir um in Kollektiven in Aktion zu treten? Welche Strukturen und Prozessekönnen uns unterstützen gemeinsam die Welt (um) zu gestalten?Karolina Iwa und Sebastian Daniel Mall beschäftigen sich als das Leadership Festival- Kollektivs mit Ansätzen wie Ko-Kreation, der Theory U und zeitgemäßen Theories of Change. Sie sind Teil einer globalen Bewegung von Aktions-Forschern.Leadership Festival @ Roter Salon @ 36c3


Hackers Beauty Palace

Get a massage by professional therapists. In 20-Minutes-Slots you can reboot your head, shoulders and back. Contact: Marko Mijokovic (01636934204)


Hackers Beauty Palace

In our reactor you will learn how to reprogram a body with Thai massage.


Vintage Computing Cluster

collecting ideas for the Vintage Computing Festival Berlin 2020





Lecture room M2

Introduction to two properties of operating systems/programming languages/any software and their relationship * Transparent persistence: Every variable in the programming language is persisted to disk automatically* Crash-only: Software needs to be prepared to crash at any point in time. Crashing takes the place of failing and shutting down.


Lecture room M3

Wir werden das Gutachten der Datenethikkommission aus einem praktischen Blickwinkel betrachten und diskutieren. Die Datenethikkommission der Deutschen Bundesregierung hat im Oktober 2019 ein Gutachten herausgebracht. Im Januar 2020 treffen sich die Mitglieder der Datenethikkommission wieder - in München als Teil eines Seminars der Technischen Universität München. Ich bin Teil dieses Seminars und freue mich, euch das Gutachten vorzustellen und danach über seine Praktikabilität und Realitätsnähe zu diskutieren.Zu Beginn werde ich das Gutachten der Datenethikkommission kurz vorstellen und im Nachgang werden wir zusammen über die Resultate der Kommission diskutieren. Oftmals sind solche Dokumente recht oberflächlich gehalten und beschreiben selten realitätsnahe Situationen. Gemeinsam können wir hier Schwachstellen des Gutachtens finden und Vorschläge diskutieren.





Lecture room 12

A meeting of SSG devs A followup meeting to the first one which was on 28/12/19


Seminar room 13

Gathering of people that use microG on their phone (or plan to do so) Let us chat about microG, your usecase, issues when using it or whatever else is on your mind about it.


Lecture room M2

I was diagnosed with ADHD just two years ago. I want to share what I learned so far and provide a space to exchange stories, tools, strategies and support.


Roter Salon

Gemeinsam sind wir mehr - in Gespräch und Aktion

Gemeinschaftliches Arbeiten und Entscheidungsfindungen in Gruppen und Kollektiven

Über kollektives Entscheiden und Handeln Im Gespräch und Aktion - Ein ErfahrungsaustauschModeration Karolina IwaMit ...*Sebastian vom Leadershipfestival* Uwe von Premium Cola Kollektiv* Julian vom Kollektiv Monis Rache* Anne vom Schöner Hausen Hausprojekt* Max vom Kollektiv Mensch Meier Gemeinsam sind wir mehr! Über kollektives Entscheiden und Handeln. Was brauchen wir um in Kollektiven in Aktion zu treten? Welche Strukturen und Prozesse können uns unterstützen gemeinsam die Welt (um) zu gestalten?Karolina Iwa und Sebastian Daniel Mall beschäftigen sich als das Leadership Festival- Kollektivs mit Ansätzen wie Ko-Kreation, der Theory U und zeitgemäßen Theories of Change. Sie sind Teil einer globalen Bewegung von Aktions-Forschern.Leadership Festival @ Roter Salon @ 36c3



A short introduction into Isomer and the Hackerfleet Operating System A quick overview over Isomer - Hackerfleet's application framework for decentralized collaboration and science - and its first implemented project, the Hackerfleet Operating System for opensource-loving and sailing nerds.Since we prepared working Docker images, there might be a quick hands-on tutorial/workshop thingy after the lecture.




Building a Synth for the web in C++ and WASM

Come to the Social Distortion Protocol in the Critical Decentralization Cluster

How to use modern web technologies to build a synthesizer (at the Social Dist0rtion Protocol assembly!) We're gonna talk about building a synthesizer in WASM and C++. I'll be running you through the code.See the project here: https://events.ccc.de/congress/2019/wiki/index.php/Projects:WASM_SYNTHThis presentation is gonna happen at the Social Dist0rtion Protocol assembly and not on the CDC mainstage!Simply come to the back of the CDC. See you!




Chaos-West Bühne

Während Marketingabteilungen mit Buzzwords wie "KI", "IoT" und "Blockchain" um sich werfen, schütteln die meisten hier den Kopf. Und womit? Mit Recht. Vielen Anwender*innen und politischen Entscheidungsträger*innen fehlt es schlicht an technischer Kompetenz, um Probleme wie Stalkerware, politische Einflussnahme durch soziale Medien und Algorithmen(ethik) im Kern zu begreifen. Aber wie können wir die Erfahrungen und das Wissen in dieses Draußen vermitteln, um den Menschen eine Chance zu geben, nicht bei jeder kleinsten Gelegenheit auf die Dummschwätzer reinzufallen? Wie können wir positiv Einfluss nehmen auf die Gesellschaft, damit informierte Entscheidungen überhaupt möglich sind? Wie kriegen wir vermittelt, was technisch bereits alles möglich ist und was (noch) nicht? In vier Jahren PrivacyWeek haben wir die Themenbreite der "Digitalisierung" (BINGO!) mehrfach durchgearbeitet und gemeinsam mit den Vortragenden kommen wir immer wieder zum selben Schluss: Es braucht mehr Aufklärung und technische Kompetenz in der Bevölkerung, um die Probleme, die die weltweite Vernetzung mit sich bringt, überhaupt zu begreifen und ihnen begegnen zu können. Und letztlich bleibt die Frage, wo wollen wir als CCC letztlich hin? Wie können wir einen Informationstransfer forcieren, der über einige im eigenen Saft kochenden Initiativen hinausgehnt? Und wollen wir das überhaupt? Eine Zusammenstellung der inhaltlichen Learnings von vier Jahren PrivacyWeek.


Seminar room 13

A meetup for Fairphoners and an occasion to see the modular Fairphone models [[File:Fairphone.svg|thumb]]This is a meeting slot for all Fairphoners and for those who would like to know more about it.What's a Fairphone? It's a smartphone that does things a little differently than the rest of the industry. Yours to open, yours to keep.Check out [https://www.fairphone.com/en/story/?ref=header Fairphone's philosophy here!]We are going to look at the Fairphones 1 (2013), Fairphone 2 (2015) and Fairphone 3 (2019), disassemble and reassemble them, discuss pros and cons and much more.


Lecture room M1

First aid lesson for kinky people '''Important:''' In the previous years, we regularly had way too many people trying to get in (rooms are objects of finite size), with waiting lines all across the hallway. This year, we want to avoid the crowd control issues that come with such scenarios. That's why you now need to pre-register for the workshop at https://ticket.kinkygeeks.de. Our website will give you a free ticket, which you need to provide at the workshop door to gain access.First Aid is good, useful and quite generic. Let's close the gap between the overall topic and the kinky specifics.During the workshop we will not skip the thought, that something might go wrong. Instead, we talk about how to handle these situations.Please note, that the workshop is in german language only.Erste Hilfe ist gut, nützlich und ziemlich allgemein. Lasst uns über die Dinge zwischen dem Allgemeinen und den Kinky Besonderheiten sprechen.Dabei weichen wir dem Gedanken nicht aus, dass mal etwas schiefgehen kann, sondern überlegen uns, wie wir mit solchen Situationen umgehen können.


Lecture room M3

General Angel meeting day 4 / Teardown info Last time to get the T-Shirt hour count live.And lots of info on teardown. And a surprise.



I love to hear music. And I love to hear what it sounds like when two tracks start singing together, when they like each other. It's their way of making babies. Immediately after a first kiss between their parents, these children come to life on a cosy dance floor, surrounded by a warm and friendly twilight. Sometimes protected by concrete in the urban jungle. Sometimes hiding behind trees in the deep forests of mother earth.



Musikerin Silvia Seitz präsentiert ihre CD „Absolute Sicherheit? - Gesänge zur Stärkung der digitalen Kampfmoral“ Über das digitale Zeitalter ist viel geschrieben und noch mehr gesagt worden. Lange Texte bejubeln die Segnungen des Internets oder beschwören die Überwachungsapokalypse herauf. Das mag alles stimmen, aber muss es dabei immer so steif zugehen? Vielleicht steuern wir wirklich auf den großen Knall zu, aber spätestens dann brauchen wir Lieder zur Stärkung der Kampfmoral. Silvia Seitz hat sich dieses Problems angenommen, es so lange besungen, bis es sich hinten reimte und Dieter Markmann bewarf es so lange mit Tönen, bis sich das geneigte Auditorium sagt: „Wenn die Revolution so klingt, will ich gern dabei sein.“ (J. Selzer)Silvia Seitz wird live ihre Songs präsentieren.


1komona Boredome

C3sus public meeting

join the c3sus team

an invitation to join c3sus orga team anyone with interest in making ccc events more sustainable, has time and energy to volunteer before and during the events is welcome to join our team :-)



Trickfilme selber machen, make your own stop-motions TRICKMISCH.de und TRIXMIX.tv sind wieder auf dem Congress, um mit Euch Trickfilme und Animationssequenzen digital am Rechner oder analog am Leuchttisch zu erstellen. Kommt vorbei, zeichnet und animiert Eure eigenen Sequenzen oder wählt Material und Figuren aus unserer umfangreichen Sammlung aus!Es besteht keine Altersbeschränkung und alles was ihr wissen müsst zeigen und erklären wir Euch.English TextTRICKMISCH.de and TRIXMIX.tv will be at the Congress again to create stop-motions and animation-sequences with you. Digitally on the computer or analogue at the lighttable. Come along!There is no age limit and everything you need to know will be shown and explained.



Wer spielt mit eine Runde Schach, oder die Kartenspiele Wizard oder Halt mal kurz? Eine kleine Spielrunde. Mit Schach, Halt mal kurz oder Wizard.Halt mal kurz ist ein lustiges Kartenspiel, bei dem man Nazis auf den Kopf hauen darf, Wizard ein spannendes Kartenspiel für angehende Zauberer.Für Kinder und Erwachsene!


Curry Club Augsburg

Peacefully blocking coal infrastructure – a tutorial This discussion round will give a short overview over Ende Gelände, peaceful non-violent non-damaging direct actions in which coal infrastructure (coal mines, coal rails) is blocked for one day.We will touch on the following points:* What is the point of Ende Gelände?* What are legal repercussions of joining a peaceful mass event of civil disobedience?* Which strategies are used in actions by Ende Gelände?* What is the action concensus of Ende Gelände?* Practical exercises



We explain how to run a do-ocracy and the lessons we learned from 6 years of hacking our own community. We explain how to run a do-ocracy and the lessons we learned from 6 years of hacking our own community.* How do you solve internal conflict?* How do you stop people from exploiting loopholes in the rules of your community?* How do you create a culture and shared values?* How do you keep directors from burning out?* How do give people creative freedom?'''History'''Hackerspace.Gent was on the brink of collapse because of internal conflict. Instead of giving up, we decided to hack the hackerspace itself; find a system where internal conflict actually gets solved. We did an number of workshops to figure out how to do this, we wrote everything down, and got to work. Six years later, the disorganized workshop notes turned into an actual booklet: the hackerspace blueprint. We hope you can use this to solve issues in your organization.


Origasmi – 紙の変態

We choose your partner at random and tape you together at the wrist. This workshop starts at the origasmi assembly in outer komona. After being taped together you will continue the rest of the day being codependent. The marriage can be broken off at any time by removing the tape.





Seminar room 14-15

Hast du dich schonmal gefragt, was Bambuszahnbürsten überhaupt bringen, wenn sie über die ganze Welt zu uns fliegen? Was macht Bambus aus? Ist er auch so Hygienisch wie Plastik? Und viele weiter Fragen möchte ich in meinen Talk mit euch klären.



Sammeln und evaluieren von Vorschlägen für konkretes individuelles Handeln mit dem Ziel der Veröffentlichung


Roter Salon

Ever tried. Ever failed. No matter. Try again. Fail again. Fail better. Scheitern als Chance"Ever tried. Ever failed. No matter. Try again. Fail again. Fail better." Samuel BeckettAus Fehlern wird man klug, heißt es. Doch in Wahrheit schätzt niemand Situationen, in denen die Dinge schiefgehen und man auf die Nase fällt. Niemand gesteht sich gern ein, eine falsche Entscheidung getroffen zu haben, an einer Aufgabe gescheitert zu sein oder gar ein ganzes Projekt in den Sand gesetzt zu haben. Ein Ziel zu verfehlen ist ärgerlich und schmerzhaft. Dennoch sind solche Erfahrungen unausweichlich – und oft lehrreich. Nicht selten führen erst viele Fehlschüsse zu großen Entdeckungen. Aber: Damit wir an Niederlagen wachsen können, müssen wir richtig mit ihnen umgehen. Wir brauchen ein neues Bewusstsein für unsere Schwächen.Marco Weicholdt von FuckUp Night Leipzigund Jakob Turtur vom Jonny Knüppel im Gespräch mit Zarah Roth über Gelegenheiten, verpasste Chancen, Risiken, falsche und richtige Entscheidungen, Lerneffekte und einer lausigen Fehlerkultur



Lecture room 11

Daily Meetup for A/V Angels Daily A/V Angel Meeting. More information can be obtained from our news in the angel system


Lecture room 12

Haskell is the language of choice of our assembly. It is also weird. In this session, experience a quick guided tour through some of Haskell's features. Target audience: People who have some familiarity with programming and who might have heard of Haskell, but don't know any Haskell.


Seminar room 14-15

Translation Team Meeting

Final Meeting Day 4

The c3lingo team meets twice a day. Join us to help us doing live interpretations of all talks. This meeting is used for the distribution of shifts for the Translation team.


Lecture room M2

Researched for next car, ended up with velomobile. Individual mobilityWhy electric cars are not the solution.Why E-Bike? Experiences with an E-Bike.(from the perspective of an unathletic lazy long term car driver)What is a Velomobile?Why Velomobile? Experiences with a Velomobile.Other vehicles similar to velomobiles.The talk is rather short, so we have time for a Q&A session.The Q&A shall be focussed on (mostly) human-powered vehicles (not: cars, not: public transport).Talk / Slides will be in English.Questions/Answers may be in English or German.


Lecture room M3

Workshop for improving rationality skills Telegram group: https://t.me/joinchat/AQyfUhHcTKJjmDm9h-s2EQEtherPad: https://pad.riseup.net/p/lwccc


The Tinkering To Come - bstly

The Tinkerings now yearly rallying to start open sourcing enough (architectural) technology to start to build our own congress building. #0c3 The Tinkering To Come's now yearly rallying to start open sourcing enough (architectural) technology to start to build our own congress building. #0c3Das nun jährliche Meetup für alle, die gerne anfangen möchten genug (Architektur-)Technologie zu opensourcen um unseren eigenen Kongress zu bauen.https://basteibastelei.wordpress.com/2018/12/29/the-futurology-of-the-congress-a-story/



We present cool ideas and projects to each other Ähnlich wie bei den Lightningtalks auf den Hauptbühnen geht es darum, innerhalb von etwa 5min ein Thema, eine Idee oder ein Projekt zu präsentieren. Wir machen das in kleinerer, gemütlicherer Runde.Similar to the lightningtalks on the main stage this is an opportunity to present a topic of your choice in about 5min.


Studio Datsche


Hackers Beauty Palace

When is your time to breathe? Inhale. What makes you breathless? Exhale. Stop. Inhale. More. And more. What do you feel? Let go. Overcome your limits. Breathe.






Roter Salon

Offene Bühne für Wissenstransfer / Bandenbildung / AktionenOhne Anleitung und Moderation. Wir sind da. Einfach vorbei kommen und machen.Für alle Menschen, die Lust haben vorbei zu kommen, sich zu vernetzen und zu überlegen wie wir und weitere interessierte Menschen zusammen oder einzeln weiter machen können. Willkommen. Zusammen sind wir mehr.



Chaos-West Bühne

Lithium-Ion batteries are everywhere and are here to stay. They're wonderful to bring mechanical and electronic creations to life, but can also be dangerous if one is not careful with them. Many come with dedicated protection features or at least claim to do so, while others rely on different features to make them safe. Due to how the materials are sourced and which materials are used the environmental and geopolitical factor of them also can’t be neglected. This talk is for you if you're someone tinkering with electronics or if you're just curious and want to know more about the strange creatures batteries are. This is an introduction and overview, covering the essentials of: - Safety, or how to not burn your house down - Chemistries and why some can perfectly cope at -40°C and others won't - Failure is optional and why some just don't burn or explode - The major do's and dont's - Charging, Discharging and why is it empty it said 20% left - Recycling and when you can and when you shouldn't reuse old batteries - Ethics and politics - What does the future hold?


Lecture room 12

Bewegte Emotionen im Rahmen vom Improtheater Kommt gerne zu uns um gemeinsam ein freies und entspannten Einstieg ins Improtheater zubekommen.


Seminar room 14-15

Behavioural change and changing habits

Follow Up: People who want to continue the talk can meet

Let’s discuss the power of habits and what it takes to change behaviour. A free discussion about behavioural change and its methods (Cognitive behavioral therapy, motivational interviewing etc.), the power of habits and how to change them.I'd also like to discuss how healthy lifestyle changes can prevent diabetes type 2 and other chronic diseases.----We'll continue the discussion tomorrow (December 30). The slides will also follow on that day (December 30).P.S. The introduction to CFAR content will happen at the LessWrong Rationality Workshop :)


Seminar room 13

Pyra handheld The Dragonbox Pyra handheld exists, will soon be mass produced, could possibly be used as a phone, and paints a brighter picture for a future of being able to purchase devices that already work, and are repairable. Small talk, Q/A, try it.Bonus: Ar from the Warsaw hackerspace will be bringing a Gemini - Cosmic communicator (keyboard phone) to show.


Lecture room M1

Your daily basic hacking learning lesson. ""WARNING: External room for the last session on day 4: Please come to Lecture Room M1.""'''---> README: There will be sessions from days 1 to 4. The daily session times will be announced in the evening before. <---'''We offer instructions for "Damn Vulnerable Web Application" ( http://www.dvwa.co.uk/ / https://github.com/ethicalhack3r/DVWA ) daily. At least for 2 to 4 people. Join us if you would like to learn about security gaps in web programming (e.g. bad passwords, SQL injection, cross-site requests forgery). You will learn how to hack systems and how to reset them afterwards. It's recommended to bring your own device (laptop) with an working ethernet port. We have a single Ethernet-to-USB adapter available for devices lacking an Ethernet port such as Apple Macbooks.'''-->LIESMICH: Es wird jeden Tag Sessions geben. Wann die täglichen Sessions genau starten, wird immer am Vorabend eingetragen. <---'''Wir bieten täglich „Damn Vulnerable Web Application“ ( http://www.dvwa.co.uk/ / https://github.com/ethicalhack3r/DVWA ) unter Anleitung an, für mindestens 2 bis 4 Personen. Inhaltlich geht es dabei um klassische Sicherheitslücken der Webprogrammierung (z.B. schlechte Passwörter, SQL-Injection, Cross-Site-Request-Forgery). Hier lernst du Systeme zu hacken und wiederherzustellen. Bringt am besten euren eigenen Computer mit einem funktionierenden Ethernet-Port mit. Wir haben einen Ethernet-zu-USB-Adapter, damit ihr auch Geräte ohne integrierten Ethernet-Anschluss (wie z.B. Apple Macbooks) nutzen könnt.


Lecture room M2

Kernel Hacking

Extra timeslot

Write a simple kernel driver, debug and trace it remotely with gdb. In this hands-on workshop, you have a chance to learn some cool tricks working with Linux kernel code. KGDB, the kernel debugger, allows you to debug a kernel running on a different architecture, remotely, just like you would debug a program running in userspace. A powerful trace infrastructure makes it easier to spot issues in time-sensitive systems, when setting a breakpoint is not an option.


Discotheque Nouveauancien

Peter Kirn Workshop

techno as folk instrument: Open technology for music making, and its potential

Who's afraid of a planet of producers? Musical computation by necessity was once restricted to advanced laboratories. But electronic noise has come in cycles of democratization, liberation, and creative misuse. A new wave of tools makes powerful sonic capabilities available in free and open source platforms for software and hardware. Here's an overview of the state of some of those tools. We'll focus in particular on VCV Rack, the software recreation of modular synthesizers, which is both open to developers and still provides a pathway for software and hardware makers to earn a living for their products. We'll try a brief hands-on to see how this makes modular synthesis concepts accessible, via free software on Mac/Windows/Linux. Then, we'll zoom out to the larger landscape of tools and how they could reshape music production and instrument making. Rather than see technology alone as a faceless cultural force, these tools - and techno as genre - demonstrate the potential of participatory technology. The communities around them can become more powerful as they grow, rather than extractive or limited, sharing information and developing audiences and makers in parallel.




CDC - Stage



Seminar room 13

Libre software translation

come learn and help translate software

Libre software translation Talk concerning what are the things to consider when translating software or making a project available for translation?Come learn tricks, what considerations to make, and plan ahead in discussion afterwards.For developers, prospective translators and current contributors alike.



Chaos-West Bühne







Discotheque Nouveauancien

OS/X.Y. (Local Prophets) live

Live Electronic Jamming

OS/X.Y. is NSDOS and Aerodynamika, the co-founders of EightOS. In this set we will explore the notion of non-equilibrium stability and variability in music in relation to movement. We are also opening our process up for a jam session, so in case you want to contribute to our source code, please, join the day before at M3.



Seminar room 14-15

Stagemanagement Feedback Gathering This is a feedback session for the Stagemanagement Team. Optional for team members.



Discotheque Nouveauancien

Peter Kirn live

Live electronics

PETER KIRN fuels his love of techno and dancefloors with a deep background in experimental music and machines. He's released his own music on Detroit Underground, Snork Enterprises, Instruments of Discipline, and his imprint Establishment, as well as engaging collaborations from architecture and spatial sound to modern dance. As an organizer of open collaborative performance labs, he's worked with CTM, MUTEK.mx, STUK, and Nusasonic/WSK festivals. He writes and speaks about music making and creative technologies, including running the daily site CDM (cdm.link) and co-producing the MeeBlip synthesizer hardware line.




Discotheque Nouveauancien

irq7 live


irq7 is a so called "chiptune-artist" who spend a lot of time using old computer-hardware like Gameboys, Commodore-computers and other gadgets to produce a new kind of music. Cheesy melody's and bumping beats are building dance-tracks, which are not only interesting for fans of retro-sounds. The songs are somewhere between Electro, Breaks, Drum & Bass and oldschool Chiptunes. He is playing regularly live-shows since 2006 at many locations supporting international acts (Vienna, New York, Cologne, Frankfurt...). The first full length album was released in spring 2010 and called "Revenge of the Calm". It was produced one with just one Gameboy. A few month later, the "It's not me EP" was released which contains cover-versions of his favorite songs coming from old computers like the Commodore-C64 and the Amiga. In 2011 the "Girls & Gameboys EP" was released and well received. The latest release is from 2018 and called "Large Chiptune Collider" and distributed on audio-tape only. Beside Gameboy-music, irq7 is focusing on tiny music-instruments and gadgets. All activities are under the umbrella-term "Noizebox", and can be found at http://irq7.blogspot.com. "Noizebox" is not just the name of the blog - in fact it is a battery-powered speaker build from various recycled electronic components. You can simple sit on the Noizebox and play with various electronic devices (e.g. Gameboy, Keyboards, Synth's etc.) irq7 is also organizing a annual chiptune-festival in Nuremberg called "CHIP HITS THE FAN" featuring international Artist, Workshops and an Open-Stage.



Discotheque Nouveauancien

Dana Ruh

Techno / House

Born and raised in Gera in Germany, Dana Ruh soon found her way to the capital city of Berlin. Since then, she ha been on a constantly evolving musical journey. In the early years, her sound was rooted in techno and landed most often on the label Brouqade Records, which she established in 2007. The label is still running too, and celebrated its 10th Year Birthday Celebration entitled 'Past/Present/Future' that emphatically encapsulated all that's great about the label. Aside from Brouqade, Dana's music has also featured on the liked of Autoreply, Work Them Records, Howl and Underground Quality. It was Jus Ed's label where she released her stunning debut album. 'Naturally' in 2014, an LP that introduced Dana to a whole new audience and showcased her pure house sound with some distinctions. In 2017 she started her new Label 'Cave Recordings' that showcased her wide musical range mainly rooted in House with old school flavor. When she isn't busy in the studio crafting textured tracks, Dana is a fine DJ who holds down resident duties at top Berlin space, Club der Visionaere. It is there that she lays down seductive tracks from the worlds of house and techno as well as gems in between. Aside from her beloved CDV, Dana has played in some of the globe's foremost house and techno nightclubs, often alongside some of the scene's prime movers and shakers. Despite working in such an over saturated and competitive field, Dana Ruh manages to speak louder and more coherently that most, and for that reason she deserves all the love she gets.



Discotheque Nouveauancien



Discotheque Nouveauancien